Sunday, 18th February 2024
On Wednesday with the imposition of the ashes we begun our Lenten journey. Lent is springtime, a time of new life. The question is how do we embrace this new life, how do we receive it? Perhaps in this weekends Gospel we get a clue.
Mark tells us that the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness where he came face to face with the temptations of Satan and was among the wild beasts. Not a pleasant place to be it would seem! Yet we are told that he was not alone. Angels ministered to him. After this experience Jesus emerges obviously ready to embrace the mission entrusted to him by his Father to proclaim the Good News and to call people to repentance - in other words to prepare their hearts and lives to welcome the Gospel.
Maybe this springtime of Lent is an opportunity for us to allow the Spirit we have received at Baptism to ‘drive’ us out to the ‘wilderness’ that place where we can examine our relationship with God and our sisters and brothers. This may seem challenging but the Spirit is with us, Jesus is with us, we should not be afraid.
As per usual there are many creative ways to embrace the opportunity that Lent offers us. This annual time of preparation for Easter always sees the spiritual supermarket go into overdrive with lots of special offers that seek to attract our attention and generally there is something for everyone in the audience! Don't think for one moment you have to do everything. Don’t get carried away! Lenten programmes and activities are not an end in themselves, they may help us to tune into the Spirits invitation to go to that place where we can encounter the Lord and open our hearts to the new life of the Gospel. There are many options to choose from this Lent at Parochial and Diocesan level. We will keep you posted. Perhaps choose one option and that may prove more effective in leading us to a new springtime of faith, hope and love and readying us to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Easter.
To see a full list of options for celebrating Lent 2024 please see our parish website. - latest news section or use the QR code here. 

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Grace Sheridan, Ashfield East. Eleanor Johnston, Hebron Road. Eddie Byrne, Fr. Albert Place.
6.15pm: Eamon Gaffney. Mary Funcheon. John & Ellen Egan
10.30am: Ann Condon. Mick, Mary & Liam Costello. Tom Brett (Months Mind).
12.00noon: Bill O’Connor. Peter Maher. Molly Johnston. Thomas Gannon.
Anniversary List: Eileen Kelly. Sadie & Therese McGrath. Seamus Culleton. Daniel Foley. Jim Cody. Michael & Kitty Morris. Martin Dermody. Dan & Peggy Kennedy. John O’Rourke. Willie Walsh. Eamon Talent. Deceased Member of the Phelan Family. Anna Kelly. Catherine Cullen.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Breda & Ann Walton. Michael Murphy. Pauline Brennan (Sat 6.15). Ann Majella O’Shea (Sun 9.30). Eamon Muldowney (Sun 10.30). Teresa & Patrick O’Rourke. Brian Griffin. Susan Woodgate. (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of all our churches as a way of helping the needy. Please do take one and use it during Lent.

Items for the Newsletter
All items for inclusion in the Parish newsletter must be submitted by 12 noon on Thursdays. Any items received after this deadline will be in included the following week.

Prayer for Vocations
A Holy Hour to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life led by Fr Mark Condon, Danesfort will take place in St Joseph’s Home, Little Sisters of the Poor, Ferrybank on 20th February at 7.00pm. All are welcome.

Lenten Stations
The Lenten Stations are due around this time. Thanks to those who contribute to this collection every year to support our priest and our Bishop. For those who do not receive envelopes and who would like to contribute to this collection, there are envelopes available at the back of the Churches. Once again, thank you for your support.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €915
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €311.35
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1303.58
Foulkstown Basket: €311.87
Thank you for your continued support.

Medjugorje Group Pilgrimage 2024
Direct flights to Mostar - Medjugorje. 19th - 26th June 2024 €895. 7 night Pilgrimage with Pat & Mary Doyle. Freshly prepared breakfast & dinner each day. Luxury coach transfers with local guide. Full religious programme operated by Marian Pilgrimages Medjugorje Team. Assistance of Marian Pilgrimages rep. with 24hr support throughout your stay. Travel insurance while abroad up to 84 years of age. All airport and local taxes. Prices are per person sharing. For more information on joining the group please contact Pat & Mary Doyle, 085 268 0396 & 085 269 7779.

Popes Intentions - February
For the terminally ill. We pray that those with a terminal illness, and their families, receive the necessary physical and spiritual care and accompaniment.

Lenten Tweets
Follow @OssoryDiocese for a simple thought each day during this Lenten journey. Have your timeline prompt you to pause each day to be reminded of our Lenten journey.

St. Vincent de Paul Collection
The monthly collection in aid of the St. Vincent de Paul will take place next weekend 24th/25th February during the second collection at all Masses. Please support. The local conference can be contacted in writing through the Parish Office or by telephone on 087 681 0589.

Family Carers
Are you caring for a loved one at home with additional needs? A spouse, partner, child, close relative or neighbour? Then you are a family carer! Become a member of Family Carers Ireland, the national charity supporting Ireland’s 500,000+ family carers nationwide. Contact 057 93 70221 and hear how we can support you or for more info visit

CMVC Open Night
For new members, Monday 22th February 2024,
Avalon House Hotel, Castlecomer at 7.30pm. Please! Bring your musical instruments! Bring your lovely voices. Castlecomer can be proud of its Male Voice Choir celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2024. There are not many communities in Ireland the size of Castlecomer that can boast of having a 30 +strong male voice choir. The choir is not confined to Castlecomer, we draw members from Clogh, Moneenroe, Coon, Ballyragget, Ballylinan, Kilkenny City, Johnswell Paulstown and Hugginstown. We extend an invitation to any male singers to come and join us on the Open Night.
For over 40 years we have met and made many great friends and may we meet and make many more over the next 40 years.

Online Resources for Lent
Online Resources for Lent are available on the ossory website. Download them at for use in your parish or home. See the parish website for more details.
Let Justice Flow like a River: Reflecting on Trócaire's Appeal
On the weekend of 1st-3rd March events to support the Trocaire Lenten Appeal will take place including a Taizé prayer evening for young people with a focus on climate justice and a coffee morning for all with Trócaire, both in St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Dates for your diary 2024
Confirmation Workshops - Wednesday 21st & 28th February at 7pm in St. Patrick’s Church.
Parish Confirmation - Friday 15th March.
First Holy Communion Programme Dates - St. Fiacre’s Church/Parish Centre at 7pm. Tues 20th February, Tues 5th March, Tues 12th March (First Confession), Tues 16th April.
First Holy Communion - Sat 27th April & Sat 18th
May. Please note dates/times for workshops/programmes may change.

Sunday, 11th February 2024
Just a few days ago someone said to me ‘ we still have some of the Christmas cake left’! And here we are just a few days out from Ash Wednesday the beginning of Lent. Of course Ash Wednesday and St Valentines day fall on the same day this year. That will be interesting! Hopefully the flowers and chocolates will not be replaced by ashes! Next weekend, after we have had an opportunity of a few days to settle in to lent, we will launch our Lenten programme for 2024. Lent is an opportunity to renew our relationship with the Lord and with our neighbour especially through prayer, acts of generosity, and through sacrifice - going without something that allows us to enter into solidarity especially with the poor and with the whole creation. Lent is a springtime when we allow the new life of Easter which we will celebrate at the end of March to refresh and revive us.
Lent is traditionally the time of year when we seek new people to volunteer for our various ministries. We would be delighted if many of you would consider volunteering as Ministers of the Word, Eucharistic Ministers, etc.
I would especially appeal to young people - those in secondary school upwards to consider volunteering for one year. There are many areas of parish life where you could be involved in and I would be delighted to hear from you.
If anyone is interested in ministry or volunteering please contact me directly at or 086 8272828. Young people under 18 years should ask their parents to make contact. All volunteers are subject to safeguarding protocols.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €915
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €333.77
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1370.91
Foulkstown Basket: €243.47
Thank you for your continued support.

Popes Intentions - February
For the terminally ill. We pray that those with a terminal illness, and their families, receive the necessary physical and spiritual care and accompaniment.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Stephen Murphy, Thomas Square & formerly Maple Drive. Anne Delahunty, Shellumsrath & formerly Patrick St.  Stephen Sheehan, Kilsheelin Heights & Meadow Hill. Dermot Keary, Clane.
6.15pm: Rory Quinn. The Drennan Family.
10.30am: Nancy O’Sullivan.
12.00noon: Michael Walsh & Milo Bourke. John Ryan. Paddy O’Brien.
Fri. 10.30am: Margaret & Michael Muldowney.
Anniversary List: Michael Dargan. Willie Walsh. Colm Kennedy. Michael O’Dwyer. Eamon Talent. John O’Grady. Tom Kavanagh. Fr Philip Ryan. Patrick Ryan. John Delaney.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Eamon Gaffney. Mary Funcheon (Sat 6.15). Ann Condon. Mick, Mary & Liam Costello. Tom Brett (Months Mind) (Sun 10.30). Bill O’Connor. Peter Maher. Molly Johnston (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
The parish envelopes for the coming year will soon be ordered and will be delivered around the first week of April to those households who contribute to the parish in this manner. Those who contribute by standing order will receive a pack of 5 envelopes for the support of priests and bishop. These special collections are separate from parish contributions.
If you are not receiving parish envelopes and would like to contribute to the upkeep and maintenance of the parish and the priests, please contact Michelle in the Parish Office by phone 056 776 4400 or email during this coming week. Many thanks to all who already contribute. It is much appreciated.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of all our churches as a way of helping the needy. Please do take one and use it during Lent.

Ash Wednesday - Lent Begins
Ash Wednesday occurs this week and is the beginning of the Season of Lent. At our Masses on Ash Wednesday we will bless ashes and begin our Lenten observance. Please note that pupils from our local schools may be present for the distribution of ashes at 9.30am and 10.30am Masses.

Ash Wednesday Celebrations
9.30am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church
10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church
1pm – Liturgy of the Word in St. Fiacre’s Church and distribution of ashes

Dates for your diary 2024
Confirmation Workshops - Wednesday 14th, 21st, 28th February at 7pm in St. Patrick’s Church.
Parish Confirmation - Friday 15th March.
First Holy Communion Programme Dates - St. Fiacre’s Church/Parish Centre at 7pm. Tues 20th February, Tues 5th March, Tues 12th March (First Confession), Tues 16th April.
First Holy Communion - Sat 27th April & Sat 18th
May. Please note dates/times for workshops/programmes may change.

Our Lady of Lourdes
Today the 11th February is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. In 1858 Our Lady appeared for the first time to Bernadette Soubirous a poor, fourteen old girl. Christians from all over the world come to the Sacred Shrine every year seeking healing from illness and seeking spiritual grace. The following prayer is taken from Ár bPaidreacha Dúchais.
Virgin Mary, glorious, gentle, beautiful, you are my beloved, my sustenance, my treasure, you are my
guiding star, leading me on my way, and in this valley of tears you are my friend. Amen.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Medjugorje Mass
The monthly Medjugorje Mass takes place in St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.30pm on Monday 12th February. All are welcome.

CMVC Open Night
For new members, Monday 22th February 2024,
Avalon House Hotel, Castlecomer at 7.30pm. Please! Bring your musical instruments! Bring your lovely voices. Castlecomer can be proud of its Male Voice Choir celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2024. There are not many communities in Ireland the size of Castlecomer that can boast of having a 30 +strong male voice choir. The choir is not confined to Castlecomer, we draw members from Clogh, Moneenroe, Coon, Ballyragget, Ballylinan, Kilkenny City, Johnswell Paulstown and Hugginstown. We extend an invitation to any male singers to come and join us on the Open Night
For over 40 years we have met and made many great friends and may we meet and make many more over the next 40 years.

St Valentine’s Day Blessing

May the Lord bless you when St. Valentine’s Day is here
May He keep you in his loving care
everyday throughout the year
and may He grant you happiness
in everything you do
for in everything you seek and share
His love is always with you
Happy St. Valentine’s Day

Young at Heart
The Young at Heart Club meet every Wednesday from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Parish Centre. All are welcome.

Sunday, 4th February 2024
During the past week many people have gathered in our churches to celebrate St Brigid, the feast of the Presentation or Candlemas and to receive the blessing of St Blaise. It is a recognition that the desire for healing of all our ills can only be realised in God through his Son Jesus Christ. In this weekends Gospel we see that very clearly too as people with every form of sickness were brought to Jesus that he might heal them.
Next Friday at our 10.30 am Mass in St Fiacre’s we will celebrate the anointing of the sick as we anticpate the celebration of World Day of the Sick which is usually celebrated on 11th February, the feast of Our lady of Lourdes which falls on a Sunday this year.
In his message for World Day of the Sick 2024 Pope Francis remarks that: “At this time of epochal change, we Christians in particular are called to adopt the compassion-filled gaze of Jesus. Let us care for those who suffer and are alone, perhaps marginalized and cast aside. With the love for one another that Christ the Lord bestows on us in prayer, especially in the Eucharist, let us tend the wounds of solitude and isolation. In this way, we will cooperate in combating the culture of individualism, indifference and waste, and enable the growth of a culture of tenderness and compassion.
Let all of us in our Church communities do our utmost to make our parishes centres of welcome and care for the sick and all in need. Let us be grateful for all who care for the sick in the spirit of the Gospel.
Every blessing to all our Confirmation Candidates who celebrated the Ceremony of Light on the Feast of St Brigid this past week. Please keep them in your prayers as they journey towards Confirmation Day on March 15th.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €920
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €293.43
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1404.58
Foulkstown Basket: €370.92
Thank you for your continued support.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota
The new rota will be available from Monday, call or email the parish office for your copy. 056 776 4400

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Liam ’Liamy’ Drennan, St. Fiacre’s Place. Jimmy Culleton, Old Callan Road. Mary Hackett, Dublin Road. Margaret Murray, St. Kieran’s Crescent.
6.15pm: Desmond Kavanagh (Months Mind) Sharon Croghan. Michael & Carmel Durnan
9.30am: Dr. Richard & Lily Purcell
10.30am: Lil, Billy & Eamon Costelloe
12.00noon: Seamus Pattison. Tommy Bolger
Tues 9.30am: John Delaney
Wed 10.30am: Deceased members of the Connery Family
Fri. 10.30am: Sean O’Grady
Anniversary List: Peter Alley. Mary, William & Carol Funcheon. Bill Scott. Liz Corcoran. Patrick O’Keeffe. Theresa Ward. Carmel Maher. Peter Quinn. Jim ‘JD’ Murphy. Nickey Power
Intentions for Next Weekend: Rory Quinn. The Drennan Family (Sat 6.15). Nancy O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Michael Walsh & Milo Bourke. John Ryan. Paddy O’Brien (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Word Day of the Sick
As the Liturgy of the Sunday takes precedence over the Feast of Our lady of Lourdes - the day when World day of the sick is celebrated, we will instead have Mass to celebrate World Day of the Sick with the celebration of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick on Friday 9th February at our 10.30 am Mass in St Fiacre’s Church. To read Pope Francis message for World day of the Sick 2024 please go to our parish website or use the QR Code.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The monthly meeting will take place on Friday 9th February in the Parish Centre after the 10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church.

St. Vincent de Paul
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul would like to thank all of those who donated most generously during the Christmas period and also throughout the year 2023. We greatly appreciate the financial donations (including anonymous), various voucher types, food and funds from fundraisers etc. that we received. Thank you to the staff, parents' council and pupils from St Patrick's De la Salle Boys School for the items collected from their Christmas Hamper Appeal. Again, thank you all so much, we really appreciate everyone's generosity.
Members of St Patrick's Conference Society of St Vincent de Paul. Contact number 087 3810589

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The annual Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 is now available to book! The departure will take place on 22nd May 2024 from Cork, flying direct to Lourdes with accommodation available in the hotels La Solitude, Padoue or Agena. With capacity limited this year, it is strongly advised that pilgrims wishing to travel to Lourdes book as soon as possible. Should you require any additional information on the pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact us: or 01 241 0800. Assisted Pilgrims should contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor on 087 251 7766 or by email on

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Josie McElwee, Rosbercon. 2nd: Ted Brophy, Borris-in-Ossory. 3rd: Paddy & Kathleen Fitzgerald, Clara. 4th: Elaine Dermody, Callan. 5th: Murray Family, Thomastown. 6th: Breda & Paddy Thornton, Lisdowney. 7th: Seamus & Biddy Waters, Rosbercon. Kathleen Flynn, Ballyragget. 8th: Catriona O’Grady, St. Mary’s. Mary Walton, St. Mary’s. The next draw takes place on Wednesday 28th February. Contact the parish office to join.

Popes Intentions - February
For the terminally ill. We pray that those with a terminal illness, and their families, receive the necessary physical and spiritual care and accompaniment.

Baptism Registration Meeting
The next baptism registration meeting will take place on Tues 6th February at 7pm in the Parish Centre.

Through the Lens of the Gospel
This passage tells three stories to illustrate the various dimensions of the life and ministry of Jesus. There is food for thought in each of them.
The first story (vv.29-31) is one of healing. You might reflect on times when you were sick in body, mind or spirit and someone was a ‘Jesus person’ to you, someone who ‘took you by the hand and lifted you up’. Remember them with gratitude. Have there been times also when you did this for others?
The second story (vv.32-34) adds another dimension. People are freed from demons. Have you had the experience of being freed from demons that imprisoned you: fear, anxiety, guilt, low self-esteem, addictions, bitterness, etc.? What was it life for you to get that freedom? Who were the ‘Jesus people’ who helped to free you?
The third story (vv.35-39) has a number of different elements we can consider.
a) Jesus goes off to a desert place to pray. After a hectic day he felt the need for quiet to ground himself once more. In the busyness of life how do you keep in touch with what is going on inside yourself? How do you keep in touch with God? Where do you find your ‘deserted place’? What difference does it make for you when you do succeed in taking time out?
b) Jesus shows himself as a person seeking to break new ground. The disciples want him to continue ministry where he is. He wants to move on . What has been your experience of breaking new ground, moving beyond your comfort zone, or trying something you had not tried before? When has this had a life-giving effect on you?
John Byrne OSA.

Sunday, 26th January 2024
From words to witnesses
In this weekends Gospel story from Mark we are told that people were astonished at the teaching of Jesus. His teaching had an authority about it. Of course Jesus’ authority comes from the Father who sent him to proclaim the Kingdom but it also comes from his actions, from what he does, and not just from his words. This is important. Jesus is the Word of God in action. People can see as well as hear his teaching.
St Pope Paul VI once said (in the language of the day) "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”
Jesus teaching i.e. his words and deeds witnessed to the Love and Mercy of God and so people responded to this. This was new for them because quite often the teaching of the religious leaders was only words. Jesus taught not only with authority but with authenticity. For us in the Church this is a big challenge always, to not only pay lip service to our faith but to live it, to live the Good News each day. When people see us genuinely trying to live our faith it does rub off. It attracts people and especially young people. Let us give thanks for the many people past and present like St Brigid who we celebrate this coming week, who encourage us become true teachers by our practical witness to Christ through whatever vocation we live out our Baptism.

St. Brigid Day Service
A first class relic of St. Brigid will be available for this years feast of St. Brigid. This year is the 1500th anniversary of her death. ‘The annual St. Brigid's Day service will take place on Thursday, February 1st in St Fiacre's Church Loughboy at 7.30 pm. Water from the well of St. Brigid in Kildare and blessed red flannel will be available on the night. Music ministry by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir. All welcome.

Parish Office & Centre
From Friday 26th January, the Parish Office and Parish Centre will close at 4pm on Thursdays & Fridays Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

St. Vincent de Paul
Contact the society on 087 3810589

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Billy Murphy, Maple Drive. Eoghan Moran, Michael St. Tom Brett, Waterford Road.
6.15pm: Paddy, Maura & Fr. Tomás Nolan. Cian Buckley. Elizabeth ’Lilly’ Fogarty
9.30am: Michael Drennan. John Collins
10.30am: Jimmy Slattery. Seamus Butler. Nancy & Ken Dunphy. Mary Kavanagh
12.00noon: Ann O’Shea. Yvonne Foran. Kathleen O’Neill. Noel Doran
Wed 10.30am: Sarah & Patrick Leahy
Anniversary List: Mary, Michael & John McGrath. Moya Bligh. Arthur Connick. John Hennessy. Bridie Casey. Michael McDonald. Rev. John Nyhan. Con Noonan. Maura Gaffney. Jack, Peg & Aaron Molloy.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Desmond Kavanagh (Months Mind) Sharon Croghan. Michael & Carmel Durnan (Sat 6.15). Dr. Richard & Lily Purcell (Sun 9.30). Lil, Billy & Eamon Costelloe (Sun 10.30). Seamus Pattison. Tommy Bolger (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1610
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €289.50
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1097.13
Foulkstown Basket: €353.99
Thank you for your continued support.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota
The new rota will be available from Monday, call or email the parish office for your copy. 056 776 4400

Thursday 1st February Feast of St Brigid
We will bless & distribute St Brigid’s Crosses at our 10.30 am Mass.

Thursday 1st February
Ceremony of light for Confirmation Candidates & Parents. On Thursday evening at 7 pm in St Patrick’s Church we will celebrate first evening prayer of the Feast of the Presentation or Candlemas and have our ceremony of light for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation on March 15th .

Friday 2nd February
Feast of the Presentation of our Lord & Candlemas Day. World day of Prayer for Consecrated Life
World day of prayer for those in consecrated Life - Mass will be celebrated in St Fiacre’s Church at 12 pm by Bishop Niall Coll and we will be joined by Religious from around the Diocese. All are welcome

Blessing of St Blaise
The blessing of St Blaise (throats) will be given on Thursday (1st Feb.) after 10.30 am Mass, on Friday (2nd Feb.) after 12 noon Mass, on Saturday (3rd Feb.) after the 11 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church and after the 6.15 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday evening.

Word Day of the Sick
As the Liturgy of the Sunday takes precedence over the Feast of Our lady of Lourdes - the day when World day of the sick is celebrated, we will instead have Mass to celebrate World Day of the Sick with the celebration of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick on Friday 9th February at our 10.30 am Mass in St Fiacre’s Church. To read Pope Francis message for World day of the Sick 2024 please go to our parish website or use the QR Code.

St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Men
Led by Fr Stephen Kennedy, IVE, Fri Feb 2nd to Mon Feb 5th (bank holiday) in De La Salle retreat centre, Castletown, Laois, R32N6D8. Cost €200 - includes all meals and ensuite single rooms. Call Sr. Constancy 089 - 2152307 or

Safeguarding Sunday
What is Safeguarding Sunday?
Safeguarding Sunday is a time for the Diocese of Ossory to remind our parish communities and wider society that protecting children and vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message. It is opportunity for all parishes to pray as one and to acknowledge the dedication of Church personnel and volunteers who serve in the ministry of Safeguarding across the 42 parishes in our diocese. In our parish, we value and encourage the participation of children and young people in all parish activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to ensuring their protection and support.
The Safeguarding Representatives in this parish are: Samantha Dolan & Michelle O’Connor 056 776 4400. If you, or anyone you know, has a Safeguarding concern please contact:
Diocesan Director of Safeguarding and Designated Liaison Person, DLP, Ailish Higgins at 087 8021633
TUSLA: Kilkenny 052 6177302; Laois/Offaly 044 9353997; Waterford 053 9198201
An Garda Síochána: 1800 555 222 or your local Garda Station
Towards Healing Helpline: 1800 313416
Towards Peace Helpline: 01 5053028
Safeguarding Prayer: Lord Jesus, may we welcome the Kingdom of God anew into our hearts and lives, embracing discipleship and openness to others. You call us to walk with integrity in the service of others. May our service be filled with kindness, and respect for all God’s people, giving special protection to children and the vulnerable. May we seek the truth, listen to those wounded by abuse, and choose to act with compassion and justice. Give us the strength, to serve humbly and faithfully, and to love one another as we are so loved by you. Amen.

Visitation of the Sick
Those on First Friday lists will be visited during the coming week in their homes
If you wish to be placed on our First Friday list please contact the Parish Office.

St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Men
Led by Fr Stephen Kennedy, IVE, Fri Feb 2nd to Mon Feb 5th (bank holiday) in De La Salle retreat centre, Castletown, Laois, R32N6D8. Cost €200 - includes all meals and ensuite single rooms. Call Sr. Constancy 089 - 2152307 or

Family Carers Ireland
Are you caring for a loved one at home with additional needs? A spouse, partner, child, close relative or neighbour? Then you are a family carer! Become a member of Family Carers Ireland, the national charity supporting Ireland’s 500,000+ family carers nationwide. Contact 057 93 70221 and hear how we can support you or for more info visit

St. Vincent de Paul
Contact the society on 087 3810589

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The annual Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 is now available to book! The departure will take place on 22nd May 2024 from Cork, flying direct to Lourdes with accommodation available in the hotels La Solitude, Padoue or Agena. With capacity limited this year, it is strongly advised that pilgrims wishing to travel to Lourdes book as soon as possible. Should you require any additional information on the pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact us: or 01 241 0800. Assisted Pilgrims should contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor on 087 251 7766 or by email on
Eucharistic Ministers Rota

Sunday, 21st January 2024
“Our time is growing short…the world as we know it is passing away”
These words of Paul in the second reading from 1 Corinthians this weekend give us a reminder of the brevity of our lives on earth and confirm what we already experience as we witness the passing of time, the passing of ways of life and the passing of loved ones too.
More importantly they provide an urgent appeal to carpe diem, to seize the day (the time) that the Lord has given to each one of us to make the Joy of the Gospel a reality in our lives and the lives of others. We should not react to the passing nature of time, things and people with fear or by fomenting a culture of doom and gloom but like Jonah and Simon & Andrew responding at once to the Lord’s invitation to fulfil the mission he has given to each one of us to follow him, to imitate him, to be disciples of the Good News, missionaries of Hope and Mercy, allowing the Lord to make repentance a reality in our own lives so we can encourage others to change direction to transformation in the Lord too. Conscious of the passing of time and the need to carpe diem there are many occasions to look forward to in the coming weeks and months in our Parish community. Among them will be the celebration of St Brigid, the feast of the Presentation or Candlemas, world day of prayer for those in Consecrated life, world day of the Sick - all in February. Lent also begins in February, Ash
Wednesday being on the 14th Feb. - Valentines Day! We will also be actively preparing for First Confession, Confirmation, and Holy Week / Easter in March and First Communion in April - May. And much, much more!
Let us give thanks for the time the Lord has given us to celebrate our faith together and to share his many gifts and blessings.

St. Brigid Day Service
A first class relic of St. Brigid will be available for this years feast of St. Brigid. This year is the 1500th anniversary of her death. ‘The annual St. Brigid's Day service will take place on Thursday, February 1st in St Fiacre's Church Loughboy at 7.30 pm. Water from the well of St. Brigid in Kildare and blessed red flannel will be available on the night. Music ministry by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir. All welcome

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John O’Neill, Archers Crescent. Billy Dunphy, Parnell St. Mary Lahert, Newpark Close. Brendan O’Brien, Greenfields. Jim Hartley, Glenmore. Larry Dowling, Greenshill.
6.15pm: Joe McClean (Months Mind). Evan O’Shaughnessy. Tommy & Derek Tyrrell
9.30am: The Downes Family
10.30am: Patrick Tynan
12.00noon: Jack & Statia Comerford. Nora Foley. Oliver Mannion
Tues 9.30am: Kathleen & Mary Kelly
Wed 10.30am: John & John Long
Fri 10.30am: George & Mary Moore
Sat 11.00am: Christy Slattery
Anniversary List: Esther & Bill Hackett. John & Elsie Clarke. Bridget, Patrick & Christy Keating. Catherine & Michael Delaney. Sean Barry. Kathleen & Margaret Doran. Margaret & Michael Muldowney. Marie Beale. Ned Larkin.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Paddy, Maura & Fr. Tomás Nolan. Cian Buckley. Elizabeth ’Lilly’ Fogarty (Sat 6.15). Jimmy Slattery. Seamus Butler. Nancy & Ken Dunphy. Mary Kavanagh (Sun 10.30). Ann O’Shea. Yvonne Foran. Kathleen O’Neill. Noel Doran (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The annual Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 is now available to book! The departure will take place on 22nd May 2024 from Cork, flying direct to Lourdes with accommodation available in the hotels La Solitude, Padoue or Agena. With capacity limited this year, it is strongly advised that pilgrims wishing to travel to Lourdes book as soon as possible. Should you require any additional information on the pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact us: or 01 241 0800. Assisted Pilgrims should contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor on 087 251 7766 or by email on

Christian Unity Week 2024
At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. Congregations and parishes all over the world exchange preachers or arrange special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services. The event that touches off this special experience is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, held each year at the end of January.
To prepare for the annual celebration, ecumenical partners in a particular region of the world are invited to produce a basic liturgical text on a biblical theme. The materials for the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity were prepared by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso, in West Africa. The theme chosen is “You shall love the Lord your God ... and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27). Representatives from the Catholic Archdiocese, Protestant Churches, ecumenical bodies collaborated generously in drafting the prayers and reflections. These prayers and reflections will be part of an Ecumenical Service which will take place in St. Edmund’s Church, Castletown, Co. Laois on Sunday 28th January at 3pm. We hope to have representatives from different Christian denominations in attendance. All parishioners are welcome as we gather to pray and reflect with our Christian brothers and sisters. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the De La Salle Centre.

MCN Webcam Providers
Those parishioners and others who log into our webcam directly on MCN Media should note that our providers have changed to a new web address. In future, to access MCN Media, please go to on your web browser and log in the usual way. There will be no change for those who join in our Masses from our parish website: go to and follow the link for the webcams.

Popes Intention for January
For the gift of diversity in the Church: We pray that the Holy Spirit may help us to recognise the gift of different charisms within the Christian community and to discover the richness of different traditions and rituals in the Catholic Church.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €975
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €327.12
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1344.75
Foulkstown Basket: €353.78
Thank you for your continued support.

St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Men
Led by Fr Stephen Kennedy, IVE, Fri Feb 2nd to Mon Feb 5th (bank holiday) in De La Salle retreat centre, Castletown, Laois, R32N6D8. Cost €200 - includes all meals and ensuite single rooms. Call Sr. Constancy 089 - 2152307 or

Family Carers Ireland
Are you caring for a loved one at home with additional needs? A spouse, partner, child, close relative or neighbour? Then you are a family carer! Become a member of Family Carers Ireland, the national charity supporting Ireland’s 500,000+ family carers nationwide. Contact 057 93 70221 and hear how we can support you or for more info visit

Book Club Meeting
Catholics in the South East of Ireland Facebook Group invites you to join our next Book Club Meetup on Saturday 27th January, 2024, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., Club House Hotel, Kilkenny R95 DX76. Book: Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed. For more information contact Gissell at 087-761-7792.

Parish Office & Centre
From Friday 26th January, the Parish Office and Parish Centre will close at 4pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

St. Vincent de Paul
Contact the society on 087 3810589

Sunday, 14th January 2024
'If you want to know me come live with me'
The old saying above could be used to help us understand this weekends Gospel reading from John. Jesus is calling his first Disciples - building a team to cooperate with him in fulfilling the mission the Father has given him to help humanity to discover the closeness of God. Notice Jesus does not put an add in the jobs section of the local newspaper or look for CV's or interview prospective candidates who would become his Apostles or Disciples. He waits for that curiosity generated even by his passing presence to take root in people like Andrew leading them to ask the question "where do you live"? Jesus responds "Come and See". Curiosity about Jesus, about faith about the Church is a great starting point. Sometimes it can be aroused by even the least amount of contact with the Church community. Many young people today are curious. They ask the deeper questions, they are curious about this religion and God business even though they may not have any faith foundation at all. We as faith communities could do a lot more to find creative ways to facilitate their curiosity, providing some opportunities for young people to see where Jesus lives today, to get to know him in a credible way, to get to know the Church. Let us play our part like John the Baptist and Andrew in leading others to where Christ lives so that they experience his loving gaze which is the Gift required to be part of his team today and tomorrow. Kieran

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1970
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €226.39
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1356.62
Foulkstown Basket: €313.20
Thank you for your continued support.

Register with St. Patrick’s Parish
Are you new to the parish? Would you like to register? Please contact Michelle in the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 or by email

Popes Intention for January
For the gift of diversity in the Church: We pray that the Holy Spirit may help us to recognise the gift of different charisms within the Christian community and to discover the richness of different traditions and rituals in the Catholic Church.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Phyllis Lawler (nee Keating), New Road. Maureen Keane.
6.15pm: Carmel Whelan. Bridget Grace. Paul Cantwell. Patrick Grace
10.30am: Beattie O’Connell. Taylor Murphy
12.00noon: Breda Phelan (Months Mind). Michael & Julia Phelan. Bridget Lannon
Wed 10.30am: Pat O’Dwyer
Fri 10.30am: Damian Lis
Sat 11.00am: Michael Drennan
Anniversary List: Margaret & Patrick Doran. Edward Walsh. Ann & Nancy Culleton. Adrian Freezy. Maureen O’Shea. Essie Delaney. Cathy Leahy. Joe Slattery. James & Annie O’Grady. Mary Mc Hugh. Statia Tierney. Denis Nyhan. Paddy Morris. Michael Kelly. Connie & Bridget Carroll. Johnny Brennan. Denis Guilfoyle.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Evan O’Shaughnessy. Joe McClean (Months Mind). Tommy & Derek Tyrrell (Sat 6.15). The Downes Family (Sun 9.30). Patrick Traynor (Sun 10.30). Jack & Statia Comerford. Nora Foley. Oliver Mannion (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Men
Led by Fr Stephen Kennedy, IVE, Fri Feb 2nd to Mon Feb 5th (bank holiday) in De La Salle retreat centre, Castletown, Laois, R32N6D8. Cost €200 - includes all meals and ensuite single rooms. Call Sr. Constancy 089 - 2152307 or

Recovery Ireland - Better – Mental - Health
Recovery Group meets every Tuesday at 7.00pm at St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy. For further details please call 01 626 0775 or visit

St. Vincent de Paul
Contact the society on 087 3810589

Christian Unity Week 2024
At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. Congregations and parishes all over the world exchange preachers or arrange special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services. The event that touches off this special experience is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, held each year at the end of January.
To prepare for the annual celebration, ecumenical partners in a particular region of the world are invited to produce a basic liturgical text on a biblical theme. The materials for the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity were prepared by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso, in West Africa. The theme chosen is “You shall love the Lord your God ... and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27). Representatives from the Catholic Archdiocese, Protestant Churches, ecumenical bodies collaborated generously in drafting the prayers and reflections.
These prayers and reflections will be part of an Ecumenical Service which will take place in St. Edmund’s Church, Castletown, Co. Laois on Sunday 28th January at 3pm. We hope to have representatives from different Christian denominations in attendance. All parishioners are welcome as we gather to pray and reflect with our Christian brothers and sisters. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the De La Salle Centre.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The annual Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 is now available to book! The departure will take place on 22nd May 2024 from Cork, flying direct to Lourdes with accommodation available in the hotels La Solitude, Padoue or Agena.
With capacity limited this year, it is strongly advised that pilgrims wishing to travel to Lourdes book as soon as possible. Should you require any additional information on the pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact us: or 01 241 0800. Assisted Pilgrims should contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor on 087 251 7766 or by email on

MCN Webcam Providers
Those parishioners and others who log into our webcam directly on MCN Media should note that our providers have changed to a new web address. In future, to access MCN Media, please go to on your web browser and log in the usual way. There will be no change for those who join in our Masses from our parish website: go to and follow the link for the webcams
Parish Centre Shop
All Christmas items in the Parish Shop (located in the foyer of the Parish Centre) have now 1/2 price, call in and have a look.

Bridge takes place in the parish centre every Thursday from 2pm to 4pm No partner needed. All are welcome.

New Year Afternoon Tea Dance

St Canice’s Neighbourhood Hall invites you to our New Year Afternoon Tea Dance on Wednesday, 17th January 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Catch up with some old friends and make some new ones. Music by Seán Shortis. RSVP please to Jenny on 087 954 6368 or A raffle will be held.

A Simple Prayer for Peace

Gracious God, in a world filled with conflicts and unrest, I lift my voice in prayer for peace. May your divine presence bring an end to violence, conflicts, and injustice in our world. Amen.

No newsletter on Sunday 31st December 2023 and Sunday 7th January 2024

Christmas Day, 25th December 2023
Image captionSince my arrival here at the end of last July I have experienced the welcome, faith and kindness of St Patrick’s Parish. I want to thank everyone: staff, those in various ministries, committees and volunteers, and all of you the people who make up this faith community for your continued support and generosity in so many ways. In the New Year with God's blessing we will continue to meet the challenges and explore new ways to grow our faith community into a vibrant centre of Gospel Joy.The Gospel of St John is read at the Mass of Christmas Day. In that reading we hear that The Word became Flesh and Lived Among Us. Through the mystery of the Incarnation God plunged God's self into the depths of our humanity. The celebration of Christmas is an acclamation that God is with us, God is in us. The Child born in Bethlehem is God taking on our vulnerability so we can be raised up to share in divine life.
As we celebrate Christmas 2023 in St Patrick's, St Fiacre's and St Joseph's Foulkstown we are particularly conscious of families that are bearing with troubles and difficulties all around us and we recognise that our world wide human family needs to be raised up from the carnage of senseless violence, from a 'no room at the inn' mentality to those seeking shelter, from a wreckless materialism and throwaway attitude to human life.
We are also conscious that all around us there is evidence of great goodness and kindness, of love and compassion for one another, of people sharing their gifts and talents in the service of others. We see this especially at Christmas with great generosity towards St Vincent de Paul & other organisations and the great work they do in helping those in need.
This is how the Word becomes flesh today. This gives us great hope for now and the future. On Tuesday evening last in St Fiacre's we had a simple and wonderfully chaotic celebration with families and children preparing for first Communion! During the service we blessed and officially lit our Christmas tree. During the coming year of 2024 let us be like lights on the tree in our families and communities, let each day be a Christmas day when we welcome the Saviour among us and let us be bearers of God's Love in the flesh to all God's people.
I would like to wish all of you a happy and Holy Christmas. I pray especially this Christmas for all the families of the parish, those who are sick or housebound, those living alone, those in hospital and nursing homes, young people and family members away from home, all who are bereaved, those who will visit our parish during Christmas.
May it be a time of celebration of the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, who continues to be born in us and through us when we reflect God's Love . Happy Christmas to all!

Christmas Greetings
Fr. Kieran, and St. Patrick’s Pastoral Council wish each and every one of you a Christmas which is full of joy, peace and holiness. We welcome all who have “come home” for Christmas - whether home to families and friends or home to your Christian Community for the liturgical celebration of Christ’s birth. Christ came to bring us all together as one and it is especially important that we can be together to celebrate Christmas with joy-filled hearts. May joy and peace reign in our hearts and homes during this Holy Season.

Parish Office & Centre
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will reopen on Monday 8th January 2024 at 9am. The priests can be contacted by following the prompts on the phone system.

Thank You
Fr. Kieran and members of our Parish Pastoral Council would like to say a sincere word of thanks to all who prepared and celebrated the Christmas liturgies with us. We are particularly grateful to those who cleaned the churches, prepared the altars and worked in the sacristies. As usual the choirs were of a very high standard and appreciated by all. Many others did trojan work, much of it behind the scenes, and we acknowledge and say thanks for your help.

Pray for the Deceased
Anniversaries: Tom Cantwell (Mon 10.30am). Christopher & Mary Coogan (Mon 12.00). Mary, John & David Doran. Ellen & Thomas O’Neill. Peggy Blanchfield. Kitty & Tommie Clooney. Margaret Fox. Mai & Bill Butler. Emma Van Driel. Allen Larkin. Michéal Walsh. Margaret Cantwell. Patrick, Catherine & Nora Bambrick. Christy, Kit, Pat & Eileen Grace. Rosemary Grace. Sean & Mary Fitzpatrick. Maurice, Margaret & Helen Maher. Patricia & Paddy Maher. Martin. Anthony Hurley. Tom Fitzgerald. Ned & Kitty Everard. Brigid & Michael Kenny. Bridie & Jimmy Casey. John Condon. Mary Foley. Keith Flemming. Pauline Brennan. Lorraine Kenny. Liam & Mary Ryan. Stephen Cantwell. Maura Hearne.
Intentions for next weekend: Marie, Tony & Anthony Doyle (Sat 6.15). Patrick Doyle. Rita O’Brien (Sun 10.30). James P. Pattison. Eddie Taylor (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.

Christmas Family Fun Run
Come and join us for our annual 5k & 10k Family Walk or Run on St. Stephen’s Day. A great opportunity to get out in the fresh air and burn off the Christmas Pudding!
In association with James Stephens GAA & Camogie Club.
Entry Fee: €10 per adult. €5 per Child/Student. €25 per family. Fit bit for first lady and gent home in the 10k race. Refreshments in the Club Lounge after the race. This year our charity partner is Cois Nore and we are holding the race in memory of Allen Larkin.
Time: 11am. Registration from 10.30am. Starts from James Stephens GAA Club, Larchfield.

Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Members of the St. Patrick’s Parish Conference wish to thank all who contributed to the society in the lead up to Christmas. Your contributions is prudently distributed among those in most need in our community. Thanks. In an emergency the society can be contacted on their dedicated number: 087 681 0589.

William Arthur Ward
Christmas is more than a time of music, merriment and mirth;
it is a season of meditation, managers and miracles.
Christmas is more than a time of gaiety, greenery and gifts;
it is a season of wonder, worship and wisemen.
Christmas is more than a time of tinsel, trees and toys;
it is a season of preparation, prayers and peace.
Christmas is more than a time of festivities, family and friends;
it is a season of generosity, gladness and gratitude.
Christmas is more than a time of carols, cards and candy;
it is a season of dedication, direction and decision.
Christmas is more than Santa, stockings and surprises;
it is Christ, care and concern.

A Christmas Blessing
May love come alive within your heart.
As Christmas time draws near.
May hope fill each room you decorate
And bring joy to those you hold dear.
May peace be before you at every meal
And faith ring through every song.
For Christ is alive, the light of the world
May He bless you all season long.
If you look for me at Christmas
You wont need a special star - I’m no longer just in Bethlehem, I'm right there where you are.
You many not be aware of Me. Amid the celebrations - You’ll have to look beyond the stores
And all the decorations. But if you take a moment
From our list of things to do And listen to your heart, you’ll find I’m waiting there for you
You’re the one I want to be with
You’re the reason that I came,
And you’ll find me in the stillness
As I’m whispering your name.
Love Jesus

Annual Christmas Crib Walk
The Annual Church Christmas Crib Walk will take place on St. Stephens Day beginning at the Friary Church at 11 am. This is the 21st year of the walk which in Kilkenny traditionally took place on St. Stephens Day. This year the Crib Walk will have a special prayer for peace in the Middle East and Bethlehem. This year also marks the 800th anniversary of the making of the first crib by St. Francis of Assisi. Each walker will receive a Bethlehem cross to mark this special year. The walk will be led by Fr. Willie Purcell.

Parish Statistics
As we begin a new year, we take a look at past-events in our parish. We are delighted to note there were 82 children baptised in our parish this past year. 20 couples were married in our churches and sadly we said goodbye to 67 people. May God’s blessing be with them all.
We pray that the coming year of 2024 will bring blessings to all of us.

The First Christmas

There was no question about the quality of the table in my workshop. "Do you have more pieces by the craftsman who made this?" my customer asked. I told him that it was the only piece I had. "Where can I contact him? I might commission him to make something for me." I told him I had no idea who the craftsman was. He had made the table in return for a favour. "Such a pity," he said. "He certainly was talented, whoever he was." "He arrived on an evening like this," I told him, "bitter weather with the promise of worse to come. My wife was preparing supper while I counted the few coins I had earned that day. I had locked up for the night when I heard a banging on the door. I slid open the bolt on the door and saw a young man, huddled against the doorpost. He looked tired and bedraggled.” "I could smell the wood chips and the sawdust," the stranger said. "My line of business. My wife and I didn't plan our journey well. I am hoping we could stay somewhere until this storm blows over. I have little money, but I could work as compensation." A young pregnant woman stood shivering behind him. She's only a girl, I thought. I couldn't turn them away. "Just for tonight," I said. "I will repay you," he said. "Let me be useful in your workshop." I assured him that I needed nothing. I wished them a good night's sleep. On the following morning, I brought food to them. In the workshop I saw the young girl tidying my workbench and the young man finishing off an item of furniture. "Forgive me," he said. "But I had to repay your kindness in some way." I looked at the piece of work he had completed. "That's a fine table," I commented. "You know your craft." "Thank you," he said. "There are a few other items I could finish for you, in return for another night's stay here, at least until the storm blows over." "Your wife," I said, "she is near her time. Your first child?" “Yes,” he smiled. "Until the storm blows over," I said. Two days later the storm passed. I went to the workshop. The sounds of the saw and hammer were not to be heard. The workshop was tidy, another piece of furniture, the table in question, was finished. The travellers had gone. "That was the last I saw of them," I said to my customer. "No. I am wrong. I did see them one more time. They were returning this way to their own town. It was shortly after the census." "Ah, yes, that census," he said. "They stopped here to thank me again. By then their child, a little boy, had been born." "And you never heard from them again? he asked.
"No. They passed into obscurity. Like the rest of us, it's unlikely anybody will remember them in a hundred years."
Pat Griffin

Fourth Sunday of Advent, 24th December 2023
Who are you?
The question "Who are you?" is asked of John the Baptist in this weekends Gospel passage. Notice John does not say who he is by giving his name or by providing any personal details or his title but by draw-ing attention to his mission which is to be a voice crying in the wilderness. John's mission is to be carried out in a particular place and time. God has called and sent him to witness to the coming of the Lord.
Suppose someone asks you or me that same question this Advent, "Who are you?". What would our re-sponse be? It is good to reflect on this because all of us through our Baptism have been called to prepare a way for the Lord too. Another word for a person who pre-pares a way for the Lord is 'missionary'. This is at the heart of who we are as Baptised members of the Church. We are not just onlookers but we are called to be witnesses, missionaries of the joy of the Gospel. Pope Francis speaks about this constantly. You may ask how can I fulfil the mission given to me, surely this is beyond me? The readings this weekend indicate that it is possible! As we read in Isaiah each of us can say that; "The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me" & with Paul we trust that "God has called you and he will not fail you".
So like Mary the mother of Jesus let us rejoice in God who has called us and let us embrace the mission to bring Christ to all we meet they too can discover God's Love for them. Let's not be afraid to be joyful witnesses to the Lord and let people see who we truly are.
Last Sunday the annual Carol Service was held in Foulkstown Church, it really was a special moment of reflection and peace. A big thank you to all involved and who shared their gifts and talents on the day and all who worked so hard to put the service together. Well done all!
During the past week and again this coming week young people in our parish and schools are living out their mission to bring the joy of Christmas to us all. Míle Buiochas to all our teachers and staff of our schools who prepare the children and young people for carol services, nativity plays etc. On Friday a group of students from St Kieran's College gave a hand with decorating the Christmas Tree in St Patrick's Church. A big thank you to them and all who are helping to pre-pare our Churches for Christmas. Kieran

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Hanrahan, Dukesmeadows
6.15pm: Ray Pembroke. Willie Maher (Months Mind)
9.30am: Martin McCorry
10.30am: Tom Downey. Martin Meally. Milton Americas. Jane & Jeff Power
12.00noon: Ann Mulhall Galvin. Dick Lynch. Mary Blanchfield
Lucyna Wowk (Birthday Remembrance)
Wed 10.30am: Elizabeth & Walter Gahan & their son in law James Cullen.
Thurs 10.30am: Mary, John & David Doran.
Fri 10.30am: Ellen & Thomas O’Neill.
Mary & Michael Drennan. Rene Sheridan. Molly & Kathleen Wall. Annie Donovan. Chrissie Comerford. Billy Phelan. Jim Dollard. Mary Loughman. Nonie (Nora) Kennedy. Mary O’Neill.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Elizabeth Comerford. George Byrne. Peg Larkin (Sat 6.15). Loretta Barr (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Blessing of Christmas Tree & Baby Je-sus figures from home Crib
On Tuesday evening at 7 pm in St Fiacre's Church we will have a service to bless our Christmas Tree and all Christmas trees in our Parish and at home. Children preparing for First Communion and their parents will join us on the evening and all are invited to bring along a figure of Baby Jesus from their Cribs at home to be blessed too.

Christmas Mass Times QR Code

Christmas Eve
St. Fiacre’s Church - 6pm
St. Patrick’s Church - 7.30pm

Christmas Day
St. Patrick’s Church - 9.30am
Foulkstown Church - 10.30am
St. Fiacre’s Church - 12.00noon.

Parents & Children are invited in a spe-cial way to be part of our Christmas Masses
On Christmas Eve we invite all children present for Mass to dress as people of Bethlehem (tea towels on heads and sheets are ideal!!) and to be part of our walk to Bethlehem! In St Fiacre's children and parents are invited to gather in the main room of the Parish Centre from 5. 30 pm and ready to process at 6 pm into the Church where we will place Baby Jesus in the Crib and bless it.
In St Patrick's Church children & parents will be invited to gather at the door walk from the door at 7.30 pm for the blessing of the Crib.
On Christmas Day the same process will be repeated in Foulkstown Church at 10.30 am Mass!
If you would like your child to be considered as the carrier of Baby Jesus on Christmas Eve in St Fiacre's & St Patrick's and on Christmas Day in Foulkstown please contact the parish Office by 4 pm on Wednesday 20th Dec. Names will be then entered in a draw!

Ushers for Christmas Masses
It would be great to have some ushers to welcome peo-ple etc at our Christmas Masses. This ministry might suit young people in transition year or upwards. If you would like to be involved please contact the Parish Office by Wednesday evening 20th Dec. for more details.

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will close for the Christmas holidays at 1pm on Friday 23rd December and will reopen on Monday 8th January 2024 at 9am. The priests can be contacted by following the prompts on the phone system.

Priests Christmas Visits
Priests will visit the sick and housebound on Thursday & Friday of this coming week.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1125
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €276.44
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1312.09
Foulkstown Basket: €339.65
Thank you for your continued support.

Annual Christmas Concert
St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band proudly present their Annual Christmas Concert in St. Patrick’s Church on Monday, 18th December 2023 at 7.30pm featuring St. Patrick’s Senior and Junior Bands. Free Admission.

Advent Penitential Service
A Penitential Service for the City Pastoral Area (St. John’s, St. Mary’s, St. Patrick’s and St. Canice’s Parish-es) will be held in St John’s Church this Tuesday, 19th December at 7.30pm.
The St Mary’s Cathedral Annual Carol’s at the Cathe-dral will take place this Sunday 17th December at 7.30pm. Music by St Mary’s Cathedral Choir, Tanya Sewell (Soprano), The Kilkenny Youth Orchestra and The Unity Singers. All are welcome

Carols for the Homeless
Join the Kilkenny Gospel Choir for Carols for the Homeless on Sunday December 17th at 2 pm upstairs in the Kilkenny Design Centre:

Third Sunday of Advent, 17th December 2023

Since my arrival here at the end of last July I have experienced the welcome, faith and kindness of St Patrick’s Parish. I want to thank everyone: staff, those in various ministries, committees and volunteers, and all of you the people who make up this faith community for your continued support and generosity in so many ways. In the New Year with God's blessing we will continue to meet the challenges and explore new ways to grow our faith community into a vibrant centre of Gospel Joy.
The Gospel of St John is read at the Mass of Christmas Day. In that reading we hear that The Word became Flesh and Lived Among Us. Through the mystery of the Incarnation God plunged God's self into the depths of our humanity. The celebration of Christmas is an acclamation that God is with us, God is in us. The Child born in Bethlehem is God taking on our vulnerability so we can be raised up to share in divine life.
As we celebrate Christmas 2023 in St Patrick's, St Fiacre's and St Joseph's Foulkstown, we are particularly conscious of families that are bearing with troubles and difficulties all around us and we recognise that our world wide human family needs to be raised up from the carnage of senseless violence, from a 'no room at the inn' mentality to those seeking shelter, from a wreckless materialism and throwaway attitude to human life.
We are also conscious that all around us there is evidence of great goodness and kindness, of love and compassion for one another, of people sharing their gifts and talents in the service of others. We see this especially at Christmas with great generosity towards St Vincent de Paul & other organisations and the great work they do in helping those in need.
This is how the Word becomes flesh today. This gives us great hope for now and the future. On Tuesday evening last in St Fiacre's we had a simple and wonderfully chaotic celebration with families and children preparing for first Communion! During the service we blessed and officially lit our Christmas tree. During the coming year of 2024 let us be like lights on the tree in our families and communities, let each day be a Christmas day when we welcome the Saviour among us and let us be bearers of God's Love in the flesh to all God's people.
I would like to wish all of you a happy and Holy Christmas. I pray especially this Christmas for all the families of the parish, those who are sick or housebound, those living alone, those in hospital and nursing homes, young people and family members away from home, all who are bereaved, those who will visit our parish during Christmas.
May it be a time of celebration of the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, who continues to be born in us and through us when we reflect God's Love . Happy Christmas to all!

Christmas Mass Times QR Code

Christmas Eve
St. Fiacre’s Church - 6pmSt. Patrick’s Church - 7.30pm
Christmas Day
St. Patrick’s Church - 9.30am
Foulkstown Church - 10.30am
St. Fiacre’s Church - 12.00noon.
Tuesday, 26th December - to Friday 29th December - St. Fiacre’s 10.30am.
Saturday 30th December - No morning Mass. Vigil for feast of the Holy Family - St. Fiacre’s 6.15pm.
Sunday, 31st December - St. Patrick’s 9.30am. Foulkstown 10.30am. St. Fiacre’s 12pm.
Monday 1st January & Tuesday 2nd January - St. Patrick’s 10.30am.
Wednesday 3rd January - Usual Mass times return.
Friday 5th January - Vigil Mass of Epiphany St. Fiacre’s 6.15pm.
Saturday 6th January (Epiphany) - Foulkstown 10.30am. St. Patrick’s 11am

Parents & Children are invited in a special way to be part of our Christmas Masses
On Christmas Eve we invite all children present for Mass to dress as people of Bethlehem (tea towels on heads and sheets are ideal!!) and to be part of our walk to Bethlehem! In St Fiacre's children and parents are invited to gather in the main room of the Parish Centre from 5.30pm and ready to process at 6pm into the Church where we will place Baby Jesus in the Crib and bless it. On St Patrick's Church children & parents will be invited to gather at the door , walk from the door at 7.30pm for the blessing of the Crib. On Christmas Day the same process will be repeated in Foulkstown Church at 10.30am Mass!

Parish Office & Centre
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will reopen on Monday 8th January 2024 at 9am. The priests can be contacted by following the prompts on the phone system.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased:  Stephen O’Beirne, Stephen Street. Bridie Gorey, Greensbridge. Mary O’Hanrahan, Dukesmeadows.  Eveleen Gough, Kilfera.
6.15pm: Elizabeth Comerford. George Byrne. Peg Larkin
12.00noon: Loretta Barr
Anniversary List
Eily Purcell. Roseanna Smyth. Seamus Fry. Patrick & Julia Burke. Milo & Ann Fry. Mary Campbell. John & Mamie Brett. Tony & Sean Brett. Patricia Lewis.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Marie, Tony & Anthony Doyle (Sat 6.15). Patrick Doyle . Rita O’Brien (Sun 10.30). James P. Pattison. Eddie Taylor. (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1600
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €427.64
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1468.01
Foulkstown Basket: €404.22
Thank you for your continued support.

Christmas Mass Bouquets

In the lead up to Christmas many people have purchased Christmas Mass cards at the Parish Centre. All weekday Masses in our parish (with the exception of wedding and funeral Masses) between 26th December and 1st January inclusive will be offered for these specific intentions. The Masses will be as follows: 26th December to 29th December - St. Fiacre’s Church at 10.30am. Monday 1st January - 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church

Annual Church Christmas Crib Walk
The Annual Church Christmas Crib Walk will take place on St. Stephens Day beginning at the Friary Church at 11 am. This is the 21st year of the walk which in Kilkenny traditionally took place on St. Stephens Day. This year the Crib Walk will have a special prayer for peace in the Middle East and Bethlehem. This year also marks the 800th anniversary of the making of the first crib by St. Francis of Assisi. Each walker will receive a Bethlehem cross to mark this special year. The walk will be led by Fr. Willie Purcell.

Christmas Family Fun Run
Come and join us for our annual 5k & 10k Family Walk or Run on St. Stephen’s Day. A great opportunity to get out in the fresh air and burn off the Christmas Pudding! In association with James Stephens GAA & Camogie Club.
Entry Fee: €10 per adult. €5 per Child/Student. €25 per family. Fit bit for first lady and gent home in the 10k race. Refreshments in the Club Lounge after the race.
This year our charity partner is Cois Nore and we are holding the race in memory of Allen Larkin.
Time: 11am. Registration from 10.30am. Starts from James Stephens GAA Club, Larchfield.

Second Sunday of Advent, 10th December 2023

You will be familiar with the Coca Cola Christmas ad. featuring brightly lit Coca Cola trucks trundling through villages and towns to a sound track of 'holidays are coming'. The ad creates a magical sense of anticipation. Isaiah and John the Baptist in this weekends readings create a wonderful sense of anticipation too, crying out ‘prepare a way for the Lord’ because God is coming. There is a beautiful poem by R. S. Thomas which is appropriate for the Advent season and indicates that God did not just send His Son but that the Son wanted to come among us. Love of humanity and of our world is poured out by the Father who gives His Son and by the Son who gives himself. Let us prepare a way in gratitude for such great Love

“The Coming,” by: R. S. Thomas
And God held in his hand A small Globe.
Look, he said.
The Son looked, far off.
As through water, he saw
A scorched land of fierce
Colour. The light burned
There; crusted buildings
Cast their shadows; a bright
Serpent, a river
Uncoiled itself, radiant with slime.

On a bare
Hill a tree saddened
The sky. Many people
Held out their thin arms
To it, as though waiting
For a vanished April
To return to its crossed
Boughs. The son watched
Them. Let me go there, he said.

I hope to see all of you at our Carol Service this Sunday afternoon in Foulkstown Church! A lot of preparation has gone into to making it a wonderful expression of our preparation for Christmas.
Carols ignite the power of our imagination to enter into the scene of our Saviour's Birth and help us to wonder at the lowliness of God who with intense divine longing wanted to come among us humanity. Kieran

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Elizabeth Delaney, died in London (Mon 9.30).
6.15pm: Peadar Barrett
9.30am: Michael Dollard
10.30am: Michael Cody. Michael & Peggy Quinlan
12.00noon: Eddie Dunne. Michael O’Dwyer. Christine Comerford. Anne Knox (Months Mind)
Wed 10.30am: Florrie Cleere & John Cleere.
Fri 10.30am: John Morrissey
Paul Slattery. Mary Brennan. Fr. Andy Walsh. Margaret Larkin. John Hayes. Peggy Costigan. Jim Costigan. James Murray. Benny Rogers. Susan & John Daly. Eileen O’Connor. Anthony Gorski. Mick Kenny. Margaret & Michael O’Brien. Patrick & Rose Wixted. Mary Dowling. Hughie Shiels. Patricia Fitzpatrick.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Ray Pembroke. Willie Maher (Months Mind) (Sat 6.15). Martin McCorry (Sun 9.30). Tom Downey. Martin Meally. Milton Americas. Jane & Jeff Power (Sun 10.30). Ann Mulhall Galvin. Dick Lynch. Mary Blanchfield. Lucyna Wowk (Birthday Remembrance) (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Society of St Vincent de Paul
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection this weekend. Contact No - 087 681 0589.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1150
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €262.02
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1964.22
Foulkstown Basket: €442.51
Thank you for your continued support.

Pope’s Intention - December
We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programmes which value their active participation.

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3 per card. There are also a limited amount of individual Christmas Mass Bouquets available at €10 per card.

Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Eve
St. Fiacre’s Church - 6pm
St. Patrick’s Church - 7.30pm
Christmas Day
St. Patrick’s Church - 9.30am
Foulkstown Church - 10.30am
St. Fiacre’s Church - 12.00noon.

Annual Christmas Concert
St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band proudly present their Annual Christmas Concert in St. Patrick’s Church on Monday, 18th December 2023 at 7.30pm featuring St. Patrick’s Senior and Junior Bands. Come along for an enchanting musical experience. Free Admission.

Rosary Group
To celebrate eleven years of the rosary in St. Fiacre’s Church, we will hold a get together in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 11am. Thank you all so much for your dedication and loyalty to the rosary.

St Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The monthly meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will take place in the Parish Centre after the 10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church on Friday 15th December.

Medjugorje Evening of prayer
Rosary, Mass, Adoration. Prayer for healing. St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy, Kilkenny, Monday 11th December at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Adult Faith Development
The Adult Faith Development have produced a number resources for Advent, for more details, visit the parish website or
From Peace on Earth to Peace with Earth: Theology and Ecology: St. Kieran’s College, Monday 11th December 2023, 7.30pm. Tobias Winright, Professor of Moral Theology, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth. We are not merely called to care of the world around us, we have a moral obligation to care for it. How is it that we can and should live our that care for the world in which we life? God asks it of us, how do we respond?

Parish Christmas Shop
A wide variety of Christmas items are now available from the Parish Shop, located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Church Art Calendars available from the reception desk of the Parish Centre, €2 each.

Penitential Service
A Penitential Service for the four City Parishes will be held in St John's Church on Tuesday 19th December at 7.30pm. Come along and join us as we heed the call of John the Baptist to "prepare a way for the Lord" this Advent and preparing to celebrate the Feast of Christmas.

First Sunday of Advent, 3rd December 2023
I hope our prayer and our remembrance Mass in particular during the month of November has been a source of consolation and hope for all of you. As we move into December we now begin the season of Advent when we prepare to celebrate with gratitude the coming of Christ at his birth many centuries ago. Advent is a time to remember that the Word became Flesh, God took on our humanity and God still continues to live in us through His Son who his present with us in Word and Sacrament and through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in each one of us. Advent is a time to reflect deeply on what the mystery of Christ's birth means for you and me today and each day. Advent is a time to allow ourselves to experience the presence of the Lord as he comes to us again and again renewing our Hope, our Peace, our Joy, our Love.So during the next four weeks in the midst of all the busyness, let us embrace the opportunity to grow closer to Christ and to rediscover the implications of the coming of the Son of Man for our relationship with one another and all human beings with whom we share this earth. The Diocesan Adult faith development Group have prepared some great resources for Advent which are available on our own website and the diocesan website also. Kieran

Retired Priests Collection
The Annual Collection for the Retired Priests will be taken up during the second collection at all Masses this weekend. Your support is very much appreciated.

Feast of The Immaculate Conception
Friday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception and is a holy day of obligation. Mass times are as follows:
Thursday 7th - 6.15pm in St. Fiacre’s.
Friday 8th - 10.00am in Foulkstown, 11.00am in St. Patrick’s.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1105
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €366.28
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1264.59
Foulkstown Basket: €372.36
Thank you for your continued support.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Breda Phelan, Hazel Grove. Pat Morrissey, College Square. Sr. Sheila Sheehy, Presentation Convent.
6.15pm: Catherine Ruth
9.30am: Kevin & Evelyn Hughes
10.30am: Michael O’Neill. Jimmy Bergin
12.00noon: Jack White. Michael Muldowney. Dr. Carmel Halley. Kitty Russell.
Mon 9.30am: Elaine Kelly.
Fri 11.00am: Myra & Denis Treacy
Tom Dowling. Paddy Delaney. Finbar Coughlan. Margaret & Patrick Doran. Catherine & Michael Delaney. James & Anne Donnelly. James Donnelly Jr. Sean Donnelly. Joe Murphy. Christy & Kitty Galvin. Annie Wall.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Peadar Barrett (Sat 6.15). Michael Dollard (Sun 9.30). Michael Cody. Michael & Peggy Quinlan (Sun 10.30). Eddie Dunne. Michael O’Dwyer. Christine Comerford. Anne Knox (Months Mind) (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Society of St Vincent de Paul
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection on Sat 9th Dec and Sun 10th Dec. Contact No - 087 681 0589.

Online Advent Retreat
The Priory Institute is delighted to offer a free of charge online retreat 'Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Advent'. Visit our website

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3 per card. There are also a limited amount of individual Christmas Mass Bouquets available at €10 per card.

Christmas Carol Service
The annual Parish Carol Service takes place on Sunday the 10th December at 4.30pm in Foulkstown featuring St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band and the combined choirs of St. Patrick’s Parish. Seasonal refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre after the service. All are welcome.

Annual Christmas Concert
St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band proudly present their Annual Christmas Concert in St. Patrick’s Church on Monday,18th December 2023 at 7.30pm featuring St. Patrick’s Senior and Junior Bands. Come along for an enchanting musical experience. Free Admission

The Kilkenny Choir
Join The Kilkenny Choir for an uplifting evening of specially selected Christmas music, which includes a mix of traditional and contemporary carols for all the family to enjoy, on Sunday, December 10th 2023 at 4.30pm in St. Canice’s Catholic Church. The choir will be accompanied by the wonderful soprano Claudia Boyle. Tickets €20 on Eventbrite or at the door, U18s free.

Pope’s Intention - December
We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programmes which value their active participation.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Catherine M Kennedy, Callan. 2nd: Kevin Kinahan, Seir Kieran. 3rd: Helen Meighan, St. Mary’s. 4th: Teasie Brennan, St. Mary’s. 5th: Ann Cullen, St. Mary’s. 6th: Sophie Lawerence, Castlecomer. 7th: Eddie & Marie Tallent, St. Mary’s. 8th: Josephine Drea, Tullaherin. 9th: TJ Bowden, Lisdowney. 10th: James Joyce, Muckalee.

The Season of Advent
The word ‘Advent’ stems from the Latin ‘Adventus,’ meaning ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. In the Church calendar, the First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a new year. Over the Four Sundays of the Advent Season, we ready ourselves for the joy of Christmas when we remember and commemorate the birth of Christ. But Advent is also about preparing ourselves for His second coming. We are reminded of this second coming in many phrases that we hear or say at Mass, for example ‘as we look forward to his second coming’, ‘when he comes again in glory’, ‘as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Saviour’. This second coming is a central theme from the beginning of Advent right up to the 17th December. At that point, our attention and preparation shifts more to the commemoration of His first coming on the feast of the Nativity.
Waiting in hope this Advent, we know that Jesus is our light, our salvation, the One for whom we long. How will you ready yourself to welcome Christ into the centre of your life, with all its bits and pieces, once more? As a new Church year begins, will you give yourself the gift of a new relationship with Christ? For through Him hope overcomes despair, peace overcomes division, joy overcomes desolation, love overcomes hatred. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

Youth 2000 Ireland
"Youth 2000 Ireland” will hold their annual Christmas retreat in Dominican College, Newbridge, Co Kildare on the 8th -10th December for ages 16 to 35. Excellent Speakers, Inspiring Talks and Workshops, Fantastic Music, Group Activities, Youth Masses, Adoration, Reconciliation, Prayer and plenty of time to chill out, meet new people and find out what it means to be young and Catholic today!! Donation only. Find out more and register on"

Sunday, 26th November 2023
Shepherd King - the Leader and the Least
I am sure that many of you are familiar with the Cross that Pope Francis wears around his neck called a Pectoral Cross. It depicts a Shepherd carrying a sheep with the rest of the flock behind him. (Google Pope Francis cross & you will see it!) Over this scene hovers the dove representing the Holy Spirit. The Pope's Cross came to mind as I read the first reading of this weekends Mass. Here again the image of the Shepherd is central. The Shepherd is one who not only leads, but cares for the flock with compassion and mercy. The psalm too, one we are so familiar with, depicts the Good Shepherd as one in whom we find healing, rest and who refreshes us. Paul speaks of Christ as the King who will hand over the Kingdom to the Father. This Shepherd King, the Gospel reminds us, will judge as with mercy and compassion. Those who imitate Christ the Good Shepherd acting mercifully and compassionately towards their sisters and brothers especially those in need have nothing to fear. To share in the Kingship of Christ is to see him in those in need, to be merciful and compassionate towards them and to be Good Shepherds like him in ministering to them.
Congratulations to all our young people who were enrolled for Confirmation during the past week! We look forward to journeying with them towards their Confirmation day.
As this is the last week of Ordinary Time in the Churches calendar we begin our preparations now for the Season of Advent a time of waiting and reflection, a journey of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. If you want a two minute video version of what Advent is about use the QR Code below.
On this coming Thursday at 7 pm in St Fiacre's Church we will have our annual remembrance Mass when we pray especially for all who died in our parish during the past year. We welcome all their families and friends to this celebration which we hope will provide continued consolation in their loss. Kieran

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Patricia Lewis nee Brett, died in London. Gabriel (Gay) Noonan, Michael Street. Michael Lanigan, Ossory Park. Bridget Sunderland, Circular Road.
6.15pm: Philip Funcheon. Joan Clarke. John O’Rourke
9.30am: James Fox & Fintan Brennan
10.30am: John McCarthy
Michael Maher (Months Mind)
12.00noon: Frank McKenna Sr. Canice Foley. Patrick Nugent
Tues 9.30am: Molly O’Mara
Wed 10.30am: Pat Kearney
Fri 10.30am: Michael Shortall
Sat 11.00am: Frances Hogan (Months Mind)
Philip Fogarty. Gertrude Donnelly. Maureen Nolan.
Patrick J. Crotty. Paddy & Kathleen Murphy. Brigid Flemming Gilligan. Barbara & Tommy Rhatigan. Margaret & John Wallace. Dick, Annie & Sally Burke. Sarah & Edward Walsh. Nora Doran. Jack McDonald.
Birthday Remembrance: Denis Murphy.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Catherine Ruth (Sat 6.15). Kevin & Evelyn Hughes (Sun 9.30). Michael O’Neill. Jimmy Bergin (Sun 10.30). Jack White. Michael Muldowney. Dr. Carmel Halley (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

The Priory Institute
Theology Online Open Evening: is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home.
Email: to find out more about our Online Open Evening on Wednesday, 29th November.

The rosary will be recited on Thursday 30th of November in James Green at 6.30pm. It is for the Pro Life cause.

Annual Remembrance Mass
The annual Mass of Remembrance for families who have been bereaved during the past year will be celebrated on Thursday 30th November 2023 at 7pm in St Fiacre's Church. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centre. Letters have been sent to families who suffered a bereavement since last November and whose funerals were celebrated in our Parish. Families of those bereaved during the past year are also invited to submit a photograph of their deceased loved one (A4 copy if possible) so that they can be displayed in our special Remembrance album. If you wish to have a family member who died during the past year outside of our Parish remembered, you are more than welcome to submit their names and a photo to the Parish office and they will be added to the list of names which will be read during the Mass. A candle will be provided for each family represented and lit during the ceremony of remembrance at the beginning of the Liturgy. For further information on any of these Remembrance events please contact the Parish Office.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €815
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €309.67
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1310.31
Foulkstown Basket: €389.16
Thank you for your continued support.

Pope’s Intention - November
We pray for the Holy Father, as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Society of St Vincent de Paul
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection on Sat 9th Dec and Sun 10th Dec. Contact No - 087 681 0589.

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3 per card. There are also a limited amount of individual Christmas Mass Bouquets available at €10 per card.

Christmas Carol Service

The annual Parish Carol Service takes place on Sunday the 10th December at 4.30pm in Foulkstown featuring St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band and the combined choirs of St. Patrick’s Parish. Seasonal refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre after the service. All are welcome.

Online Advent Retreat
The Priory Institute is delighted to offer a free of charge online retreat 'Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Advent'. Visit our website

The Goodly Barrow and Goresbridge rural development will hold a fundraiser in aid of Teac Tom . Join us after the Christmas lights are switched on in Goresbridge from 7pm. December 1st from 7pm. Mince pies, cookies, exciting prize raffle, Phoenix Choir. All proceeds to be donated to Teac Tom.

Sunday, 19th November 2023
During the past week it was great to welcome parents and children who are preparing for First Holy Communion. Our programme of preparation involves monthly gatherings and an online (Myfaith) programme which we hope will deepen the faith of parents and children and prove an interesting and enjoyable way to learn more about Jesus and our Catholic faith. In the coming days we will begin our programme of preparation for Confirmation. We always encourage parents and children to join us for our weekly celebration fo the Eucharist too so that they begin to recognise that being in communion with Jesus also means being a member of his body the community. Let all of us who are part of this faith community join in praying for all who are preparing for these Sacraments this year.
This coming Wednesday 22nd November marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the USA. His election heralded a new era of hope and energy right around the world. His life was cut short but apart from the date of his death which is still very much remembered, his inaugural speech is often recalled for the following line “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” It was among other things a call for people to take ownership of their communities to get involved to serve the common good. In the context of our faith community here in St Patrick's Parish many people live out these sentiments by volunteering their time and giftedness in so many ways. Thank You to all of you! Without you in the various ministries and roles we could not function. We hope that in the time ahead many more will be added to your number. Wednesday is also the feast of St Cecelia the patron Saint of musicians. I know you wont mind if I say a special thank you to all our Choirs and musicians who enrich our prayer weekend after weekend and on other special occasions!
Finally on Thursday we celebrate the feast of a great Irish missionary St Columbanus. He founded communities in France, Germany, Switzerland and finally in Bobbio in Italy. May the life of this remarkable missionary help us rediscover the rich heritage of faith we have & inspire us to be reenergised in the mission of proclaiming and living the Good news of Jesus Christ each day. Kieran

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Josephine O’Driscoll, Maudlin Street. Elizabeth Murray, Assumption Place. Kevin O’Brien, Dunbell. John O’Brien, Urlingford.
6.15pm: Richie Delaney. Billy Walton
9.30am: Mary Shannon. Rene Brett
10.30am: Mary Ryan (Months Mind)
May Muldowney
12.00noon: John Byrne. Patsy Dawson. Martin & Peggy Murray. Eileen & Gerard Moynihan. Jason Kavanagh (Months Mind)
Mon 9.30am: Margaret Ryan
Tues 9.30am: Joan Taggart
Wed 10.30am: Eugene, Nora & Owen Curley.
Sat 11.00am: Eileen Gleeson
Bill, William & Madge O’Brien. Billy, Anne & Michael O’Brien. Martin & Ann O’Brien. Rita McMahon. Olly Conway. Bill Keogh. Michael Kennedy. Michael & Anna Beale. Nancy Dunphy. Josephine Randall. Paddy Murphy. Joan Meehan.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Philip Funcheon. Joan Clarke. John O’Rourke (Sat 6.15). James Fox & Fintan Brennan (Sun 9.30). John McCarthy. Margaret & John Wallace. Michael Maher (Months Mind) (Sun 10.30). Frank McKenna Sr. Canice Foley. Patrick Nugent. (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1010
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €455.51
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1339.94
Foulkstown Basket: €328.29
Thank you for your continued support.

The Priory Institute
Theology Online Open Evening: is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home.
Email: to find out more about our Online Open Evening on Wednesday, 29th November.

Annual Remembrance Mass
The annual Mass of Remembrance for families who have been bereaved during the past year will be celebrated on Thursday 30th November 2023 at 7 pm in St Fiacre's Church. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centre. Letters have been sent to families who suffered a bereavement since last November and whose funerals were celebrated in our Parish. Families of those bereaved during the past year are also invited to submit a photograph of their deceased loved one (A4 copy if possible) so that they can be displayed in our special Remembrance album. If you wish to have a family member who died during the past year outside of our Parish remembered, you are more than welcome to submit their names and a photo to the Parish office and they will be added to the list of names which will be read during the Mass. A candle will be provided for each family represented and lit during the ceremony of remembrance at the beginning of the Liturgy. For further information on any of these Remembrance events please contact the Parish Office.

Pope’s Intention - November
We pray for the Holy Father, as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Society of St Vincent de Paul
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection on Sat 9th Dec and Sun 10th Dec. Contact No - 087 681 0589.

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3 per card. There are also a limited amount of individual Christmas Mass Bouquets available at €10 per card.

Christmas Carol Service
The annual Parish Carol Service takes place on Sunday the 10th December at 4.30pm in Foulkstown featuring St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band and the combined choirs of St. Patrick’s Parish. Seasonal refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre after the service. All are welcome.

World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis has asked that this Sunday
would be dedicated as World Day of the Poor.
Lord Jesus,
help us to be your ears to listen
to the cries of the poor.
Help us to be your voice
speaking out love and acceptance.
Help us to be your feet,
walking beside those in need.
Help us to be your hands
to clothe, feed and shelter them.
You came for the least,
the lost and last of the world,
you live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
“The hope of the poor
will not perish for ever” (Psalm 9:19)

Sunday, 12th November 2023
Oil in our Tanks!
I am not sure that the image of having oil in our lamps from this weekends Gospel resonates with us as it might have in the past. Perhaps these days we might better understand the importance of having oil in our tanks! As winter come upon us most of us will have taken action to ensure that we have a good supply of oil (or a more environmentally friendly option) in our various tanks and our heating systems serviced so that we are prepared for the cold weather. At this point let us not forget all who are homeless and all for whom the cold will be a life and death issue this winter.
I remember an occasional lapse in remembering to check the level of the Church oil tank in past years and then realising too late that it was empty usually on the morning of a funeral or a wedding! Disaster!
This weekends Gospel is a gentle reminder to us not to forget to stock up on the fuel supplied by Jesus. He wants us to have the wisdom to know the importance of having our hearts and souls filled with the oil of his Word so that our hearts are warm with his Love. As we celebrate the Eucharist together this weekend and as each day we pray and try our best to live the Word of God and love our Neighbour we are being refuelled for every eventuality including the inevitable cold spells that can hit us from time to time, such as sickness, family difficulties, troubles and worries, conflict in our world etc. The kingdom of Heaven is where the Light of God shines brightly and where there is always enough faith hope and love to light up our way through every darkness. Let us stock up now and not leave it too late. A line form psalm 118 (119) sums it up well. "Your word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path" Kieran

First Communion Preparation Evening
On Thursday evening (16th Nov) at 7 pm we welcome parents / guardians and children preparing for First Communion in our Parish this year. We will pray together and plan for the coming year.

Society of St Vincent de Paul
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul will hold their Annual Church Gate Collection on Sat 9th Dec and Sun 10th Dec. Contact No - 0876810589

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  PJ Taylor, Butts Green. Kitty Norton, Granges Road. Peter Clohosey, Kilcreene.
6.15pm: John Creegan. Julia O’Carroll
9.30am: Lucyna Wowk. John Glynn. Eoin McDonald. Martin & Jennifer Mulhall
10.30am: Charles Carroll. James & Mary Mulrooney
12.00noon: Philip Buckley. Mary & Ann O’Shea. Peggy O’Dwyer. Kay & Brian O’Reilly
Mon 9.30am: John Kelly
Fri 10.30am: Retired and Deceased Nurses.
Catherine McDonald. Martin Brett. P.J. Marrinan. Peter Blanchfield. Seamus Loughman. Aileen Hehir.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Richie Delaney. Billy Walton (Sat 6.15). Mary Shannon. (Sun 9.30). Mary Ryan. Mary Ryan (Months Mind) May Muldowney (Sun 10.30). Patsy Dawson. John Byrne. Peggy & Martin Murray. Eileen & Gerard Moynihan. Jason Kavanagh (Months Mind) (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Hospitality Group
Hospitality is a very important ministry in the Church Community. It would be great to have a group of people who would be available to look after this area of parish life and some new faces would be very welcome! With a hospitality group in place we could broaden our horizons in providing a cupán tae when required and look at some new initiatives perhaps. If being part of a hospitality group interests you or you would like to know more please come along to a meeting on Monday evening next at 7.30 pm in St Fiacre's Church.

November Offerings
This is one of five annual collections which form the basis for the salaries of your priest and bishop. Parishioners are invited to use the envelope in your contribution pack or any envelope marked with your name and address. Thanks for your continued support.

Parish Centre Closed next week!
Recently a leak in the plumbing system of St. Patrick’s Parish Centre caused considerable damage to one of our rooms. In compliance with Health and Safety Regulations and on the advice of our insurers. The Parish Centre will be closed from Monday 13th November until Friday 17th November to facilitate the commencement of repair works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused due to this closure and thank you for you r understanding. It will still be possible to contact the Parish Office via phone & email during this time.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1080
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €339.91
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1268.62
Foulkstown Basket: €395.83
Thank you for your continued support.

Mass for Retired and Deceased Nurses

A Mass for Retired and Deceased Nurses will take place on Friday 17th November at 10.30am in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy. A collection for Carlow/Kilkenny Home Care Team will be taken up after Mass. Tea/Coffee morning afterwards in the Parish Centre.

Winter Bugs
At this time of the year, the number of people with various colds, flu's, covid etc is increasing as it usually does. We would appeal to anyone who is feeling under the weather or have a touch of the times to please refrain from coming to Mass until you recover. It may not be covid but all bugs are spreadable through sneezing and coughing so please show respect and care for others by staying at home. For all who are sick at the moment do look after yourself and we look forward to seeing you when you are up and running again!

Annual Remembrance Mass
The annual Mass of Remembrance for families who have been bereaved during the past year will be celebrated on Thursday 30th November 2023 at 7.30 pm in St Fiacre's Church. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centre
In the coming days letters will be sent to all families who suffered a bereavement since last November and whose funerals were celebrated in our Parish. Families of those bereaved during the past year are also invited to submit a photograph of their deceased loved one (A4 copy if possible) so that they can be displayed in our special Remembrance album.
If you wish to have a family member who died during the past year outside of our Parish remembered you are more than welcome to submit their names and a photo to the Parish office and they will be added to the list of names which will be read during the Mass.
A candle will be provided for each family represented and lit during the ceremony of remembrance at the beginning of the Liturgy. For further information on any of these Remembrance events please contact the Parish Office.

Pope’s Intention - November
We pray for the Holy Father, as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, 5th November 2023
Now and Then
During the past week, with a little help from AI technology a new song "Now and Then", featuring all four Beatles, was released more than forty years after it was recorded as a demo. It is amazing, if not a little scary to think that years after the Beatles broke up and after two of them, John Lennon and George Harrison are no longer with us, their voices still resound around the world as clearly as back in the 1960's.
Reflecting on the title of this 'new' Beatles song I think that Now and Then it is a good exercise for us to remember that nothing stands still or remains the same forever. Everything and everyone has its time. Down through the centuries art, writing, photos, voice recordings, film, various technologies etc, might capture aspects of the memory of those whose achievements or resources allowed them to be remembered long after their demise, but for those of us unlikely to be ranked among such celebrities as the 'fab four' is there anything we can cling to, is there a future for us? Our faith celebrations during the past week and during this month of November, this month on Saints and Souls, reminds us powerfully that we are mortal, we have not here a lasting city, but we do share a faith which gives birth to hope which indicates that immortality is not a reward for fame and fortune but God's gift to all who believe. Now and Then it is good to reflect on this so that while we are here on this earth we can spend our time Loving as we are Loved by God, sharing our gifts for the benefit of others, and not investing useless energy into all that will pass and fade away.
On the Mass readings for this weekend it is good for those of us in ordained ministry to Now and Then be reminded that our ultimate call is to be Servants of the Gospel and Servants of God's People. Let us not be consumed by the desire for power or titles or other privileges but let us model ourselves on St Paul who gave everything for Christ and His People, the Church. May our practice of living and sharing the Gospel, our witness to Christ be our best preaching. That is the challenge Christ puts before us not just now and then but always. Kieran

St. Vincent de Paul
Contact Number 087 681 0589

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Anne Knox, Beech Park. Bridie Maher, Larchfield. Michael Devane, Dean Cavanagh Place.
6.15pm: Paddy Hanrahan. May O’Donnell (Months Mind). Kieran O’Donnell
9.30am: John Joe Kealy. Michael Phelan
10.30am: Sean & Judy Kennedy. Kay Doyle
12.00noon: Maureen & Paddy Brennan. Gerry Gaule. George Howe (Months Mind). Arthur Somers (Months Mind)
Tues 9.30am: Henrietta Hyland
Wed 10.30am: Bee Maher
Fri 10.30am: Peg, Joe & Alice Kelly
Edward O’Neill. John Cullen. Caroline Cullen. Paul Maloney. Robert & Christopher Irving. Eddie Nolan. Vivian Etaferi. Tom Kenny. Edward ‘Ned’ Delaney. Peig & Jim McAndrew. Joe & Margaret Thornton. Paddy Delaney.
Intentions for Next Weekend: John Creegan. Julia O’Carroll (Sat 6.15). Lucyna Wowk. John Glynn. Eoin McDonald. Martin & Jennifer Mulhall (Sun 9.30). Charles Carroll. James & Mary Mulrooney (Sun 10.30). Philip Buckley. Mary & Ann O’Shea. Peggy O’Dwyer. Kay & Brian O’Reilly (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Winter Bugs
As the autumn takes a hold and we look towards winter the number of people with various colds, flu's, covid etc is increasing as it usually does this time of year. We would appeal to anyone who is feeling under the weather or have a touch of the times to please refrain from coming to Mass until you recover. It may not be covid but all bugs are spreadable through sneezing and coughing so please show respect and care for others by staying at home. For all who are sick at the moment do look after yourself and we look forward to seeing you when you are up and running again!

Annual Remembrance Mass
The annual Mass of Remembrance for families who have been bereaved during the past year will be celebrated on Thursday 30th November 2023 at 7.30 pm in St Fiacre's Church. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centre
In the coming days letters will be sent to all families who suffered a bereavement since last November and whose funerals were celebrated in our Parish. Families of those bereaved during the past year are also invited to submit a photograph of their deceased loved one (A4 copy if possible) so that they can be displayed in our special Remembrance album.
If you wish to have a family member who died during the past year outside of our Parish remembered you are more than welcome to submit their names and a photo to the Parish office and they will be added to the list of names which will be read during the Mass.
A candle will be provided for each family represented and lit during the ceremony of remembrance at the beginning of the Liturgy. For further information on any of these Remembrance events please contact the Parish Office.

November Offerings
This is one of five annual collections which form the basis for the salaries of your priest and bishop. Parishioners are invited to use the envelope in your contribution pack or any envelope marked with your name and address. Thanks for your continued support.

Remembrance Gathering
JoJo Dullard disappeared 28 years ago at the age of 21. The annual gathering to remember JoJo will take place on Saturday November 11th beginning at 12 noon at Kilkenny Castle, gathering in the courtyard of the castle and walking to the Missing Persons Monument. All Welcome.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €785
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €348.01
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1243.10
Foulkstown Basket: €367.18
Thank you for your continued support.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024
The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

Mass for Retired and Deceased Nurses
A Mass for Retired and Deceased Nurses will take place on Friday 17th November at 10.30am in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy. A collection for Carlow/Kilkenny Home Care Team will be taken up after Mass. Tea/Coffee morning afterwards in the Parish Centre.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
A meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will take place in the Parish Centre after the 10.30am Mass on Friday 10th November.

Sunday, 29th October 2023
November month of Saints and Souls
From Fr Kieran…
On this bank holiday weekend as our schools go on their well deserved mid term break and the clocks go back we enter into the month of November and the darkness associated with the winter months. Yet the Church offers us on the first day of November the example of the Saints to remind us that when the light of Christs Love shines brightly in human hearts no darkness can completely overwhelm us.
November is also the month of prayer and remembrance for all our dead when the mystery of the Lord's Resurrection shines light and hope on the darkness of death and especially on the pain of loss experienced by those who have been bereaved in recent times. This weekend the Gospel reminds us that at the centre of our faith is Love of God and Neighbour. This Love what makes saints and this Love is not ended by death. Below you will find details of how we will remember and pray for all our dead this November.
Thank you to our Pastoral Council who met during the week and among the items discussed was our annual Mass of Remembrance & the celebration of Advent and Christmas! How time flies!

To celebrate the Feast of All Saints why not text the name of your favourite Saint to 086 736 1563 between now and Wednesday 1st Nov. and we will put all those names together in a Litany which we will pray together at the beginning of our Masses on the Holy Day.

Masses for the feast of All Saints
Vigil Mass: Tuesday 31st Oct 6.15 pm - St Fiacre's
Wednesday 1st November: Foulkstown 10 am, St Patrick's Church 11 am

Masses for the Feast of All Souls
Thursday 2nd November: 9.30 am St Patrick's, 10.30 am St Fiacre's.

Bank Holiday
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am. There will be no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Fiacre’s Church on Monday.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Kenneth Sayers, Wetlands. Pat Costigan, Westfield.
6.15pm: Colette Deegan. Edward Murphy. Mary McCormack. Ned & Anthona Burke
10.30am: Cormac Cullen. Joe & Margaret Brennan & Mary Millea
12.00noon: Declan Walsh. Jack Devlin
Kitty Stallard. Olive Barry. Ned Mahon. Anna, Michael ,Mary & Paddy Bowe. Sean & Statia Cantwell. Nancy Murphy. Anastatia Muldowney.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Paddy Hanrahan. May O’Donnell (Months Mind). Kieran O’Donnell (Sat 6.15). John Joe Kealy. Michael Phelan (Sun 9.30). Sean & Judy Kennedy. Kay Doyle (Sun 10.30). Maureen & Paddy Brennan. Gerry Gaule. George Howe (Months Mind). Arthur Somers (Months Mind) (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Praying for our dead
Thursday 2nd November is the feast of All Souls. During our Masses on Thursday you will be invited to light a candle for your own family members and friends. A Novena of Masses will be offered for your deceased loved ones during November. From this weekend a book of remembrance will be available in our Churches so you can include the names of all you wish to remember and pray for.

Winter Bugs
As the autumn takes a hold and we look towards winter the number of people with various colds, flu's, covid etc is increasing as it usually does this time of year. We would appeal to anyone who is feeling under the weather or have a touch of the times to please refrain from coming to Mass until you recover. It may not be covid but all bugs are spreadable through sneezing and coughing so please show respect and care for others by staying at home. For all who are sick at the moment do look after yourself and we look forward to seeing you when you are up and running again!

Annual Remembrance Mass
The annual Mass of Remembrance for families who have been bereaved during the past year will be celebrated on Thursday 30th November 2023 at 7.30 pm in St Fiacre's Church. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centr. In the coming days letters will be sent to all families who suffered a bereavement since last November and whose funerals were celebrated in our Parish. Families of those bereaved during the past year are also invited to submit a photograph of their deceased loved one (A4 copy if possible) so that they can be displayed in our special Remembrance album.
If you wish to have a family member who died during the past year outside of our Parish remembered you are more than welcome to submit their names and a photo to the Parish office and they will be added to the list of names which will be read during the Mass.
A candle will be provided for each family represented and lit during the ceremony of remembrance at the beginning of the Liturgy. For further information on any of these Remembrance events please contact the Parish Office.

Pope Francis Prayer intention for October
We pray for the church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

Ossory Times
The new issue of the Ossory Times is available from all the Churches and the Parish Office. Lots of interesting items about our diocese. Please take one.

St. Vincent de Paul
Did you know that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, offer Educational Third Level grants. For all enquiries/application forms, please email

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €965
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €471.37
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1307.24
Foulkstown Basket: €347.66
Thank you for your continued support.

The new readers rota will be compiled in the coming weeks, if you interested in reading at one of our Masses during the week or at the weekend, please contact the Parish Office. 056 776 4400.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024
The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

Mass for Retired and Deceased Nurses
A Mass for Retired and Deceased Nurses will take place on Friday 17th November at 10.30am in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy. A collection for Carlow/Kilkenny Home Care Team will be taken up after Mass. Tea/Coffee morning afterwards in the Parish Centre.

Sunday, 22nd October 2023
We always mention you in our prayers and thank God for you all, and constantly remember before God our Father how you have shown your faith in action, worked for love and persevered through hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ.
From 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5
Listening to the tragic accounts of the violence in the Middle East, I was struck by the number of people in all these communities who reach out to others in difficult times. In Gaza and Israel, Doctors, Nurses and people working with humanitarian agencies work tirelessly to look after the injured and displaced, with no thought given to their own safety of comfort. They operate out of a sense of compassion and mercy, never restrained by political, religious or cultural differences. These are the ones who bring the light of hope to the darkness and destruction. They show us who we are truly called to be, what it is to be truly human. St Irenaeus once wrote - The glory of God is the human being fully alive. There can be no better example of the human being fully alive than when we sacrifice ourselves to care for those in need despite the cost to ourselves.
Similarly we saw great examples of kindness and love displayed during the past week as flood waters engulfed parts of Cork and beyond. Examples of neighbourliness and coming together once again reminded us that Love is Alive, all is not lost. So this coming week let us pray in thanksgiving for people who are beacons of hope and mercy in our world. Let us keep in mind the sentiments expressed in the second reading this weekend, never forgetting to pray for those who show faith in action and work for love while persevering in hope. This is the way of Christ!
Next Friday Pope Francis has asked the whole Church to join in prayer for peace at this time. We will celebrate a Mass of Peace on Friday morning and St John's Parish are organising a Holy Hour on Friday evening at 7.30 pm which provides and ideal opportunity for all of us to gather in solidarity with the suffering and give thanks for witnesses to hope and peace.

Pope Francis Prayer intention for October
We pray for the church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Francis Hogan, Larchfield. Tom Rafter, Warrington. Ann Hurley, Patrick Street. Canice Phelan, Jenkinstown & Luton.
6.15pm: Mary Martin. Roseanne, Michael & Thomas Renehan
9.30am: Gerard Cleere. Tim O’Brien. Peadar Malone (Months Mind)
10.30am: Joseph Eardly
12.00noon: Elizabeth ‘Lila’ O’Connor. Joe McKee. Paddy Cullen. James Costelloe (Months Mind). Breda De Loughry (Months Mind)
Wed 10.30am: Eddie Hogan (Birthday Remembrance & John Johnson
Fri 10.30am: Deceased members of the Maher & Brennan Family.
Bernadette Dermody. Eithne O’Connor. Nancy Coyne. Doris Americas.
Intentions for Next Weekend:  Colette Deegan. Edward Murphy. Mary McCormack. Ned & Anthona Burke (Sat 6.15). Cormac Cullen (Sun 10.30). Declan Walsh . Jack Devlin (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Winter Bugs
As the autumn takes a hold and we look towards winter the number of people with various colds, flu's, covid etc is increasing as it usually does this time of year. We would appeal to anyone who is feeling under the weather or have a touch of the times to please refrain from coming to Mass until you recover. It may not be covid but all bugs are spreadable through sneezing and coughing so please show respect and care for others by staying at home. For all who are sick at the moment do look after yourself and we look forward to seeing you when you are up and running again!

Rosary in James Green 
The Rosary will be recited at St. James Green on Thursday the 26th of October at 6.30pm. It is for the Pro-Life cause.

Shared Mass Intentions
The Mass for the Shared Mass intentions sold in the parish centre will be offered every Thursday morning at 10.30am in St. Fiacre’s Church.

St. Vincent de Paul
Did you know that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, offer Educational Third Level grants. For all enquiries/application forms, please email

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €985
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €338.22
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1187.36
Foulkstown Basket: €362.97
Thank you for your continued support.

Taizé Youth Programme 2024
A youth trip to Taizé in France organised by Ossory Youth will take place from Sunday 23rd June to Sunday 30th June 2024. A week in the Taizé Community is an opportunity for reflection and contemplation and a little step back from daily life. Tens of thousands of young people from around the world, including 25 from Kilkenny will made the trip to Taizé next year. The programme, which runs from November 2023 to June 2024 is open to Transition year, 5th year and Leaving Cert students. Closing date is Friday 27th Oct. For additional information, including cost and application forms, contact Patrick Bookle, Ossory Youth at (056) 7761200, (087) 2129006 or

Parish Centre Shop
Located in the foyer of the Parish Centre.
A good selection of items for sale—rosary beads, prayer cards, medals, items for baptisms, communions, confirmations and other occasions. Call in and have a look!!!

October Stations
We invite parishioners to contribute towards the income of the parish clergy and the Bishop through the October Stations. The October envelope is in your contribution pack which you received earlier this year. Please contact the Parish Office if you didn’t receive parish envelopes and would like to. The October Station is one of five collections taken up to support the priest and the bishop. Thanks to all who have contributed so far. We are grateful for your generosity.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024
The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The organising committee is confident in offering places to pilgrims in need of assistance, youth helpers, support staff and able-bodied pilgrims. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

Ossory Times
The new issue of the Ossory Times is available from all the Churches and the Parish Office. Lots of interesting items about our diocese. Please take one.

Knock Basilica
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love in Knock Basilica - Friday, 1st Dec - 8pm, featuring Dana, John McNicholl, Margo, Philomena Begley and Marc Roberts with Úna Nolan & Schola Cantorum Basilicae choir. A fundraising concert for Victim Assistance Charity. Tickets from Tickets also available from head office - for details contact Mary McNicholas, Victim Assistance Head Office, Aiden St., Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo 094 9000 251/ 086 3938871. Email:

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound

If you wish to be visited by Fr Kieran or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly (First Friday) basis, please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle directly at the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed. If you have a loved one seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing & Holy communion (Viaticum) please contact us in plenty of time as a priest may not be available at a moments notice.

Bringing Holy Communion to the Sick
It is wonderful in our parish Community that the Eucharist is often brought to a sick relative or neighbour by a Eucharistic Minister who is also a family member.
As discussed at our gathering of Ministers on Wednesday night Ministers / family members are asked to observe the following guidelines from now on.
When you arrive at the Church please go to the Sacristy and sign the register and give your pyx to the Sacristan.
The sacristan will place your pyx on the Altar.
At the end of Mass the Priest will place the Consecrated Hosts in the pyx, invite you to come forward to receive the pyx accompanied by a special prayer.
Only one Host should be taken at a time.
Please be aware that any Minister bringing Holy Communion to the sick or housebound - (other than a close family member)- is obliged to be Garda Vetted.

Sunday, 15th October 2023
A message from Fr. Kieran  
Next Wednesday (18th October) we celebrate the feast of St Luke. Our daily Gospel readings this year are taken from his account of the story of Jesus. He is also considered the author of the Acts of the Apostles.
An old tradition indicates that Luke may originally have been a medic. This is reflected in the number of medical facilities named for him, including our own St Luke's Hospital here in Kilkenny.
Luke's Gospel gives us an image of the Father and of the Son as full of compassion and mercy. The stories of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son are beautiful examples of this. In Luke we have the wonderful post resurrection account of the road to Emmaus - where Jesus shows us the true meaning of synodality as he walks with, and listens to two traumatised friends, comforting and strengthening them with his presence.
Care of the poor and the sick, the importance of prayer are also major themes in Luke.
As we celebrate his feast this coming week let us pray through his intercession for healing of the wounds that afflict us and our world. Let us pray for the growth of mercy and compassion. Let us pray more and recommit ourselves to caring for each other and those in need. On Wednesday 18th October the feast of St Luke we will have the anointing of the sick at our 10.30 am Mass.

Parents Meeting
It was great to see the large number of parents who came along to our First Communion & Confirmation registration and information meeting on Thursday evening. Let us pray for the children, their families and teachers as the begin the journey of preparation.
The Important dates…First Confession 12th March 2024, First Communion 27th April - Gaelscoil Osraí & KSP / 18th May - St John of God & St Patrick's De La Salle. Dates for Confirmation were not available to date.

Pope Francis Prayer intention for October
We pray for the church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Ryan, Maidenhill. Arthur Somers, Laurel Avenue. Simon Mark Fahy, Cedarwood Avenue. Sean Bolger, Sandfordscourt & Archersrath Nursing Home.
6.15pm: Kathryn Doran
10.30am: Peg Doyle
12.00noon: Mary Woodgate. Tom Foley. Florrie McKenna
Wed 10.30am: Ned Nolan
Thurs 10.30am Alphonsus Daly
Friday 10.30am Tobias & Bridget Butler.
Ellen & Tommy Condon. Martin & Anne Mulhall. Eamon & Breda Hehir. Billy & Patty Reinhardt. Mick Taylor. Garry & Norah Dunne. Phyllis Larkin. May Dunne. Julie & Patrick Burke.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Mary Martin. Roseanne, Michael & Thomas Renehan (Sat 6.15). Gerard Cleere. Tim O’Brien (Sun 9.30). Joseph Eardly (Sun 10.30). Elizabeth ‘Lila’ O’Connor. Joe McKee. Paddy Cullen. James Costelloe (Months Mind) Breda De- Loughry (Months Mind) (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Celebration of the Anointing of the Sick
On Wednesday 18th October the Feast of St Luke we will celebrate the anointing of the sick at our 10.30 am Mass in St Fiacre’s. Please let neighbours and friends who might like to receive the Sacrament know that it is taking place.

Winter Bugs
As the autumn takes a hold and we look towards winter the number of people with various colds, flu's, covid etc is increasing as it usually does this time of year. We would appeal to anyone who is feeling under the weather or have a touch of the times to please refrain from coming to Mass until you recover. It may not be covid but all bugs are spreadable through sneezing and coughing so please show respect and care for others by staying at home. For all who are sick at the moment do look after yourself and we look forward to seeing you when you are up and running again!

Installation of Fr Kieran as Team Leader
Next Saturday evening (21st October) Bishop Niall will celebrate the 6.15 pm Vigil Mass in St Fiacre's and during the Mass Fr Kieran will be installed as the new Team Leader for St Patrick's Parish. A cupán tae will be available after Mass.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €965
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €286.55
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1216.73
Foulkstown Basket: €331.95
Thank you for your continued support.

Taizé Youth Programme 2024
A youth trip to Taizé in France organised by Ossory Youth will take place from Sunday 23rd June to Sunday 30th June 2024. A week in the Taizé Community is an opportunity for reflection and contemplation and a little step back from daily life. Tens of thousands of young people from around the world, including 25 from Kilkenny will made the trip to Taizé next year. The programme, which runs from November 2023 to June 2024 is open to Transition year, 5th year and Leaving Cert students. Closing date is Friday 27th Oct. For additional information, including cost and application forms, contact Patrick Bookle, Ossory Youth at (056) 7761200, (087) 2129006 or

Parish Centre Shop
Located in the foyer of the Parish Centre.
A good selection of items for sale for baptisms, communions and other occasions. Call in and have a look!!!

Mission Weekend
Next Weekend is Mission weekend. The theme for this year is: ‘Hearts on Fire - Feet on the Ground'

October Stations
We invite parishioners to contribute towards the income of the parish clergy and the Bishop through the October Stations. The October envelope is in your contribution pack which you received earlier this year. Please contact the Parish Office if you didn’t receive parish envelopes and would like to. The October Station is one of five collections taken up to support the priest and the bishop. Thanks to all who have contributed so far. We are grateful for your generosity.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024
The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The organising committee is confident in offering places to pilgrims in need of assistance, youth helpers, support staff and able-bodied pilgrims. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

St. Vincent de Paul
Did you know that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, offer Educational Third Level grants. For all enquiries/application forms, please email

Sunday, 8th October 2023
A Message from Fr Kieran
This weekend our Masses of thanksgiving provide us an opportunity to say thank you to God for the many blessings we have received. The word ‘Eucharist’ of course means thanksgiving. Every Mass is a celebration of thanksgiving for Jesus’ sacrifice of Love on the cross and for his Resurrection. It is also our great prayer of thanks for the continual real presence of the Lord with us in the Eucharist and his real presence with us each moment of our lives. The Lord walks with us on the journey of life. Before we ever heard of ‘synodality’ which means walking together, the Lord was showing us to how to be synodal, how to be Church, how to be His Body on earth. As a church we are playing catch up and there is a long way to go. The synod in Rome in these days is a small step but small steps are so important. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us and help us discern the path he wants us to follow. Let us always be grateful for small steps and small gifts. When received with gratitude they can be the difference.
During the week Pope Francis issued a follow up letter to Laudato Si on care for our common home called ‘Laudate Deum’. The special letter addressed to the church and all Humanity calls for a new urgency in caring for our Common Home. He reminds us that it is getting late to make changes. However it always better late than never. We are after all a people of Hope, not doom and gloom. Let us express our Hope by living the simplicity of Nazareth where Jesus grew up and follow his example of care and compassion for everyone and everything.
During the coming week we will hold a meeting for all parents who wish their children to receive the Sacraments of First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation during the coming year. Please pray for these families, our teachers and faith community as we enter this time of preparation.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1095
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €344.27
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1222.36
Foulkstown Basket: €482.12
Thank you for your continued support.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Rita O’Leary, Larchfield.  George Howe. Cashel Avenue. Alphonsus Daly. Jason Kavanagh, Patrick Street.
6.15pm:         Judy O’Brien
                Mary Hehir       
9.30am:         Tony Moore & the deceased members of the Moore Family.
12.00noon: Peggy Carroll. Biddy Slattery. Breda Phelan
Fri 10.30am: Edmond & John Duggan.
Sat 11am: Kathleen Farrell
Joanie Waters. Seamus Waters. Richard Kelly. Michael Savage. Mick O’Leary. Paul Grace.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Kathryn Doran (Sat 6.15). Peg Doyle (Sun 10.30). Mary Woodgate. Tom Foley. Florrie McKenna (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota
The new rota is now available from the Parish Office. Contact Michelle if you would like a copy emailed to you.
Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024
The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The organising committee is confident in offering places to pilgrims in need of assistance, youth helpers, support staff and able-bodied pilgrims. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

Parish Centre Shop
Located in the foyer of the Parish Centre.
A good selection of items for sale for baptisms, communions and other occasions. Call in and have a look!!!

Synod Update
This past week saw the much awaited Synodal gathering start in Rome. Normally reserved to the bishops this synod, at the request of Pope Francis, invited lay faithful, priests and religious from around the world to come together to discern the promptings of the Holy Spirit for the Church today. This is a continuance of the synodal gatherings we had in Ossory and in every Diocese throughout the world. Our ideas are carried there by the Irish delegation.
With such a variety of voices from every part of the world it was recognised that at this synod tensions will exist - as each one tries to make their views heard. The Dominican priest Fr Timothy Radcliffe has preached to all gathered in these opening days - he noted, in one of these addresses, that in English we say that "we fall in love but we make friends” reminding those gathered for the synod that difference is ok, variance is to be welcomed and that we won’t fall into agreement, we will have to work to make it happen. We pray for the Synod as the first week concludes, may they make harmony happen.

Prayer the Synod of Bishops in Rome
‘We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.’

First Communion & Confirmation Preparation
A meeting for parents who wish their child to receive the Sacraments of First Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation will be held on Thursday 12th October at 7 pm in St Patrick’s Parish Centre

Pope Francis Prayer intention for October
We pray for the church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

Taizé Youth Programme 2024
A youth trip to Taizé in France organised by Ossory Youth will take place from Sunday 23rd June to Sunday 30th June 2024. A week in the Taizé Community is an opportunity for reflection and contemplation and a little step back from daily life. But bringing people together is also the essence of Taizé and it is a week of meeting young people from different countries and cultures where new friendships are made. Tens of thousands of young people from around the world, including 25 from Kilkenny will made the trip to Taizé next year. The programme, which runs from November 2023 to June 2024 is open to Transition year, 5th year and Leaving Cert students. Closing date is Friday 27th Oct. For additional information, including cost and application forms, contact Patrick Bookle, Ossory Youth at (056) 7761200, (087) 2129006 or

Chapter House Bookshop
St. Mary's Cathedral, Chapter House Bookshop welcomes you to visit the shop now 5 days a week
Monday 9:30 am till 1:00 pm
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am till 5:00 pm
In the wide range of products you can find religious gifts for any occasion and selection of Parish supplies. We have a large variety of Candles, Holy water fonts, Crosses, pictures and statues of the saints. You will find a present for Baptism, Communion, Confirmation and many other occasions. We have now in stock a great choice of Prayer Books, gospel reflections and calendars for the next liturgical year.

Knock Basilica
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love at Friday 1st December
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love in Knock Basilica - Friday, 1st Dec - 8pm, featuring Dana, John McNicholl, Margo, Philomena Begley and Marc Roberts with Úna Nolan & Schola Cantorum Basilicae choir. A fundraising concert for Victim Assistance Charity. Tickets from Tickets also available from head office - for details contact Mary McNicholas, Victim Assistance Head Office, Aiden St., Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo 094 9000 251/ 086 3938871. Email:

Shared Mass Intentions & Anniversary List
The Mass for the Shared Mass intentions sold in the parish centre will be offered every Tuesday morning at 9.30am in St. Patrick’s Church. Every week parishioners send in the names of loved ones to be included on our anniversary list. Occasionally people include an offering. The 9.30am Mass every Tuesday morning in St. Patrick’s Church will also be offered for these intentions.

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound
If you wish to be visited by Fr Kieran or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly (First Friday) basis, please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle directly at the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed. If you have a loved one seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing & Holy communion (Viaticum) please contact us in plenty of time as a priest may not be available at a moments notice.

Bringing Holy Communion to the Sick
It is wonderful in our parish Community that the Eucharist is often brought to a sick relative or neighbour by a Eucharistic Minister who is also a family member.
As discussed at our gathering of Ministers on Wednesday night Ministers / family members are asked to observe the following guidelines from now on.
When you arrive at the Church please go to the Sacristy and sign the register and give your pyx to the Sacristan.
The sacristan will place your pyx on the Altar.
At the end of Mass the Priest will place the Consecrated Hosts in the pyx, invite you to come forward to receive the pyx accompanied by a special prayer.
Only one Host should be taken at a time.
Please be aware that any Minister bringing Holy Communion to the sick or housebound - (other than a close family member)- is obliged to be Garda Vetted.

St. Martin De Porres Novena Black Abbey
Thursday 26th October to Friday 3rd November
Preacher: Fr. Coumba Toman OP
Monday - Friday: 10am Rosary / 10.30am Mass.
Sunday: 2.30pm / 3pm Mass
(Sunday 29th with Sacrament of the Sick)
Confessions available after each Mass)

St Vincent de Paul 
We offer education third level grants. For all enquires/application form please email 

Sunday, 1st October 2023
Synod on Synodality
The invitation to us in this weekends second reading (Philippians 2:1-11) to "be united in your love, with a common purpose and a common mind" is timely as the whole Church focuses on the Synod about to begin in Rome on the theme of 'Synodality' . What is synodality and why should we take note? You may have taken part in one of the listening sessions held around the diocese. These sessions were held to prepare for the Synod in Rome but also as an act of Synodality. Simply put Pope Francis wants the Church to become a 'Synodal Church, a Church that embraces and enacts the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and all of us - the Baptised people of God- to grow in communion with one another, to be open to participation in the Church and to be conscious of our mission to proclaim the Joy of the Gospel. We could say that Synodality is way of being Church, journeying together and listening together to the Holy Spirit speaking through the whole People of God. Season of Creation / Thanksgiving.
God bless our schools!
It was great to meet with our school principals and Sacramental class teachers this past week to plan together the year ahead. Our schools do a wonderful job and we wish them well in all their endeavours this coming year. On Tuesday Oct 3rd the St Patrick's De la Salle will join us for beginning of year Mass.
Saying Thank You!
As the Season of Creation draws to a close we will dedicate this coming week to reflecting on the gift of creation and to thanksgiving for this wonderful Gift of God. Below you will see an outline of our programme of events for the week concluding the following weekend with our Masses of thanksgiving.
Celebrating the Season of Creation & Giving Thanks at St Patrick's Parish
"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
(Psalm 92:1-2)

Saturday 30th Sept. / Sunday 1st October
Invitation to action…
Pledge to undertake one simple initiative to give thanks for Creation.

Monday 2nd October
Distribution of blessing prayer for animals to be used at home
Praying the Canticle of Creation by St Francis

Tuesday 3rd October
Planting of Tree

Wednesday 4th October
Feast of St Francis
Reflection on Synodality by Ms Gemma Mulligan (Diocesan pastoral Coordinator and member of Diocesan Synod group)
Lighting of Candle of prayer for the Synod

Thursday 5th October
Mass for Creation & thanksgiving for Gift of Human Life

Friday 6th October
Blessing and distribution of bulbs (flower bulbs!)

Saturday 7th / Sunday 8th October
Masses of Thanksgiving
You are invited to bring along some token of your thanksgiving to any of our weekend Masses.
You could bring something that reflect your gratitude for life and health, for your faith, for education, you might like to bring fruit or vegetables or produce from your garden or farm, perhaps a family photo or some other momento to give thanks for the people in your life. Thanksgiving for work, thanksgiving for Sport - bring a hurl , a sliotar, a soccer or rugby ball, a jersey, a symbol of the many other sports, a symbol of your thanksgiving for music or your favourite hobby. Perhaps there are many more things you can think of .
Please do participate in giving thanks.

Next Baptism Meeting

Tuesday 3rd October 7 pm Parish Centre

Next baptism weekend
Saturday 14th October: 3 pm St Fiacre's / 4.30 pm St Patrick's
Sunday 15th October: 1.15 pm St Joseph's Foulkstown

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Tess Larkin, Dublin & Patrick St. Tom Ryan, Jacob Street. Jean Murphy, Walkin Street. Seamus Brennan, Meadow Way. Madge Comerford, Stephen Street.
6.15pm: PJ Hennessy (Months Mind).
Anne Nolan.
9.30am: Patrick Wallace.
10.30am: Helen Kelly.
12.00noon: Madge O’Neill.
Maureen Henderson
Fri 10.30: Evelyn Coppinger.
Michael O’Brien. Ann Doyle. Michael O’Neill. Brigid McKenna.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Judy O’Brien. Mary Hehir (Sat 6.15). Peggy Carroll. Biddy Slattery (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Visitation for the Sick and Housebound
Fr Kieran will visit the sick and housebound during the coming week. if you would like to be placed on the visitation list please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle in the Parish Office.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024

The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The organising committee is confident in offering places to pilgrims in need of assistance, youth helpers, support staff and able-bodied pilgrims. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Michael & Angela O’Brien, Ferrybank. 2nd: Dermot McMullen. 3rd: Patsy Treacy, St. Mary’s. 4th: Kathleen Treacy, Inistioge. 5th: Kathleen O’Shea, Freshford. 6th: Elaine Breen, Rosbercon. 7th: Maureen Brennan, St. Mary’s. 8th: Mary Patricia Dunne, Lisdowney. 9th: Game Ball, St. Mary’s. 10th: Marie T Fitzpatrick, Borris-in-Ossory
Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to join.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota
The new rota will be available from Wednesday (4th Oct) from the Parish Office. Contact Michelle if you would like a copy emailed to you.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1045
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €318.17
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1263.84
Foulkstown Basket: €325.63
Thank you for your continued support

Parish Centre Shop
Located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. A good selection of items for sale for baptisms, communions and other occasions. Call in and have a look!!!

Sunday, 24th September 2023
"The Lord is close to all who call him"
Response to Psalm 144(145) 25th Sunday
At the ploughing during the past week our neighbouring Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin conducted a poll to find who was Ireland's most popular Saint with St Anthony coming out on top! God knows we all keep him busy, usually asking him to find keys or other lost items for us! Indeed there are many occasions during our lives when we ask the intercession of the Saints and call on the Lord, experiencing his closeness to us particularly when someone is sick or when we experience troubles in our own lives or in our families or communities.
This coming week a book for your Intentions will be placed in each of our Churches to provide an opportunity to write your prayers and call on the Lord who is close to us.
So if you wish to write a prayer for someone who is sick or for a family member etc or some problem or difficulty please feel to do so, however we would ask you not to include full names or any personal details when writing intentions.
Beginning on Sunday 1st October and concluding on the weekend of Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th October we will celebrate Thanksgiving week in our Parish. This coincides with the launch of Pope Francis follow up document to Laudato Si and with the end of the 'special Season of Creation'. More details below.

Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024
The 2024 Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop Niall Coll, will take place from Tuesday, 21st to Sunday 26th May inclusive. The organising committee is confident in offering places to pilgrims in need of assistance, youth helpers, support staff and able-bodied pilgrims. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in secondary schools and places are limited. A follow up announcement and posters on church no-tice boards will carry further details. (Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS).

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €900
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €305.60
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1259.44
Foulkstown Basket: €290.25
Thank you for your continued support.

Thanksgiving Week at St Patrick's Parish

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; (Psalm 92:1-2)
Autumn is the season when we traditionally give thanks for the Harvest and for all of God's Blessings. Beginning on Sunday 1st October and concluding on the weekend of Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th October we will celebrate the season of Creation & Thanksgiving week in our Parish.

Saturday 30th Sept. / Sunday 1st October
Invitation to action… Pledge to undertake one simple initiative to give thanks for the Gift of Creation.

Monday 2nd October
Distribution of blessing prayer for animals to be used at home. Praying the Canticle of Creation by St Francis.

Tuesday 3rd October
Planting of Tree.

Wednesday 4th October
Feast of St Francis - 'Rebuild my Church'
Lighting of Candle for the Synod and prayer for renewal of the Church.

Thursday 5th October

Reflection on Pope Francis document Laudato Si after 10.30 am Mass followed by Refreshments.

Friday 6th October
Blessing and distribution of bulbs (flower bulbs!)

Saturday 7th / Sunday 8th October
Masses of Thanksgiving
You are invited to bring along some token of your thanksgiving to any of our weekend Masses.
You are invited to bring something that reflect your gratitude for life and health, for your faith, for education, you might like to bring fruit or vegetables or produce from your garden or farm, perhaps a family photo or some other memento to give thanks for the people in your life. Thanksgiving for work, thanksgiving for Sport - bring a hurl , a sliotar, a soccer or rugby ball, a jersey, a symbol of the many other sports, a symbol of your thanksgiving for music or your favourite hobby. Perhaps there are many more things you can think of. Please do participate in giving thanks.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Jim Costelloe, Cashel Downs. Frances Dowling, Parkview Drive.
6.15pm : Peggy & Michael McKane
James O’Beirne (Months Mind)

10.30am: Mary Ward

12.00noon: Denise Fester.
Jack Nolan.
Mary Dowling

Patrick Traynor (Mon 9.30). Catherine Alley. Ger Kavanagh. Elizabeth & William Tyrrell. Dan Gorey. David O’Rourke. Mary Power. Nancy Langton.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Sat 6.15: PJ Hennessy (Months Mind). Anne Nolan. Sun 9.30am: Patrick Wallace. Sun 10.30am: Helen Kelly. Sun 12.00: Madge O’Neill. Maureen Henderson a& Biddy Slattery.
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Next Baptism registration meeting
Parents who wish to register their children for Baptism in the Parish should come along to an information and registration meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month in St Patrick's Parish Centre. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 7 pm.

Next baptism weekend
Saturday 14th October: 3 pm St Fiacre's / 4.30 pm St Patrick's.
Sunday 15th October: 1.15 pm St Joseph's Foulkstown

Ministers of the Word and Eucharist
Many thanks to all who attended the meeting a few weeks ago. There are still a number of outstanding volunteer forms, please drop them into the Parish Office as soon as you can. If you did not attend the meeting, volunteer forms are available in the Parish Office. New rotas are being complied at the moment, if you DO NOT want your contact number published on the rota, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400.

Bringing Holy Communion to the Sick
It is wonderful in our parish Community that the Eucharist is often brought to a sick relative or neighbour by a Eucharistic Minister who is also a family member.
As discussed at our gathering of Ministers on Wednesday night Ministers / family members are asked to observe the following guidelines from now on.
When you arrive at the Church please go to the Sacristy and sign the register and give your pyx to the Sacristan.
The sacristan will place your pyx on the Altar.
At the end of Mass the Priest will place the Consecrated Hosts in the pyx, invite you to come forward to receive the pyx accompanied by a special prayer.
Only one Host should be taken at a time.
Please be aware that any Minister bringing Holy Communion to the sick or housebound - (other than a close family member)- is obliged to be Garda Vetted.

Loreto Secondary School
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2024 - The closing date for a First Year place is 23rd October, 2023. Applications can be made via the school website
Open Day for 6th Class Girls - An Open Day will take place on Thursday 28th September, 2023. Further information will be on our website also.

Shared Mass Intentions & Anniversary List
The Mass for the Shared Mass intentions sold in the parish centre will be offered every Tuesday morning at 9.30am in St. Patrick’s Church. Every week parishioners send in the names of loved ones to be included on our anniversary list. Occasionally people include an offering. The 9.30am Mass every Tuesday morning in St. Patrick’s Church will also be offered for these intentions.

Knock Basilica
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love at
Friday 1st December
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love in Knock Basilica - Friday, 1st Dec - 8pm, featuring Dana, John McNicholl, Margo, Philomena Begley and Marc Roberts with Úna Nolan & Schola Cantorum Basilicae choir. A fundraising concert for Victim Assistance Charity. Tickets from Tickets also available from head office - for details contact Mary McNicholas, Victim Assistance Head Office, Aiden St., Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo 094 9000 251/ 086 3938871. Email:

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound
If you wish to be visited by Fr Kieran or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly (First Friday) basis, please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle directly at the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed. If you have a loved one seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing & Holy communion (Viaticum) please contact us in plenty of time as a priest may not be available at a moments notice.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw
The new series of the Restoration Fund Draw beings this month. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to join. €10 per month or €120 per year. Thank you for your continued support.

Sunday, 17th September 2023
After the sunshine and tropical temperatures, the rain has come! I am sure those planning a trip to the ploughing are hoping for an improvement in conditions during the coming week! However our slight discomfort cannot be compared to the sufferings of the people of Libya and Morocco, who are in need of so much help and support following recent disasters.
The theme of Forgiveness is prominent in the Liturgy of the Word this weekend. The response to the Psalm reminds us that The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. To be a true follower of Jesus is to forgive and to ask for forgiveness when necessary. This is not easy, the reality is that forgiveness is a journey which begins by praying for the humility to take small steps, our feet clad with compassion and mercy moving towards the other person.
Forgiveness is a wonderful fruit of our Baptism, the first Sacrament of forgiveness and mercy. Later in life when we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and truly forgive with our hearts we are renewing the grace of Baptism and expressing gratitude to God for his mercy. Speaking of Baptism, this week our Baptism font in St Patrick’s Church has moved to a new space which will expresses the centrality of Baptism as the primary Sacrament and will allow a more comfortable and safe celebration for families. With some seats relocated a more comfortable space is also provided for families who will celebrate the funerals of their loved ones in the Church and the link with Baptism is acknowledged. In Baptism they died with Christ, may they also share in his Resurrection.
Thanks to Fr Dermot and St Mary’s Cathedral, we were delighted to acquire a Baptism font for Foulkstown Church which will give prominence to the Sacrament of Baptism and enhance our celebrations there. May all our efforts and adjustments enrich our celebration of faith and give praise to God.

Baptism registration meeting
Parents who wish to register their children for Baptism in the Parish should come along to an information and registration meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month in St Patrick's Parish Centre. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 7 pm.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Gittens, Clonmoran. Imelda McPhilomy, The Paddocks, Kells Road.
6.15pm : Maidie Croghan. Christian Houlihan McGrath.
10.30am: Martin Mahony. The Byrne Family.
12.00noon: Jimmy Long. Mike Roberts (Months Mind). May, Tobias & Phyllis Tallent .
Paul O’Reilly. Paddy Larkin. Josephine Neary. Jimmy Owens. Pat Owens. Bridget Cahill.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Peggy & Michael McKane (Sat 6.15). Mary Ward (Sun 10.30). Denise Fester. Jack Nolan. Mary Dowling (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

St Mary’s Cathedral Tour
Last weekend saw the launch of an interactive tour of St Mary’s Cathedral. By means of QR codes visitors can interact with and learn about the fascinating history of this wonderful building. Built by the people of Kilkenny in the 1840s it has a rich legacy of sacred art, design and prayer. The tour will be available year-round for a daily pass at a cost of €5. The tour, however, will be free of charge this Sunday 17th for the people of the city and beyond. A second phase of the tour will also launch in the weeks ahead.

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound

If you wish to be visited by Fr Kieran or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly (First Friday) basis, please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle directly at the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed. If you have a loved one seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing & Holy communion (Viaticum) please contact us in plenty of time as a priest may not be available at a moments notice.

Synod Gathering
In advance of the first assembly of the Universal Synod, which begins on 4th October 2023, an ecumenical prayer vigil is taking place in Rome to unite us all in praise and worship. In extending this invitation to “TOGETHER-GATHERING OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD” Pope Francis reminded us that ‘the path to Christian unity and the path of synodal conversion of the Church are linked’. In a special way, young people from across the world, are asked to take part.
In our Diocese on Friday September 22nd we will join with Pope Francis and the young people invited to Rome by holding an ecumenical Taizé Prayer in The Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral at 7pm with a special invitation to all the young people of the Diocese. Then on Sunday 24th September we will gather as the People of God in Ossory at the 5.30pm Mass united with the People of God across the world to pray for the Universal Synod. People from all across the diocese are invited to attend.

Bringing Holy Communion to the Sick
It is wonderful in our parish Community that the Eucharist is often brought to a sick relative or neighbour by a Eucharistic Minister who is also a family member. As discussed at our gathering of Ministers on Wednesday night Ministers / family members are asked to observe the following guidelines from now on.
When you arrive at the Church please go to the Sacristy and sign the register and give your pyx to the Sacristan. The sacristan will place your pyx on the Altar.
At the end of Mass the Priest will place the Consecrated Hosts in the pyx, invite you to come forward to receive the pyx accompanied by a special prayer. Only one Host should be taken at a time.
Please be aware that any Minister bringing Holy Communion to the sick or housebound - (other than a close family member)- is obliged to be Garda Vetted.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1140
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €413.36
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1098.41
Foulkstown Basket: €387.22
Thank you for your continued support.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw
The new series of the Restoration Fund Draw beings this month. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to join. €10 per month or €120 per year. Thank you for your continued support.

Bridge in the Parish Centre every Thursday from 2 - 4pm. No partner required. All welcome. Contact Rene 086 127 1122.

Loreto Secondary School
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2024 - The closing date for a First Year place is 23rd October, 2023. Applications can be made via the school website
Open Day for 6th Class Girls - An Open Day will take place on Thursday 28th September, 2023. Further information will be on our website also.

Shared Mass Intentions & Anniversary List
The Mass for the Shared Mass intentions sold in the parish centre will be offered every Tuesday morning at 9.30am in St. Patrick’s Church. Every week parishioners send in the names of loved ones to be included on our anniversary list. Occasionally people include an offering. The 9.30am Mass every Tuesday morning in St. Patrick’s Church will also be offered for these intentions.

Knock Basilica
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love at Friday 1st December
An Evening of Songs of Faith, Hope and Love in Knock Basilica - Friday, 1st Dec - 8pm, featuring Dana, John McNicholl, Margo, Philomena Begley and Marc Roberts with Úna Nolan & Schola Cantorum Basilicae choir. A fundraising concert for Victim Assistance Charity. Tickets from Tickets also available from head office - for details contact Mary McNicholas, Victim Assistance Head Office, Aiden St., Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo 094 9000 251/ 086 3938871. Email:

Sunday, 10th September 2023
A message from Fr. Kieran
‘Let us come before him giving thanks
With songs let us hail the lord’
Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9

The words above taken from the psalm from our weekend Masses are appropriate as we give thanks for the past week. Hopefully you got some chance to enjoy the sunshine and the tropical temperatures. Better a late summer than never! Our new weekend Mass schedule begins this weekend and once again thanks you to all of you for your cooperation in making and implementing these difficult decisions.
We give thanks for the families who came along to our Baptism preparation meeting on Tuesday evening asking that their child receive the Sacrament of Baptism and become a member of the global family of the Church. We give thanks too for the wonderful gathering of those in Ministry in our Parish which was held in the Parish Centre on Wednesday night. Over eighty people gathered which was great! Thank you to all who minister as extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and as Ministers of the Word, Collectors, Choirs, Sacristans etc. Your commitment is greatly appreciated by the faith community. It was also great to encounter some of our choirs rehearsing in the Parish Centre during the week preparing ‘with songs to hail the Lord’!
In our Newsletter this weekend you will also see an item on some Diocesan events to mark beginning of the upcoming Synod in Rome. It is a good time to remind ourselves of the listening process which was held in our Diocese and across the world in recent times and to recommit ourselves to walking together with Christ as Sisters and Brothers on the same road sometimes travelling at different paces and that as they say is ok!
Let us pray for the Synod in Rome, that synodality will not just be a strange word or concept but a way of living and growing in faith, hope and love. Ultimately what Pope Francis wants is for us to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking in and through the Church and to bring to life in every corner of the Church the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. May the Lord be with the whole Church on this journey.
Have a blessed week ahead.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Anniversaries: Mick Phelan (Sat 6.15). Liam Blackmore (Sun 10.30). Eileen Barham. Catherine Grace. (Sun 12.00).  Lucy Dooley (Mon 9.30). Fiona Brennan (Wed 10.30).  Sean O’Keeffe (Thurs 10.30). Dan Herlihy (Fri 10.30). The Cassin Family.  Margaret Jones . Ellen White. Denis Staunton. Syd & Elizabeth Bluett. Ernie Harrington.
Intentions for Next Weekend:  Maidie Croghan. Christian Houlihan McGrath (Sat 6.15). Martin Mahony. The Byrne Family (Sun 10.30). Jimmy Long. Mike Roberts (Months Mind) May, Tobias & Phyllis Tallent (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Prayer at the Heart of our City
A meeting for those who have volunteered to be involved in the Adoration Group at St Mary’s Cathedral on Wednesday 13th September, in the Chapter House at 8.00pm.

St Mary’s Cathedral Tour
This weekend sees the launch of an interactive tour of St Mary’s Cathedral. By means of QR codes visitors can interact with and learn about the fascinating history of this wonderful building. Built by the people of Kilkenny in the 1840s it has a rich legacy of sacred art, design and prayer. The tour will be available year-round for a daily pass at a cost of €5. The tour, however, will be free of charge this Sunday 10th and the following Sunday 17th for the people of the city and beyond. A second phase of the tour will also launch in the weeks ahead.

Shared Mass Intentions & Anniversary List

The Mass for the Shared Mass intentions sold in the parish centre will be offered every Tuesday morning at 9.30am in St. Patrick’s Church. Every week parishioners send in the names of loved ones to be included on our anniversary list. Occasionally people include an offering. The 9.30am Mass every Tuesday morning in St. Patrick’s Church will also be offered for these intentions.

Synod Gathering
In advance of the first assembly of the Universal Synod, which begins on 4th October 2023, an ecumenical prayer vigil is taking place in Rome to unite us all in praise and worship. In extending this invitation to “TOGETHER-GATHERING OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD” Pope Francis reminded us that ‘the path to Christian unity and the path of synodal conversion of the Church are linked’. In a special way, young people from across the world, are asked to take part.
In our Diocese on Friday September 22nd we will join with Pope Francis and the young people invited to Rome by holding an ecumenical Taizé Prayer in The Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral at 7pm with a special invitation to all the young people of the Diocese. Then on Sunday 24th September we will gather as the People of God in Ossory at the 5.30pm Mass united with the People of God across the world to pray for the Universal Synod. People from all across the diocese are invited to attend.
Baptism registration meeting
Parents who wish to register their children for Baptism in the Parish should come along to an information and registration meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month in St Patrick's Parish Centre. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 7 pm.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1145
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €609.20
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1180.29
Foulkstown Basket: €231.85
Thank you for you continued support.

Bridge returns to the Parish Centre on Thursday 12th September 2023 from 2 - 4pm. No partner required. All welcome.

Loreto Secondary School
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2024 - The closing date for a First Year place is 23rd October, 2023. Applications can be made via the school website
Open Day for 6th Class Girls - An Open Day will take place on Thursday 28th September, 2023. Further information will be on our website also.

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound
If you wish to be visited by Fr Kieran or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly (First Friday) basis, please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle directly at the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed. If you have a loved one seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing & Holy communion (Viaticum) please contact us in plenty of time as a priest may not be available at a moments notice.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw

The new series of the Restoration Fund Draw beings this month. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to join. €10 per month or €120 per year. Thank you for your continued support.

Samaritans of Kilkenny and Carlow will be holding an information evening on Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 7.00P.M in branch on Waterford Road (beside Circle K petrol Station ). If you have considered volunteering, now is your chance to get all the information you need.

Coming soon.............
Come and enjoy an evening of Music & Song with the musical Trio, ‘THE PRIESTS’ from the Diocese of Down & Conor in Northern Ireland, in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles on Friday September 29th, 2023. Their superb concert in September 2019 was an outstanding success. We look forward to another notable night in aid of the Cathedral Reroofing Project. TICKETS AVAILABLE in the Parish Office (22229) or Bookworm (22257); Holycross Parish Office (0504 43124) & Cashel Parish Office (062 62200). Ticket Donation: €35.

Sunday, 3rd September 2023
Hello everyone!
Our Gospel passage this weekend sees Jesus breaking bad news to his Disciples about his future suffering and death. How can we not think of those families who received the bad news of their loved ones deaths in road accidents during the past week or so. We continue to pray for them and for the safety of all on our roads. Many people also learn bad news about their health or some other aspect of their lives each day and we pray for them also that they will be strengthened and be blessed with courage and support.
Its all about Fiacre! On Wednesday we celebrated the feast of St Fiacre followed by cupán tae in the Parish Centre & last Sunday we had a wonderful occasion at St Fiacre's Well. It was great to see so many gathered at that sacred site to pray and honour this great Saint who sowed the seeds of faith here and as a missionary in France. A big thank you to the landowner, the committee, all involved and all who helped in any way with the Novena and Sunday's celebration. We look forward to further celebrating our rich Christian heritage.
Our new weekday Mass schedule came into effect last Monday and thank you to all who have cooperated in working the new schedule. It was great to see so many gathered for our Rosary followed by Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Holy Communion on Monday and Tuesday in St Fiacre's. Thank you to the team who lead this time of prayer. This weekend is the last weekend of the current Mass schedule. The new schedule begins next weekend. Great to meet with the Principals of some of our schools during the week, hoping to meet more this coming week! - wishing all involved in our Schools a blessed school year ahead!
During the coming week we also begin our Baptism meetings and on Wednesday we will meet with all our Ministers as we plan for the future. Finally, we have a new twitter or should I say X account. Check it out at @NaomhPadraigKK
Every blessing and good wish for the week ahead.

Young at Heart
The Young at Heart Club return on Wednesday 6th September from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Parish Centre.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Rebecca Fox, William St. Christine Milner, Oregon, USA.
Anniversaries: Michael ‘Muggers’ Larkin (Sun 12.30).  Brigid Kenny (Fri 10.30).  Stephen Fanning. Michael ‘Mick’ Delaney. Pauline Delaney. May Tallent. Paddy Murray.
Intentions for Next Weekend:  Mick Phelan (Sat 6.15). Liam Blackmore (Sun 10.30). Annie Barham. Catherine Grace & Margaret Jones (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Baptism registration meeting
Parents who wish to register their children for Baptism in the Parish should come along to an information and registration meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month in St Patrick's Parish Centre. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th September at 7 pm.

New Mass schedule for St Patrick's Parish
Weekdays beginning on Monday August 28th
St Patrick's Church
Monday & Tuesday 9.30 am
St Fiacre's Church
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10.30 am
(The Rosary will be recited on Monday & Tuesday at 10.10 am in St Fiacre's followed by Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Holy Communion)
If on any particular weekday a priest is not available, the morning mass will be replaced by a Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Holy Communion

Weekend Schedule: Commencing Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th September 2023
Saturday Vigil Mass: St Fiacre's 6.15 pm (followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation)
Sunday Masses: St Patrick's 9.30 am, St Joseph's 10.30 am, St Fiacre's 12 pm
Holy Day Schedule
Vigil Mass: St Fiacre's 6.15 pm
Holy Day: Foulkstown 10 am, St Patrick's 11 am

Shared Masses
Many of you have asked what will happen to Mass intentions and to Months Mind and Anniversary Masses that are already booked?
Once the new schedule takes effect the practice of shared Masses will be introduced. Many of our parishes have been doing this for some time now. The shared Mass combines a number of intentions into a single Mass. This ensures that families will retain the date that they have booked, be able to book the date they request and have their deceased family members name mentioned and family welcomed. Shared Masses will be available on weekdays initially and eventually only on weekends.

Meeting of Ministers
Ministers of the Word, Collectors, Ministers of the Eucharist, Sacristans
A meeting for all Ministers will be held on Wednesday 6th September in St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.30 pm. There will be time of prayer and discussion on the new Mass schedule and other updates.

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound
If you wish to be visited by Fr Kieran or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly (First Friday) basis, please contact Fr Kieran or Michelle directly at the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed. If you have a loved one seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing & Holy communion (Viaticum) please contact us in plenty of time as a priest may not be available at a moments notice.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1225
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €471.01
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1434.10
Foulkstown Basket: €253.32
Thank you for you continued support.

St. Vincent de Paul
The Society can be contacted on 087 681 0589.

Prayer at the Heart of our City

We hope to establish a group for adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral. It would be beautiful to have a constant presence of prayer for our Diocese and world at this time. The number of days and hours of this adoration will be determined by the people involved. If you would like to be part of this group please call - 056 7721253 or email to leave your name and contact details. In a few weeks time we will hold a meeting of all involved in the hopes of establishing this gathering of prayer. With thanks. Fr Dermot (St Mary’s Cathedral)

St. Fiacre’s Gardens
Do you have an interest in gardening and would like to help in the garden at the Parish Centre. Contact Michelle in the Parish Office 056776 4400.

Trip to Knock
St. Vincent de Paul trip to Knock Saturday 9th September, bus leaving Kilkenny 7.30am. Limited places. Cost €20. Contact Geoff on 087/2559820 before Friday 1st September.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Michael Lyng, Inistioge. 2nd: Lisdowney Parish, Lisdowney. 3rd: Fidalgo, Ballyragget. 4th: Sheila Kinsella, Tullaherin. 5th: Liam Mahony, St. Mary’s. 6th: Andrew O’Brien, St. Mary’s. 7th: Teresa Doyle, St. Mary’s. 8th: Oliver Maher, Urlingford. 9th: Bernadette Gray, Aghaboe. 10th: Joan Bergin & Son, Lisdowney.
The new series of the Restoration Fund Draw beings this month. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to join. €10 per month or €120 per year. Thank you for your continued support.

Sunday, 27th August 2023
Seeing our young people heading back to school again is a reminder that summer has gone by very quickly! it is also that time of year when we say a big well done to all our young people and perhaps not so young who received their Leaving Cert. results during the week.
We will be praying for you as you discern what path to take in life. Take your time and be open to the surprises that life can bring. Please remember that you are worth a lot more than points.
Each person has unique gifts and talents. Some are gifted academically some have wonderful skills in other areas. If you have a dream follow it even if you don't have enough points.
The value of each person should never be calculated by what they have or who they are. You are of immense value because you have been created in Love by God. May we see each person as God sees us. As we read in the second reading of Sunday's Mass from Romans 11:33-36 - All that exists comes from him; all is by him and for him. To him be glory for ever! Amen.
During the week we have had four funerals so as a faith community we pray for all those who died and extend our prayerful support to the bereaved families.
On Monday we begin our new Mass schedule. Let us pray for a blessing on our Parish as we journey forward together. Every blessing and good wish for the week ahead.

New Mass schedule for St Patrick's Parish
Weekdays beginning on Monday August 28th
St Patrick's Church
Monday & Tuesday 9.30 am
St Fiacre's Church
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10.30 am
(The Rosary will be recited on Monday & Tuesday at 10.10 am in St Fiacre's followed by Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Holy Communion)
If on any particular weekday a priest is not available the morning mass will be replaced by a Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Holy Communion. 

Weekend Schedule: Commencing Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th September 2023
Saturday Vigil Mass: St Fiacre's 6.15 pm (followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation)
Sunday Masses: St Patrick's 9.30 am, St Joseph's 10.30 am, St Fiacre's 12 pm

Holy Day Schedule
Vigil Mass: St Fiacre's 6.15 pm
Holy Day: Foulkstown 10 am, St Patrick's 11 am

Shared Masses
Many of you have asked what will happen to Mass intentions and to Months Mind and Anniversary Masses that are already booked?
Once the new schedule takes effect the practice of shared Masses will be introduced. Many of our parishes have been doing this for some time now. The shared Mass combines a number intentions into a single Mass. This ensures that families will retain the date that they have booked, be able to book the date they request and have heir deceased family members name mentioned and family welcomed. Shared Masses will be available on weekdays initially and eventually only on weekends.

Meeting of Ministers
Minister of the Word, Collectors, Ministers of the Eucharist, Sacristans
A meeting for all Ministers will be held on Wednesday 6th September in the Parish Centre at 7.30 pm. There will be time of prayer and discussion on the new Mass schedule and other updates.

Baptism registration meeting
Parents who wish to register their children for Baptism in the Parish should come along to an information and registration meeting held on the first Tuesday of every month in St Patrick's Parish Centre. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th September at 7 pm.

St. Fiacre’s Well Sheastown
Novena & Mass 2023
The Novena concludes this afternoon, Sunday 27th August at 3.15pm . Followed by Mass at 3.30pm. Access to Well via Sheastown Avenue only.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Bridgeena Nolan, Ballinaboola, Wexford & formerly Danville.  Breda DeLoughry, Castle Road.  Sadie Ryan, Gallows Hill.  Jim O’Beirne, Kells Road.  Robert Falsey, Troyscourt.  Ann Williams, Loughboy. Ed Leahy, Arizona USA
Months Mind: Martin Broaders (Sun 9.30). T.J. Tallent (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Margaret & James Bambrick (Sat 6.15).   Paddy Mullen (Sun 10.00).  Tom & Mary Byrne (Sun 12.00). Monsignor Francis Pattison (Sun 12.30).  Elizabeth Carroll.  Patrick Culleton. Martin Ward. Patrick Bergin. James & Joe Delaney. Helen Power. Mary McHugh. Rebecca Cantwell.  Alice Donnelly.
Intentions for Next Weekend:  Michael ‘Muggers’ Larkin (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

St. Fiacre’s Gardens
Do you have an interest in gardening and would like to help in the garden at the Parish Centre. Contact Michelle in the Parish Office 056776 4400.

Prayer at the Heart of our City
We hope to establish a group for adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral. It would be beautiful to have a constant presence of prayer for our Diocese and world at this time. The number of days and hours of this adoration will be determined by the people involved. If you would like to be part of this group please call - 056 7721253 or email to leave your name and contact details. In a few weeks time we will hold a meeting of all involved in the hopes of establishing this gathering of prayer. With thanks. Fr Dermot (St Mary’s Cathedral)

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1235
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €599.43
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1248.31
Foulkstown Basket: €273.31
Thank you for you continued support.

St. Vincent de Paul
The Society can be contacted on 087 681 0589.

Summer Concert
St. Patrick’s Brass and Reed Band Summer Concert takes place on Thursday 31st August at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church with special guests The Hot Air Concert Band from Yorkshire, England. A greats evenings entertainment guaranteed. All are welcome.

Trip to Knock
St. Vincent de Paul trip to Knock Saturday 9th September, bus leaving Kilkenny 7.30am. Limited places. Cost €20. Contact Geoff on 087/2559820 before Friday 1st September.

Danesfort Field Day 2023
The children are set to return to school in the next few weeks, they and you, can grab one last opportunity to round off the summer holidays. There’s entertainment and much enjoyment to be had at Danesfort GAA Club on Sunday 27th August, when Danesfort Parish community holds their annual field day. It’s a family fun day where young and old can enjoy the many activities and attractions in a beautiful rural setting.

Young at Heart
The Young at Heart Club return on Wednesday 6th September from 2.30pm to 4.30pm on the Parish Centre.

Parish Centre Bookings
Contact Michelle in the Parish Office for all room rental bookings.  Phone 056 776 4400 or email

Sunday, 20th August 2023
A message from Fr. Kieran
During the week I was listening to an item on Newstalk Radio about the shortage of priests and the consequences in the not too distant future. In another forum - the annual Novena at Knock Shrine, broadcaster Sean O’ Rourke warned that the church in Ireland could become priest-less. He also spoke of the urgency of encouraging vocations to priesthood and religious life.
While this prognosis is not very cheery it does focus us on the reality of the situation. In our own parish we have to face some difficult decisions in terms of the Mass schedule now that we have only one priest in full time ministry. This weekend you will find in our churches a separate letter which I invite you to take and read. It contains details of the revised mass schedule for our Parish. These decisions are not easy to make or to take, yet they will ensure that we can invest our resources both human and pastoral in a more meaningful and productive way. Let us pray that we will encounter the presence of the Lord in all these changes and that we never forget - as we read in the second reading this weekend - God never takes back his gifts or revokes his choice.
In these days the Novena to St Fiacre is also taking place in our Parish and next Sunday the annual Mass at St Fiacre’s Well. What a lovely tradition and what a Christian heritage we have- celebrating St Fiacre who is also greatly celebrated in France. Perhaps we might explore renewing links between our Parish and our sisters and brothers in France who treasure our very own Village Saint! Kieran

St. Fiacre’s Well Sheastown
Novena & Mass 2023
Novena commences on Saturday 19th August at 8pm nightly. Concludes on Sunday 27th August at 3.15pm . Followed by Mass at 3.30pm. Access to Well via Sheastown Avenue only.

St. Fiacre’s Gardens
Do you have an interest in gardening and would like to help in the garden at the Parish Centre. Contact Michelle in the Parish Office 056776 4400.

Prayer at the Heart of our City
We hope to establish a group for adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral. It would be beautiful to have a constant presence of prayer for our Diocese and world at this time. The number of days and hours of this adoration will be determined by the people involved. If you would like to be part of this group please call - 056 7721253 or email to leave your name and contact details. In a few weeks time we will hold a meeting of all involved in the hopes of establishing this gathering of prayer. With thanks. Fr Dermot (St Mary’s Cathedral)

Bishop Séamus Freeman RIP

Bishop Niall Coll will celebrate the first anniversary Mass for Bishop Séamus Freeman, on Sunday 20th August 2023, in St Mary’s Cathedral at 5.30pm. May Bishop Seamus’s soul rest in peace.

Spirit Alive Radio Programme
Join Fr. Willie Purcell on Spirit Alive a faith based religious programme on Community Radio Kilkenny City 88.7fm on Saturday morning August 19th from 10 am to 11 am. Inspirational interviews, stories, reflections and music to inspire and encourage our faith lives. Programme podcast available on

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €980
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €586.43
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1046.32
Foulkstown Basket: €248.64
Thank you for you continued support.

We are always delighted to welcome into our Christian community, new members through the sacrament of baptism. The dates for September are as follows:
Saturday 9th Sept at 3pm in St. Fiacre’s Church. 4.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church and Sunday 10th Sept at 1.15pm in Foulkstown.
Pre - Baptism Meeting – Parents who wish to have their Child Baptised are required to attend a pre Baptism Information / Registration evening which is held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in St Patrick's
Parish Centre

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Hazel, Waterford Road. Mike Roberts, Maple Drive. Teresa Moran, Chapel Lane. Breda Whitty, Goresbridge.
Months Mind: Dermot Nolan (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Bee O’Sullivan (Sat 6.15). Christy Morrison (Sun 9.30). Fintan Wallace (Sun 10.00). Anthona & Ned Burke (Sun 12.00). Mary McCarthy (Sun 12.30). Mosco Larkin (Tues 10.30). Seamus Kelly & Noreen Tomney (Wed 9.30). Annie McKenna (Thurs 10.30). Margaret Shanahan. Joe Maher. Catherine & Michael Delaney. Mary & Edward Delaney. Patrick Ruth.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Margaret & James Bambrick (Sat 6.15). Martin Broaders (Months Mind Sun 9.30). Paddy Mullen (Sun 10.00). T.J. Tallent (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Tom & Mary Byrne (Sun 12.00). Monsignor Francis Pattison (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

‘Kindness frees us from the cruelty that at times infects human relationships, from the anxiety that prevents us from thinking of others, from the frantic flurry of activity that forgets that others also have a right to be happy. Often nowadays we find neither the time nor the energy to stop and be kind to others, to say “excuse me”, “pardon me”, “thank you”. Yet every now and then, miraculously, a kind person appears and is willing to set everything else aside in order to show interest, to give the gift of a smile, to speak a word of encouragement, to listen amid general indifference. If we make a daily effort to do exactly this, we can create a healthy social atmosphere in which misunderstandings can be overcome and conflict forestalled. Kindness ought to be cultivated; it is no superficial bourgeois virtue. Precisely because it entails esteem and respect for others, once kindness becomes a culture within society it transforms lifestyles, relationships and the ways ideas are discussed and compared. Kindness facilitates the quest for consensus; it opens new paths where hostility and conflict would burn all bridges’. (Fratelli Tutti, 224)
Pope Francis

Exhibition of Patchwork Quilts
By Irish Patchwork Society will take place in the Chapter Room of St. Mary’s Cathedral from Wednesday 16th August to Sunday 20th August from 10am to 5pm. Free Admission. Donations if desired to St. Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund.

Danesfort Field Day 2023
The children are set to return to school in the next few weeks, they and you, can grab one last opportunity to round off the summer holidays. There’s entertainment and much enjoyment to be had at Danesfort GAA Club on Sunday 27th August, when Danesfort Parish community holds their annual field day. It’s a family fun day where young and old can enjoy the many activities and attractions in a beautiful rural setting.

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound
If you wish to be visited by the Priest or have a loved one who would like a visit on a monthly basis please contact the Parish Office. As it is a private family matter a request for visitation must come directly from the sick person or a family member. Information provided by third parties about parishioners who are sick or housebound cannot be processed.

St. Vincent de Paul
The Society can be contacted on 087 681 0589.

To access letter re revised Mass times on your smartphone, scan the QR code below.

Sunday, 13th August 2023
Dear friends,
During the past week we celebrated some great Saints of the Church e.g. St Dominic, St Laurence and St Clare. This coming week we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption (15th August). Celebrating the memory of Mary the Mother of Jesus and the Saints is not just a pious exercise, we do so to remind ourselves that all of us are called to be saints, this is our vocation in the Church, this is our goal. The saints who have gone before us reassure us that with God our weakness can be transformed and all things are possible. Mary's assumption is God's final 'Yes' to her life which was a faithful Yes to God. Let all of us us try our best to say Yes each day to the Gospel and become a little bit more saintly at the same time!
Last week I greeted you for the first time as Team Leader and thank you for the warm welcome I received from you all at the various Masses - of course I still have to make the 12.30 pm Mass to say hello!
Since arriving two funerals have been celebrated in the parish and we keep in our prayers Nick and Peadar and their families. This weekend we happily celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and marriage in the Parish. Every blessing to all the families. During the week I even got an unintended tour of the 'basement' of St Patrick's Church- a rather wet basement as we sprung a leak down there! All part of the job! - You will recall that last week I outlined that some changes will be required as only one full time priest now ministers in St Patrick's. The process of how best to discern the way forward continues and next weekend we will have news for you. I think it important to point out that any project of parish renewal is not just about Mass schedules. It's not just about the priest. As we progress it is my hope that we become more 'synodal' in other words walking together more and more - ministering to one another and serving one another creating new opportunities for sharing in the life of the faith community, your faith community. Have a good week

Prayer at the Heart of our City
We hope to establish a group for adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral. It would be beautiful to have a constant presence of prayer for our Diocese and world at this time. The number of days and hours of this adoration will be determined by the people involved. If you would like to be part of this group please call - 056 7721253 or email to leave your name and contact details. In a few weeks time we will hold a meeting of all involved in the hopes of establishing this gathering of prayer. With thanks. Fr Dermot (St Mary’s Cathedral)

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
Tuesday, 15th August is the feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. This is an important solemnity in the Church and it is a holyday of obligation. Our Masses for this feast are as follows, vigil Mass Monday evening at 6.15pm. Masses on Tuesday will be 10am in Foulkstown, 11am in St. Patrick’s and 12noon in St. Fiacre’s. Please join us in honouring our Blessed Mother.

Prayer to Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven
Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we believe in your triumphant assumption into heaven where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen. We join them in praising you and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures. With them we offer you our devotion and love. We are confident that you watch over our daily efforts and needs, and we take comfort from the faith in the coming resurrection. We look to you, our life, our sweetness and our hope. After this earthly life, show us Jesus, the blest fruit of your womb, O Kind, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary. Amen.
“Taken up into heaven, Mary shows us the way to God The way to heaven, the way to life”
Pope St. John Paul II

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased:  Thomas Ashe, Boston.
Months Mind: Margaret O’Shea (Sun 12.00).
Anniversaries: Jackie Coonan (Sat 6.15). Mary Teresa Cahill (Sun 10.00). Noreen Faul. (Sun 12.30).  Michael Hurley (Wed 10.30).  Bridget Long (Thurs 10.30). Eddie & Brigid Kelly (Fri 10.30).  Liam ‘Chunky’ O’Brien (Sat 9.30).  Martin Doran. Margaret Kavanagh. Nance O’Neill. Mary Murphy. Mary Coogan.  Dick Walsh.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Bee O’Sullivan (Sat 6.15). Christy Morrison (Sun 9.30). Fintan Wallace (Sun 10.00). Dermot Nolan (Months Mind Sun 10.30).  Anthona & Ned Burke (Sun 12.00). Mary McCarthy (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Spirit Alive Radio Programme
Join Fr. Willie Purcell on Spirit Alive a faith based religious programme on Community Radio Kilkenny City 88.7fm on Saturday morning August 19th from 10 am to 11 am. Inspirational interviews, stories, reflections and music to inspire and encourage our faith lives. Programme podcast available on

St. Vincent de Paul
The Society can be contacted on 087 681 0589.

Weekly Collections  

Envelope Collection: €1180
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €455.35
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1346.88
Foulkstown Basket: €202.83
Thank you for you continued support.

St. Fiacre’s Gardens
Do you have an interest in gardening and would like to help in the garden at the Parish Centre. Contact Michelle in the Parish Office 056776 4400.

St. Fiacre’s Well Sheastown
Novena & Mass 2023
Novena commences on Saturday 19th August at 8pm nightly. Concludes on Sunday 27th August at 3.15pm . Followed by Mass at 3.30pm. Access to Well via Sheastown Avenue only.

Kilkenny Active Retirement
Meeting of Kilkenny Active Retirement on 14th Aug in the Club House Hotel to discuss upcoming events.

Bishop Séamus Freeman RIP
Bishop Niall Coll will celebrate the first anniversary Mass for Bishop Séamus Freeman, on Sunday 20th August 2023, in St Mary’s Cathedral at 5.30pm. May Bishop Seamus’s soul rest in peace.

St. John’s Parish  Pilgrimage to Knock
Join us on our Parish Pilgrimage to Knock on Monday, 21st August - the anniversary of the apparitions. Coach leaves St. John’s at 7.15am with a stop for breakfast on the way and for dinner on the return journey.
The cost is €20 per person for the coach and your place must be purchased from the Parish Office or Sacristy beforehand. Only ten tickets remain at the time of printing. A great parish and community day is in store.

Exhibition of Patchwork Quilts
By Irish Patchwork Society will take place in the Chapter Room of St. Mary’s Cathedral from Wednesday 16th August to Sunday 20th August from 10am to 5pm. Free Admission. Donations if desired to St. Mary’s Cathedral Restoration Fund.

Interested in Theology or Philosophy

Postgraduate Programmes in Theology and Philosophy at St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth. Applications will be accepted up until 14th August. For more information contact or call 01 708 3391. Visit for more details.

Sunday, 6th August 2023
A message from Fr Kieran
Although my ministry as Team Leader began officially last weekend this is my first working weekend in St Patrick’s Parish and I am delighted to be among you as we set out on a journey of walking together as sisters and brothers. Only a few days in a big thank you for your warm welcome to the Village! As Team Leader I hope to do my best, despite my limitations, to lead, encourage and support the Team that is all of you and create space for new talent to emerge giving everyone a chance to wear the jersey.
In a world which often seems to have lost the smile on its face, the Church - that is all of us- has something to offer - or more correctly Someone to offer. Christ Jesus dwells among us - our mission is to help one another recognise him in our lives each day. So from the heart of the ‘Village’ let us live our faith vibrantly as Pope Francis encourages us to do, bringing the Joy of the Gospel to all who we meet.
Beginning this new adventure together it is appropriate to pay tribute to Fr Roderick for his work over the past nineteen years and to wish him every blessing in Ferrybank and Slieverue. Thank you to Fr Peter for his ministry and we wish him a happy and healthy retirement as he remains in residence among us, available to help in any Parish when the need arises. Believe me the need will arise. The number of priests in active ministry is dwindling. For the first time St Patrick's has now only one full time priest. This means that some immediate changes will be necessary and from listening to those of you I have already met there seems to be widespread recognition of the realities and opportunities before us. On Wednesday evening the Pastoral Council and Finance Committee met to discuss the needs of the Parish and particularly the weekday and weekend schedule of Masses. The meeting had a certain energy as we attempted to discern the best way forward!
Conscious that times of change can be traumatic and the solutions proposed will not please everyone it is important that we trust that out of all this, new growth and new life will emerge. Next week end there will be more details. In the mean time have a great Bank Holiday weekend and a blessed week ahead. I look forward to listening, learning, praying, and discerning together.
P.S. At time of writing the Village are preparing to take on the warriors from Graigue Ballycallan (one of my previous postings!) On this occasion Best of luck to the Village!!
Let us pray for each other always.

Prayer at the Heart of our City
We hope to establish a group for adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral. It would be beautiful to have a constant presence of prayer for our Diocese and world at this time. The number of days and hours of this adoration will be determined by the people involved. If you would like to be part of this group please call - 056 7721253 or email to leave your name and contact details. In a few weeks time we will hold a meeting of all involved in the hopes of establishing this gathering of prayer. With thanks. Fr Dermot (St Mary’s Cathedral)

St. Vincent de Paul
The Society can be contacted on 087 681 0589.

Bank Holiday
There will be no 11am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church this Bank Holiday Monday. Funeral Mass at 12 noon for Peadar Malone.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1755
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €323.62
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1692.82
Foulkstown Basket: €258.09
Thank you for you continued support.

Kilkenny Active Retirement
Meeting of Kilkenny Active Retirement on 14th Aug in the Club House Hotel to discuss upcoming events.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Peadar Malone, Larchfield. P.J .Hennessy, Bennettsbridge Road. Fiona Hayden. Michael Kinsella, Larchfield.
Months Mind: Patrick Hally (Sun 10.30). Marianne Fitzpatrick (Sun 12.00)
Anniversaries: Phil O’Neill (Sun 10.00). Ken Coogan (Sun 12.30). Nell Mullally (Tues 10.30). Ellen McEvoy (Thurs 10.30). Paddy Murray (Fri 9.30). Michael Dowling (Fri 10.30). Maurice & Margaret Maher. Sean Fitzpatrick. Ann Kenny. Clare Mahon. Liam O’Brien. Rita Thompson. Mary Millea. Margaret Cantwell. Patrick Dorney Jr. Jimmy Moore.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Jackie Coonan (Sat 6.15). Margaret O’Shea (Months Mind 12.00). Noreen Faul. (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 festival. It takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place go to

Mary’s Meals – Walk to Knock
Mary’s Meals, named in honour of Our Lady, feeds 2,429,182 children in 18 countries every day at their schools, using local produce. It costs just €22 to feed a child for a year, and administrative costs are kept to a minimum at 7 cent in the Euro. Starting on Monday 7th August, Irish volunteers will begin to walk to Knock, from a number of starting points around the country, and they are all due to arrive in Knock on 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption. Two volunteers will begin from Kilkenny via Castlecomer. To learn about the history of Mary’s Meals visit the Irish website Collectors in bright blue t-shirts will be in Kilkenny and Castlecomer on Monday and we would appreciate any contribution that you can spare. If you are interested in organising or helping in a fund raising event the Kilkenny contact is Phone 089 46 29 238.

We are told that Jesus took three disciples up a high mountain where they could be alone. Already there’s an intimation of mystery. When we enter a church, whether for Mass or otherwise, we enter a place of mystery, wrapped in it as if in a blanket. The Poet William Wordsworth, in his long poem The Prelude spoke of such a mysterious experience when he crossed the Alps. God seems overwhelmingly present at certain vantage points in nature. A kind of rapture in a horizon beyond our knowing. We need to be touched by such moments as we go through life.
“This is my Son, the Beloved…Listen to him!” Talking comes to us more easily than listening despite that we have two ears and only one tongue! And Bob Dylan asked “How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? The experts say there’s a difference between hearing and listening: hearing informs, listening transforms. How keenly do we listen to the cry of those who are in need of help? While sacred scripture doesn’t distinguish between hearing and listening we can be sure that ’listening’ is meant whenever we are told in the bible to hear God’s word. Jesus came from God to transform us by his message. Listening involves mind, heart and conscience, and has a way of making us stop and think. How often have we allowed the cry of the poor to change us?
Fr. Joe Walsh

Interested in Theology or Philosophy
Postgraduate Programmes in Theology and Philosophy at St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth. Applications will be accepted up until 14th August. For more information contact or call 01 708 3391. Visit for more details.

Sunday, 30th July 2023
Fr. Roderick’s Farewell
It is with a deep sense of sadness that I take my leave of St. Patrick’s Parish this weekend. As I do, I want to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all of you, for your open welcome to me 19 years ago and for your support and prayers down through the years. It was with a sense of trepidation that I began my ministry here in the summer of 2004. But in the intervening years with your support, prayer and faith, I have indeed loved my time here working amongst you. It has been more than I could have ever deserved or expected. It has been enriching and uplifting and I know that it did not just make me a better priest but much more importantly a better person and Christian too. I thank you for that. If you have received from my time with you, half of what I have received from all of you, then we will indeed be better and richer for the experience of the past 19 years. I thank you for allowing me into your lives and for allowing me to walk with you during the most sacred times of your lives – the happy and joyful occasions but also during the more challenging and difficult times too. I hope that in some small way my time with you has empowered you and allowed you to know that you are an important part of the wonderful Parish of St. Patrick’s. I want to also thank all of the various people/committees I was involved with down through the years, Readers, Eucharistic Minister, Church cleaners, gardeners, sacristans, religious sisters, volunteers & schools. A special word of thanks to Doreen Griffin and the Parish Pastoral Council for all of their help and support over the years. Thank you to all of the Parish Centre Volunteers, to Donal Cadogan and the Finance Committee for their ongoing support, to Rita Byrne and her team. Thank you to Michelle O’Connor, Parish Secretary (amongst other things) and my right-hand woman. Michelle’s support and friendship has been invaluable. And of course, to Ena McEntee who looked after me so well over the years. Thank you, Ena. Saying goodbye in never easy. Though it is difficult, I take comfort in trusting in God and in knowing that he is always with us especially in the more difficult part of the journey. Part of you will go with me and part of me will stay with you. Keep me in your prayers as I will keep you in mine. Thank you all and God bless. Fr. Roderick

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €755
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €507.28
€St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1308.56
Foulkstown Basket: €244.34
Thank you for you continued support.

Welcome, Fr. Kieran
We extend a warm St. Patrick’s Parish welcome to Fr. Kieran O’Shea who becomes Team Leader in our parish this week. We wish him well and look forward to working with him. We ask you to keep him your payers.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted at 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attention into the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support.

Happy Retirement Mary
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the sacristan of St. Patrick’s Church, Mary Cashin who this weekend retires. We thank her for all of her work and dedication to the people of St. Patrick’s Church. We wish Mary well in her retirement.
Ad multus annos

Diocesan Draw Results
1st: Fr. Noel Maher, Aghaboe. 2nd: Paddy Delaney, Borris-in-Ossory. 3rd: Anne O’Sullivan, Rosbercon. 4th: Margaret Murphy, Muckalee. 5th: Ann Cullen, St. Mary’s. 6th: Eugene Dillon, Castlecomer. 7th: Barbara Piert, St. Mary’s. 8th: Gabrielle Treacy, Ballyhale. 9th: Neil Lyng, Inistioge. 10th: Philip O’Halloran, St. Canice’s.
The next draw will take place on Wednesday 30th August. Contact the Parish Office to join.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Martin Broaders, Westfield/Wexford. Michéal Slattery, Birmingham.
Months Mind: Geraldine Heffernan (Sat 6.15).
Anniversaries: Patricia Barrett (Sat 6.15). Michéal Brennan (Sun 10.00). Ted Woodgate (Sun 10.30). Mary & Denis Foley (Sun 12.00). Edel Peters (Sun 12.30). Michael Cantwell (Tues 10.30). Annie Lennon (Wed 9.30). Mary Dwyer (Wed 10.30). Michael Herlihy (Thurs 10.30). Patricia Dinneen (Fri 9.30). Kathleen Fogarty (Fri 10.30). Mick & Maura Coonan. Tommy McGuire. Seamus & Josie Murray. Eleanor Loscher. Sean Phelan. Billy & Jimmy Bourke. Nancy Larkin. Davey, Jim & Peggy Gaffney. Michael Walsh. Teresa Irving.
Birthday Remembrance: Patricia & Peadar Barrett (Sat 6.15).
Intentions for Next Weekend: Aileen Kelly (Sat 6.15). Patrick Hally (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Marianne Fitzpatrick (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Ken Coogan (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

Interested in Theology or Philosophy
Postgraduate Programmes in Theology and Philosophy at St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth. Applications will be accepted up until 14th August. For more information contact or call 01 708 3391. Visit for more details.

Hidden Treasure
The three short parables in today’s Gospel - comparing the kingdom of heave to treasure, a pearl and a fishing net - are unique to Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus wants to show the disciples, and us, that the Kingdom of God is precious - so precious that its discovery requires us to put aside everything else in order to immerse ourselves wholeheartedly in it. We are called to set aside all self-interest, judgement, all our certainties and live the kingdom values of humility, openness and compassion. Jesus emphasises that ‘kingdom people’ “bring out of their treasure what is new and what is old”. This would have resonated with Matthew’s community, a mix of Jews and Gentiles who were discerning the parameters of this ‘new’ movement.
Perhaps the fishing parable, the last in this series of parables, holds the key. It echoes the tone of the parable of the weeds among the wheat - everything is gathered in, a variety, “good” and “bad” alive. As he addresses his disciples, Jesus is aware that they are not perfect. Like us all, they have flaws and weaknesses. Yet we are called to this wide-open vision of Jesus, where all are gathered and none are excluded, and the hidden treasures of the kingdom are revealed. The diversity of this gathering is seen in Jesus’ outreach to all those considered ‘outside’, sinners and tax collectors, Roman Centurions, lepers, traitors and deniers. All are gathered. Today may we look at our own communities and reflect on who is welcome, who is ‘invited’.
Jane Mellett & Triona Doherty, The Deep End - A Journey through the Sunda Gospels in the Year of Matthew, Messenger Publications, Dublin 2022

The National Charity for Deafness & Hearing Loss
If you find it hard to hear or use a hearing aid, come along to our free, confidential support service about all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. We’ll have information and resources, tinnitus advice, assistive technologies, minor repairs and hearing aid batteries for only €2. Drop in and visit us in our outreach clinic which takes place in St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy on the third Wednesday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Contact Patrick Buckley on 086 788 9746 or Brian Doyle on 086 608 9096.

Designer Minds

Designer Minds have 2 upcoming Summer Camps running in Kilkenny. Choose a Science Design & Technology Camp OR Art Camp (or try out both and receive a discount). For all boys & girls currently in Senior Infants up to 6th Class. Check Dates and Register online at or call 087 631 0411.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the  Youth 2000 festival. It takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place go to

Kilkenny Active Retirement
Meeting of Kilkenny Active Retirement on 14th Aug in the Club House Hotel to discuss upcoming events.

Sunday, 23rd July 2023
Best of Luck, Fr. Roderick
After 19 years, we as a parish have to say goodbye and best of luck to Fr. Roderick as he takes up his new appointment as Parish Priest of Ferrybank and Slieverue Parishes. To say that he will be missed is an understatement. We want to say thank you to Fr. Roderick for his dedication to the people of St. Patrick’s Parish over the past 19 years. We wish him well and will pray for him in his new ministry. Fr. Roderick will say his last Mass as administrator in St. Patrick’s Parish on Sunday 30th July at 12 noon in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome to attend and join us for refreshments in the Parish Centre afterwards

Foulkstown Cemetery Mass
The annual Cemetery Mass at Foulkstown will be celebrated on Thursday, 27th July at 7.30pm. It’s time to pay special attention to family graves to have them looking well for the Cemetery Celebration. We appeal to those who have time and energy to care for the adjacent graves of those with elderly or no living relatives.
Those who attend regularly will appreciate the need to arrive early as heavy traffic in the area causes delays for Mass goers. We ask that you obey the directions and instructions given by the Gardai and stewards.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The society can be contacted at 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attention into the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support.

Dates for your diary
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass - Thurs, 27th July 7.30pm.
St. Fiacre’s Well Mass, Sheastown - Sun 27th August, 3.30pm

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1065
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €780.23
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €142.87
Foulkstown Basket: €29168
Thank you for you continued support.

Kilkenny Active Retirement
Meeting of kilkenny Active Retirement on 14th Aug in the Club House Hotel to discuss upcoming events.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John Broaders. Westfield/Wexford. TJ Tallent Grovine.
Months Mind: Florrie Nolan (Sun 12.00). Margaret Fleming (Fri 10.30).
Anniversaries: John Power (Sat 6.15). Hugh McCorry (Sun 9.30). Eileen Glennon (Sun 10.00). Frank Dullard (Sun 10.30). Joe Cody (Sun 12.30). Richard Fleming (Fri 10.30). Ned Junior Larkin. Kitty Larkin.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Patricia Barrett (Sat 6.15). Geraldine Heffernan (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Michéal Brennan (Sun 10.00). Ted Woodgate (Sun 10.30). Mary & Denis Foley (Sun 12.00). Edel Peters (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

The National Charity for Deafness & Hearing Loss
If you find it hard to hear or use a hearing aid, come along to our free, confidential support service about all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. We’ll have information and resources, tinnitus advice, assistive technologies, minor repairs and hearing aid batteries for only €2. Drop in and visit us in our outreach clinic which takes place in St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy on the third Wednesday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Contact Patrick Buckley on 086 788 9746 or Brian Doyle on 086 608 9096.

Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Sunday 23d July 2023.
Schedule of Ceremonies
2.00pm - Rosary
2.30pm - Anointing of the Sick at Knock Basilica. 3.00pm - Concelebrated Mass at Knock Basilica followed by Benediction and Rosary Procession.
Explore Knock Shrine: Exposition in Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Self-guided audio tours available. Guided Prayer Sessions in the Prayer Centre. 100 acres of landscaped gardens to explore, resources to enrich and inspire at Knock Bookshop.
For further info see Tel: 094 938 8100.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

The Priory Institute
Two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14th to 28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and tow on line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. Find out more and register at

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

Designer Minds
Designer Minds have 2 upcoming Summer Camps running in Kilkenny. Choose a Science Design & Technology Camp OR Art Camp (or try out both and receive a discount). For all boys & girls currently in Senior Infants up to 6th Class. Check Dates and Register online at or call 087 631 0411.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 festival. It takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place go to

Annual Camino Walk.
On Sunday July 30th at 2.30 pm the annual Camino walk will take place in Jenkinstown Park. The walk will start in the carpark of Jenkinstown Church and will stop at different points to remember the themes and pointers of the Santiago de Compostela walk. Pilgrim reflections and thoughts from Santiago will be read and a stop at St. Colman’s well will be part of the annual walk. This years walk will coincide with the Camino gathering in the Cathedral of Santiago De Compostela. Blessed medals from Santiago will be given to each walker.

Rosary at St Jame’s Green
Rosary will be recited on Thursday 27th July in St Jame’s Green at 6.30 pm. It is for pro-life. All welcome.

All Ireland Final
Congratulations to Derek Lyng and the Kilkenny hurlers on reaching the All Ireland Final. Congratulations especially to the players from the James Stephens club who also represent our club and parish. We are proud of you all and we wish you the best of luck in Sunday’s final. you are travelling up for the match on Sunday we hope that you will enjoy the match and that you will travel to and from the match in safety.

Sunday, 16th July 2023
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass
The annual Cemetery Mass at Foulkstown will be celebrated on Thursday, 27th July at 7.30pm. It’s time to pay special attention to family graves to have them looking well for the Cemetery Celebration. We appeal to those who have time and energy to care for the adjacent graves of those with elderly or no living relatives.
Those who attend regularly will appreciate the need to arrive early as heavy traffic in the area causes delays for Mass goers. We ask that you obey the directions and instructions given by the Gardai and stewards.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted at 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attention into the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support.
Dates for your diary
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass - Thurs, 27th July 7.30pm.
St. Fiacre’s Well Mass, Sheastown - Sun 27th August, 3pm.
Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1137.10
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €655.37
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1,121.99
Foulkstown Basket: €253.73
Thank you for you continued support.
Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions. Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.
Mass Cards
Individual & Shared Mass cards signed by the priests of the Parish are available at the Parish Centre. The shared Mass is offered every Thursday at St. Patrick’s Church at 9.30am. If you have purchased one of these intention cards, why not join us for the Mass as well? Individual Masses are offered by Aid to the Church in Need.
Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Dermot Nolan Danville. Lynda Mahony Castle Hill/Maple Drive. Margaret O’Shea Asheigh Court. Mary Phillips England.
Months Mind: Paul Mulcahy (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). Denis Treacy & Avril Ryan (Sun 9.30). Billy Pollard (Sun 10.00). Liam Brennan (Sun 12.00). Anna Murphy (Sun 12.30). Gerard Doheny (Mon 9.30). John Kennedy (Wed 9.30). Pat Murray (Thurs 10.30). Liam Carroll (Fri 10.30). Peg Hickey. Neville Mullally. Patricia Wiltshire.
Intentions for Next Weekend: John Power (Sat 6.15). Hugh McCorry (Sun 9.30). Eileen Glennon (Sun 10.00). Frank Dullard (Sun 10.30). Florrie Nolan (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Joe Cody (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.
Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Sunday 23d July 2023.
Schedule of Ceremonies
2.00pm - Rosary
2.30pm - Anointing of the Sick at Knock Basilica. 3.00pm - Concelebrated Mass at Knock Basilica followed by Benediction and Rosary Procession.
Explore Knock Shrine: Exposition in Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Self-guided audio tours available. Guided Prayer Sessions in the Prayer Centre. 100 acres of landscaped gardens to explore, resources to enrich and inspire at Knock Bookshop.
For further info see Tel: 094 938 8100.
We are always delighted to welcome into our Christian community, new members through the sacrament of baptism. Because of the high volume of those being baptised we try as far as possible to follow the time table below for baptisms in our parish.
St. Patrick’s Church on the 2nd Saturday (4.30pm) and 3rd Sunday (1.15pm) of each month and the 4th Saturday (4.30pm) of each month in St. Fiacre’s Church. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to book a baptism.
Best of Luck, Fr. Roderick
After 19 years, we as a parish have to say goodbye and best of luck to Fr. Roderick as he takes up his new appointment as Parish Priest of Ferrybank and Slieverue Parishes. To say that he will be missed is an understatement. We want to say thank you to Fr. Roderick for his dedication to the people of St. Patrick’s Parish over the past 19 years. We wish him well and will pray for him in his new ministry. Fr. Roderick will say his last Mass as administrator in St. Patrick’s Parish on Sunday 30th July at 12 noon in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome to attend and join us for refreshments in the Parish Centre afterwards.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email
The Priory Institute
Two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14th to 28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and tow on line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. Find out more and register at
Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 festival. It takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place go to
Our Lady’s Island
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society are travelling to Our Lady’s Island, Wexford on Sunday 23rd July 2023. Bus leaving St. Fiacre’s Church at 11.30am €15 each. Contact Marion 086 069 3510.
Designer Minds
Designer Minds have 2 upcoming Summer Camps running in Kilkenny. Choose a Science Design & Technology Camp OR Art Camp (or try out both and receive a discount). For all boys & girls currently in Senior Infants up to 6th Class. Check Dates and Register online at or call 087 631 0411.
The National Charity for Deafness & Hearing Loss
If you find it hard to hear or use a hearing aid, come along to our free, confidential support service about all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. We’ll have information and resources, tinnitus advice, assistive technologies, minor repairs and hearing aid batteries for only €2. Drop in and visit us in our outreach clinic which takes place in St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy on the third Wednesday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Contact Patrick Buckley on 086 788 9746 or Brian Doyle on 086 608 9096.

Fundraising Contert
Ronan Mac Sodh Bhui, a former presenter with Radio na Gaeltachta hs been striken with colon cancer for which there is no treatment available in Ireland, necessitating going abroad for treatment. A group of local musicians are giving of their services, free gratis, for a fundraising concert in The Set Theatre, John Street. Please use this link to support this worthy cause.

Sunday, 9th July 2023
In the Ordinary
Come to a quiet place, a place so quiet that you can hear the grass grow. Run your fingers though the softness of the its petals, and listen: listen to the earth, the warm earth, the life pulse of us all. Rest your body against its warmth; feel its greatness, the pulse and throb, the foundation of the world. Look up into the sky, the all-bracing sky, the canopy of heaven. How small we really are: specks in the greatness but still a part of it all. We grow from the earth and find our own place.

I see the beauty of your Grace
“I see the beauty of your grace, I contemplate its radiance, I reflect in its light; I am caught up in its unspeakable splendour; I am taken outside myself as I think of myself; I see how I was and what I have become. O what wonder! I am vigilant, I am full of respect for myself, of reverence and of fear, I do not know here to sit, where to go, where to put these arms and legs which are yours; in what deeds, in what works shall I use them, these amazing divine marvels. Grant me to speak, and also to do what I say, O my Maker, my Creator God!” Hymns, II, verses 19-27

The National Charity for Deafness & Hearing Loss
If you find it hard to hear or use a hearing aid, come along to our free, confidential support service about all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. We’ll have information and resources, tinnitus advice, assistive technologies, minor repairs and hearing aid batteries for only €2. Drop in and visit us in our outreach clinic which takes place in St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy on the third Wednesday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Contact Patrick Buckley on 086 788 9746 or Brian Doyle on 086 608 9096.

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Lynda Mahony, Castle Hill & Maple Drive.
 Months Mind: Mairead Minnock (Sun 12.00).   Seamus Rafter (Mon 7pm).
Anniversaries: Mick & Teresa Howe (Sat 6.15). Richard ‘Coly’ Dunne (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Beasie Marrinan (Sun 10.30).  Deceased Residents of Dukesmeadows (Sun 12.00). Paddy Boyd (Sun 12.30). Bill & Gretta Delaney (Tues 9.30). Marie & Ann Marie Manogue (Tues 10.30). John & Annie Malone (Fri 9.30). Catherine Dowling. Catherine and Malachy Smith. Felix Campbell. Bridget Ward. Bridie Walsh. Christopher, Bridget & Pat Murray. David Gaffney. Sean Hennessy.  Kathleen & Margaret Doran. Aileen Kelly.  Mary & Thomas Fry.
Intentions for Next Weekend:  Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). Denis Treacy & Avril Ryan (Sun 9.30). Billy Pollard (Sun 10.00). Paul Mulcahy (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Liam Brennan (Sun 12.00). Anna Murphy (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1620
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €517.80
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €924.66
Foulkstown Basket: €295.73
Thank you for you continued support.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more.  A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

Best of Luck, Fr. Roderick
After 19 years, we as a parish have to say goodbye and best of luck to Fr. Roderick as he takes up his new appointment as Parish Priest of Ferrybank and Slieverue Parishes at the end of July. To say that he will be missed is an understatement. We want to say thank you to Fr. Roderick for his dedication to the people of St. Patrick’s Parish over the past 19 years. We wish him well and will pray for him in his new ministry. Fr. Roderick will say his last weekend Mass as administrator in St. Patrick’s Parish on Sunday 30th July at 12 noon in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome to attend and join us for refreshments in the Parish Centre afterwards.

Designer Minds
Designer Minds have 2 upcoming Summer Camps running in Kilkenny. Choose a Science Design & Technology Camp OR Art Camp (or try out both and receive a discount). For all boys & girls currently in Senior Infants up to 6th Class. Check Dates and Register online at or call 087 631 0411.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 festival. It takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place go to

Our Lady’s Island
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society are travelling to Our Lady’s Island, Wexford on Sunday 23rd July 2023. Bus leaving St. Fiacre’s Church at 11.30am €15 each. Contact Marion 086 069 3510.

Coffee Morning
Irish Guide Dogs Coffee Morning will take place in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Friday 14th July 10am - 12pm. In Memory of Owen O'Neill.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted at 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attention into the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support.

A Night for Aoife Cahill
On the 18th of November last a young girl, Aoife Cahill suffered life changing injuries following a tragic road accident. A cabaret, with music by Eoghan Bergin will be held in Conahy Shamrocks GAA club next Friday night the 14th July which will allow the local community the opportunity to give support to Aoife as she continues on her road of recovery and rehabilitation. This will be a no ticket event. Donations will be taken on the door or to any Conahy GAA committee member or on

Nano Physiotherapy Home Visit Service
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists.
Whether pain, poor mobility, a particular health condition or general inactivity is holding you back, we will get you back on track. €70. We develop an individualised plan that suits your needs. Ask us how to claim money back on our fees. Take a positive step towards a better life. Book online or get in touch. 083 178 6554. or

G’wan the Cats!!!
Best of luck to the Kilkenny Senior Hurling panel who take on Clare in the All-Ireland Senior Hurling Semi Final in Croke Park this afternoon. Throw in at 4pm.

Medjugorje Mass
The monthly Medjugorje Mass takes place on Monday evening 10th July at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Sunday, 2nd July 2023
Missionaries with Warm Hearts
“Unless we train ministers capable of warming hearts, of walking with people in the night, of dialoguing with their hopes and disappointments, of mending their brokenness, what hope can we have for our present and future journey? It isn’t true that God’s presence has been dimmed in them. Let us learn to look at things more deeply. What is missing is someone to warm their hearts”.
Pope Francis, 28th July 2013.

Envy Kills Us
According to a Greek legend a certain man took part in the Olympic games & while he ran well, came second. The winner was encompassed with praise and adulation; later a statue was erected in his honour. Envy began to eat way at the man who had come second and he so resented the winner that he could think of little else. The statue stood like a monument to his failure. Eventually he decided to destroy the statue of the winner. Night after night he went to the statue under the cover of darkness and tore away at the base to weaken the foundations. One night as he chiselled in violent anger he went too far. The heavy marble statue tethered on its base and came crashing down on the disgruntled athlete. He died beneath the weight of the marble replica of the man he had grown to hate. It was his own envy that destroyed him. It is any wonder that envy was always considered of the seven deadly sins!
Fr. Jim Cogley

St. Mary’s Restoration Draw Results
1st: Liam & Margaret Byrne, Tullaroan. 2nd: Tom Morkan, St. Canice’s. 3rd: John & Margaret Power Callan. 4th: St. Mary’s Goodwill Club, St. Mary’s. 5th: Donie O’Neill, Castlecomer. 6th: Jimmy Hayde, Lisdowney. 7th: Declan Meighan, St. Mary’s. 8th: David Molloy, Tullaherin. 9th: Sean & Maureen Mansfield, Clogh. 10th: Teresa Maher, Durrow. The next draw will take place on Thursday, 26th July.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted at 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attention into the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Marianne Fitzpatrick, Noremount. Geraldine Heffernan, Cedarwood Avenue.  Eileen (Ina) Murtagh nee Walsh, Troyscourt/Threecastles, Co. Kilkenny.  Bridget Dunne, Kennyswell Road, Kilkenny.
Months Mind: Josie Rice (Sat 6.15). Elizabeth Canny.
Anniversaries: Tony Canny (Sun 9.30). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Michael Ruth (Sun 10.30). Miriam O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30).  Eddie Grimes. Teresa Hickey. Brigid Whelan. Gabriel ‘Gay’ Doran Sr.   Ann Comerford.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Mick & Teresa Howe (Sat 6.15). Richard ‘Coly’ Dunne (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Beasie Marrinan (Sun 10.30). Deceased Residents of Dukesmeadows (Sun 12.00). Paddy Boyd (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Dates for your diary
Cuffesgrange Cemetery Mass - Thurs 6th, July 8pm.
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass - Thurs, 27th July 7.30pm.
St. Fiacre’s Well Mass, Sheastown - Sun 27th August, 3pm.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1010
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €744.53
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1185.76
Foulkstown Basket: €435.44
Thank you for you continued support.

The National Charity for Deafness & Hearing Loss
If you find it hard to hear or use a hearing aid, come along to our free, confidential support service about all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. We’ll have information and resources, tinnitus advice, assistive technologies, minor repairs and hearing aid batteries for only €2. Drop in and visit us in our outreach clinic which takes place in St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy on the third Wednesday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Contact Patrick Buckley on 086 788 9746 or Brian Doyle on 086 608 9096.

Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Sunday 23d July 2023.
Schedule of Ceremonies
2.00pm - Rosary
2.30pm - Anointing of the Sick at Knock Basilica. 3.00pm - Concelebrated Mass at Knock Basilica followed by Benediction and Rosary Procession.
Explore Knock Shrine: Exposition in Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Self-guided audio tours available. Guided Prayer Sessions in the Prayer Centre. 100 acres of landscaped gardens to explore, resources to enrich and inspire at Knock Bookshop.
For further info see Tel: 094 938 8100.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

The Priory Institute
Two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14th to 28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and tow on line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. Find out more and register at

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

South Kilkenny Historical Society
on July 9th, for The annual climb of Tory Hill takes place on Fraochan Sunday, July 9th. Michael Fortune of will give a talk, on the summit of the hill, on the traditions associated with Fraochan Sunday at 2pm. Climbing/walking to the summit takes, on average, one hour. The society would like to thank Kilkenny County Council for financial assistance received for this event, under the Community Events Grants Scheme 2023.

Scam Calls & Scam Texts
Join us in the City Library next Tuesday 4th July at 11.30am for an information session with Garda Aidan Fitzpatrick. Topics covered will be – How to protect yourself from scam calls and texts – Burglary prevention tips and any questions you may have. Refreshments provided. All are welcome.

Designer Minds
Designer Minds have 2 upcoming Summer Camps running in Kilkenny. Choose a Science Design & Technology Camp OR Art Camp (or try out both and receive a discount). For all boys & girls currently in Senior Infants up to 6th Class. Check Dates and Register online at or call 087 631 0411.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
Join young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 festival. It takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare from Thursday 10th August to Sunday 13th August 2023. Donation only and we have buses going from all over Ireland. For more information and to book your place go to

Sunday, 25th June 2023
Clerical Changes in the Diocese of Ossory
Bishop Niall Coll has announced the following clerical appointments for the Diocese of Ossory which are to come into effect on Saturday, 29th July 2023.
Very Rev. Daniel Carroll, Team Leader, St. John’s Parish, Kilkenny is to be in addition Vicar General.
Rev. Thomas Norris, C.C., St. Canice’s Parish to retire and reside in Thomastown Parish.
Very Rev. Peter Muldowney, Team Member, St. Patrick’s Parish Kilkenny to retire and to be available to assist in Parishes as needed.
Rt. Rev. Mgr Michael Ryan PP, Castlecomer Parish to retire and reside in St. John’s Presbytery.
Very Rev. Richard Scriven Adm. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, is appointed PP of Castlecomer Parish and Adm. of Clogh Parish.
Very Dr. Dermot Ryan, President of St. Kieran’s College is to be in addition Adm. of St. Mary’s Cathedral and is to reside in the Cathedral Parochial House.
Very Rev. Kieran O’Shea PP Ferrybank and Slieverue Parishes is appointed team leader of St. Patrick’s Parish.
Very Rev. Roderick Whearty, Team Leader of St. Patrick’s Parish is appointed PP of Ferrybank and Slieverue Parishes.
Very Rev. William Hennessy Adm. Conahy Parish is appointed PP of Conahy Parish.
Very. Rev. Brian Griffin Adm. of Camross and Castletown Parishes is appointed PP of Camross and Castletown Parishes and also as Diocesan Director of Ecumenism.
Very Rev. Mark Condon PP, Danesfort Parish to remain in that role and is appointed Diocesan Vocations Director.
Please keep in your prayers those priests who are involved in these appointments and the people and parishes where they will serve

Cleaners Needed
Do you have an hour or so free every week to help clean St. Patrick’s Church. If you can help, please contact the sacristan in St. Patrick’s or the Parish Office on 056 776 4400. Many thanks in advance.

Flowers for the Altar
Donations of flowers (from your garden) would be gladly accepted in St. Fiacre’s Church. A bucket of water will be left just outside the sacristy door every Thursday for anyone who would like donate.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted at 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attention into the Parish Office.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Florrie Nolan, Larchfield. Margaret Fleming, Springmount, Waterford Road. Eoin Starr, Drakelands Middle. Noel Burke, Liverpool formerly Michael St & Dublin Road.
Months Mind: Lizzie Fogarty (Sun 10.00).
Anniversaries: Dick Martin (Sat 6.15). Margaret & John McCarthy (Sun 9.30). Enda Cantwell (Sun 10.00). Margaret Ryan (Sun 10.30). Billy O’Sullivan (Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Sun 12.30). Mark Burke (Mon 9.30). Michael Larkin. Mary Hayes. John & Kitty Cleere & their sons, Paddy, Billy & Ger Cleere. Sharon Galvin. Richard Dunne. Joe Heffernan. Bridie Conroy.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Josie Rice (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Tony Canny (Sun 9.30). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Michael Ruth (Sun 10.30). Miriam O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Dates for your diary
Danesfort Cemetery Mass - Thurs, 29th June 8pm
St. Kieran’s Cemetery Mass - Fri, 30th June 7.30pm
Cuffesgrange Cemetery Mass - Thurs 6th July 8pm.
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass - Thurs, 27th July 7.30pm.
St. Fiacre’s Well Mass, Sheastown - Sun 27th August, 3pm.

Notices for Parish Newsletter
Please have all notices for the newsletter submitted to the parish office by Thursday 12noon. The newsletter is complied and printed on Friday mornings. Any items submitted later than 12noon on Thursdays will be included the following week, space permitting.

Mass Cards
Individual & Shared Mass cards signed by the priests of the Parish are available at the Parish Centre. The shared Mass is offered every Thursday at St. Patrick’s Church at 9.30am. If you have purchased one of these intention cards, why not join us for the Mass as well? Individual Masses are offered by Aid to the Church in Need.

Peter’s Pence Collection
The second collection this weekend will be the annual Peter’s Pence collection. Your contributions will be forward to the Vatican for the Pope’s charities around the world.

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1170
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €687.15
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €953.06
Foulkstown Basket: €313.19
Thank you for you continued support.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

Safeguarding Children
If you or anyone you know has a child protection concern or wishes to report an allegation of child abuse in relation to any member of Church personnel directly to Church authorities, please contact either of the Diocesan Delegated persons: Geraldine Butler: 087 1000232. Lil Meagher: 087 1000239. Alternatively you can report to the statutory authorities: Kilkenny Gardaí on 056 777 5042 or TUSLA—Child & Family Agency 1800 234 115 The Ossory Diocesan Policy on Safeguarding Children is available on

The Priory Institute
Two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14th to 28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and two on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. Find out more and register at

Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Sunday 23d July 2023.
Schedule of Ceremonies
2.00pm - Rosary
2.30pm - Anointing of the Sick at Knock Basilica. 3.00pm - Concelebrated Mass at Knock Basilica followed by Benediction and Rosary Procession.
Explore Knock Shrine: Exposition in Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Self-guided audio tours available. Guided Prayer Sessions in the Prayer Centre. 100 acres of landscaped gardens to explore, resources to enrich and inspire at Knock Bookshop.
For further info see Tel: 094 938 8100.

July 1st Pro-life Rally Dublin 2023
A bus will leave at 9.30am outside Loughboy Shopping Centre Kilkenny. This is an important rally as TD's debate the 3-day waiting limit, TD's also recently supported a new abortion bill that is seeking 6-month abortion on demand for any reason. To book your seat (€20 hopefully), contact Ron 0866696632.

Rosary at St. James’ Green
The Rosary will be recited at St. James Green Statue on Thursday 29th of June at 6.30PM. It will be offered for Pro-Life .

Sunday, 18th June 2023
Come, Stay, Go
‘Come, stay, go’ - three small words that capture the Gospel this weekend and indeed the whole Christian life. First, ‘Come’ - ‘Come and follow me’; ‘Come to me’; Come and See’. God calls us out of ourselves to a new space and to a new challenge. Our lives are not about us but about God’s purposes for us. Faith is taking the risk to respond to where his call leads us. Second, ‘Stay’ - stay with him and be with him. Be with Jesus who welcomes us, feeds us, forgives us, heals us and teaches us to become better, like himself. Finally, ‘Go’ - this is what he says to us when he sends us on mission. He sends us to the people and places he wants. He sends us to do the work he created us to do and to give the witness that invites others to believe in him. Come, stay and go - the whole Christian life moves within these three pillars.
Fr. Billy Swan.

A Prayer for Exam Students
Lord, I come before you in need.
Exams are approaching and I am worried.
Give me courage to face the coming weeks.
Concentrate my mind on my studies
Help me to use my time well.
May I work hard, but also rest and relax a little.
During each exam, may what I have studied appear on the paper.
May I read each question carefully, identify what is asked, and answer well.
When the results come, may I be satisfied that I did my best.
May whatever path I choose in life
bring me happiness
and give me opportunities to better the world. Amen.

Cleaners Needed
Do you have an hour or so free every week to help clean St. Patrick’s Church. If you can help, please contact the sacristan in St. Patrick’s or the Parish Office on 056 776 4400. Many thanks in advance.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Patrick Hally, Larchfield. Paul Hayes, Donabate, Dublin. Pat Saunders, Ballyragget.
Anniversaries: John Kenny (Sat 6.15). Jonathan Barry (Sun 12.30). Paul Ryan (Tues 9.30). Agnes Condon (Tues 10.30). Eileen O’Keeffe (Wed 10.30). Annie Saunders (Thurs 10.30). Thomas Sinnott (Fri 9.30). Sr. Margaret Murphy (Fri 10.30). Murt Flanagan (Sat 9.30). Eileen Brett. Marian & Andy Egan. Judy Moore. John Costigan. Des Manning. Mary, Michael, Paddy & Anna Bowe. Bill & Josie O’Neill. Kathy Purcell. Bridie O’Neill. Nicky Dullard. Liam Drohan. Keith Flemming.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Dick Martin (Sat 6.15). Margaret & John McCarthy (Sun 9.30) Enda Cantwell (Anniv) & Lizzie Fogarty (Months Mind) (Sun 10.00). Margaret Ryan (Sun 10.30). Billy O’Sullivan (Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Dates for your diary
Danesfort Cemetery Mass - Thursday, 29th June 8pm
St. Kieran’s Cemetery Mass - Friday, 30th June 7.30pm
Cuffesgrange Cemetery Mass - Thursday 6th July 8pm.
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass- Thursday, 27th July 7.30pm.
St. Fiacre’s Well Mass, Sheastown - Sunday 27th August, 3pm.

Flowers for the Altar
Donations of flowers (from your garden) would be gladly accepted in St. Fiacre’s Church. A bucket of water will be left just outside the sacristy door every Thursday for anyone who would like donate.

Notices for Parish Newsletter
Please have all notices for the newsletter submitted to the parish office by Thursday 12noon. The newsletter is complied and printed on Friday mornings. Any items submitted later than 12noon on Thursdays will be included the following week, space permitting.

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1190
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €664.22
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1439.37
Foulkstown Basket: €320.31
Thank you for you continued support.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

Fr. Jackie Robinson Golden Jubilee
Congratulations to former St. Patrick’s CC., Rev Fr. Jackie Robinson who celebrated his golden jubilee in St. Canice’s Church, Borris-In-Ossory, Laois last Friday 9th June. Fr. Jackie celebrated the event with over 500 locals and parishioners from the Laois area alongside his family.

The Priory Institute
Two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14th to 28th August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and two on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. Find out more and register at

Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Sunday 23d July 2023.
Schedule of Ceremonies
2.00pm - Rosary
2.30pm - Anointing of the Sick at Knock Basilica. 3.00pm - Concelebrated Mass at Knock Basilica followed by Benediction and Rosary Procession.
Explore Knock Shrine: Exposition in Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Self-guided audio tours available. Guided Prayer Sessions in the Prayer Centre. 100 acres of landscaped gardens to explore, resources to enrich and inspire at Knock Bookshop.
For further info see Tel: 094 938 8100.

A Father’s Day Prayer
God our Father, we give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old.
We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; may they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice.
We pray for our own fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering; may they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.
We pray for me who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice.
We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love.

Sunday, 11th June 2023
The Feast of Corpus Christi
We remember Holy Thursday as the day that Jesus gave us himself in the Eucharist. But that day is also the beginning of His Passion. So the Church wisely sets aside another day when we can reflect and remember what the Eucharist means to us. An important message from Jesus at His Last Supper was “Do this in memory of Me”
We gather as a community to celebrate Eucharist on this the feast of Corpus Christi. Let us remember that Eucharist is the communion of the people, Eucharist is the gift of the love of Jesus, it is the food of life offered on the table of the world, it is the Body and Blood of Jesus. The love that we celebrate in the Sacrament is not something we can keep for ourselves. We must share it with all. “Do this in memory of Me”
A Prayer for Exam Students

Lord, I come before you in need.
Exams are approaching and I am worried.
Give me courage to face the coming weeks.
Concentrate my mind on my studies
Help me to use my time well.
May I work hard, but also rest and relax a little.
During each exam, may what I have studied appear on the paper.
May I read each question carefully, identify what is asked, and answer well.
When the results come,
may I be satisfied that I did my best.
May whatever path I choose in life
bring me happiness
and give me opportunities to better the world.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1440
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €629.13
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1105.90
Foulkstown Basket: €251.27
Thank you for you continued support.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Paul Mulcahy, Cedarwood Avenue. Maireád Ní Mhuinnéog, Melville Heights. Seamus Rafter, College Square.  
Months Mind: Vinnie Coyne (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Margaret & Patrick Noonan (Sat 6.15). Joseph Walsh (Sun 10.00). Breda Hamilton (Sun 12.00). Mary Byrne (Sun 12.30). Phyllis Murphy (Tues 10.30). Dan Maher (Thurs 10.30). Tom Moloney. Mary Dermody. Jim Maher.  Matthew Thornton.
Intentions for Next Weekend: John Kenny (Sat 6.15). Tom & Oliver Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Jonathan Barry (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Children’s Mass
Fr. Peter will celebrate a children's Mass at 10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church next Sunday (19th June). Gemma Mulligan (Pastoral Plan Co-ordinator) will join us and engage the older children in some Godly Play. All are welcome.

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

Dates for your diary
Danesfort Cemetery Mass - Thursday, 29th June 8pm
St. Kieran’s Cemetery Mass - Friday, 30th June 7.30pm
Cuffesgrange Cemetery Mass - Thursday 6th July 8pm.
Foulkstown Cemetery Mass- Thursday, 27th July 7.30pm.
St. Fiacre’s Well Mass, Sheastown - Sunday 27th August, 3pm.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD

Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more.  A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

James Stephens GAA & Camogie Club
The James Stephens GAA & Camogie club are asking for support for the upcoming Hurlers Co-op draw which is in its 41st year. €125,000 to be won in prizes with a car in 3 draws and a holiday in 2 draws. Tickets are available through the club or online. Draw dates for 2023 Tuesday, 13th, 27th June, 4th, 18th & 25th July. Draws will be held at Piltown GAA Complex.

Cleaners Needed
Do you have an hour or so free every week to help clean St. Patrick’s Church. If you can help, please contact the sacristan in St. Patrick’s or the Parish Office on 056 776 4400. Many thanks in advance.

Medjugorje Mass
The monthly Medjugorje Mass will take place on Monday 12th June at 7.30pm in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome.

Flowers for the Altar
Donations of flowers (from your garden) would be gladly accepted in St. Fiacre’s Church. A bucket of water will be left just outside the sacristy door every Thursday for anyone who would like donate.

Notices for Parish Newsletter
Please have all notices for the newsletter submitted to the parish office by Thursday 12noon. The newsletter is complied and printed on Friday mornings. Any items submitted later than 12noon on Thursdays will be included the following week, space permitting.

An Hour with Divine Mercy
In celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, The Black Abbey has organised a series of meditations and prayers entitled “An Hour with Divine Mercy” commencing at 6.30pm on June 16th and continuing on the following three Fridays, June 23rd, June 30th & July 7th. All are welcome.

Through the Lens of the Gospel
Jesus tells us that to have life we need more than physical nourishment. How have you been aware of deeper hungers? What has met that deeper longing in you?
Jesus tells us that it is not just something he gives us which will give us life, but himself in his life, death and resurrection. How has your faith in the person of Jesus fed you?
Jesus speaks about ‘drawing life’ from him. In day to day living what are the practices which support your faith and help you to draw life from Jesus?
The Eucharist is one of the ways in which we draw life from Jesus. Recall with gratitude how the Eucharist has been a source of nourishment and life for you.
Perhaps you can also think of human examples of people drawing life from one another. From whom have you drawn life? Who has been able to draw life from you?    John Byrne OSA, email

Corpus Christi
Jesus, Body and Blood, we are grateful for the gift of your life and the way it strengthens us to live ours. Teach us to draw on the gift of your Body and Blood for energy, renewal, strength and grace. May we never take the gift of your presence for granted.

Sunday, 4th June 2023
Most Holy Trinity
Today we celebrate the central mystery of our Faith. The mystery of the Trinity, that our God shows himself in three different ways as Father, Son and Spirit. This sense of wonder that enables us to recognise our God, is the same sense of wonder that enables the poet to see daffodils dancing, or to recognise God in a rose. We are made in the image of God and loved unconditionally. At our Baptism, the sign of the Cross was traced on our foreheads - we were marked with the Trinity. As we grew into adulthood, Jesus became our friend and companion. He became real in our world. His powerful Spirit continues to help, inspire and guide us, as we try to do our best and make a difference in family and community.
Holy God, Holy Strong One,
Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us.
To you be praise, To you be glory,
To you be thanksgiving
Through endless ages,
O Blessed Trinity.

A Prayer for Exam Students
Lord, I come before you in need.
Exams are approaching and I am worried.
Give me courage to face the coming weeks.
Concentrate my mind on my studies
Help me to use my time well.
May I work hard, but also rest and relax a little.
During each exam, may what I have studied appear on the paper.
May I read each question carefully, identify what is asked, and answer well.
When the results come,
may I be satisfied that I did my best.
May whatever path I choose in life
bring me happiness
and give me opportunities to better the world.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Maura Donnelly, College Road.
Months Mind: Matthew Brennan (Sun 10.00).
Anniversaries: Peter Brennan (Sat 6.15). Kathleen Frawley (Sun 9.30). Sean ‘Georgie’ Leahy (Sun 10.30). James O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Mary Maher (Sun 12.30). Michael Shortall (Mon 11.00). George & Mary Moore (Tues 10.30). David & Ita O’Rourke (Wed 10.30). John Alley Jr. Peter Flannery. Edwin Stallard. John Scott. Brigid Culleton. David McGrath. Brigid Drennan. Jimmy McGuire. May Malone. Mary & James O’Brien. Joe and Mollie Bergin.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Margaret & Patrick Noonan (Sat 6.15). Joseph Walsh (Sun 10.00). Vinnie Coyne (Sun 10.30). Breda Hamilton (Sun 12.00). Mary Byrne (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The monthly meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will take place on Friday 9th June directly after the 10.30am Mass, in the Parish Centre.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1045
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €571.27
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €905.95
Foulkstown Basket: €252.53
Thank you for you continued support.

Parish Pilgrimage to Knock
This years parish pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Thursday 29th June 2023. Leaving St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.15am and St. Patrick’s Church at 7.20am. No pickups. Tickets €20, available from the Parish Office. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am. There will be no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Fiacre’s Church on Monday.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Ossory AFD
Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, visit the places we hear of each time we read the Scriptures: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary, the River Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and so much more. A pilgrimage, led by Fr Dermot Ryan and Fr Kieran O’Shea, to help deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ who walked there. Travelling February 19th – 26th 2024. €1,615 including return flights with British Airways (Dub-Tel-Aviv-Dub) and accommodation and buffet breakfast and dinner daily. Book by calling Kieran and Laura Troy on 057 93 55050 or email

Cake Sale In aid of Taizé Youth Pilgrimage
A cake sale will be held in St Patrick’s Parish Centre after 10.30am and 12 noon masses on Sunday June 11th. It is in aid of the Taizé Youth Pilgrimage organised by Ossory Youth. A group of twenty five 16 and 17 year olds from Kilkenny city and county will spend a week in the Taizé Community in France from June 25th – July 2nd with young people from throughout the world. All support really gratefully appreciated.

First Friday
Fr. Peter will visit the sick and housebound on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th of June. For those who are confined and unable to attend Mass, if you would like one of our priests to visit on the First Friday of the month, please contact the parish office 056 776 4400.
James Stephens GAA & Camogie Club
The James Stephens GAA & Camogie club are asking for support for the upcoming Hurlers Co-op draw which is in its 41st year. €125,000 to be won in prizes with a car in 3 draws and a holiday in 2 draws. Tickets are available through the club or online. Draw dates for 2023 Tuesday, 13th, 27th June, 4th, 18th & 25th July. Draws will be held at Piltown GAA Complex.

Cleaners Needed
Do you have an hour or so free every week to help clean St. Patrick’s Church. If you can help, please contact the sacristan in St. Patrick’s or the Parish Office on 056 776 4400. Many thanks in advance.

Prayer for Vocations
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions.
Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life giving ways which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love.

We are always delighted to welcome into our Christian community, new members through the sacrament of baptism. Because of the high volume of those being baptised we try as far as possible to follow the time table below for baptisms in our parish.
St. Patrick’s Church on the 2nd Saturday (4.30pm) and 3rd Sunday (1.15pm) of each month and the 4th Saturday (4.30pm) of each month in St. Fiacre’s Church. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to book a baptism.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results

1st: Kathleen Lawlor, St. Mary’s. 2nd: Mary Kehoe, Muckalee. 3rd: Tullaherin Choir, Tullaherin. 4th: The Rochford Family, Johnstown. 5th: Ken & Sheila McDonald, Thomastown. 6th: Billy Townsend, Thomastown. 7th: Mary Fitzgerald, Johnstown. 8th: Donal & Mary Walsh, Thomastown. 9th: Seamus Wall, Fr. Liam Barron, Mullinavat. 10th: Margaret O’Dea, Rathdowney.
The next draw will take place on Wednesday 28th June. Contact Fr. Roderick or the Parish Office to join.

Sunday, 28th May 2023 
The Feast of Pentecost
Pentecost Sunday is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday. The Scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire. Mary, the apostles and the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Apostles went out immediately spreading the good news of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Through the preaching of St. Peter three thousand were converted to the Church. The Holy Spirit gave the apostles power to go forth and renew the face of the earth. We receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation.
On this Pentecost Sunday let us reflect on our Christianity and that we belong to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who helps us to lead our lives according to the truth. Praise be to you Holy Spirit. Fill our hearts with your love and your zeal. Make us bearers of the Good News of Christ wherever we are. May we live in God’s kinship, in God’s love, in God’s will, in expectation of God, in friendship with God, and in God’s care. Amen.

A Prayer for Exam Students
Lord, I come before you in need.
Exams are approaching and I am worried.
Give me courage to face the coming weeks.
Concentrate my mind on my studies
Help me to use my time well.
May I work hard,
but also rest and relax a little.
During each exam,
may what I have studied
appear on the paper.
May I read each question carefully,
identify what is asked,
and answer well.
When the results come,
may I be satisfied that I did my best.
May whatever path I choose in life
bring me happiness
and give me opportunities to better the world.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Maura Donnelly, College Road. Reposing at her home on Sunday from 2pm with rosary at 7pm. Requiem Mass at 12noon on Monday in St. Patrick’s Church. Joe Maher, Tipperary. (Mon 9.30). Lizzie Fogarty, Bodalmore, Waterford Road. Elaine Phelan, Newry & formerly Dean Cavanagh Place.
Anniversaries: Patrick & Patricia Lawlor (Sat 6.15). Blánaid Cleere Manning (Sun 9.30). Harry Kelly (Sun 10.00). Tommy, Kitty & Martin Phelan (Sun 12.00). John Phelan (Sun 12.30). Susan Cantwell (Tues 10.30). Johanna Gannon (Wed 10.30). Richard, Ruth & Antoinette Mabbetts (Fri 10.30). Mary Deegan (Sat 9.30). Mary Drennan. Brian Mahon. William Nolan. Agnes Dermody. Annie & Kathy Bourke. Mollie Owens. Paddy Howard. Paddy Sharkey. Mary & Paddy Delaney. Bill Bergin
Intentions for Next Weekend: Peter Brennan (Sat 6.15). Kathleen Frawley (Sun 9.30). Matthew Brennan (Months Mind 10.00). Sean ‘Georgie’ Leahy (Sun 10.30). James O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Mary Maher (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

James Stephens GAA & Camogie Club
The James Stephens GAA & Camogie club are asking for support for the upcoming Hurlers Co-op draw which is in its 41st year. €125,000 to be won in prizes with a car in 3 draws and a holiday in 2 draws. Tickets are available through the club or online. Draw dates for 2023 Tuesday, 13th, 27th June, 4th, 18th & 25th July. Draws will be held at Piltown GAA Complex.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1260
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €532.21
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €690.05
Foulkstown Basket: €181.66
Thank you for you continued support.

All Ireland Rosary Rally
Trip to Knock Sat 3rd June. Bus leaving Castlecomer and Butt's Green. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat.

Parish Pilgrimage to Knock
This years parish pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Thursday 29th June 2023. Leaving St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.15am and St. Patrick’s Church at 7.20am. No pickups. Tickets €20, available from Mon 29th May at the Parish Office only. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

First Friday
Fr. Peter will visit the sick and housebound on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th of June. If you would like one of our priests to visit on the First Friday of the month, please contact the parish office 056 776 4400 or email

We are always delighted to welcome into our Christian community, new members through the sacrament of baptism. Because of the high volume of those being baptised we try as far as possible to follow the time table below for baptisms in our parish.
St. Patrick’s Church on the 2nd Saturday (4.30pm) and 3rd Sunday (1.15pm) of each month and the 4th Saturday (4.30pm) of each month in St. Fiacre’s Church. Contact the Parish Office on 056 776 4400 to book a baptism.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?

Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage. is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

“With Christ as the centre of your life, you will never be disappointed.” Pope Francis

Thank you
Sr. Mary & Sr Nuala from the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary who visited our Parish last weekend have sent a note of thanks for the generous support they received. A total of €4,876 was donated. They have asked us pass on a word of gratitude for your wonderful support.

Marian Prayer for the Universal Synod
At the request of the Holy Father, the Secretariat responsible for the Universal Synod has invited the Church around the world to hold a moment of Marian Prayer on 31st May (the Feast of the Visitation and the last day of the Marian Month of May) to place the work of the Synod, under the protection of Mary, Mother of the Church.
The Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland has organised a day of prayer at Knock Shrine, Ireland’s International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine, and an open invitation is being extended to all to join in this special day. The programme for the day are:
11am -1:45am: Prayer Service in the Apparition Chapel
12:00pm - 1pm: Mass celebrated by Archbishop Francis Duffy in the Basilica of Our Lady, Queen of Ireland.
1pm - 7pm: Pilgrims & visitors are invited to pray for the work of the Synod.
7pm - 8pm: Rosary & Mass in Knock Parish Church
The prayer service and Masses will be live streamed from Knock Shrine and can be viewed at


Sunday, 21st May 2023
The Ascension of the Lord
Know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. When children grow up and leave home to begin a life on their own, both parents and children feel the truth of those words, ‘Know that I am with you always.’ The child’s leaving home may be necessary so their love for parents, and vice versa, can come to full bloom.
It was only many years after my parents were gone did I come to realise what a phenomenal blessing they had been to me. I shed my tears at their loss and wondered about getting on with life without them. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Now, almost fifty years later, I feel stronger towards them than I did while they were alive.
Jesus told his disciples on the night before he died that unless he went away the Spirit would not come to them. The mystery of the Ascension celebrates the mysterious reality of Jesus’ presence in his absence. Today’s feast is not calling us to live in the darkness of Jesus’ absence - sheer blind and cold faith in someone who is gone.
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you (Acts 1). The Ascension celebrates, rather, the work of the Holy Spirit making us aware of the deep richness of Jesus in our midst: the meaning of his life and miracles and words for us today, and the conviction that he is still alive and with us. When we feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, comfort the sick and incarcerated, we are serving the very person of Christ risen and living in people everywhere. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I feel stronger towards my parents now than I did while they were alive. Jesus said that “unless I go the Spirit cannot come.” The Spirit brought home more clearly to the disciples who Jesus really was.
Fr. Joe Walsh.

We congratulate the children from School of the Holy Spirit who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s Church yesterday (Saturday) Congratulations to all of them and well done to all those who helped prepare them for this special occasion.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Johanna (Josie) Rice, College Gardens. Margaret (Rita) Trehy, The Sycamores. Veronica Wall, Kilkenny City. Joseph Manning, Cambridge, England.
ongratulationsAlice Shasby, St. Rioch Street. Reposing at Shasby’s Funeral Home, Kilkenny on Monday 22nd May from 5pm concluding with Rosary and Vigil prayers at 6.30pm followed by removal to St. Michael’s Church, Danesfort. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at 11am on Tuesday (23rd May) followed be burial in St. Kieran’s Cemetery. Paul & Marie Ginnivan (Wed 10.30).
Anniversaries: Clodagh Phelan (Sat 6.15). Peadar & Aideen Flanagan (Sun 12.00). Catherine & Martin Drennan (Sun 12.30). Tom & Oliver Kennedy (Tues 10.30). William Doheny (Sat 9.30). Breda Forde nee Connolly. Tommy Jordan. Sean Barry. Patricia Casey. Josie, Catherine & Michael Delaney.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Patrick & Patricia Lawlor (Sat 6.15). Blánaid Cleere Manning (Sun 9.30). Harry Kelly (Sun 10.00). Tommy, Kitty & Martin Phelan (Sun 12.00). John Phelan (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Diocesan Novena for Vocations
This Saturday evening (Vigil of the Ascension) we begin our Diocesan Novena for Vocations to Diocesan Priesthood. As the Irish Church has now begun a special year of prayer for Vocations please join with us in praying for the needs of our own Diocese. You can pray the Novena at home and we will pray it at our daily Masses here in the Parish. Copies of the Novena prayers are available here in the Church. You can also access the Novena on the Diocesan Website or on the following social media platforms.
Twitter @vocossory.

The Rosary will be recited at the Statue of Our Lady in St. James’s Green on Thursday 25th of May at 6.30pm . It is for the Pro -Life cause.

James Stephens GAA & Camogie Club
The James Stephens GAA & Camogie club are asking for support for the upcoming Hurlers Co-op draw which is in its 41st year. €125,000 to be won in prizes with a car in 3 draws and a holiday in 2 draws. Tickets are available through the club or online. Draw dates for 2023 Tuesday, 13th, 27th June, 4th, 18th & 25th July. Draws will be held at Piltown GAA Complex.

All Ireland Rosary Rally
Trip to Knock Sat 3rd June. Bus leaving Castlecomer and Butt's Green. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1320
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €571.77
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1034.95
Foulkstown Basket: €304.87
Thank you for you continued support.

Laudate Si’ Week
The Letter - A Message for our earth. The Letters tells the story of a journey to Rome of frontline leaders to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. The exclusive dialogue with the pope, included in the film, offers a revealing insight into the personal history of Pope Francis and stories never seen since he became the Bishop of Rome. Screening on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 at 7pm in St. Kieran’s College Chapel. All welcome. Hosted by Gemma Mulligan, Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator, Ossory and Adult Faith Development Ossory. Laudato Si’ week 2023 will be celebrated May 21-28 to mark the eight anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on care for creation.

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
We welcome the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary to St. Patrick’s Parish this weekend The sisters will be speaking at all of Masses about their missions and will be asking for your financial help. Please support if you can.

Parish Pilgrimage to Knock
This years parish pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Thursday 29th June 2023. More details next week. Tickets available from Mon 29th May at the Parish Office only.

Godly Play
This is a form of spiritual accompaniment for children. It uses a unique method of storytelling which allows children to explore their own spirituality, inviting them to wonder about the mysterious presence of God in their lives. The children connect with Parables, Sacred Stories and Liturgical action through story, play and silence. Godly Play core training - Wednesday 5th July to Friday 7th July 2023. Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies, St. Patrick’s Campus, Thurles. Cost: €450 residential (incl Full Board) €350 non residential (including lunch. Book now on

Concert in St Mary's Cathedral
Lehigh University Choir (USA) will give a concert in St Mary's Cathedral on Wednesday May 24th at 7pm. Entry is Free. Singing a variety of classical, folk and barbershop pieces. Donations on the night will go toward the Music Programme in Mother of Fair Love School Kilkenny. All welcome.

Anniversary of Missing Persons Monument
The 21st anniversary of the unveiling of the National Monument for missing persons in Kilkenny Castle Park will take place on Sunday May 28th gathering at 12 noon in the Castle courtyard, walking to the monument for a service of reflection and remembrance. The national monument is visited every year by people from all over the world and holds an important place in the hearts and memories of families of those who are missing in Kilkenny and throughout our country. The Minister for Justice will be the guest speaker. Music by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir.
All are welcome to this special time of remembrance.


Sunday, 14th May 2024
“And you in me and I in you”
We continue to read this Sunday from the Farewell Discourse of John’s Gospel (Ch 14-17) where Jesus is consoling the disciples, “I will not leave you orphaned”, he will send an “advocate” (parakletos) to them. This term is only found in John’s writings and translates as a helper, a comforter, someone whom you call to your aid. Jesus has been this advocate for the disciples but now he will be present for them in a different way, dwelling amongst them, dwelling in them, in-dwelling. This in turn calls for a loving response from the disciples and from all followers of Christ.
In a famous reflection, Joseph Whelan SJ, wrote about his type of love; he said, “Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way.” This love will decide everything, what gets you up in the morning, how you spend your time, what breaks your heart, what amazes you. Whelan says, “Fall in Love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.” Experiencing something of this indwelling presence of God and keeping God’s commandments are deeply interconnected. This love will decide everything because it must flow outwards, be lived out in our daily lives, for it cannot be contained.
The words of the Gospel today are deeply intimate, they cannot be understood with the head, only with the heart. As we spend time with them we begin to realise that it is not just the disciple’s story, it is also our story, a story we experience on a deep level,. It is another reminder to us that all beings are sacred, all beings carry Divine DNA within. Let us begin again to see God present within ourselves, in others and in all of creation.
“We are not human beings have a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings have a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Jane Mellett, Laudato Sí Officer, Trócaire. Co-author of the Deep End - A Journey through the Sunday Gospels in the Year of Matthew, Messenger Publications, 2022.

Novena to Our Lady of Fatima
Saturday 13th - Sunday 21st May, Black Abbey, Kilkenny. Preacher: Fr Colm Mannion OP. Saturdays: 10am & 6.10pm
Sundays: 3pm Monday - Friday: 10am & 7pm. All welcome.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Timothy Kennedy, Maidenhill. Aoife Corr, Stephen Street. Joe Walton, Dean Cavanagh Place.
Anniversaries: Peggy Hanrahan (Sat 6.15). Moira Bergin (Sun 9.30). Patrick O’Connell (Sun 10.00). Anna May & Francis McNulty (Sun 10.30). Billy Brett (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Cashin (Sun 12.30). John Coppinger (Tues 10.30). Patrick Lennon (Wed 9.30). Brian Gaynor (Wed 10.30). Deceased Members of Kilkenny Active Retirement (Thus 10.30). John Alley. John ‘Naxie’ Noonan. Margaret & Patrick Doran. Josie Doran. Mary & Phil Doran. Pauline & Bill Delaney. Jim Lanigan. The Leahy Family, Grovine. Eileen Culleton. Agnes Swift.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Clodagh Phelan (Sat 6.15). Peadar & Aideen Flanagan (Sun 12.00). Catherine & Martin Drennan (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

We congratulate the children from St. John of God School,1 child from St. Patrick’s De La Salle and St. Patrick’s Special School who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s & St. Patrick’s Churches on yesterday (Saturday). Congratulations to all of them and well done to all those who helped prepare them for this special occasion.

Diploma in Youth Ministry & Spirituality
Are you interested in a Career in Youth Ministry? Even if you are never studied theology before, it is now possible to qualify as a Youth Pastoral Profession in just one year!. If you want to study more about the Catholic Faith, and gain hands on placement education experience in youth ministry, apply now for this one-year, full time, level 7 Diploma. Closing date for application sis 1st June 2023.

Medjugorje Youth Group

Kilkenny Medjugorje Youth Group meet Friday nights in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre from 7 30pm for prayer music and chat over 18 to 35 year old welcome. Contact Joe 086 312 8838.

Weekly Collections
Envelope Collection: €1700
St. Patrick’s Baskets: €578.05
St. Fiacre’s Baskets: €1081.24
Foulkstown Basket: €413.34
Thank you for you continued support.

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring flowers of the rarest bring blossoms the fairest, from gardens and woodlands and hillside and dale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.

Mary -
The First Disciple & Our Model in Faith

Mary met the requirements of discipleship in an outstanding way. There is one thought running through the New Testament: while Mary is the mother of God’s Son, she is first and foremost a disciple, not in the historical sense that she accompanied Jesus during his ministry, but in the sense that Mary above all others is the one who heard the Word of God and acted trustingly upon it. Mary’s faithfulness and trust in God’s Word runs right through from the Annunciation to the coming of the Holy Spirit in the acts of the Apostles after the Resurrection.
Like Mary, our life stories are also touched by events which we cannot understand. Sometimes it is only in looking back that we can see God’s presence in these events. Mary’s story is close to our story. Mary is blessed not simply because she gave birth to a child, the Son of God. She is blessed because she heard, believed, obeyed, kept, pondered the word, and continued to act on it. Mary is truly our model in faith.

Children’s Mass
Fr. Peter will celebrate a children's Mass at 10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church next Sunday (21st May). Gemma Mulligan (Pastoral Plan Co-ordinator) will join us and engage the older children in some Godly Play. All are welcome.

Godly Play
This is a form of spiritual accompaniment for children. It uses a unique method of storytelling which allows children to explore their own spirituality, inviting them to wonder about the mysterious presence of God in their lives. The children connect with Parables, Sacred Stories and Liturgical action through story, play and silence.
Godly Play core training - Wednesday 5th July to Friday 7th July 2023. Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies, St. Patrick’s Campus, Thurles. Cost: €450 residential (incl Full Board) €350 non residential (including lunch. Both options inclusive of training, handbook and morning/afternoon refreshments.
Book now on

Pope’s Intentions - May
Let us resolve to strongly support non-violence. As the Pope says, “Living, speaking, and acting without violence is not surrendering, losing or giving up anything, but aspiring to everything.”
All Ireland Rosary Rally
Trip to Knock Sat 3rd June. Bus leaving Castlecomer and Butt's Green. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat.

Sunday, 7th May 2023
May, the month of Mary
“God wills that all his gifts should come to us through Mary” (St. Bernard)
It was in Rome, towards the end of the 18th century, one fine evening in May. A child of the poor gathered his companions around him and led them to a statue of Mary, before which a lamp was burning, as is the custom in that holy city. There, these fresh young voices sang the Litany of our Lady. The next day, the little group, followed by other children, again gathered at the feet of the Mother of God. Next came their mothers, to join the little assembly. Soon, other groups were formed, and the devotion rapidly became popular. Holy souls, troubled by the disorderly conduct which always increases and becomes graver at the return of the pleasant springtime, saw in these growing practices the hand of God, and they cooperated with the designs of Providence by approving and promoting this new devotion, as a public and solemn act of reparation. The month of Mary was founded. ‘This is the month in which, in the churches and individual homes, the most affectionate and fervent homage of prayers and devotions from the hearts of Christians are raised to Mary. It is also the month in which from his throne descend upon us the most generous and abundant gifts of the Divine Mercy. In our own times, we Catholics, wanting to be close to her always, offer her special presents in May: pilgrimages, visits to churches dedicated to her, little sacrifices in her honour, periods of study and well-finished work offered up to her, and a more attentive recitation of the rosary.
Catholic News Agency

Hail Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve! To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears! Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us; and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus! O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!  Roman Breviary

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Vincent Coyne, Melville Heights. Eamonn Tynan, Lyrath. Kevin O’Brien, Dunbell. Katherine Doyle nee Brennan, Michael Street.
Months Mind: Una Roche (Sun 10.00). Tom O’Shea.
Anniversaries: Tom & Teresa Holden. (Sat 6.15). Lar Doyle (Sun 12.00). Kevin Brennan (Sun 12.30). Kathleen Tobin (Fri 10.30). Paddy Dorney. Bill, William & Madge O’Brien. Billy, Anne, Michael & Martin O’Brien. Ann O’Brien. Liam Meehan. Peg & Joe Fleming. Nuala Deasy
Intentions for Next Weekend: Peggy Hanrahan (Sat 6.15). Moira Bergin (Sun 9.30). Patrick O’Connell (Sun 10.00). Anna May & Francis McNulty (Sun 10.30). Billy Brett (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Cashin (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.

Our Lady of Fatima
On the 13th May 1917, three children in a sleepy Portuguese village were blessed with a vision of Mary, Mother of Jesus. This weekend, as we celebrate the canonization of the Fatima visionaries, we also recall Our Lady’s words to the children: her direction to pray the rosary for peace, her mission to them from God.
Novena to Our Lady of Fatima (Saturday 13th - Sunday 21st May), Black Abbey, Kilkenny. Preacher: Fr Colm Mannion OP. Saturdays: 10am & 6.10pm
Sundays: 3pm Monday - Friday: 10am & 7pm. All welcome.

Children from 3 of our schools received their First Holy Communion this past week. We congratulate the children from Gaelscoil Osraí who received the sacrament in St. Fiacre’s Church on Saturday 29th April, the children from St. Patrick’s De La Salle and the children from the KSP & Model School who received their First Holy Communion in St. Patrick’s Church and St. Fiacre’s Church yesterday. Congratulations to all of them and well done to all those who helped prepare them for this special occasion.

Conversations with Women in the Bible
The above conference which was due to take place on 13th May 2023 has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Diploma in Youth Ministry & Spirituality
Are you interested in a Career in Youth Ministry? Even if you are never studied theology before, it is now possible to qualify as a Youth Pastoral Profession in just one year!. If you want to study more about the Catholic Faith, and gain hands on placement education experience in youth ministry, apply now for this one-year, full time, level 7 Diploma. Closing date for application sis 1st June 2023.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
We are about to close the Trócaire Parish Account for this year. Outstanding boxes should be returned to the Parish Office before next Sunday. Thank you.

Medjugorje Youth Group
Kilkenny Medjugorje Youth Group meet Friday nights in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre from 7 30pm for prayer music and chat over 18 to 35 year old welcome. Contact Joe 086 312 8838.

Pope’s Intentions - May
Let us resolve to strongly support non-violence. As the Pope says, “Living, speaking, and acting without violence is not surrendering, losing or giving up anything, but aspiring to everything.”
Kilkenny Community Orchestra Concert
Performing works by Stamitz, Mendelssohn, Cimarosa & more. Saturday May 13th at 8pm in the Chapter House in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny. Admission Free. Donations welcome.

All Ireland Rosary Rally
Trip to Knock Sat 3rd June. Bus leaving Castlecomer and Butt's Green. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society

The monthly meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will take place on Friday 12th May directly after the 10.30am Mass in the Parish Centre. Many thanks to all who generously supported last weekends collection.

Synod 2021-2024
For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission.
In October 2021, the Catholic Church's synodal process on the theme of Synodality began. This was the first time that a worldwide listening process and consultation with parishes and dioceses was attempted and many people in Ireland took part in a listening process during the early months of 2022.
Did you take part? Have you been wondering what happened after that?
Much has happened since then. Your participation formed part of a national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in August 2022. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last October and then formed part of a presentation given by the Irish delegation that travelled to Prague this February for the first ever Continental Assembly of the Catholic Church's synodal process.

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady

We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring flowers of the rarest bring blossoms the fairest, from gardens and woodlands and hillside and dale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May

Sunday, 30th April 2023
Day of Pray for Vocations
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own sheep and my own know me.”
God works from the goodness inside each of us - The goodness that reaches out to others to help them and to him in prayer. He plants this goodness from the first moment: Small beginnings from the bodies of father and mother. To grow, develop right through until eternity. Nourish that goodness - by working for good, and in mindfulness, meditation, prayer and community, are care and concern for the poor near and far, by service in the local community. Your goodness will bring good to the world and to others. But first and even more so, believe in the eternal goodness inside yourself! This is the beginning of vocation.
Donal Neary SJ, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.
Ever Thought of being a Priest?
Have you ever thought of being a Priest? Did that thought stay with you even for the shortest time? Maybe you are being called to a way of life that is certainly different but is also a life worth living. The mission of a Priest as Pope Francis often reminds us is to bring God's Love, Mercy, and Hope to People, to accompany them on their search for God, to help them discover their true mission to be active partakers in the life of the Church. You can only do this when you have discovered God's Love for you and when Jesus Christ is at the center of your life. The journey to priesthood is first of all a journey of discovery - discovering who God really wants you to be and how your mission will unfold. So would you like to explore further… ask more questions….at your pace? Take a risk for Christ. Why not drop an email to Fr Kieran O' Shea, Diocesan Vocations Director for further information or to arrange a chat. Twitter @vocossory
Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am. There will be no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Fiacre’s Church on Monday.
Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Matthew Brennan, Wallslough. Michael Hogan, Shellumsrath.
Months Mind: Bobby Culleton (Sat 6.15). John Ryan (Sun 10.30). Patrick Ryan.
Anniversaries: Joan Malone (Sun 9.30). Mary Gargan (Sun 10.00). Ellen Garrehy, her daughters Mary, Ann & Teresa and her granddaughter Susan Delaney. (Sun 12.00). Richard Keating (Sun 12.30). Julia Hurley & Julia Herlihy (Tues 10.30). Helen Renehan. Brede Martin. Ursula O’Leary. Mary Brennan. Donal Hallissey.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Tom & Teresa Holden. (Sat 6.15). Una Roche (Months Mind Sun 10.00). Lar Doyle (Sun 12.00). Kevin Brennan (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear.
Contribution Envelopes
There are still a number of envelopes packs in the Parish Office. Please contact the Michelle during the week if you did not receive your pack of envelopes. Thanks to those who distributed around their areas .
Easter Offering
Many thanks to all who support the priests (and bishop), through the five special contribution envelopes. A reminder that the Easter Offering is due around now. Sincere thanks for your continued generosity.
Conversations with Women in the Bible
The above conference which was due to take place on 13th May 2023 has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Vocations Weekend
Monastic Vocations Weekend for women discerning religious life, 6th-7th May, St Benedict's Priory, Cobh, Co Cork.. Contact Mother Prioress: 021 4811354
The Pope’s Intentions - April
For a culture of peace and non-violence.
We pray for the spread of peace and non-violence, be decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens.
Diploma in Youth Ministry & Spirituality
Are you interested in a Career in Youth Ministry? Even if you are never studied theology before, it is now possible to qualify as a Youth Pastoral Profession in just one year!. If you want to study more about the Catholic Faith, and gain hands on placement education experience in youth ministry, apply now for this one-year, full time, level 7 Diploma. Closing date for application sis 1st June 2023.
Children’s Mass
Please join Fr Peter and the children’s liturgy group for our next children’s Mass to celebrate May, the month of Our Lady. St Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy. Sunday the 7th of May at 10:30am We especially welcome all of the children who have recently made their First Holy Communion to wear their communion outfits for this special Mass. Gemma Mulligan (Pastoral Council) will be joining us for Godly Play sessions at the children's mass on the 21st of May and again on the 18th of June. This will be the final children's mass this school year. We look forward to seeing you there.
Do you work with older people? Supporting each other to deliver integrated care in the community for older people. We provide and coordinate services to support older people to age safely and securely at home. Our Nation network of fully trained staff are ready to work with older people across the country. Issues we can support with: Access to health services, pension entitlements, housing issues, activities and events, service referral, social prescribing. Call our National Support & Referral line on 0818 222 024 from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week.
Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
We are about to close the Trócaire Parish Account for this year. Outstanding boxes should be returned to the Parish Office before next Sunday. Thank you.
Medjugorje Youth Group
Kilkenny Medjugorje Youth Group meet Friday nights in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre from 7 30pm for prayer music and chat over 18 to 35 year old welcome. Contact Joe 086 312 8838.
An information session for people interested in becoming a Facilitator with ACCORD will take place via zoom on Tuesday 2nd May from 7pm to 8pm.
Please see the zoom link below and feel free to pass it along to anyone who is interested in this training and who wishes to find out more information about Joining Accord. All information regarding selections and training will be outlined. Topic: Information Evening - Becoming a Facilitator with Accord. Time: May 2, 2023 07.00 PM Dublin.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 842 5340 1104, Passcode: 412023.
Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see for more information about this.
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage.
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” St Catherine of Sienna

Sunday, 23rd April 2023
Sunday, 9th April 2023. Easter Sunday

Sunday, 2nd April 2023, Palm  Sunday

Sunday, 26th March 2023

Sunday, 19th March 2023Sunday, 12th March 2023Sunday, 5th March 2023
Sunday, 26th February 2023
Sunday, 19th February 2023
Sunday, 12th February 2023
Sunday, 5th February 2023

Sunday, 29th January 2023
Sunday, 22nd January 2023
Sunday, 15th January 2023

Sunday, 8th January 2023
Sunday, 1st January 2023
Christmas Day, 25th December 2022
Sunday, 18th December 2022
Sunday, 11th December 2022

Sunday, 5th December 2022
Sunday, 27th December 2022
Sunday, 20th November 2022
Sunday, 13th November 2022
Sunday, 4th November 2022
Sunday, 30th October 2022
Sunday, 23rd October 2022
Sunday, 16th October 2022
Sunday, 9th October 2022
Sunday, 2nd October 2022
Sunday, 25th September 2022
Sunday, 18th September 2022Sunday, 11th September 2022
Sunday, 4th September 2022

Sunday, 28th August 2022
Sunday, 21st August 2022

Sunday, 14th August 2022

Sunday, 7th August 2022

Sunday, 31st July 2022
Sunday, 24thJuly 2022Sunday, 17th July 2022
Sunday, 10th July 2022
The Good Samaritan.
Today the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we celebrate the God who is close to us, in His word and our neighbour. In the Gospel, Jesus directed the young man to the Scriptures. By doing this Jesus tries to let him understand that we can find God in his Word, which is close to him. Today’s Gospel also presents to us another way through which God is close to us. That is, in our neighbour. As a humble master, he is always available to us in simple ways and things. He is close to us in the scriptures, the poor, just, marginalised, sick and weak. Like the Good Samaritan, if we search for God in these, we will find him.
The Good Samaritan represents those who seek Christ in the weak, wounded and needy. Also he represents Christ who is always ready to come to our help when we are weak, despised and abandoned . He is ever ready to help us to face the world again and to recover from our brokenness.
Help us heavenly Father to see you in all whom we meet especially in the broken, the lonely, the sick, the abandoned and those who feel wounded and without a voice in our society today. May we always treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves and know that in our neighbour we encounter You, our living God.

The Pope’s Intentions -  July

We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.

Is your life fulfilled? Perhaps God is calling you to be a diocesan priest. For further information please email your Diocesan Vocations director Fr. Kieran O Shea at vocations@ossory. ie Mobile: 0868272828

Medjugorje Prayer
Prayer for Healing with Rosary, Mass and Adoration in St Fiacres’s Church, Loughboy on Monday July 11th at 7.30 pm. All are welcome.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Bridget Whelan: Danville.
Anniversaries: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). Ger Doheny (Sun 9.30). Liam Brennan (Sun 10.00). Ann Comerford (Sun 10.30). Miriam O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Sun 12.30). Richard ‘Coly’ Dunne (Mon 9.30). Bill & Gretta Delaney (Tues 9.30). Marie & Ann Marie Manogue (Tues 10.30). Catherine Dowling. Peig Hickey (Thur10.30) Bridget Ward. Bridie Walsh. Christopher and Bridgid Murray. David Gaffney. Sean Hennessy. Mary Holland. Mable Ryan.
Intentions for next weekend: Peggy Hanrahan (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Eileen Glennon (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Aileen Kelly (Sun 10.30). Margaret Ryan (Months Mind Sun 12.00). John Kennedy (Sun 12.30)

Annual Cemetery Masses
We have been unable to gather for the Cemetery Masses for a number of years now and we look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will take place on Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm. Please inform relatives and friends.

Foulkstown  Cemetery
Welcome to the new members of the Foulkstown committee who have joined this year to help with the maintenance of the cemetery. We are grateful to the Cemetery Committee who are working tirelessly getting the cemetery in top shape for our Cemetery Mass in July. We are grateful too, to the many families who look after and tend to their graves, not just for the Cemetery Mass, but throughout the entire year. Unfortunately, some graves have no one left to look after them and we ask, where possible that neighbouring families might give them some care.

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

A prayer to greet the day
I stand before You today, Lord, ready for the challenges that this new week will bring. Help me to keep the spirit of Your word alive in my heart and to remember that You are always with me, at home, at work, among friends or strangers, faced with struggles or joys. Be with me, Lord, and guide me, wherever I may go. Amen.

Gardeners Needed
Do you have an interest in gardening? Do you have 1 or 2 hours to spare on Mondays from 4 - 6pm to tend the gardens at the Parish Centre? Contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer 056 776 4400.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Towards Healing
Free and confidential helpline and counselling referral service - a Support Service, funded by the Catholic Church for survivors of Institutional, Clerical and Religious abuse. Freephone: (IRE) 1800303416. UK and Northern Ireland): 08000963315. Mobile number for Hearing Impaired Users: 0858022859. The service is provided by lay, independent and fully accredited therapists.

The HUB at Knock Shrine
Open July & August. Parents – Need some time for yourselves?
Welcome to the HUB at Knock Shrine, open through July and August, the HUB offers a range of fun activities for children and young people visiting Knock Shrine. From the ARK Kid’s Club for children aged 5 years and over to our drop-in centre with arts and crafts, prayer, music and much more. Don’t miss our Family Day on 21st August, a day for families and children with a range of fun activities, all in the beautiful grounds of Knock Shrine. Learn more about summer fun at the HUB at or phone us on 094 93 75321.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attentions into the parish centre.

Lost and Found

A Hearing Aid was found outside St Fiacre’s Church during the week. If you have lost it you can retrieve it from the sacristy of St Fiacre’s Church before or after 10.30 am Mass during the week.
A jacket and bag were left on the bus on our return from Knock last week. If they are yours they can be collected from the parish office in Loughboy.

Sunday, 3rd July 2022
Jesus needed disciples to do some of the heavy lifting and evangelize the people living along the road that lay ahead. “I am sending you like lambs among wolves,” he warns them. He himself was the lamb of God whose death and resurrection would break the back of sin and injustice. He asks them to take nothing except the promise that he would be with them. This was how the mission of the church began. This is what church is all about: leading people to Jesus Christ. It’s the heart of our faith. We are called not to hide our beliefs of keep them in low key, but to share with others the hope and joy of the Gospel. Many hands make work both light and joyful. It’s easier and more fun for two pains of hands than just one to share food and clothing to the needy. The solitude and loneliness of the long distance runner can be an obstacle in itself and a burden to anyone trying to alleviate the pain of others. Pope Francis often refers to the church as a field hospital. There’s no end to the work of healing, ministering and preaching.
“Ask the lord of the harvest to send out labourers.” Some 83 million hungry and frightened people are wandering the face of the earth in hopes of finding a welcome. People who are generous with their time and talents are needed to step up and help address this critical mass. What’s needed are hearts marked by grace, souls imbued with love. In forming people to bring the Gospel to the unchurched, the lighting of a fire in them is more important than filling them up with theology and giving them degrees.
“Being Church means that we are to be God’s leaven in the midst of humanity. It means proclaiming and bringing God’s salvation into our world, which so often goes astray and needs to be encouraged, given home and strengthened on the way. The Church must be a place of mercy, where everyone feels welcome, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel” - Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, para 114.
Fr. Joe Walsh.

The Pope’s Intentions -  July
We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Dan Lawlor, Drakelands Middle.
Months Mind: John Phelan (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Michael Ruth (Sat 6.15). Tony Canny (Sun 9.30). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Deceased Residents of Dukesmeadows Estate (Sun 12.00). Paddy Boyd (Sun 12.30). Brigid ‘Beasie’ Marrinan (Wed 10.30). Mick & Teresa Howe. Renee Murphy. Theresa Hickey. Gabriel ‘Gay’ Doran Sr. Denis ‘Dinny’ Molloy. Eddie Grimes.
Intentions for next weekend: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15).  Ger Doheny (Sun 9.30). Liam Brennan (Sun 10.00). Ann Comerford (Sun 10.30). Miriam O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Sun 12.30).

Annual Cemetery Masses
We have been unable to gather for the Cemetery Masses for a number of years now and we look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will take place on Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm. Please inform relatives and friends.

Foulkstown  Cemetery
Welcome to the new members of the Foulkstown committee who have joined this year to help with the maintenance of the cemetery. We are grateful to the Cemetery Committee who are working tirelessly getting the cemetery in top shape for our Cemetery Mass in July. We are grateful too, to the many families who look after and tend to their graves, not just for the Cemetery Mass, but throughout the entire year. Unfortunately, some graves have no one left to look after them and we ask, where possible that neighbouring families might give them some care.

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Go Forth

In the Gospel this Sunday, Jesus sends out 72 of his followers on mission. This is consistent with Pope Francis' call for us to be a missionary church that 'goes forth'. Here is a profound quote from the Holy Father. Our God is a missionary God who goes forth. Therefore, we must be the same.
‘We are called to go forth, to be an evangelising community, even if that simply means opening the front door of our homes and stepping out into our own neighbourhoods…For a disciple of Jesus no neighbour can become distant. On the contrary, there are no distant people who are too far removed, but only neighbours to reach out to. God does not wait for us to go to him but it is he who moves towards us. This is what God is like. What does this mean for us? It means that this is our road too. Following Jesus means learning to come out of ourselves’. Pope Francis

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

A prayer to greet the day
For the sky above me, for the earth beneath me my feet, for the sun’s rising and setting, for water rushing downstream, for the breath in my lungs, for the beat of my heart. For all I’ve accomplished, for what lies ahead, for the promise of tomorrow. Lord, I thank You. Amen.

Gardeners Needed
Do you have an interest in gardening? Do you have 1 or 2 hours to spare on Mondays from 4 - 6pm to tend the gardens at the Parish Centre? Contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer 056 776 4400.

Diocesan Draw
1st: John & Mary Kelly, St. John’s. 2nd: Sheila Price, St. Mary’s. 3rd: Johnny Keane, Ballycallan. 4th: Meany Family, St. Mary’s. 5th: Martin Purcell, Johnstown. 6th: St. John’s Parish, St. John’s. 7th: Sean Murphy, Muckalee. 8th: Cathriona Ellis, Borris-in-ossory. 9th: c/o Fr. Pat, Gowran. 10th: Anna Mai Treacy, Clogh. The next draw takes place on Wednesday 27th July. Contact Fr. Roderick or the parish office to join.

The HUB at Knock Shrine

Open July & August. Parents – Need some time for yourselves? Welcome to the HUB at Knock Shrine, open through July and August, the HUB offers a range of fun activities for children and young people visiting Knock Shrine. From the ARK Kid’s Club for children aged 5 years and over to our drop-in centre with arts and crafts, prayer, music and much more. Don’t miss our Family Day on 21st August, a day for families and children with a range of fun activities, all in the beautiful grounds of Knock Shrine. Learn more about summer fun at the HUB at or phone us on 094 93 75321.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked for their attentions into the parish centre.

Sunday, 26th June 2022
You will show me the path of life.
In today’s gospel we are told that Jesus “resolutely took the road to Jerusalem.” I took real courage to go and face what he knew awaited him in Jerusalem. Luke had earlier in the gospel shown us Jesus struggling with his demons in the desert. Christianity today is no longer something we absorb from society around. It is a personal choice, a resolute decision: do I believe in God, in Jesus, in the Gospel? Faith doesn't come with a silver spoon. For some people , faith is the outcome of a moment of truth when they can no longer live without moral convictions.
On his way to Jerusalem a would-be disciple expresses a desire to follow Jesus. One wonders about such people in our society today. Some are curious to know about Jesus and the gospel he preached, but seem to lack the self-confidence to talk to someone in the know or respond to the invitation to a parish information evening. “I’d like to follow you, but….” Jesus makes it clear that kingdom of God marchers to a drumbeat that’s not recognised by this world. Personal conversion to Jesus opens one’s eyes to a different world and doesn't easily allow one return to what was before. “Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom.” Sounds harsh, doesn’t it. But who can serve two masters?
In yesterday’s church, the church of the fifties and sixties, many were drawn to serve God as priests and consecrated religious. That vocation has fallen on hard times today. But Jesus still attracts people, and there are still those who toy with the prospect of conversion to Christ. We need to give them our time and patience as well as our understanding of life and the Gospel. The three who encountered Jesus in the gospel challenge us to listen to where our own lives are going.
Fr. Joe Walsh

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Denis Treacy, Kells Road.  Requiem Mass on Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church. Burial in Foulkstown Cemetery. Sr. Eileen Egan, St. John of God Sisters.  Richard Walsh, Bennettsbridge & formerly Outrath.
Months Mind: Barbara Teehan.
Anniversaries: Mark Burke (Sat 6.15). Margaret & John McCarthy (Sun 9.30). Enda Cantwell (Sun 10.00). Billy O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Paul O’Rourke & Birthday Remember for John O’Rourke (Sun 12.00). Maureen Walsh & Sr. Margaret Murphy (Sun 12.30).  Kathleen Fogarty (Mon 9.30). Sharon Galvin (Wed 9.30). Marjorie McGrath (Wed 10.30). Dick Martin (Fri 10.30). Beasie Marrinan.  John Hayes. Oliver Deegan. Richard Dunne. John & Kitty McMyler. Frank & Nellie Malone. William Maher Sr.
Intentions for next weekend: Mary Ruth (Sat 6.15). Tony Canny (Sun 9.30). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). John Phelan (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Deceased Residents of Dukesmeadows Estate (Sun 12.00). Paddy Boyd (Sun 12.30).

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

A prayer to greet the day
Father in heaven, I thank you for my family and friends, for those who stand by me in good times and bad, for those who love me for exactly who I am. Their care and concern bring joy to my life and remind me that I am truly blessed.

The Rosary will be recited at the Statue in St. James Green on Thursday 30th June at 6.30pm. It is for ‘The Protection of the life of the unborn child and the end to Abortion’. All are welcome. Please bring a friend.

Parish Pilgrimage to Knock
The annual parish pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Thursday 30th June. Tickets available from the Parish Centre from Tuesday, €20 each. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Bus will leave St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.15am & St. Patrick’s Church at 7.20am sharp. We will stop on the way for breakfast and also on the return journey for evening meal in Tullamore (not included in the price of the ticket).

Annual Cemetery Masses
We have been unable to gather for the Cemetery Masses for a number of years now and we look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well
Masses are as follows:
Danesfort Cemetery, Thursday 30th June at 8.00pm
Dunmore & Johnswell Cemeteries at 7.30pm on Friday, 1st July 2022.
Foulkstown Cemetery, Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm.
Please inform relatives and friends.

Foulkstown  Cemetery
Welcome to the new members of the Foulkstown committee who have joined this year to help with the maintenance of the cemetery. We are grateful to the Cemetery Committee who are working tirelessly getting the cemetery in top shape for our Cemetery Mass in July. We are grateful too, to the many families who look after and tend to their graves, not just for the Cemetery Mass, but throughout the entire year. Unfortunately, some graves have no one left to look after them and we ask, where possible that neighbouring families might give them some care.

Gardeners Needed
Do you have an interest in gardening? Do you have 1 or 2 hours to spare on Mondays from 4 - 6pm to tend the gardens at the Parish Centre? Contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer 056 776 4400.

South Leinster Money Advice & Budgeting Service
Kilkenny MABS, 4 The Parade, Kilkenny
Tel: 0818 072610. Free, Independent and Confidential
Money Advice and Budgeting Service. MABS offers free Debt Relief Advice under Personal Insolvency options. Money Management Sessions provided for Transition/Leaving Cert Students & Community Groups

The Pope’s Intentions -  June
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.

Carry the Cross Each Day
Lord Jesus, you know how earnestly we wish “instant” joy and happiness, right now, without waiting a moment longer. Yet you tell us: “Whoever wishes to be my follower, must dent his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps.”
Grant that we may never be ashamed of these words in the presence of our brothers, but rather accept them as a rule of life. For to follow you is to find the cross, but the cross is a source of joy, and your joy - even today - is the gate to eternity!
Biblical Prayers, Lucien Deiss.

Sunday, 19th June 2022
The Body & Blood of Christ
‘Pilgrim walk softly, this is holy ground.
It has been made holy by the feet of generations
who came here to worship God,
to hear Mass, to honour Our Lady,
to pray for their needs and for peace.
Here are the memories of a poor, persecuted people,
they braved death to come.
They walked barefoot through the woods to worship in secret.
Here are memories of hunted priests,
offering Mass in this hallowed place at risk of their lives.
Will their sufferings and sacrifices be in vain?
They have handed on a torch - Let us keep that torch alight’.
‘To adore me is to demonstrate that all your hope is in me. To adore me is to show me that you count not on yourself nor on others but on me alone. To adore me is to give me the freedom to act within you and upon you in such as away as to unite you wholly to myself, as you have asked me to; my heart to your heart, my soul to your soul, my body to your body, my blood to your blood’.
In Sine Jesu, 181.

Ossory Synodal Journey thus far
Following the synodal meetings throughout the Diocese during Lent a synthesis has been prepared to capture our responses. This synthesis was published on the Ossory website in these past days and is available in hard copy in our churches this weekend. It reflects all that was said at the synodal meetings. This is the first step on the journey on which Pope Francis has asked us to walk. It is good that we can see together all the voices that make our parishes.

The Pope’s Intentions -  June
For families
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Byrne, Kells Road. Margaret Ryan, Kilkenny. Phyllis Murphy, Melville Heights.
Months Mind: Dermot Dunphy (Sat 9.30).
Anniversaries: John Kenny (Sat 6.15). Bridie Conroy (Sun 9.30). Joseph Walsh (Sun 10.00). Dan Maher (Sun 10.30). Marian Egan (Sun 12.00). Eileen Brett (Sun 12.30).  Tom Sinnott (Tues 9.30). Annie Saunders (Wed 10.30). Michael Larkin. Thomas & Mary Hayes.  Des Manning.   Mary, Michael, Paddy & Anna Bowe.  Keith Fleming. Liam Drohan. Tony Tierney.
Intentions for next weekend: Mark Burke (Sat 6.15). Margaret & John McCarthy (Sun 9.30). Enda Cantwell (Sun 10.00). Billy O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Paul O’Rourke & John O’Rourke (Sun 12.00). Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. 

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A prayer to greet the day
Jesus, my friend, walk with me today as I continue on my journey. Give me patience and understanding, courage and grace. Help me to be strong in body, mind and spirit, and guide me along the path of compassion and forgiveness, kindness and love. Amen.

Parish Pilgrimage to Knock
The annual parish pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Thursday 30th June. Tickets available from the Parish Centre from Tuesday, €20 each. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Bus will leave St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.15am & St. Patrick’s Church at 7.20am sharp. We will stop on the way for breakfast and also on the return journey for evening meal in Tullamore (not included in the price of the ticket).

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Annual Pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday, 25th June 2022. Departing St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy at 8am sharp. Breakfast and dinner stops at Moate. For bookings contact Anna 086 214 3719

“In the first place, through the reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Christ Himself, the cause of grace, becomes present in man.” St. Thomas Aquinas

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Annual Cemetery Masses
We have been unable to gather for the Cemetery Masses for a number of years now and we look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well
Masses are as follows:
St. Kieran’s Cemetery at 7.30pm on Friday, 24th June
Danesfort Cemetery, Thursday 30th June at 8.00pm
Dunmore & Johnswell Cemeteries at 7.30pm on Friday, 1st July 2022.
Foulkstown Cemetery, Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm.
Please inform relatives and friends.

The Twilight Community group invites interested older people to attend our Protecting Assisting Senior Services (PASS) programme which will take place in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre on Monday 20th June from 11am to 12.30pm. Groups offering help and support will include: Credit Union, Gardaí, Fire Services, Solicitors, Volunteer Centre etc. Light refreshments will be served.

Family Mass
Please join us for a family Mass, filled with song and a special blessing, in St. Fiacre’s Church at 10.30am on Sunday 26th June. We are delighted to welcome Gemma Mulligan (Coordinator of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan) for the occasion who will engage the children with some Godly play and storytelling. This short session will take place during Mass in the parish centre. All families are welcome to celebrate with us.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked St. Vincent de Paul into the parish office.

Volunteers Needed
Big Brother Big Sister Youth Mentoring Programme Urgently Requires Volunteers:
Have you an hour a week to volunteer to build a friendship with a young person in Kilkenny who needs a little extra support?
You will be matched with a young person based on your hobbies, interests and personality.
Full training and support will be provided throughout your involvement in the programme.
To find out more go to or contact Kate Carroll, Big Brother Big Sister Programme Officer on 086 068 5200 or

Sunday, 12th June 2022
The Most Holy Trinity ‘Theologians describe the inner life of the Trinity with a Greek word meaning ‘to dance around’. This word conveys something of what the inner life of God is like – a life whose essence is a dynamic love exchanged by the Father, Son and Spirit. And if we imagine this life of God as a circle then we believe that God has opened the circle of his own life in order to embrace us into it. This is why St Irenaeus described the Son and the Holy Spirit as the ‘arms of the Father’ that embrace us and all creation into his own life. In the words of Julian of Norwich, we are ‘embraced by the Father, embraced by the Son and embraced by the Spirit’. This image of being embraced into God’s very life challenges any distant or cold image of God we might have. As St John reminds us in his Gospel, He is in us, but we are also in him’. Fr Billy Swan
‘O my God, Trinity whom I adore, help me to forget myself entirely so to establish myself in you, unmovable and peaceful as if my soul were already in eternity. May nothing be able to trouble my peace or make me leave you O my unchanging God, but may each minute bring me more deeply into your mystery! Grant my soul peace. Make it your heaven, your beloved dwelling and place of your rest. May I never abandon you there, but may I be there, whole and entire, completely vigilant in my faith, entirely adoring and wholly given over to your creative action’.
St Elizabeth of the Trinity

Ossory Synodal Journey thus far
Following the synodal meetings throughout the Diocese during Lent a synthesis has been prepared to capture our responses. This synthesis was published on the Ossory website in these past days and is available in hard copy in our churches this weekend. It reflects all that was said at the synodal meetings. This is the first step on the journey on which Pope Francis has asked us to walk. It is good that we can see together all the voices that make our parishes.

The Pope’s Intentions - June
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Anniversaries: Peter Brennan (Sat 6.15). Tom Moloney (Sun 9.30). Mary Maher (Sun 10.00). Paddy & Margaret Noonan & Fr. Andrew O’Carroll (Sun 10.30). Breda Hamilton (Sun 12.00). Jonathan Barry (Sun 12.30). Deceased members of Kilkenny Ladies Friendship Club (Thurs 10.30). John & Johanna Leahy (Sat 9.30). Bill O’Neill. Bridie O’Neill. Kathy Purcell. Nicky Dollard. Joe & Mollie Bergin. Paddy Howard. Paddy Sharkey. Mary, Catherine & Michael Delaney. Tom Maher. Mary Dermody. Joe Heffernan. Catherine Kirwin. Miriam Brennan nee Dalton.
Intentions for Next Weekend: John Kenny (Sat 6.15). Joseph Walsh (Sun 10.00). Dan Maher (Sun 10.30). Marian Egan (Sun 12.00). Eileen Brett (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A prayer to greet the day
Abba, Father, I look to you this day with joy in my heart and praise on my lips. I want to savour every moment, to celebrate this gift of life. May I see Your hand at work in the details of each day, and may I always remember what a blessing it is to experience the wonder of Your creation. Amen.

Parish Pilgrimage to Knock
The annual parish pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Thursday 30th June. Tickets available from the Parish Centre from Tuesday, €20 each. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Bus will leave St. Fiacre’s Church at 7.15am & St. Patrick’s Church at 7.20am sharp. We will stop on the way for breakfast and also on the return journey for evening meal in Tullamore (not included in the price of the ticket).

Pilgrimage to Knock
Annual Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 18th of June. Bus now leaves Woodies Carpark at 8.15am. Contact 086 166 6547.

‘He gives us love. Let us think of God in this way and ask Our Lady, Our Lady our Mother, who always hurries to our aid, to teach us to understand properly what God is like: what the Father is like, what the Son is like, and what the Holy Spirit is like. Pope Francis

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Annual Cemetery Masses
We have been unable to gather for the Cemetery Masses for a number of years now and we look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well
Masses are as follows:
St. Kieran’s Cemetery at 7.30pm on Friday, 24th June
Dunmore & Johnswell Cemeteries at 7.30pm on Friday, 1st July 2022.
Danesfort Cemetery, Thursday 30th June at 8.00pm
Foulkstown Cemetery, Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm.
Please inform relatives and friends.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Is a voluntary organisation offering a free listening service to the bereaved since 1989. We need to train new volunteers. A training skills programme will be offered in September/October. For more information, please phone 056 7756538 or visit

Scripture Summer School - Thursday 16th – Saturday 18th June
Walking the Synodal Pathway together : Facilitated by Mr. Sean Goan and Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA.
Beginning: Thursday, 16 June at 9.30 am Finishing: Saturday, 18 June at 1pm. Location (if attending in-person): St John's Welcome Centre, Knock Shrine. Booking fee €40. Bookings must be completed online at *Please note you will need to select the option to either attend online or in-person at the time of booking.

Exam Time
We are very conscious of those from our parish who continue to sit their Junior and Leaving Cert examinations this week. Be assured of our prayers in private and at Masses during this time.

Anniversary Masses
Please note anniversary Masses are booked subject to availability and on the condition that a funeral on the day takes precedence. In such cases prebooked anniversary Masses will be reallocated.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked St. Vincent de Paul into the parish office.

Sunday, 5th June 2022
The Holy Spirit
Without the Holy Spirit, God is distant, Christ is in the past, the Gospel is a dead letter, the Church is simply an organisation, authority is domination, mission is propaganda, worship is the summoning of the spirits and Christian action is the morality of slaves.
But in the Spirit, the risen Christ is here. The Gospel is the power of life. The Church means Trinitarian communion. Authority is a liberating service. Mission is a Pentecost. Liturgy is memorial and anticipation and human behaviour is deified’. Ignatius Hazim
'Come Holy Spirit renew your wonders in this our day as by a new Pentecost: that being one in heart and in mind and being steadfast in prayer with Mary the Mother of Jesus, we may advance your divine kingdom of justice and peace, of truth and love to the glory of God our Father. Amen.'

Prayer Before an Examination
Dear Lord, as I take this exam,
I thank you that my value
is not based on my performance,
but on your great love for me.
Come into my heart so that we can
Walk through this time together.
Help me, not only with this test,
But the many tests of my life
that are sure to come my way.
As I take this exam, bring back
to my mind everything I studied
and be gracious with
what I have overlooked.
Help me to remain focused and calm,
confident in the facts and in my ability,
and firm in the knowledge that no matter
what happens today
you are there with me.

Bank Holiday
Monday 6th June is a Bank Holiday. Please note there will be only one Mass in the parish on Monday. This Mass is at 11am in St Patrick’s Church. All are welcome.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Months Mind: Sheila Kelly
Anniversaries: John Alley Jr (Sat 6.15). James O’Brien (Sun 9.30). Peter Flannery (Sun 10.00). Michael Shortall (Sun 10.30). Sean ‘Georgie’ Leahy (Sun 12.00). Kathleen Frawley (Sun 12.30). Jimmy McGuire. Bernie Driscoll. May Malone. Kieran Foley. Edwin Stallard. Mary and James O Brien.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Peter Brennan (Sat 6.15) Tom Moloney (Sun 9.30) Mary Maher (Sun 10.00) Paddy & Margaret Noonan & Fr. Andrew O’Carroll (Sun 10,30) Breda Hamilton (Sun 12.00) Jonathan Barry (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Day of Prayer for Thanksgiving
Pentecost Sunday (5th June) has been designated as a Day of Prayer in Thanksgiving for the diocesan phase of the Universal Synod. It offers us all an opportunity to give thanks for the prayerful and engagement and listening that has taken place across the country as we journey together synodally.

A prayer to greet the day
Holy Sprit, give me wisdom and the courage of my convictions, as I make life decisions today and every day. Some may be simple, others complex, but all require honesty and quiet reflection. I pray that, with your help and guidance, my heart will be open to God’s will in whatever choices I am asked to make. Amen.

Pilgrimage to Knock
Annual Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 18th of June. Bus leaves from Springhill Hotel at 7.30 am. Contact 0861666547.

Ossory Synodal Journey thus far
Following the synodal meetings throughout the Diocese during Lent a synthesis has been prepared to capture our responses. This synthesis was published on the Ossory website in these past days and is available in hard copy in our churches this weekend. It reflects all that was said at the synodal meetings. This is the first step on the journey on which Pope Francis has asked us to walk. It is good that we can see together all the voices that make our parishes.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked St. Vincent de Paul into the parish office.

Thought for the day
‘My first business is to so live that at least a few will thank God that I lived when my little day is done’.

The Pope’s Intentions - June
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Is a voluntary organisation offering a free listening service to the bereaved since 1989. We need to train new volunteers. A training skills programme will be offered in September/October. For an application form or to know more about our work, please phone 056 7756538 or visit

Annual Cemetery Masses
We have been unable to gather for the Cemetery Masses for a number of years now and we look forward to coming together as a community to honour and pray for our deceased relatives and friends. All going well
Masses are as follows.
St. Kieran’s Cemetery at 7.30pm on Friday, 24th June
Dunmore & Johnswell Cemeteries at 7.30pm on Friday, 1st July 2022.
Templemartin Cemetery (Clara Parish) Thursday 9th June at
Foulkstown Cemetery, Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm.
Please inform relatives and friends.

Scripture Summer School
Thursday 16th – Saturday 18th June
Walking the Synodal Pathway together
Facilitated by Mr. Sean Goan and Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA. Beginning: Thursday, 16 June at 9.30 am Finishing: Saturday, 18 June at 1pm. Location (if attending in-person): St John's Welcome Centre, Knock Shrine. Booking fee €40
Bookings must be completed online at
*Please note you will need to select the option to either attend online or in-person at the time of booking.

Sunday, 29th May 2022
World Communications Day/Ascension Day
World Communications Day is celebrated today, Sunday 29 May – the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Pope Francis has chosen to reflect on the theme of ‘Listening with the ear of the heart’.
This year’s message is an invitation to reflect on how listening involves more than simply the sense of hearing. True listening is a foundation of genuine relationships, and is foundational to the relationship between God and humanity.
In his message Pope Francis notes that many people ‘are quickly losing the ability to listen to one another, while at the same time listening is undergoing new developments, especially due to new forms of communicating.’
The Holy Father highlights the importance of listening in the context of the Synodal Process, which the Church is currently engaged in at a local and universal level. In his message Pope Francis says,
‘The most important task in pastoral activity is the ‘apostolate of the ear’ – to listen before speaking, as the Apostle James exhorts, ‘Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak’ (1:19). Freely giving some of our own time to listen to people is the first act of charity. ‘A synodal process has just been launched. Let us pray that it will be a great opportunity to listen to one another. Communion, in fact, is not the result of strategies and programmes, but is built in mutual listening between brothers and sisters.
‘With the awareness that we participate in a communion that precedes and includes us, we can rediscover a symphonic Church, in which each person is able to sing with his or her own voice, welcoming the voices of others as a gift to manifest the harmony of the whole that the Holy Spirit composes.’

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John Phelan, Ballinalina. Barbara Teehan, Rath Ullard & formerly Warrington.  Dermot Dunphy, Loughboy. Canon Brian Flynn, Kilmacow, former Adm of St. Patrick’s Parish.
Anniversaries: Bláthnaid Cleere Manning (Sun 10.00). Martin Flynn (Sun 10.30). Tommy, Kitty & Martin Phelan (Sun 12.00). Johanna ‘Ciss’ Gannon (Sun 12.30).  David Power (Tues 9.30). Richard Ruth (Thurs 10.30). Mary Deegan (Sat 9.30). Harry Kelly. Susan Cantwell. Denis Farrell. Brigid & Michael Long. Catherine Brennan. John Scott. Billy Brett. Bridget Culleton. David McGrath.
Intentions for Next Weekend: John Alley Jr (Sat 6.15). James O’Brien (Sun 9.30). Peter Flannery (Sun 10.00). Michael Shortall (Sun 10.30). Sean ‘Georgie’ Leahy (Sun 12.00). Kathleen Frawley (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. 

A prayer to greet the day
Holy Sprit, give me wisdom and the courage of my convictions, as I make life decisions today and every day. Some may be simple, others complex, but all require honesty and quiet reflection. I pray that, with your help and guidance, my heart will be open to God’s will in whatever choices I am asked to make. Amen.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked St. Vincent de Paul into the parish office.

Thought for the day
“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry, and stop to smell the flowers along the way.”  Walter Hagen

We congratulate the children from the KSP who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s Church yesterday (Saturday). Congratulations to all of them and well done to all those who helped prepare them for this special occasion.

Pilgrimage to Knock
Saturday 4th June leaving Kilkenny at the Butts Green, R95 FH90 at 8 am, for the All Ireland Rosary Rally if you would like to attend. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat. All are welcome.

The Pope’s Intentions -  May
For faith-filled young people
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support

Is a voluntary organisation offering a free listening service to the bereaved since 1989. Our work has greatly increased since the lifting of Covid restrictions with the result that we now need to train a new group of volunteers. A training skills programme will be offered in September/October. For an application form or to know more about our work, please phone 056 7756538 or visit

Day of Prayer for Thanksgiving

Pentecost Sunday (5th June) has been designated as a Day of Prayer in Thanksgiving for the diocesan phase of the Universal Synod. It offers us all an opportunity to give thanks for the prayerful and engagement and listening that has taken place across the country as we journey together synodally.

Scripture Summer School
Thursday 16th – Saturday 18th June
Walking the Synodal Pathway together
Facilitated by Mr. Sean Goan and Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA. We are delighted to bring you this year’s Scripture Summer School in association with Tarsus Scripture School. In order to facilitate people from all over the country and further afield, we are delighted to offer participants the option of taking part online or in-person. Beginning: Thursday, 16 June at 9.30 am Finishing: Saturday, 18 June at 1pm. Location (if attending in-person): St John's Welcome Centre, Knock Shrine. Booking fee €40
Bookings must be completed online at
*Please note you will need to select the option to either attend online or in-person at the time of booking.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: John Moran, St. Patrick’s. 2nd: Rosbercon Parish Hall & Sports Ground, Rosbercon. 3rd: Hazel Glennon, Borris-in-Ossory. 4th: Marie B Mahon, Borris-in-Ossory. 5th: Nuala Horan, St. Mary’s. 6th: Castlecomer Credit Union, Castlecomer. 7th: Mary Murphy & Lily Burke, Aghaviller. 8th: Brendan Graham, St. Canice’s. 9th: Clann Ní Fhearghail, Dunnamaggin. 10th: Paul Mullan, Muckalee. The next draw takes place 29th June 2022.

Sunday, 22nd May 2022
Very often people ask us to pray for them, or pray for people close to them. Praying for others is part of our Christian life and in the gospel today we see that Jesus is praying for his disciples, and for all who will believe through them.
He prays that we will always be with him. Love means wanting to be with someone, like friends, spouses, family. We need to give time to be with each other in ways that our relationship with Jesus. Our moments of prayer bring us into his company; he is always there for us. There are many ways of praying; silence, vocal, mediation and contemplation, praise, sorrow and often asking for protection or help for oneself or for others. It is a good thing to give some time each day to answer the Lord’s prayer that we be with him.
He prays also that others may believe through his disciples and through each of us. Prayer can help this - making our hearts more loving and compassionate and accepting of others. Our helping of others in generosity and love can nourish our prayer. Lord may your kingdom com in our hearts and in our service in your name.
Donal Neary SJ (Editor, Sacred Heart Messenger)

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A prayer to greet the day
It is easy to get caught up in the hectic pace of life. Pressure to do more and be more, buy more and see more, comes from all sides.
Father, give me serenity, and help e to hear Your voice about the noise. Father, You are my rock , my strength, and when I remember that, everything else falls into place and my soul is at rest. Amen.

St. Vincent de Paul
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked St. Vincent de Paul into the parish office.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Cornelius (Con) O’Neill. College Ave. Mary Buckley, Talbots Inch. Ann Campion, SOS Seville Lawns. Sheila Lane, Maudlin St.
Anniversaries: Clodagh Phelan (Sat 6.15). Jimmy Cashin (Sun 9.30). Moira Bergin (Sun 10.30). Ann Conway, Mary O’Meara. Teresa Hawks & Denis Garrehy (Sun 12.00). Patricia & Patrick Lawlor (Sun 12.30). Jack Carroll (Wed 10.30). John Cleere (Thurs 10.30). William Doheny (Fri 9.30). Richard & Mary O’Dwyer. Mary Drennan. Bill Bergin. Bill & Josie Delaney. Patricia Casey. Sean Barry. Thomas Jordan. Agnes Dermody. Annie & Kathy Bourke. Mollie Owens. Doris Barron.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Bláthnaid Cleere Manning (Sun 10.00). Martin Flynn (Sun 10.30). Tommy, Kitty & Martin Phelan (Sun 12.00). Johanna ‘Ciss’ Gannon (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Rosary at the Grottos
The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit www.coastalrosaryireland.i.e. You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

We congratulate the children from Gaelscoil Osraí who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s Church yesterday (Saturday). Congratulations to all of them and well done to all those who helped prepare them for this special occasion. We will welcome the children from KSP to St. Fiacre’s Church next Saturday to receive the sacrament.

Pilgrimage to Knock
Saturday 4th June leaving Kilkenny at the Butts Green, R95 FH90 at 8 am, for the All Ireland Rosary Rally if you would like to attend. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat. All are welcome.

Stay with us, Lord
Walk with us, Lord,
along the road of Resurrection!
Explain for us, so slow to believe,
the things that Scripture says of you.
Break the bread of the Eucharist with us
whenever we share our lives with our brothers & sisters.
Stay with us each time night approaches and the daylight fades in our hearts!

Sharing the Synod Responses
The Diocesan Synod Group are working to collate the responses that were heard at the various synod sessions throughout Ossory during Lent. They are, in the company of Bishop Denis, holding a public sharing of these responses at St Kieran’s College on Saturday next 21st May at 2pm. If you would like to hear what was said throughout the Diocese you are most welcome to attend.

The Pope’s Intentions -  May
For faith-filled young people
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Thought for the day
“We are all called to be friends with Jesus. Don’t be afraid to love the Lord.”
Pope Francis

Contribution Envelopes
The majority of this years contribution envelopes have been distributed, there are still some remaining in the Parish Office. If you have not received your envelopes please call in or contact the parish office.

South Kilkenny Historical Society
Coach trip to visit Soloheadbeg, Kilfeacle and Dan Breen’s homestead on Saturday, 28th May. Cost: €60 (Members) or €65 for non-members, which includes coach hire, guides and evening meal in Cahir House Hotel. Departing Mullinavat at 8am, returning at approx 9pm.
Please contact Brigid Barron (087 9507295, or Mary Ryan (086 3790655, for more details and bookings.

Bake Sale – Taizé Youth Pilgrimage
A bake sale will be held in St Patrick’s Parish Centre after 10.30am and 12 noon Masses today (Sunday) It is in aid of the Taizé Youth Pilgrimage organised by Ossory Youth. A group of thirty one 16 and 17 year olds from Kilkenny city and county will spend a week in the Taizé Community in France from June 26th – July 3rd with young people from throughout the world. Come along to take home some home baked cakes, buns, tarts etc. All support really gratefully appreciated.

Sunday, 15th May 2022
Jesus spent a lot of his time after the resurrection reminding the disciples of what he had said and done in his public life. His main reminder was ‘that he would suffer, be put to death and be raised from the dead’. Other times he reminded them of everything in the Scripture about him. He brough them back to places they had known before with him. He was jogging their memory so that their faith in him would grow. Reminders about the best of life are ways of being grateful. It is good to remind ourselves often of the good things in our life, past and present: people who loved us and whom we loved, support and help at bad times, good family times. Gratitude gives joy and energy to life. This can help us see what is good now. Pope Francis, talking to young people in Panama, (January 27th 20219) said: ’And do not forget, you are not the tomorrow, you are not the ’meantime’, you are the Now of God’. God works for us and within us today. We can be grateful for the past, be confident of his care and protection in the future and open ourselves to receive him daily in different ways. The Holy Spirit, soon to be celebrated, is the One who reminds us of this risen love of God.
Donal Neary SJ (Editor, Sacred Heart Messenger)

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A prayer to greet the day
I stand before You today, Lord, ready for the challenges that this new week will bring.
Help me to keep the spirit of Your word alive in my heart and to remember that You are always with me, at home, at work, among friends or strangers, faced with struggles or joys.
Be with me, Lord, and guide me, wherever I may go. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Peggy Hanrahan, Loughboy Park and formerly Larchfield.
Months Mind: Paddy Ward (Sat 6.30pm Foulkstown). Margot Downes (Fri 10.30).
Anniversaries: Kathleen Morrissey (Sat 6.15). Patrick O’Connell (Sun 10.00). John ‘Naxie’ Noonan (Sun 10.30). John Coppinger (Sun 12.00). Bridget & Christy Lawlor (Sun 12.30).  Patrick Lennon (Tues 9.30). Tom & Oliver Kennedy (Tues 9.30). Kathleen Tobin (Wed 10.30).  Deceased Members of Kilkenny Active Retirement (Thurs 10.30). Pat Murphy nee Gough. Elizabeth Somers. Deceased members of the Leahy Family, Grovine.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Clodagh Phelan (Sat 6.15). Jimmy Cashin (Sun 9.30). Moira Bergin (Sun 10.30). Patricia & Patrick Lawlor (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Children from 3 of our schools received their First Holy Communion this past week. We congratulate the children from School of the Holy Spirit who received the sacrament in St. Fiacre’s Church on Thursday last, the children from St. Patrick’s, Kells Road who received the sacrament in St. Fiacres Church on Saturday and the boys from St. Patrick’s De la Salle who receive their First Holy Communion in St. Patrick’s Church yesterday. Congratulations to all of them and well done to all those who helped prepare them for this special occasion. We welcome the children from Gaelscoil Osraí to St. Fiacre’s Church next Saturday.

Sharing the Synod Responses
The Diocesan Synod Group are working to collate the responses that were heard at the various synod sessions throughout Ossory during Lent. They are, in the company of Bishop Denis, holding a public sharing of these responses at St Kieran’s College on Saturday next 21st May at 2pm. If you would like to hear what was said throughout the Diocese you are most welcome to attend.

Bake Sale – Taizé Youth Pilgrimage
A bake sale will be held in St Patrick’s Parish Centre after 10.30am and 12 noon masses on Sunday May 22nd. It is in aid of the Taizé Youth Pilgrimage organised by Ossory Youth. A group of thirty one 16 and 17 year olds from Kilkenny city and county will spend a week in the Taizé Community in France from June 26th – July 3rd with young people from throughout the world. Come along on Sunday 22nd to take home some home baked cakes, buns, tarts etc. All support really gratefully appreciated.

The Pope’s Intentions -  May
For faith-filled young people
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.

Rosary at the Grottos
The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit www.coastalrosaryireland.i.e. You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Let’s get writing
A creative writing workshop for beginners with Ann Murtagh will take place in Loughboy Library on Friday 20th May from 10.30 am - 12.30pm. Ph 056 779 4176 to book your place. Limited places.

Pilgrimage to Knock
Saturday 4th June leaving Kilkenny at the Butts Green, R95 FH90 at 8 am, for the All Ireland Rosary Rally if you would like to attend. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat. All are welcome.

South Kilkenny Historical Society

Coach trip to visit Soloheadbeg, Kilfeacle and Dan Breen’s homestead on Saturday, 28th May. Cost: €60 (Members) or €65 for non-members, which includes coach hire, guides and evening meal in Cahir House Hotel. Departing Mullinavat at 8am, returning at approx 9pm.
Please contact Brigid Barron (087 9507295, or Mary Ryan (086 3790655, for more details and bookings.

Black Abbey – Novena

Our Lady of Fatima Novena in the Black Abbey will take place from Friday 13th May to Saturday 21st May. There will be two sessions daily at 10am and 7pm. Day for the sick with Sacrament of Anointing will take place on Sunday May 15th at 3pm.

St. Vincent de Paul

The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter marked St. Vincent de Paul into the parish office.

Sunday, 8th May 2022
Vocations Sunday
As Catholics, we firmly believe that God has a plan for our lives! He calls some to marriage, some to the priesthood, and others to religious life or to live as generous single people.
Sunday 8th May 2022 is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. It is also known as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” The Lord asked his disciples to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).
Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes.
Pray also for the priests who have ministered to you throughout your life, both living and dead. Encourage your children, grandchildren, or other young people to consider a vocation as a priest or religious brother or sister.

Marian Prayer for Vocations
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church,
You know, the struggles, doubts and obstacles
that those who are discerning a vocation face.
As you gave your “yes” to the Lord’s call
Assist those your Son is calling to answer Yes to the divine call, as you did at the invitation of the angel. Amen


Congratulation to the girls from St. John of God School who received their 1st Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s Church yesterday (Saturday). Well done to all who prepared them for this special day.
We welcome the boys from St. Patrick’s De La Salle to St. Patrick’s Church and the children from St. Patrick’s, Kells Road to St. Fiacre’s Church next Saturday. We wish them well.

Black Abbey – Novena
Our Lady of Fatima Novena in the Black Abbey will take place from Friday 13th May to Saturday 21st May. There will be two sessions daily at 10am and 7pm. Day for the sick with Sacrament of Anointing will take place on Sunday May 15th at 3pm.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Myles Osborne (Sat 6.15). Dorothy Corr, Dublin.
Months Mind: Tom Browne (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Lar Doyle (Sun 9.30). Joe Ayres (Sun 10.00).  Nuala Deasy (Sun 12.00). Gerard Carolan (Sun 12.30).  Jim Lanigan (Tues 9.30). Billy Brett (Tues 10.30). Breda Forde (Wed 9.30). John Alley. Catherine Dowling. William O’Brien Snr. Billy O’Brien. Ann O’Brien. William O’Brien Jnr. Martin O’Brien. Michael O’Brien (Birthday Remembrance). Mary Hehir. Liam Meehan
Intentions for Next Weekend: Kathleen Morrissey (Sat 6.15). Paddy Ward (Months Mind 6.30pm Foulkstown). Patrick O’Connell (Sun 10.00). John ‘Naxie’ Noonan (Sun 10.30). John Coppinger (Sun 12.00). Bridget & Christy Lawlor (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

The Good Shepherd
Gather together your sheep, Lord,
In all the places where they have been scattered
During the mist and darkness.
Lead them to good pasturage,
Let them rest in good grazing ground.
Those who are lost - search out;
Those who have strayed - bring back.
Those who are wounded - bind their wounds;
Those who are sick - cure.
Those bearing young - watch over them;
All of your sheep - keep them safe in your flock.
Lord Jesus, because you are our good shepherd, help us all to be the sheep of your flock.
Gather everyone into the fold of your love so that there may be but one flock and only one shepherd.

An act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A Spirituality of our Times—14th May 22

Venue: St. Patricks Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny. The speaker: Jane Mellett. Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Cost: €10 (bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided) pay on the door. Booking essential: Contact Sara or Catherina @ 056 7722870 9.00 am – 5.00 pm or e-mail before May 6th

A prayer to greet the day
For the sky above me, for the earth beneath my feet, for the sun’s rising and setting, for water rushing downstream, for the breath in my lungs, for the beat of my heart. For all I’ve accomplished, for what lies ahead, for the promise of tomorrow, Lord, I thank you. Amen.

Rosary at the Grottos
The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit www.coastalrosaryireland.i.e. You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

Lost & Found
A gold watch was lost on Holy Thursday (April 14th) in the grounds of St. Patrick’s Church. If you have found it, please drop it into the Parish Office or call us on 056 776 4400.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Pilgrimage to Knock

Saturday 4th June leaving Kilkenny at the Butts Green, R95 FH90 at 8 am, for the All Ireland Rosary Rally if you would like to attend. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat. All are welcome.

The Pope’s Intentions -  May
For faith-filled young people
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.

South Kilkenny Historical Society
Coach trip to visit Soloheadbeg, Kilfeacle and Dan Breen’s homestead on Saturday, 28th May. Cost: €60 (Members) or €65 for non-members, which includes coach hire, guides and evening meal in Cahir House Hotel. Departing Mullinavat at 8am, returning at approx 9pm. Please contact Brigid Barron (087 9507295, or Mary Ryan (086 3790655, for more details and bookings.

Leaving Cert Irish Course
Johnswell Community Hall, 18th - 22nd July, 10am to 2pm. Contact 087 700 6324, email:

Designated Liaison Person
Kathleen Sherry
085 802 1633
Gardaí 1800 555 222
TUSLA - Kilkenny 052 617 7302
Parish Representatives
Samantha Dolan Michelle O’Connor
056 776 4400
Please note: Children must be accompanied by an adult
when using toilet facilities in our Churches.

Sunday, 1st May 2022
May, the month of Our Lady
The beginning of Summer, month of the cuckoo and flowers. Lord be with us during the month of May. Have you heard the cuckoo or seen the swallows? They have arrived from the sunny southern hemisphere. The whimbrels have arrived also and are resting here on their journey from Italy to Iceland. Let us welcome them and may we all be alive this time next year. Jesus said, “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you of much more value than they”? Matthew (6:26).

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring flowers of the rarest bring blossoms the fairest, from gardens and woodlands and hillside and dale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!

O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May

Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am. There will be no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Fiacre’s Church on Monday.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
We are about to close the Trócaire Parish Account for this year. Outstanding boxes should be returned to the Parish Office before next Sunday. Thank you.

Lost & Found
A gold watch was lost on Holy Thursday (April 14th) in the grounds of St. Patrick’s Church. If you have found it, please drop it into the Parish Office or call us on 056 776 4400.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Sheila Kelly, SOS Ardnore & Mullinavat. Frank Walsh, Castlecomer Road.  Tim Comerford, Meadow Way. Eileen Heffernan, Kilcreene Cottages.
Months Mind: Helen Keattch (Sun 10.30)
Anniversaries: Joan Malone  (Sat 6.15). Tommy & Margaret Connolly (Sun 9.30). Francis & Anna May McNulty (Sun 10.00). Martin Drennan, Rory Quinn, Sean Drennan (Sun 12.00). Paddy O Neill (Sun 12.30). Kevin Brennan (Mon 11.00). Jim Thornton (Tues 10.30). Mary Crotty. Helen Renehan. Ursula & Danny O’Leary. Donal Hallissey. Ned & Rita Foley. Peg & Joe Fleming. Tom Walshe.  Mary Gargan.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Myles Osborne (Sat 6.15). Lar Doyle (Sun 9.30). Joe Ayres (Sun 10.00). Tom Browne (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Nuala Deasy (Sun 12.00). Gerard Carolan (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A Spirituality of our Times—14th May 22
Venue: St. Patricks Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny. The speaker: Jane Mellett. Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Cost: €10 (bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided) pay on the door. Booking essential: Contact Sara or Catherina @ 056 7722870 9.00 am – 5.00 pm or e-mail before May 6th

A prayer to greet the day

Father in heaven, I thank You for my family and friends, for those who stand by me in good times and bad, for those who love me for exactly who I am. Their care and concern bring joy to my life and remind me that I am truly blessed.

Rosary at the Grottos

The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit www.coastalrosaryireland.i.e. You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

Contribution Envelopes
Most of the coming year’s parish contribution envelopes have now been distributed. Please contact the Parish Office during the week if you did not receive your pack of envelopes. Thanks to those who distributed the envelope packs .

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Vincent & Gina Morrissey, Johnstown. 2nd: Guess Who?, Callan. 3rd: Tommy & Betty Lennon, Lisdowney. 4th: Mark & Sharon Kelly, St. Mary’s. 5th: Margaret Logue, St. Canice’s. 6th: Joan Dukelow, St. Mary’s. 7th: Maureen Dooley, Seir Kieran. 8th: Muldowney Family, Lisdowney. 9th: Trish Davis, St. Mary’s. 10th: Rita Jones, Borris-in-Ossory.

Pilgrimages to Knock
1. Saturday, 7th May 2022. For booking contact Ann on 087 932 9561. Organised by the Irish Catholic Nurses’ Guild. Departure: Bus leaving the Butt’s Green at 7.30am. All are welcome.
2. Saturday 4th June leaving Kilkenny at the Butts Green, R95 FH90 at 8 am, for the All Ireland Rosary Rally if you would like to attend. Please contact 086 8469011 to book a seat. All are welcome.

Black Abbey – Novena
Our Lady of Fatima Novena in the Black Abbey will take place from Friday 13th May to Saturday 21st May. There will be two sessions daily at 10am and 7pm. Day for the sick with Sacrament of Anointing will take place on Sunday May 15th at 3pm.

The Pope’s Intentions -  May
For faith-filled young people
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.

Cúrsa Gaeilge na hArdteiste
There will be a Leaving Cert Irish Course running in Johnswell this summer. This course will focus on the Irish Oral Exam, Poetry and Prose. All the benefits of Gaeltacht style classes without having to travel far from home! Venue: Johnswell Community Hall. Date: 18th-22nd July. Time: 10am-2pm. For more information and to book your place please contact

Designated Liaison Person
Kathleen Sherry
085 802 1633
Gardaí 1800 555 222
TUSLA - Kilkenny 052 617 7302
Parish Representatives
Samantha Dolan Michelle O’Connor
056 776 4400
Please note: Children must be accompanied by an adult when using toilet facilities in our Churches.

Sunday, 24th April 2022
Through the Lens of the Gospel
1.‘Peace be with you’ was the greeting of Jesus on meeting his frightened apostles. Who has come to you bringing peace at times when you were afraid? 2. To whom have you been able to bring peace?
Thomas, doubting and questioning, is possibly a person with whom we can identify. What positive part have doubting and questioning played in your life? How have such moments helped you to know that your life is worthwhile? How have questions and doubts strengthened your faith?
3. Note the way that Jesus dealt with Thomas. He did not give out because he doubted. He accepted how he felt and led him along to see the truth of his resurrection. Who has been that kind of teacher for you, gently taking you where you were and leading you to a deeper knowledge of some truth about life? For whom have you been that kind of teacher?
4. ‘Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believed’. That requires great trust. During the recent pandemic there were times when one wondered if we would ever see the end of it. Where did you find hope as the pandemic continued month after month?

St. Patrick’s Parish Office
The Parish Office and Parish Centre will reopen on tomorrow, Monday, 25th April at 9.00am.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Margot Downes (nee Kavanagh)  Dean Cavanagh Place. John Myles Upper Patrick st.
Months Mind: John Clarke
Anniversaries: Peter Alley (Sat 6.15). Kay Hennessy (Sun 9.30). Ursula & Danny O’Leary (Sun 10.00). Dick Keating (Sun 10.30). Paddy & Teresa Burke (Sun 12.00). Jimmy O’Neill (Sun 12.30). Billy Dwan (Tue 9.30). Patrick Downes (Wed 9.30). Mary and Eddie O'Keeffe (Wed 10.30). Thomas Flannery (Sat 9.30).  Patrick & Ellen Moran. Paddy Dorney. Ted O Dwyer. Mary Muldowney.
Intentions for Next Weekend: Joan Malone ( Sat 6.15). Francis and Anna May McNulty (Sun 10.00). Helen Keattch (Sun 10.30) Martin Drennan, Rory Quinn, Sean Drennan (Sun 12.00). Paddy O Neil (Sun 12.30).

A prayer for greet the day
Jesus, my friend, walk with me today as I continue on my journey. Give me patience and understanding, courage and grace. Help me to be strong in body, mind and spirit, and guide me along the path of compassion and forgiveness kindness and love.

The Pope’s Intentions - April
For health care workers - We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities.

Contribution Envelopes
Most of the coming year’s parish contribution envelopes have now been distributed. These envelopes are an excellent way of allowing us to keep transparent accounts of parishioners’ contributions, prepare budgets and reclaim tax on charitable donations. We appeal to all parishioners to use envelopes in this way. Please contact the Parish Office during the week if you did not receive a pack of envelopes and would like to contribute in this way. Please discard of any envelopes left from previous years as the number may be different this year. Thanks to those who distributed the envelope packs .

A Spirituality of our Times
This Conference will be on 14th May 2022
Venue: St. Patricks Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny. The speaker: Jane Mellett. Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Cost: €10 (bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided) pay on the door. Booking essential: Contact Sara or Catherina @ 056 7722870 9.00 am – 5.00 pm or e-mail before May 6th

Pilgrimage to Knock
There will be a pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock on Saturday, 7th May 2022. For booking contact Ann on 087 932 9561. Organised by the Irish Catholic Nurses’ Guild. Departure: Bus leaving the Butt’s Green at 7.30am. All are welcome.

Rosary at the Grottos
The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. Thanks to those who used the boxes during Lent to contribute to Trócaire’s work across the world. They can be dropped into the sacristies or the Parish Office.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see for more information about this.
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage.
· is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.

Life in the Spirit Seminars 2022
A series of Life in the Spirit Seminars will take place in the Sacred Hear Church Moneenroe beginning on Tuesday April 26th and concluding on Tuesday June 7th. All are welcome to this sacred time of music, prayer and song and joyful celebration of our faith. Holy Hour 6.30 pm each night and Mass at 7.30 pm. The first Seminar takes place on Tuesday 26th of April. The theme of the evening is ‘God’s Love’ and the speaker for the evening is Eddie Stones Clonfert. All welcome.

St Lukes Remembrance Service
St Lukes Hospital will be holding its annual remembrance service for families who have been bereaved by the death of their child through miscarriage, still - birth, in early infancy or childhood years. This ceremony will take place on Tuesday April 26th in St. Fiacre’s Church Loughboy at 7.30 pm. Refreshments available for everyone after the ceremony in the Parish Centre.

Easter Sunday, 17th April 2022
Happy Easter
Fr. Roderick, Fr. Peter and members of the St. Patrick’s Parish Pastoral Council wish all in our parish community a very happy Easter. May the blessings of the Lord’s resurrection give us new hope and continue to inspire us as we journey together in faith.

Holy Week Liturgies
Thanks to all who helped celebrate our Holy Week Liturgies. Many people worked away in the background while others came forward to help in the sanctuary. Thanks to all.
Thanks also to all who attended our Holy Week Liturgies. It was uplifting to join in prayer with so many from within our community and beyond.

St. Patrick’s Parish Office
The Parish Office and Parish Centre will reopen on Monday, 25th April at 9.00am. In the meantime priests will be available on 056 776 4400 or on their mobiles.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Mass this week
This coming week, Mass will be celebrated by at 11am each morning from St. Patricks Church.

A prayer for greet the day
Abba, Father, I look to You this day with joy in my heart and praise on my lips. I want to savour every moment, to celebrate this gift of life. May I see Your hand at work in the details of each day, and may I always remember what a blessing it is to experience the wonder of Your creation. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Anniversaries: Pat & Peggy Banahan (Sun 9.30). Patsy Keogh (Sun 10.00). Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Byrne (Sun 10.30). Maura Devlin (Sun 12.00). Susan & Andrew Delaney & Ellen Garrehy (Sun 12.30).  Nancy & Edward Hennessy (Mon 11.00). Patricia Keogh (Wed 11.00). Emmanuel Joseph English (Thurs 11.00). Ann Murray. Angela Noriega. Brigid Kelly. Kitty & John Cleere and their sons Paddy, Bill & Gerard Cleere. Martin Hoyne. Margaret & Patrick Doran. Josie, Phil & Mary Doran. Pauline Delaney. Mary Brennan. Michael Malone. Marie, Anna & Michael Beale. Bridget, Seamus & Patrick Culleton. Deceased members of the Keyes & Glynn Families. Vera Walsh. Ann & Noel O’Dwyer. Michael O’Reilly . Martin and Eizabeth Brennan. John and Doris Barron
Intentions for Next Weekend: Peter Alley (Sat 6.15). Kay Hennessy (Sun 9.30). Ursula & Danny O’Leary (Sun 10.00). Dick Keating (Sun 10.30). Paddy & Teresa Burke (Sun 12.00). Jimmy O’Neill (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

A Spirituality of our Times
This Conference will be on 14th May 2022
Venue: St. Patricks Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny. The speaker: Jane Mellett. Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Cost: €10 (bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided) pay on the door. Booking essential: Contact Sara or Catherina @ 056 7722870 9.00 am – 5.00 pm or e-mail before May 6th

The Pope’s Intentions - April
For health care workers - We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities.

Love Overcame
Love overcame
Emerging from a cold tomb
All the truth, majesty and creativity
of a living God
Transforming a broken heart
Making a quiet return,
in a still and sorrowful garden
The grave stone rolled away,
to release redemptive love
Jesus resurrected and restored
Comforts a weeping woman
Speaks with travellers on a journey
Meets with his faithful friends
And they bow down before Christ alive
And acknowledged that the saviour has arrived That the word of God has come alive
And that the extraordinary transformation of heaven and earth Is complete
Julie Palmer

Contribution Envelopes
Most of the coming year’s parish contribution envelopes have now been distributed. These envelopes are an excellent way of allowing us to keep transparent accounts of parishioners’ contributions, prepare budgets and reclaim tax on charitable donations. We appeal to all parishioners to use envelopes in this way. Please contact the Parish Office during the week if you did not receive a pack of envelopes and would like to contribute in this way. Please discard of any envelopes left from previous years as the number may be different this year. Thanks to those who distributed the envelope packs.

Pilgrimage to Knock
There will be a pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock on Saturday, 7th May 2022. For booking contact Ann on 087 932 9561. Organised by the Irish Catholic Nurses’ Guild. Departure: Bus leaving the Butt’s Green at 7.30am. All are welcome.

Rosary at the Grottos
The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. Thanks to those who used the boxes during Lent to contribute to Trócaire’s work across the world. They can be dropped into the sacristies or the Parish Office from 25th April.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see for more information about this.
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

Palm Sunday, 10th April 2022
Holy Week Timetable in St. Patrick’s Parish

St Patrick’sSt. Fiacre’sFoulkstown
Spy Wednesday
Morning Mass
Chrism Mass (St Mary's) 7.30pm



Holy Thursday
Morning Prayer
Mass of the Lord’s Supper


6.15pm (Families)

Good Friday
Morning Prayer
Stations & Penitential Service
The Lord’s Passion
Stations of the Cross

12 noon


Holy Saturday
Morning Prayer
Easter Vigil



Easter Sunday
Mass of Easter


12 noon

Easter Week (Mon - Sat)
Daily Mass


No Mass this week

Palm Sunday
Today, we enter the holiest week of our liturgical year, celebrating in a very solemn manner the passion, death, and resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. In our newsletter today we offer several ways by which we can enter deeply into this reality during the coming Holy Week. In doing so we grow closer to Jesus, acknowledge him as Saviour, offer thanks for his sacrifice, and celebrate our new life in him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life for all people. The Holy Week timetable for our parish is printed on the front of this newsletter. Please make time for at least some of the ceremonies and stations which will be celebrated during the week. A good start would be to come along to the Mass of Chrism in St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7.30pm on this Wednesday, 13th April. May this week be truly holy for you and may you experience that sense of wonder and gratitude that Christ made such a sacrifice, his very self, to Our Father, that we might, free from sin, serve him in holiness and justice all the days of our lives.
“Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free. You are the Saviour of the world.”

Mass of Chrism
The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Wednesday, 13th April at 7.30pm. Sacred Oils, for use in the diocese during the coming year, will be consecrated during this liturgy. All are welcome.

Penitential Service
St. Patrick’s Church will host a Penitential Service at 12.00 noon on Good Friday. The service will be based on the Stations of the Cross and will provide an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance for Easter. We welcome you.

Good Friday Walk
The annual Good Friday Walk will take place this year to remember the people of Ukraine, the walk will begin at St. John's Church at 7 pm and finish in the Capuchin Friary for prayer around the Cross. Members of the Ukrainian community will lead the walk. The relic of the true Cross will be carried on the walk. All Welcome

Easter Dues
Easter Dues, in support of the priests of the parish and the bishop will be taken up next weekend. Please use the special envelope in the contribution pack or any envelope. Thanks.

Pray For Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Power, Callan. Joyce Britton, Greenshill.
Months Mind: Peggy Bateman (Sat 6.15).
Anniversaries: Mary & Michael Burke (Sat 6.15). Elizabeth McCorry (Sun 9.30). Eileen Byrne (Sun 10.00). Brian Griffin, Fred & Ellen Clarke (Sun 10.30). Marie Phelan (Sun 12.00). Paschal Foley (Sun 12.30).  Josephine O’Neill (Tues 10.30). Frank Cantwell (Wed 10.30). Pauline Morris. Patrick Cahill.  Gretta & Alice Brett.  Billy Brennan. Annie & Dick Burke. Ann & Joe Walsh. Elizabeth Geoghegan.  
Intentions for Next Weekend: Pat & Peggy Banahan (Sun 9.30). Patsy Keogh (Sun 10.00). Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Byrne (Sun 10.30). Maura Devlin (Sun 12.00). Susan & Andrew Delaney & Ellen Garrehy (Sun 12.30).

St. Patrick’s Parish Office
The Parish Office will close to the public on Holy Thursday at 4.00pm and reopen on Monday, 25th April at 9.00am. In the meantime priests will be available on 056 776 4400.

St. Patrick’s Parish Centre
St. Patrick’s Parish Centre will close on next Thursday evening and reopen at 9.00am on Monday 25th April. The centre will not be available to groups during this period.

Solemn Easter Vigil

We particularly invite all parishioners to celebrate the Solemn Easter Vigil which begins at 9.00pm on Saturday evening. This event, which is celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, should be the highlight of the year for those who believe that Christ died for our sins and rose again to save us from eternal damnation.

Extra Mass During Lent

Thanks to all who attended the extra 6.15pm Mass at St. Fiacre’s Church during Lent. See the timetable printed on the front for our full Easter ceremonies.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. They can be returned to any of our sacristies.

Parish Newsletter
Items must be in by Thursday at the very latest. After that they will appear the following week. Parish & Diocesan notices take priority. It may not be possible to repeat some items each week.

The Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross (sometimes also called the “Way of the Cross” or Via Crucis, in Latin) is a traditional devotion tracing the events on the way to Christ’s crucifixion. The devotion has its roots in the practice of pilgrimage to Jerusalem, especially to sites along the way to the cross. In the fifteenth century, as it became difficult for Christians to visit Jerusalem, the Franciscans began to erect outdoor shrines in Europe to recall these holy places, and in later centuries the devotion took root throughout the entire Church. We encourage you to visit our churches during the coming week to reflect on the Lord’s Passion. There will be a public celebration of the Stations at St. Patrick’s Church at 12.00 noon on Good Friday and at St. Joseph’s Church at 7.30pm on the same day.  Those who cannot get out to church can attend the Stations of the Cross in your own time and in your own home by visiting the virtual Stations of the Cross at

Palm Sunday Reflection
O Christ, you entered the city as a poor man,
not in style but simply,
yet you still caused uproar, and questions everywhere;
you drew the expectations of a hungry crowd,
And brought buried conflicts to the light.
May we, who are sometimes swayed by the crowd’s approval,
and who often avoid conflict
for fear of its cost to us,
Hold fast to the gospel of peace and justice
And follow faithfully in you r way of compassion and solidarity
With those who are poor and excluded,
Wherever it may lead us. Amen
Kathy Galloway

The Pope’s Intentions - April

For health care workers - We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities.

Contribution Envelopes
Most of the coming year’s parish contribution envelopes have now been distributed. These envelopes are an excellent way of allowing us to keep transparent accounts of parishioners’ contributions, prepare budgets and reclaim tax on charitable donations. We appeal to all parishioners to use envelopes in this way. Please contact the Parish Office during the week if you did not receive a pack of envelopes and would like to contribute in this way. Please discard of any envelopes left from previous years as the number may be different this year. Thanks to those who distributed the envelope packs .

Pilgrimage to Knock
There will be a pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine at Knock on Saturday, 7th May 2022. For booking contact Ann on 087 932 9561. Organised by the Irish Catholic Nurses’ Guild. Departure: Bus leaving the Butt’s Green at 7.30am. All are welcome.

Rosary at the Grottos
The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world.

A prayer to greet the day
Holy Spirit, give me wisdom and the courage of my convictions, as I make life decisions today and every day. Some may be simple, others complex, but all require honesty and quiet reflection. I pray that, with your help and guidance, my heart will be open to God’s will in whatever choices I am asked to make. Amen.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota
The new eucharistic ministers rota is ready. It can be collected at the sacristies, from Monday in the parish office or if you would like it to be emailed to you, please send an email to and it will be sent to you.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see for more information about this.
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage.
· is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

Synod In Ossory  
Pope Francis wants to hear your voice and so do we - every voice makes the parish. This Lent throughout the Diocese we are inviting people to tell us their experience of church. If you didn't attend some of the public meetings you can still share your thoughts with the synod team in Ossory by going to the Ossory website to fill in a short survey - simply go to or follow this QR code. Please share this opportunity with as many people as possible.

Together For Lent
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in St Mary's Cathedral on Sunday, 10th April, at 5.30pm. Continue the journey to Holy Week by celebrating the sacrament of God's Forgiveness.

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

Holy Week Ceremonies City Parishes
Wednesday - Chrism Mass at 7.30pm St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Black Abbey 6pm. St. Fiacre’s 6.15pm. St. Mary’s 6.30pm. Capuchin Friary 7.00pm. St. Canice’s 7.30pm. St. John’s 7.30pm. St. Patrick’s 8pm.
Good Friday - The Lord’s Passion
St. Patrick’s 3pm. St. Fiacre’s 3pm. St. Canice’s 3pm. St. John’s 3pm & 7pm. St Mary’s 3pm & 8pm.
Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
St. Canice’s 7.30pm. St. Mary’s 8pm. St. Patrick’s 9pm. Black Abbey 9pm. St. John’s 9pm.


We congratulate the children from the School of the Holy Spirit who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday last in St. Fiacre’s Church. We pray that the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit will guide and direct their lives and bring them God’s blessing.

Stations of the Cross
At the beginning of Holy Week, on the 11th, 12th & 13th April, instead of saying the rosary before the Mass, the Stations of the Cross will be said in St. Fiacre’s Church. All welcome.

Sunday, 3rd April 2022
“Jesus forgives. But there is something more here than forgiveness. For as a confessor Jesus goes beyond the law, for the law said that she had to be punished . Jesus was pure and could have throne the first stone. But he went beyond this. He doesn’t tell her that adultery is not a sin, but he doesn’t condemn her with the law. This, the Pope explained, is the mystery of Jesus’ mercy ... in being merciful Jesus goes beyond the law which commanded that she be stoned. Mercy is something which is difficult to understand: it doesn’t eliminate sin, for it is God’s forgiveness that does this. Mercy is the manner in which God forgives. For Jesus could have said: ‘I forgive you, go!’ as he had said to the paralytic: your sins are forgiven!. In this situation, however, Jesus goes further and counsels the woman to sin no more. This is Jesus’ style as a confessor. He does not humiliate the adulterous woman. He does not say to her: 'what did you do, when did you do it, how did you do it and with whom did you do it!'. Instead, he tells her 'to go and sin no more': God’s mercy is great, God’s mercy is great: forgiving us by caressing us”.
Pope Francis, Monday, 7 April 2014

Parish Contribution Envelopes
This year’s parish envelopes are prepared and ready for distribution. We ask the usual distributors to please call to the Parish Office from Monday to collect envelopes for your assigned areas. These envelopes are an excellent way of allowing us to keep transparent accounts of parishioners’ contributions, prepare budgets and reclaim tax on charitable donations. We appeal to all parishioners to use envelopes in this way. If you have any envelopes from previous years, please dispose of them as your envelope number may have changed. If you would like to receive envelopes, please contact the Parish Office 056 7764400.

We congratulate the children from St Patrick’s School, Kells Road who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday last in St. Fiacre’s Church. We pray that the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit will guide and direct their lives and bring them God’s blessing.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Paddy Ward, Castlegardens.  Gabriel Igho, Nigeria. John Clarke, Newbridge.
Months Mind: James Cody (Sat 9.30).
Anniversaries: Chris Kenny (Sat 6.15). Michael Slattery (Sun 9.30). Michael Leahy (Sun 10.00). Margaret Glynn (Sun 10.30). Mary O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Ellen Pattison (Sun 12.30).  Jim O’Dwyer (Mon 9.30). Carmel Boyd (Mon 6.15). Jim Cantwell (Tues 10.30). James Power (Tues 6.15). John Collins (Wed 9.30). Breda Lennon (Wed 10.30). Christy & Evelyn ‘Bobbi’ Leahy (Fri 9.30). Gordon Deevy (Fri 10.30). John Malone (Fri 6.15). Mary Delaney. Daisy Ramsbottom. Lil Morris. Paddy Tomney. Mary Dollard. Oliver Brennan. Michael & Margaret Brannigan. Joan O’Connor.
Intentions for next weekend: Mary & Michael Burke (Sat 6.15). Elizabeth McCorry (Sun 9.30). Eileen Byrne (Sun 10.00). Brian Griffin, Fred & Ellen Clarke (Sun 10.30). Marie Phelan (Sun 12.00). Paschal Foley (Sun 12.30).

Together For Lent
St Mary's Cathedral - Sacrament of Reconciliation on Sunday April 3rd at 5.30pm All are welcome.

A prayer to greet the day
It is so easy to get caught up in the hectic pace of life. Pressure to do more and be more, buy more and see more, comes from all sides.
Father, give me serenity, and help me to hear Your voice about the noise. Father, You are my rock, my strength, and when I remember that, everything else falls into place and my soul is at rest. Amen.

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour continues from 7 - 8pm in St. Patricks Church on Wednesday 6th April. Also available on our webcam at All are welcome.

Stations of the Cross
At the beginning of Holy Week, on the 11th, 12th & 13th April, instead of saying the rosary before the 10.30am Mass, the Stations of the Cross will be said in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you.

Synod In Ossory

Pope Francis wants to hear your voice and so do we - every voice makes the parish. This Lent throughout the Diocese we are inviting people to tell us their experience of church. If you didn't attend some of the public meetings you can still share your thoughts with the synod team in Ossory by going to the Ossory website to fill in a short survey - simply go to or follow this QR code. Please share this opportunity with as many people as possible. We want to hear from everyone.

Lough Derg
Pilgrimage Season re-opens 1st May 2022. One day, three day and quiet day retreats.  For Further information phone 071 986 1518 or visit, or email

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world. Amen

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Anna Walton, St. Mary’s. 2nd: Kilmacow Parish, Kilmacow. 3rd: Miriam Healy. Thomastown. 4th: Liam Mahony, St. Mary’s. 5th: Chrissy O’Halloran, Ballycallan. 6th: Conahy Parish, Conahy. 7th: Christian Brothers, Callan. 8th: Lanigan Family, Tullaroan. 9th: Catriona Ellis, Borris-in-Ossory.
10th: Mary Maher, St. Mary’s. The next draw will take place on Wednesday 27th April. Contact the parish office 0567764400 or Fr. Roderick to join.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota
The new eucharistic ministers rota is ready. It can be collected at the sacristies, from Monday in the parish office or if you would like it to be emailed to you, please send an email to and it will be sent to you.

Sunday, 31st March 2022
Through the lens of the Gospel
1. Like many a parable, this story makes its point in a way that seems to be unfair: the spendthrift son is rewarded and the elder son is left hurt and angry. People often empathise with him. Neither son understood the nature of love. The younger son did not recognise what a treasure he had at home and walked out on it. Then he ‘came to himself’ and returned home. Where and when have you experienced a homecoming by becoming aware of love you had previously not recognised? What helped you to come to yourself and make that journey home?2. The older son resented the party given to the younger son after his wandering and dissolute life – forgetting that all the father had was his. He is a symbol of us when we set ourselves up to decide when and how others should show their love, affection and gratitude. Such expectations fail to respect the freedom of others and make us vulnerable to the pain of unmet expectations. These can be fertile ground for hurt and resentment. What helps you to respect the freedom of others, and to recognise their love even if it is not expressed just as you would like?
3. Love is a free gift, not something we earn by our goodness. Recall the wonder of experiencing love when you did not expect it. You may even have thought you were not worthy of it. When has the experience of human love, freely given, prompted you to reflect on God’s love for you?
John Byrne osa, email

St Mary's Cathedral
Bishop Nulty will celebrate Mass on Sunday at 5.30pm in St Mary's Cathedral and will bless the new ambo and consecrate the new altar. The new ambo and altar are the work of renowned Irish stonemason Thomas Glendon and its design reflects the majestic columns of the Cathedral. All are welcome - the ceremony can also be followed online through the Cathedral Website (

Together For Lent
The Lenten series continues on Tuesday night. This week the gathering will be in St Mary's Cathedral at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Rose Healy, Maidenhill.
Months Mind: Stephen Power (Sun 12.30).
Anniversaries: John O’Sullivan (Sat 6.15). Lena McCarthy (Sun 9.30). Billy Wallace (Sun 10.00). Angela Kearney (Sun 10.30). Mary Cullen, John & Caroline Cullen (Sun 12.00). Michael Curley (Tues 10.30). Denis Murphy. Christy Grace. Rosemary Grace. Kathleen Angland. Peter Healy. Eileen Quigley. Jim McGrath. Mary Foley. Paddy Corcoran. John
Intentions for next weekend: Chris Kenny (Sat 6.15). Michael Slattery (Sun 9.30). Michael Leahy (Sun 10.00). Margaret Glynn (Sun 10.30). Mary O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Ellen Pattison (Sun 12.30).

The Synodal Path 2021 2023

Listening meetings will take place in Rosbercon Hall on Monday 28th March at 7.30pm and in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre on Thursday 31st March at 7.30pm. More information from and Church notice boards.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
This year’s parish envelopes are prepared and ready for distribution. We ask the usual distributors to please call to the Parish Office from Monday to collect envelopes for your assigned areas. These envelopes are an excellent way of allowing us to keep transparent accounts of parishioners’ contributions, prepare budgets and reclaim tax on charitable donations. We appeal to all parishioners to use envelopes in this way. If you have any envelopes from previous years, please dispose of them as your envelope number may have changed. If you use these old envelopes the monies might not be credited to you. If you would like to receive envelopes, please contact the Parish Office 056 7764400.

A prayer to greet the day

I stand before you today, Lord, ready for the challenges that this new week will bring. Help me to keep the spirit of your word alive in my heart and to remember that you are always with me, at home, at work, among friends or strangers, faced with struggles or joys. Be with me, Lord, and guide me, wherever I may go.

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour will take place from 7-8pm on Wednesday 30th March in St. Patricks Church.

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Collection for Ukraine
A collection in aid of Ukraine will be taken up at all Masses this weekend. Thank you in advance for your support.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you.

Prayer for Peace for Ukraine

Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for the world that is this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.
May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world. Amen

MotherAll loving God,
we give you thanks and praise for mothers young and old.
We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend to our every need;
May they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for their families and themselves with great joy.
We pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us; May they continue to guide in strong and gentle ways.
We remember mothers who are separated from their children because of war, poverty or conflict; May they feel the loving embrace of our God who wipes every tear away.
We pray for women who are not mothers but still love and shape us with motherly care and compassion.
We remember mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love. Amen.

Stations of the Cross
At the beginning of Holy Week, on the 11th, 12th & 13th April, instead of saying the rosary before the 10.30am Mass, the Stations of the Cross will be said in St. Fiacre’s Church. All are welcome.


Sunday, 13th March 2022
Through the Lens of the Gospel
1. On the mountain, the disciples saw Jesus in a new way. His appearance changed. Sometimes in friendships there are experiences when we get to know a friend in a deeper way. It is a marvellous moment. This can also happen in our relationship with God. Recall such experiences in your life. Remember what it was like for you and give thanks. How do such memories sustain you in difficult times?
2. The clear vision of Jesus with Moses and Elijah was followed by a frightening experience of being in a cloud. It was in the midst of the cloud that the disciples were instructed: ‘This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to him.’ Have you had the experience of learning an important truth about yourself, or about your relationship with God, from moments of confusion as well as from times of joy?
3. The disciples were prepared for this experience by getting an invitation from Jesus to come apart, to withdraw to the mountain. Have there been times when going apart (or making space for quiet and prayer in an ordinary day) was an important element in preparing you for a significant experience?
4. Peter wanted to build three tents. He wanted to hold on to the experience. Have there been experiences that you wanted to hold on to?
John Byrne osa, Email

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
We hope to have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for 2 hours every Monday in St. Fiacre’s Church. In order to facilitate this, we need names of people who willing to give some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament to cover the 2 hours. If you can do half an hour or and hour, please give your name to the sacristan in St. Fiacre’s Church.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Tom Browne, College Road.
Months Mind: Sharon Croghan (Wed 6.15). Statia Tierney (Thurs 12.30).
Anniversaries: Kathleen O’Neill (Sat 6.15). Jacinta Hurley (Sun 10.00). Theresa Walsh (Sun 10.30). Joseph O’Neill (Sun 12.00). Eddie, Rose, Brendan & Cora Lawless (Sun 12.30). Fr. John Hand (Tues 6.15). Bridget Eardley (Thurs 10.00). Keira Brett (Thurs 12.00). Ellen McCabe. Ann Dooley. Michael Kelly. Leonila Deegan. Dixie Comerford. Frank Donovan.  Olive Malone. Phil, Statia & Breda Breen. Alan Randall. Joe Kirwan. Paddy Larkin. Mary Hickey
Intentions for next weekend: Phil Delaney (Sat 6.15). Pat Mullins (Sun 10.00). John Dooley (Sun 10.30). Maudie & Milo Dunne (Sun 12.00).  Seamus Butler (Months Mind Sun 12.30).

The Synodal Path 2021 2023
Synod 2021 - 2023 for a Synodal Church: Communion Participation Mission. Pope Francis wants to hear you and so does the diocese of Ossory. Be apart of our Listening Journey in Listening Lent 2022. Listening meetings will take place in St. Kieran’s College & Urlingford Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 14th March. More information from and Church notice boards.

Together for Lent
The four city parishes invite you to attend a series of Lenten Masses during Lent 2022. Continuing on Tuesday 15th March, Mass will be celebrated in St John’s Church at 7.30pm. The speaker on the night will be Jim Maher.

Lights in St. Fiacre’s Church
Thanks to a generous donation from a parishioner the lights in St. Fiacre’s Church will be upgraded in the coming months. The current lights cannot be replaced as they are not available anymore so the whole system needs to be upgraded. Thank you for your patience.

Holy Hour
Continuing each Wednesday during Lent from 7-8pm in St. Patrick’s Church.

Lá Fhéile Naomh Pádraig
Ceiliúraimid Lá Fhéile Naomh Pádraig Éarlaimh na hÉireann ar an De Déardaoin seo chugainn, ní hamháin in Éirinn ach ar fud an domhain mhór. Tógadh mar sclábhaí é go hAontroim áit ar chaith sé, sé bliana ag aoireacht muc. Bhí sé mar nós aige guí chun Dé céad uair sa ló agus céad uair san oíche. D’éalaigh sé go dtí an Fhrainc agus oirníodh ina shagart é agus ina dhiaidh sin rinneadh easpag de. D’fhill sé ar Éirinn agus chraobhscaoil sé Soiscéal na Críostaíochta.
Tugann an fhéile deis dúinn buíochas a ghabháil le Dia as an tseoid luachmhar seo a bhronn Naomh Pádraig orainn. Gabhaimid buíochas chomh maith dóibh siúd idir chléir agus tuath a scaip an Creideamh ar fud an domhain. Bhí Pádraig umhal de shíor i láthair Dé. Ins an Confessio cuireann sé é féin in aithne dúinn mar seo “Mise Pádraig, peacach róthútach, an té is lú de na fíréin go léir agus an té is mó a bhfuil dímheas ag a lán.” Tugaimis ómós dó mar ba chóir. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ar chlann mhór dhomhanda na nGael, sa bhaile agus ar fud na cruinne, ar ár lá náisiúnta ceiliúrtha féin.

St. Patrick’s Day and Eve Mass Times
Masses for St. Patrick’s Day will follow the Sunday Mass timetable and are as follows:
Wednesday Evening: St. Fiacre’s Church (6.15pm).
Thursday: St. Patrick’s Church (9.30am & 12.30pm). St. Joseph’s Church (10.00am). St. Fiacre’s Church (10.30am & 12.00noon).

“Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself.” — St. Francis de Sales

Please Note
Due to Thursday & Friday being Bank Holidays, there will be no 6.15pm Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church those evenings. The only Mass in the Parish on Friday will take place at 11am in St. Patrick’s Church.

Sacramental Preparation

This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you.

A prayer for Ukraine
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Sunday, 6th March 2022
150th Anniversary
A liturgical celebration is planned to mark the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John of God and to enable us to give thanks for the service and ministry the Sisters and their collaborators have provided in the Diocese of Ossory. Throughout the years the Sisters have ministered in a number of parishes in our diocese and have provided all parishes and religious houses with Altar Breads.
The celebration will take place at St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy, Kilkenny (R95 DK88) at 5.30pm on Thursday, 10th March 2022 and will be followed by refreshments in the adjoining Parish Centre. All those who would like to recognise and give thanks for the work of the Sisters are invited to attend. Former staff members are especially invited to attend.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

The Synodal Path 2021 2023
Synod 2021 - 2023 for a Synodal Church: Communion Participation Mission. Pope Francis wants to hear you and so does the diocese of Ossory. Be apart of our Listening Journey in Listening Lent 2022. The first Listening meeting will take place in St. Kieran’s College at 7.30pm on Monday 7th March. More information from &

Holy Hour
Beginning on Wednesday 9th March from 7-8pm in St. Patrick’s Church and continuing each Wednesday night during lent.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Stephen Power, Hazel Grove. Fr. John Delaney, Coon (former curate in St. Patrick’s). Peggy Bateman, Waterford Road. James Cody, Wetlands. Mary Callan, The Sycamores who died in Antrim.
Months Mind: Yvonne Foran (Sun 10.30). Michael Durnan (Tues 6.15). Tom Hickey.
Anniversaries: Lulu Lynch (Sat 6.15). Bobby & Vera Brannigan (Sun 9.30). Eamon Muldowney (Sun 10.00). Jamie Brennan (Sun 12.00). Tess & Jack Kelly (Sun 12.30). Denis Foley (Wed 9.30). Billy Mullally (Thurs 10.30). Joe Kelly (Fri 9.30). Brian Griffin. Paddy Barry. Noel Glynn. Margaret Nyhan. Johnny & Annie Delaney. Johnny, Tommie & Miley Delaney. Paddy & Mary Brennan. Eileen, Lilly & Patrick Brennan. Margaret Moran. Michael Morris. Patrick Brennan.
Intentions for next weekend: Kathleen O’Neill (Sat 6.15). Jacinta Hurley (Sun 10.00). Theresa Walsh (Sun 10.30). Joseph O’Neill (Sun 12.00).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

Together for Lent
The four city parishes invite you to attend a series of Lenten Masses during Lent 2022. Beginning on Tuesday 8th March Mass will be celebrated in St Fiacre’s Church at 7.30pm. The speaker on the night will be Gemma Mulligan, Director of Faith Development in the Diocese of Ossory. Gemma will speak on Faith in the Diocese.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of all our churches as a way of helping the needy. Please do take one and use it during Lent.

Pope’s Intentions - March
For a Christian response to bioethical challenges.
We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.

A prayer for Ukraine
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band
After an absence of two years…...St. Patrick’s Brass & Reed Band are delighted to be able to perform once again for the local community and beyond.
Monday 7th March 2022 at 8pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Kilkenny. Come along and enjoy a wonderful night of music to suit all tastes and genres. The concert will also be live streamed on St. Patrick’s Church webcam. Go to and click on Webcam - St. Patrick’s .

Divine Mercy/Holy Rosary Hour
Each day from 3-4pm in the Dominican Black Abbey.
All are welcome.

“Lent is a time of grace, a time to convert and live out our baptism fully”. Pope Francis

We congratulate the children from St. John of God School, Kilkenny School Project and one of the boys from St. Patrick’s De la Salle School who received the sacrament of Confirmation this weekend (Saturday) in St. Fiacre’s Church. We pray that the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit will guide and direct their lives and bring them God’s blessing.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
We hope to have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for 2 hours every Monday in St. Fiacre’s Church. In order to facilitate this, we need names of people who willing to give some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament to cover the 2 hours. If you can do half an hour or and hour, please give your name to the sacristan in St. Fiacre’s Church.

Dumping at Foulkstown
Please do not dump household rubbish in or around Foulkstown Cemetery. It has also been brought to our attention that withered flowers are being dumped behind the headstones of other peoples graves in the new section of the graveyard. This is highly disrespectful to our deceased family members. Please take your rubbish home and dispose of it properly.

Pastoral Letter
Bishop Nulty has issued a pastoral letter which is available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office from Monday.

Sunday, 28th February 2022
150th Anniversary
A liturgical celebration is planned to mark the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John of God and to enable us to give thanks for the service and ministry the Sisters and their collaborators have provided in the Diocese of Ossory. Throughout the years the Sisters have ministered in a number of parishes in our diocese and have provided all parishes and religious houses with Altar Breads.
The celebration will take place at St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy, Kilkenny (R95 DK88) at 5.30pm on Thursday, 10th March 2022 and will be followed by refreshments in the adjoining Parish Centre. All those who would like to recognise and give thanks for the work of the Sisters are invited to attend. Former staff members are especially invited to attend.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

Mass for Peace
Bishop Denis Nulty will be the principal celebrant at a Mass for Peace at St. John’s Church at 7.00pm on Ash Wednesday. The people of Kilkenny City and county are invited to join with us in praying for peace in the world at this time. Ashes will be blessed and distributed during this Mass.
All are welcome to join us in prayer for this urgent intention. Lord, make us instruments of peace.

Divine Mercy/Holy Rosary Hour
Each day from 3-4pm in the Dominican Black Abbey.
All are welcome.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Helen Keattch nee Hyland, England.
Months Mind: Eddie Hogan (Sun 12.00).
Anniversaries: John & Brigid O’Rourke (Sat 6.15). Elizabeth Donnelly Swift (Sun 9.30). John & Catherine Walsh (Sun 10.00). Susan Woodgate (Sun 10.30). Paul O’Beirne (Sun 12.30). Bridget Ryan (Thurs 6.15). Mary Ann Tynan (Fri 10.30). Vincent Morrissey (Fri 6.15). Tom Dooley. Mary Fitzpatrick. Kitty & Michael Morris. Ellen Doyle. Michael & Mary Tyrrell. Bill O’Connor. Deceased members of the Maher & Brennan Families. John Dinneen.
Intentions for next weekend: Lulu Lynch (Sat 6.15). Bobby Brannigan (Sun 9.30). Eamon Muldowney (Sun 10.00). Yvonne Foran (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Jamie Brennan (Sun 12.00). Tess & Jack Kelly (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

Ash Wednesday - Lent Begins
Ash Wednesday occurs this week and is the beginning of the Season of Lent. At our Masses on Ash Wednesday, we will bless ashes and begin our Lenten observance.

Extra Mass for Lent
Starting on Wednesday there will be an evening Mass at St. Fiacre’s Church at 6.15pm on each weekday of Lent.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of all our churches as a way of helping the needy. Please do take one and use it during Lent.

Join in prayer for Men’s Rosary on Saturday, 5th March 2022 at 1.00 p.m. at the statue of Our Lady, James’s Green, Kilkenny. Further information contact Ron at 086 6696632 or Paul at 087 3650492

“A heart at peace gives life to the body” Proverbs 14:30

Exploring Priesthood
Zoom with Seminarians and Priests
On Tuesday 1st March @ 8pm there will be an opportunity for young men to join in a Zoom meeting to find out more about priesthood and to hear directly from two young men who are currently studying for the priesthood in our National Seminary in Maynooth. The event is being run by the National Vocations Office. Further information and registration details can be obtained by emailing alternatively by visiting

Diocesan Draw
1st: Fr. Frank Maher, Johnstown. 2nd: Breda Noonan, Lisdowney. 3rd: Richard & Kay Cody, Tullaherin. 4th: John & Lisa O’Neill, Callan. 5th: Margaret Mullally, Rosbercon. 6th: Katie Murphy, Muckalee. 7th: Dolores Tynan, Johnstown. 8th: Carmel & Olive Harrington, Ballyhale. 9th: Maggie Sweeney, St. John’s. 10th: Dick Walsh, Thomastown.

The Synodal Path 2021 2023
Synod 2021 - 2023 for a Synodal Church: Communion Participation Mission. Pope Francis wants to hear you and so does the diocese of Ossory. Be apart of our Listening Journey in Listening Lent 2022. More information from &

World Day of Prayer
An ecumenical service for the World day of prayer will take place on Friday, 4th March 2022, St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Holy Hour
Beginning on Wednesday 9th March from 7-8pm in St. Patrick’s Church and continuing each Wednesday night during lent.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

A prayer for Ukraine
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Pope’s Intentions - February
For religious sisters and consecrated women.
We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses o the challenges of our times.

Sunday, 20th February 2022
Reflection on todays Gospel
What makes Christians different and what makes Christianity distinct from any other religion? It is grace — treating others, not as they deserve, but as God wishes them to be treated — with loving-kindness and mercy. God is good to the unjust as well as the just. His love embraces saint and sinner alike. God seeks our highest good and teaches us to seek the greatest good of others, even those who hate and abuse us. Our love for others, even those who are ungrateful and selfish towards us, must be marked by the same kindness and mercy which God has shown to us. It is easier to show kindness and mercy when we can expect to benefit form doing so. How much harder when we can expect nothing in return. Our prayer for those who do us ill both breaks the power of revenge and releases the power of love to do good in the face of evil. How can we possibly love those who cause us harm and ill-will? With God all things are possible. He gives power and grace to those who believe and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. His love conquers all, even our hurts, fears, prejudices and griefs. Only the cross of Jesus Christ can free us from the tyranny of malice, hatred, revenge, and resentment and gives us the courage to return evil with good. Such love and grace has power to heal and to save from destruction. Do you know the power of Christ's redeeming love and mercy?
"Lord, your love brings freedom and pardon. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and set my heart free that nothing may make me lose my temper, ruffle my peace, take away my joy, nor make me bitter towards anyone"

Sacramental Preparation

This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Sr. Claire Feeley, Sallyville, Wexford & formerly St. John of God, Kilkenny.
Months Mind: Helen Coogan (Months Mind Sun 9.30). Jerry English.
Anniversaries: Eamonn Gaffney (Sat 6.15). Ann Condon (Sun 10.00). Teresa & Patrick O’Rourke (Sun 10.30). Paddy O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Mary Funcheon (Sun 12.30). Lucy Dooley (Mon 9.30). Eily Connolly (Tues 9.30). Michael & Ann Purcell (Tues 10.30). Sean & Margaret Jones (Thurs 10.30). Breda Walton (Fri 10.30). Thomas Gannon. Ann Mulhall. Seamus Culleton. Sadie McGrath. Therese McGrath. Margaret Rowe. John Millea. Martin Dermody. Michael & May Drennan. Jack Fitzpatrick. Sheila Delaney, Edward “Ned” Delaney. Peggy Shanahan.
Intentions for next weekend: John & Brigid O’Rourke (Sat 6.15). Elizabeth Donnelly Swift (Sun 9.30). John & Catherine Walsh (Sun 10.00). Susan Woodgate (Sun 10.30). Eddie Hogan (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Paul O’Beirne (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

St. Vincent de Paul

The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Join in prayer for Men’s Rosary on Saturday, 5th March 2022 at 1.00 p.m. at the statue of Our Lady, James’s Green, Kilkenny. Further information contact Ron at 086 6696632 or Paul at 087 3650492

James Stephens Clothing Collection
James Stephens GAA Club are having a clothes collection for the Development in Kells Road.
If you have clothes, shoes etc.. you can drop them to dressing room in Larchfield on days and times below
Sunday 20th Feb 11-1. Monday 21st Feb 7-8. Tuesday 22nd Feb 7-8. Wednesday 23rd Feb 7-8. Thursday 24th Feb 7-8

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Divine Mercy/Holy Rosary Hour

Each day from 3-4pm in the Dominican Black Abbey. All are welcome.

Pope’s Intentions - February
For religious sisters and consecrated women.
We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses o the challenges of our times.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you”. Ephesians 4:32

Synod Prayer
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in your name.
With You alone to guide us,
make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partially influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.

World Day of Prayer
A service for the World day of prayer will take place on Friday, 4th March 2022, St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Our Parish Shop
There are lots of items of a religious nature available at reasonable prices in our Parish Shop which is located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Items for Confirmations, First Holy Communions, Baptisms, Weddings and many more are available to buy in our Parish Shop.

Sunday, 13th February 2022
Prayer on the Beatitudes
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Keep us from being preoccupied with money and worldly goods, and with trying to increase them at the expense of justice.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are the gentle, for they
shall inherit the earth." Help us not to be ruthless with one another, and to eliminate the discord and violence that exists in the world around us.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for
they shall be comforted." Let us not be impatient under our own burdens and unconcerned about the burdens of others.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled." Make us thirst for you, the fountain of all holiness, and actively spread your influence in our private lives and in society.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are the merciful, for they
shall receive mercy." Grant that we may be quick to forgive and slow to condemn.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are the clean of heart, for
they shall see God." Free us from our senses and our evil desires, and fix our eyes on you.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they shall be called children of God." Aid us to make
peace in our families, in our country, and in the world.
Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are those who are
persecuted for the sake of justice, for the kingdom of
heaven is theirs." Make us willing to suffer for the sake of right rather than to practice injustice; and do not let us
discriminate against our neighbours and oppress
and persecute them.

Join in prayer for Men’s Rosary on Saturday, 5th March 2022 at 1.00 p.m. at the statue of Our Lady, James’s Green, Kilkenny. Further information contact Ron at 086 6696632 or Paul at 087 3650492

Pope’s Intentions - February
For religious sisters and consecrated women.
We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses o the challenges of our times.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Ann Boyle, College Square & Freshford Road. Mary Burke, Freshford. Maud Murphy, Castle Road. Vera Larkin, Rioch Street. Joe Slattery, Meadow Hill. Phil Bourke, Upperchurch, Thurles.
Months Mind: Patricia O’Dwyer (Fri 9.30).
Anniversaries: Nicholas Healy (Sat 6.15). Dr. Richard & Lily Purcell (Sun 9.30). Michael, Mary & Liam Costelloe (Sun 10.00). Nancy O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Ann O’Shea (Sun 12.00). Michael Walsh & Milo Bourke (Sun 12.30). James Forde & Billy Flaherty (Tues 9.30). Mary Carey (Tues 10.30). John O’Grady. Joseph Kirwan. Nicky Power. Carmel & Jackie Byrne. Danny Burke. Michael Dargan. Tom Kavanagh. Sean O’Grady. John Delaney. John O’Rourke. John & Lil Corcoran. Ann Feely nee Walton. Bridget Dwyer. Sheila O’Beirne.
Intentions for next weekend: Eamonn Gaffney (Sat 6.15). Helen Coogan (Months Mind Sun 9.30). Ann Condon (Sun 10.00). Teresa & Patrick O’Rourke (Sun 10.30). Paddy O’Brien (Sun 12.00). Mary Funcheon (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near.
Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

St Valentine Prayer

I said a Valentine prayer for you
and asked the Lord above
to fill your heart and bless your soul
With the precious gift of love.
I asked Him for sincere love
The kind that's meant to stay
Just like the generous love
You give to those you touch each day.
I prayed for love from family
And from every cherished friend
Then I asked the Lord to give you
His love that knows no end.

Congratulations to the boys of St. Patrick’s De La Salle School on receiving their Confirmation this weekend (Saturday) in St. Patrick’s Church. We pray that the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit will guide and direct their lives and bring them God’s blessing.

James Stephens Clothing Collection

James Stephens GAA Club are having a clothes collection for the Development in Kells Road.
If you have clothes, shoes etc.. you can drop them to dressing room in Larchfield on days and times below
Saturday 19th Feb 11-3. Sunday 20th Feb 11-1
Monday 21st Feb 7-8. Tuesday 22nd Feb 7-8
Wednesday 23rd Feb 7-8. Thursday 24th Feb 7-8

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

Divine Mercy/Holy Rosary Hour
Each day from 3-4pm in the Dominican Black Abbey.
All are welcome.

Young at Heart
The Young at Heart Club takes place every Wednesday from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Parish Centre. New members are welcome.

“Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

St. Vincent de Paul

The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Sunday, 7th February 2022
Synod 2021-2023
As you are no doubt aware the Church in Ireland, and throughout the world, is on a synodal journey. Pope Francis is clear when he says this is not a journey to a particular destination, rather it is the journey itself which is our destination. It is a church that walks together, sharing our hopes and fears about faith, a Church wherein we listen deeply to each other - that is our goal. In doing so we will hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit for the Church today. Ossory Diocese has a good tradition of this listening and therefore we are merely building upon it now. In Ossory we plan to take this journey in three phases:
1st Phase (January - March) - In these months we will create awareness of Synod/synodality throughout the Diocese;
2nd Phase Lent (March, April) - During our “Listening Lent” we will have consultation sessions in all our parishes and Pastoral Areas to ensure that the voices of all in Ossory are heard;
3rd Phase (April, May) - During Easter, the Synod Group will collate all these responses (what has been heard) to share with the Bishop and each other.
The base questions for these conversations are:
1. When you think about Church and your experience, what brings joy?
2. When you think about Church and your experience, what brings sadness or disappointment.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Fr. John Condon. Noel Walsh (Wed 9.30).
Months Mind: Beatrice Byrne (Tues 10.30).  John Harty.
Anniversaries: Marie Beale (Sat 6.15). Andy Hackett (Sun 9.30). Lil, Billy & Eamon Costello (Sun 10.00). Ken & Nancy Dunphy & Mary Kavanagh (Sun 10.30). Tommy Bolger (Sun 12.00). Seamus Pattison (Sun 12.30). Ellen Egan (Wed 10.30).  Ann Foley nee Walton (Thurs 10.30). Ann & Martin Mulhall (Fri 10.30). Peter Maher (Sat 9.30). William Culleton. Eileen Harrison James Hayes. John Quigley. Michael O’Dwyer. Rory Quinn.
Intentions for next weekend: Nicholas Healy (Sat 6.15). Dr. Richard & Lily Purcell (Sun 9.30). Michael, Mary & Liam Costelloe (Sun 10.00). Nancy O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Ann O’Shea (Sun 12.00). Michael Walsh & Milo Bourke (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

James Stephens Clothing Collection
James Stephens GAA Club are having a clothes collection for the Development in Kells Road.
If you have clothes, shoes etc.. you can drop them to dressing room in Larchfield on days and times below
Saturday 19th Feb 11-3. Sunday 20th Feb 11-1
Monday 21st Feb 7-8. Tuesday 22nd Feb 7-8
Wednesday 23rd Feb 7-8. Thursday 24th Feb 7-8

Join in prayer for Men’s Rosary on Saturday, 5th March 2022 at 1.00 p.m. at the statue of Our Lady, James’s Green, Kilkenny.
Further information contact Ron at 086 6696632 or Paul at 087 3650492

Pope’s Intentions - February
For religious sisters and consecrated women.
We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses o the challenges of our times.

What is a synod?
Literally speaking the word “synod” derived from two Greek words syn meaning “together” and hodos meaning “road” or ‘way’ means a “coming together.”
A synod is a meeting of bishops, and sometimes others, from all over the world. They were started by Pope Paul VI, on the 15th September 1965, as a way to discuss doctrinal or pastoral matters and to ‘ensure that direct and real information is provided on questions and situations touching upon the internal action of the Church and its necessary activity in the world of today. Ordinary synods happen every three years on issues voted upon by synod delegates elected or appointed from each continent, and from certain Vatican Offices. There have been 15 ordinary synods to date. There are also extraordinary synods and special synods. Synods offer suggestions to the pope, which may or may not become official teachings at a later time.
Pope Francis formally launched the two-year lobal consultation process leading to the 2023 Synod on synodality with a call to “look others in the eye and listen to what they have to say.” Preaching at a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica on October 10th the Pope said that Catholics taking part in the synodal path should strive to “become experts in the art of encounter.” The Vatican has now released a preparatory document with questions for reflection, and asked that dioceses throughout the world answer these questions to provide feedback on their local experience.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Sacramental Preparation

This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

Next Saturday, we will welcome the boys from St. Patrick’s De La Salle School who will receive the sacrament of Confirmation in St. Patrick’s Church. We wish them well and offer them our prayers.

Dandelion Counselling Service
Confidential & affordable counselling service at Newpark Close Family Resource Centre. Counselling, Child/Play/Art Therapies. To arrange an appointment call: 087 3979033.

“ I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other”
Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette

Sunday, 30th January 2022
St. Brigid’s Day Service
The annual St. Brigid's Day service will take place on Tuesday, February 1st in St Fiacre's Church Loughboy at 7.30 pm. Water from the well of St. Brigid in Kildare and blessed red flannel will be available on the night. Music ministry by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir. All welcome.

St. Brigid’s Blessing
May Brigid bless the house wherein we dwell.
Bless every fireside, every wall and door.
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof.
Bless every hand that toils to bring its joy.
Bless every foot that walks portals through.
May Brigid bless the house that shelters us.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

An eight day pilgrimage to the Holy Land takes place from 16th to 24th February 2022. Led by Fr. John Carroll (Ferns Diocese), there are still a small number of places available. The pilgrimage will visit Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem and other sites in the Holy Land associated with Jesus. Price is €1725. To reserve your place, please call Marian Pilgrimages on 01-8788159 or email

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Sharon Croghan, Parcnagowan. Mary Hoyne, Ballycallan. Noel Walsh, late of Thomastown, internment in London. Anna Comerford, Ballycallan & late of Bohernatounish Road. Helen Rooney, Tipperary & Waterford. Seamus Butler, Dukesmeadows.
Months Mind: Peggy Murray (Sun 12.30). Eileen Tynan.
Anniversaries:  Elizabeth ‘Lily’ Fogarty (Sat 6.15). Oliver Mannion (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Slattery (Sun 10.00). Taylor Murphy (Sun 10.30). Jack & Peter Garrehy (Sun 12.00). Margaret & Michael Muldowney. (Tues 10.30). Patrick O’Keeffe (Thus 10.30). Laurence Joseph Foley & Kathleen Frances Foley (Fri 9.30). Bridget & Tommy Casey (Fri 10.30). Maura Jordan (Sat 9.30). Pat Kearney. Siobhan Kearney. Henry Ryan. Nancy & Ann Culleton. Adrian Freezey. Kathleen & Margaret Doran.  Phil Bourke. Anne, Fr Joe & Brian O’Shea.  Rev John Nyhan. JD ‘Jim’ Murphy. Con Noonan. Michael McDonald. James & Mary Hogan. Maura Gaffney. Christy Slattery. Martin & Brendan Doheny. Martin Browne. Des Greene.
Intentions for next weekend: Marie Beale (Sat 6.15). Andy Hackett (Sun 9.30). Lil, Billy & Eamon Costello (Sun 10.00). Ken & Nancy Dunphy & Mary Kavanagh (Sun 10.30). Tommy Bolger (Sun 12.00). Seamus Pattison (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Volunteer Forms

Anyone who took one of the new volunteer forms is asked to return them to the parish office by the end of this week.

Pope’s Intentions - January
For true human fraternity. We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognised, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.

Sacramental Preparation

This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

All volunteers in our Parish need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

As you are no doubt aware the Church in Ireland, and throughout the world, is on a synodal journey. Pope Francis is clear when he says this is not a journey to a particular destination, rather it is the journey itself which is our destination. It is a church that walks together, sharing our hopes and fears about faith, a Church wherein we listen deeply to each other - that is our goal. In doing so we will hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit for the Church today. Ossory Diocese has a good tradition of this listening and therefore we are merely building upon it now. In Ossory we plan to take this journey in three phases:
1st Phase (January - March) - In these months we will create awareness of Synod/synodality throughout the Diocese;
2nd Phase Lent (March, April) - During our “Listening Lent” we will have consultation sessions in all our parishes and Pastoral Areas to ensure that the voices of all in Ossory are heard;
3rd Phase (April, May) - During Easter, the Synod Group will collate all these responses (what has been heard) to share with the Bishop and each other.
The base questions for these conversations are:
1. When you think about Church and your experience, what brings joy?
2. When you think about Church and your experience, what brings sadness or disappointment.
“I wish not merely to be called Christian, but also to be Christian.”
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted on 0876810589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office marked for their attention.

Sunday, 23rd January 2022
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week 2022 begins today, Sunday 23rd January, the thirds Sunday in Ordinary Time, and its theme is ‘Catholic Schools: Living Life to the Full’. In light of the challenges and uncertainty we have collectively faced over the past year, this year we are presented with the opportunity to reflect on how our faith sustains us and how we as a community support and care for each other. During Catholic Schools Week our parish and school communities will celebrate our Catholic Schools reflecting on their huge contribution to the common good of society.

St. John of God School Junior Infant Applications 2022-23
Junior Infant Applications to St. John of God Primary School for September 2022 must be submitted before 28 January 2022. They may be submitted by email or post.
Application forms and the school’s Admissions Policy are available on the school's website

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

Medjugorje Youth Group
Medjugorje Youth group are looking forward to the recommencment of their weekly meetings following a 2 year hiatus. The meetings begin next friday night the 28th of January and will continue every friday night @ 7 30pm in St Fiacres Church Loughboy. All young people are welcome to come along to share in this time of prayer of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Rosary  intercessory prayer music singing  and Testimonies from young people.Contact Joe Malone 086 3128838.
Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Michael Durnan, Beech Park. Jerry English, Cypress Avenue. Patricia O’Dwyer, St. Fiacre’s Place.  Stasia Tierney, Bamford.  Seamus Browne, Fr. Murphy Square.  Ann Fennelly, Maudlin St and late of Bamford Cross.
Months Mind: Michael O’Keeffe (Sat 6.15).
Anniversaries:  Damian Lis (Sun 9.30). Patrick Tynan (Sun 10.00). Statia & Jack Comerford (Sun 10.30). Julia & Michael Phelan & Bridget Lannon (Sun 12.00). Nora Foley (Sun 12.30).  Kathleen & Mary Kelly (Mon 9.30). Noel Doran (Fri 10.30).Christy Slattery (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Slattery. Patrick Rowe. Moya Bligh. Paul Delaney. Arthur Connick. John Hennessy. Margaret Muldowney.
Intentions for next weekend: Elizabeth ‘Lily’ Fogarty (Sat 6.15). Oliver Mannion (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Slattery (Sun 10.00). Taylor Murphy (Sun 10.30). Jack & Peter Garrehy (Sun 12.00). Peggy Murray (Months Mind Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near.
Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

“Whenever I am afraid, I trust in You”
Psalm 56:3

All volunteers in our Parish need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Pope’s Intentions - January
For true human fraternity. We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognised, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues until Tuesday, the Feast off the Conversion of St. Paul. We continue to pray and work for Christian Unity in our community. We work with our brothers and sisters in Christ to bring about one-fold and one shepherd.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted on 0876810589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office marked for their attention.

The Official Logo of the Synodal Path
On 10th October 2021 Pope Francis launched the Universal Synod of the Church. Bishop Nulty, our Apostolic Administrator, launched the Synod in Ossory on the following weekend. Synod initiatives will continue and gain momentum in our parishes, especially during the season of Lent. It is informative to consider the Official Logo of the Synodal Path.
A large, majestic tree, full of wisdom and light, reaches for the sky. A sign of deep vitality and hope which expresses the cross of Christ. It carries the Eucharist, which shines like the sun. The horizontal branches, opened like hands or wings, suggest, at the same time, the Holy Spirit. The people of God are not static: they are on the move, in direct reference to the history of the word synod, which means “walking together”. The people are united by the same common dynamic that this Tree of Life breathes into them, from which they begin their walk. These 15 silhouettes sum up our entire humanity in its diversity of life situations of generations and origins. This aspect is reinforced by the multiplicity of bright colours which are themselves signs of joy. There is no hierarchy between these people who are all on the same footing: young, old, men, women, teenagers, children, lay people, religious, parents, couples, singles; the bishop and the nun are not in front of them, but among them. Quite naturally, children and then adolescents open their walk, in reference to these words of Jesus in the Gospel: " I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children”. (Mt 11:25). The horizontal baseline: "For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission” runs from left to right in the direction of this march, underlining and strengthening it, to end with the title "Synod 2021 - 2023", the high point that synthesizes the whole.

Sunday, 16th January 2022
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins on this Tuesday, 18th January, and continues until Tuesday, 25th January. The theme this year is “We saw the star in the East, and we come to worship him” (Mt 2:2). Serving the Gospel today requires a commitment to humankind, especially the poorest, the weakest and those marginalized. It requires from the churches transparency and accountability in dealing with the world, and with each other. This means churches need to cooperate to provide relief to the afflicted, to welcome the displaced, to relieve the burdened, and to build a just and honest society. This is a call for churches to work together so that we can all build a good future according to God’s heart, a future in which all human beings can experience life, peace, justice, and love.

Parish Contribution Envelopes

Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you.

Parish Calendar

The St. Patrick’s Parish calendar for 2022 is available from the Parish Office & all three churches. It contains many important details about our parish as well as upcoming important dates. Feel free to take a copy or two!

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Beatrice Byrne, Rathaleek, Kilkenny. Myra Scully nee O’Dwyer, London & formerly Foulkstown.
Maureen Robertson, Scotland (Tues 9.30).
Anniversaries: Pat Grace (Sat 6.15). Anne Prizeman (Sun 10.00). Beattie O’Connell (Sun 10.30). Michael Drennan (Sun 12.00). Cian Buckley, Maura Nolan & Fr. Tom Nolan (Sun 12.30). Sheila Fitzgerald, her parents and relatives (Tues 10.30). Tommy & Derek Tyrrell (Wed 10.30). The Waldron & Kirwan Families (Fri 10.30). Deceased members of the Downes family (Sat 9.30). Essie Delaney. Cathy Leahy. Danny O’Leary. Bill & Esther Hackett. Ollie Holland. Mary Bartley. Mary McHugh. Patrick Byrne. Con & Bridget Carroll. Jack, Peg, Breda, Peter & Aaron Molloy. Thomas Walsh. Carmel Maher. Delia, Patrick & Margaret Taylor.
Intentions for next weekend: Michael O’Keeffe (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Damian Lis (Sun 9.30). Patrick Tynan (Sun 10.00). Statia & Jack Comerford (Sun 10.30). Julia & Michael Phelan & Bridget Lannon (Sun 12.00). Nora Foley (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near.
Still loved, still missed, so very dear. 

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Pope’s Intentions - January
For true human fraternity. We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognised, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

All volunteers in our Parish need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

“May happiness be with you and success follow you. May God be with you and may He bless you”
Irish Blessing

Reflection for Christian Unity
In this fragile and uncertain world, we look for light. We look for the within ourselves, but often we are so overwhelmed by our weakness that hope fails us. Our confidence rests in God, who in wisdom, enables us to hope for his mercy. We are surprised when it comes in human form: Christ is the light in our midst! God’s gift to us is a ‘spirit of power, and love’. We are drawn forward on the way to this perfect light by God’s Holy Spirit, not by relying on our own strength and ability. In the midst of the darkness, the star from the East penetrates the depths of the darkness that separates us from one another. The star’s light continues to shine and to change the face of history. Throughout the ages, by the lives of Christ’s followers, the world has come to know the hope that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. And the Risen One continues to shine, like a beacon guiding all into this perfect light and overcoming the darkness which separates us from one another. The desire to overcome the darkness that separates us compels us to pray and work for Christian unity.

Creator of light, illumine our path by the light of Christ who moves before us and leads us. May he be a beacon for our pilgrimage. Enlighten us and dwell within us. Guide us to discover a manger in our hearts where a great light still shines. We thank you for the gift of that unfading Star, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Heal our division and draw us closer to the Light that we may find our unity in him. Amen.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage. is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

Sunday, 9th January 2022
The Baptism of the Lord
Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. It was an important event in the history of redemption. Jesus began his public life. Each gospel lays emphasis on the anointing of Jesus with the Holy Spirit at his baptism. The heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descend like a dove and alight on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with him I am well pleased. Listen to him.’ (Mat 3:16 - 17). All the gospels refer to the heavens opening. Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus went around doing good and thwarting the power of sin.
From the beginning of Christianity there is a close connection between the baptism of Christ and our baptism. We were baptised in the name of the Blessed Trinity. We can reflect on this and on our lives today. We can also renew our baptismal vows. The Holy Spirit works quietly helping us to live according to the gospel.
Come, O Holy Spirit;
Enlighten us in everything we do.
Guide us on our way through life,
And direct us to everlasting life. Amen

Parish Contribution Envelopes

Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office from 4th January and this can be arranged for you.

Parish Calendar
The St. Patrick’s Parish calendar for 2022 is available from the Parish Office & all three churches. It contains many important details about our parish as well as upcoming important dates. Feel free to take a copy or two!

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Stasia Tierney, Bamford Cross, Kells Road. Eddie Hogan, Sycamore Drive. Lucy Doyle, O’Loughlin Court.
Months Mind: Kay Doyle (Sun 10.30). John O’Rourke (Wed 10.30).
Anniversaries: Denis & Maura Molloy (Sat 6.15). Matt Kelly & Eileen Kelly (Sun 10.00). Michael Kennedy (Sun 12.00). Colin Deevy (Sun 12.30). Teresa Walsh (Tues 10.30). Paul O’Rourke (Birthday Remembrance Wed 10.30). Carmel Whelan (Thurs 10.30). Ray Nolan. Danny O’Leary. Johnny Brennan. Denis Guilfoyle. Michael & Annie Ruth. Sarah ‘Ciss’ Walsh. Edward Walsh. Nora Doran. Michael Delaney. Denis Nyhan. James & Annie O’Grady. Michael Kelly. Bernie Kelly. Ann Wright. Annie Treacy.
Intentions for next weekend:  Pat Grace (Sat 6.15). Anne Prizeman (Sun 10.00). Beattie O’Connell (Sun 10.30). Michael Drennan (Sun 12.00). Cian Buckley, Maura Nolan & Fr. Tom Nolan (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near.
Still loved, still missed, so very dear.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Thank You
St Patrick's Parish Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul would like to thank all of those who donated most generously during the Christmas period and also throughout the year 2021. We greatly appreciate the financial donations (including anonymous), various voucher types, food, funds from fundraisers etc. that we received. Thank you to the staff and pupils of Presentation Secondary School and St Patrick's De la Salle Boys School for the items collected from their Christmas Hamper Appeal. Again, thank you all so much.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Pope’s Intentions - January

For true human fraternity. We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognised, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.

“And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, his is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”
Matthew 3:17

Sacramental Preparation
This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

All volunteers in our Parish need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?

Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage. is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

Sunday, 2nd January 2022
New Year Blessing
Fr Roderick and Fr. Peter would like to wish a very happy New Year to all. We pray that 2022 will be a blessed year for you and your families. Though we continue to experience the challenges of the pandemic there is light at the end of the tunnel. We continue to pray for all who have been touched personally by this terrible virus and ask God to bless them into the year ahead.
‘I know a lot of people wish for new beginnings for the beginning of the new year, but I just wish for more of what I am already so greatly blessed with. More great memories, more beautiful friendships and more time spent surrounded by my loving family’.
May God bless you all and keep you safe.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office from 4th January and this can be arranged for you.

Parish Calendar
The St. Patrick’s Parish calendar for 2022 is available from 4th January at the Parish Office. It contains many important details about our parish as well as upcoming important dates. Feel free to take a copy or two!

Parish Statistics 
As we begin a new year, we take a look at past-events in our parish. We are delighted to note there were 100 children baptised in our parish this past year. 18 couples were married in our churches and sadly we said goodbye to 53 people. May God’s blessing be with them all.
We pray that the coming year of 2022 will bring blessings to all of us.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Helen Coogan (nee O Beirne) Cypress Ave. John Joyce Ossory Park. Mary Fenton College Gds. (Requiem Mass Sun 12.30.)
Anniversaries: Anne Bissett (Sun 9.30). Rita O’Brien (Sun 10.00). Marie, Tony & Anthony Doyle (Sun 12.00). James P. Pattison (Sun 12.30). Ann Guilfoyle. Denis Maher. Denis O Shea. Paddy Morris.
Intentions for next weekend: Denis & Maura Molloy (Sat 6.15). Matt Kelly & Eileen Kelly (Sun 10.00) Kay Doyle (Months Mind Sun 10.30).. Michael Kennedy (Sun 12.00). Colin Deevy (Sun 12.30).

Holy Day Mass times
Thursday next 6th January is the Feast of the Epiphany and is a Holy Day. The following are the Mass times in St. Patrick’s Parish.
Vigil Mass : Wed 5th January : 6.15pm St. Fiacre’s.
Thurs 6th January: 10.00 am Foulkstown; 11.00 St. Patrick’s; 12.00 St. Fiacre’s.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Bank Holiday
Tomorrow, Monday is a bank holiday, the only Mass in the Parish will take place at 11am in St. Patrick’s Church. Please note that from Tuesday 4th January Masses will revert back to the normal weekly schedule.

Parish Office & Parish Centre
The Parish Office & Parish Centre will reopen after the Christmas holidays on Tuesday 4th January at 9am. Welcome back Michelle!!

Pope’s Intentions - January
For true human fraternity. We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognised, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.

Annual Kilkenny City Camino City Church Crib Walk.
The annual Kilkenny Church Christmas Crib Walk will take place on Saturday, January 8th beginning at the Friary Church at 11am. The annual Crib Walk of the Churches in Kilkenny is a reflective walk on the meaning and traditions of Church cribs in Kilkenny. Each Church
has its own tradition in its Christmas crib and its design and structure often reflect not only the community of the present but the communities of the generations gone before who formed and built the various Church cribs. This year we join Santiago de Compostella for the celebration of Holy Crib Day on Saturday, January 8th. The walk will be led by Fr. Willie Purcell.

Lost Glasses
Reading glasses were lost in or around the Parish Centre area over the Christmas period. If you have found them please make contact with the parish office on 056-7764400 or one of the priests.
Thank you.

 Sacramental Preparation.

This weekend again we welcome the boys and girls form our Parish Schools who are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. We are delighted that you join with us for this Sunday’s liturgy as we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. As we look forward to celebrating these very special Sacraments with you We thank your parents, sponsors and teachers who are working with you in your preparation. God bless you all.

Sunday, 26th December 2021
The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary & Joseph
A day to pray with and for our family; to give thanks to God for them; to pray for healing of divisions and bitterness. We pray that we may grow in respect and love for our extended family throughout the world.

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times

The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday 23rd December at 1pm and will reopen on Tuesday 4th January 2021 at 9am. The priests can be contacted on their mobile numbers on the banner above.

Masses for your Intentions
In the lead up to Christmas many people purchased Christmas Mass bouquets at the Parish Centre. All weekday Masses in our parish (with the exception of wedding and funeral Masses) between 27th December and 3rd January inclusive will be offered for these specific intentions. The only Masses during the coming week will be at 11am in St. Patrick’s Church.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Pope’s Intentions - December

We pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity & in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Loughman, Riverview. Eileen Tynan, Old Callan Road.
Anniversaries: Roseanna Smyth (Sun 9.30)
Lucyna Wowk (Birthday Remembrance Sun 10.30). Loretta Barr (Sun 12.00). Eddie Taylor (Sun 12.30). Jimmy Coyne. Gerry McEvoy. Patrick & Rose Wixted. Mary Dowling. Edward Taylor. Ned & Kitty Everard. Peggy Blanchfield. Bridget Gibbons.
Intentions for next weekend: Anne Bissett (Sun 9.30). Rita O’Brien (Sun 10.00). Marie, Tony & Anthony Doyle (Sun 12.00). James P. Pattison (Sun 12.30).
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.

Our Diocese, Your Crib

Why not take part in our Virtual Display of Cribs ( this Christmas – send us images of the crib in your home, parish, school or club to

We welcome the children from St. John of God Girls School, St. Patrick’s De La Salle, Gaelscoil Osraí, KSP to all of our Masses this weekend as they continue their preparation to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We wish them well in their preparations. Keep up the good work!!

Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Members of the St. Patrick’s Parish Conference wish to thank all who contributed to the society in the lead up to Christmas. Your contributions is prudently distributed among those in most need in our community. Thanks. In an emergency the society can be contacted on their dedicated number: 087 681 0589.

St. Fiacre’s 6.15pm. choir celebrate 20 years together this year. We congratulate them and thank them for their contributions to the liturgies in St. Fiacre’s and wish them well for the next 20.

Santa's Christmas Prayer 
On Christmas Eve the other night, I saw the most amazing sight.
For there beneath the Christmas tree was Santa kneeling on his knee.
His countenance was different than that all-familiar, jolly grin;
His head was bowed, with hand to breast, and slightly tucked into his vest.For there in a Nativity was Jesus and His family.
And as I heard him start to pray
I listened close to what he'd say...
"Lord, You know that You're the reason I take pleasure in this season.
I don't want to take Your place, but just reflect Your wondrous grace.
I hope You'll help them understand I'm just an ordinary man,
who found a way to do Your will by finding kids with needs to fill.
But all those centuries ago, there was no way for me to know that they would make so much of me,
and all the gifts beneath the tree.
They think I have some hidden power granted at the midnight hour, but it is my love for You inspiring the things I do.
And so when they begin to open gifts for which they have been hoping, may they give You all the glory, for You're the One True Christmas Story.

Church Crib Walk
The Annual Kilkenny Church Christmas Crib Walk will take place on Saturday, January 8th beginning at the Friary Church at 11 am.
The annual Crib Walk of the Churches in Kilkenny is a reflective walk on the meaning and traditions of church cribs in Kilkenny. Each Church has its own tradition in its Christmas Crib and its design and structure often reflect not only the community of the present but the communities of the generations gone before who formed and built the various church cribs. This year we join Santiago de Compostella for the celebration of Holy Crib Day on Saturday, January 8th. The walk will be led by Fr. Willie Purcell.

Synod Prayer
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partially influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.

Thought for the day
May Joy be your gift at Christmas and may Faith, Hope, and Love be your treasures in the New Year.

Ossory Times
The new edition of the Ossory Times is available in the Churches. €2 per copy.

25th December 2021
Christmas Greetings
Fr. Roderick, Fr. Peter and the Parish Pastoral Council wish you all a very happy, holy and peaceful Christmas. It has been another difficult year for all of us on so many different levels. It has not been easy. But even in these most difficult of times we are not without hope. We know that the Christ Child whose birth we celebrate is a light leading us in all of the challenges we face. We know that His love, His compassion, His mercy and His light will lead us safely on. Happy Christmas and New Year.

A Christmas Blessing
May love come alive within your heart.
As Christmas time draws near.
May hope fill each room you decorate
And bring joy to those you hold dear.
May peace be before you at every meal
And faith ring through every song.
For Christ is alive, the light of the world
May He bless you all season long.

If you look for me at Christmas
You wont need a special star - I’m no longer just in Bethlehem, I'm right there where you are.
You many not be aware of Me. Amid the celebrations - You’ll have to look beyond the stores
And all the decorations. But if you take a moment
From our list of things to do And listen to your heart, you’ll find I’m waiting there for you
You’re the one I want to be with
You’re the reason that I came,
And you’ll find me in the stillness
As I’m whispering your name. Love Jesus

Parish Calendar 2022
Our new Parish Calendar 2022 will be available at the end of our Christmas Masses. The Mass stewards will distribute them as you leave the churches. They will also be available from the Parish Centre from Tuesday 4th January 2022.

Please Note
There will be no 6.15pm vigil Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church on Saturday 25th December. The only Masses during the coming week will be at 11am in St. Patrick’s Church.


St. Fiacre’s 6.15pm choir celebrate 20 years together this year. We congratulate them and thank them for their contributions to the liturgies in St. Fiacre’s Church over the years and wish them well for the next 20.

Pray for the Deceased
Anniversaries: George Byrne (Sat 9.30). Tom Cantwell (Sat 10.00). Michéal Walsh (Sat 10.30). Mary & Christopher Coogan (Sat 12.00). Mary & Richard Cassin. Ann & Jim Cleere. Mary Coogan. Billy Cleere. Chris Maher. Shem Costelloe. Sarah Barron and the deceased members of the Barron family. Nellie Cassin & the deceased members of the Cassin family. Peg Hickey. Frank Malone, Nellie Malone. The Malone Family. The Bryant Family. Olive Malone. Paddy Kelly. Brigid & Michael Kenny. Bridget & Tommy Casey. John Condon. Mary Foley. Kate Fleming. Roseanna Smyth. The Waldron & Kirwan Families. Ned & Kitty Everard. Liam & Mary Ryan. Stephen Cantwell. Maura Hearne. Jack, Peg, Breda & Aaron Molloy. John & Doris Barron. Orla Lawlor. Seamus, Milo & Ann Fry. Patrick & Sally Burke.
Intentions Sunday 26th December: Roseanna Smyth (Sun 9.30). Lucyna Wowk (Birthday Remembrance Sun 10.30). Loretta Barr (Sun 12.00). Eddie Taylor (Sun 12.30).

Masses for your Intentions
In the lead up to Christmas many people purchased Christmas Mass bouquets at the Parish Centre. All weekday Masses in our parish (with the exception of wedding and funeral Masses) between 27th December and 3rd January inclusive will be offered for these specific intentions.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Members of the St. Patrick’s Parish Conference wish to thank all who contributed to the society in the lead up to Christmas. If you would still like to contribute to the society, you can drop an envelope marked for their attention into the parish centre. The society can be contacted on their dedicated number: 087 681 0589.

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times

The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will reopen on Tuesday 4th January 2022 at 9am. While the Parish Centre and Office may be closed to the public, the priests will be available during the Christmas Season. The priests can be contacted on their mobile phone numbers listed below.
Fr. Roderick 086 813 3661, Fr. Peter 086 826 5955.

Thank You
Fr. Roderick, Fr Peter and the members of our Parish Pastoral Council would like to say a sincere word of thanks to all who prepared and celebrated the Christmas liturgies with us. We are particularly grateful to those who cleaned the churches, prepared the altars, worked in the sacristies and those who stewarded our Masses. Many thanks to those who provided the music at some of our Masses. We greatly appreciate you and your hard work.

On the look-out
The Bethlehem innkeeper at Christmas was probably the unluckiest man in history. He had the chance to shelter the Holy Family and he missed it. Worst of all it wasn’t really his fault because after all the place was full. And yet in a million nativity plays he’s blamed so much, though perhaps not so much blamed as pitied because the person who misses an opportunity is really to be pitied.
It could happen that someone will come to us today. Yes, perhaps Christ will come to us in the guise of a family member, friend or neighbour needing a word of encouragement, or understanding. The innkeeper didn’t know that Christ might be passing. We don’t either, any day of our lives. So watch and pray, be on the look-out for Christ passing … today. Ronan Drury ‘Pass It On’

Church Crib Walk
The Annual Kilkenny Church Christmas Crib Walk will take place on Saturday, January 8th beginning at the Friary Church at 11 am.
This year we join Santiago de Compostella for the celebration of Holy Crib Day on Saturday, January 8th. The walk will be led by Fr. Willie Purcell.

Christmas—William Arthur Ward
Christmas is more than a time of music, merriment and mirth; it is a season of meditation, mangers and miracles.
Christmas is more than a time of gaiety, greenery and gifts; it is a season of wonder, worship and wisemen.
Christmas is more than a time of tinsel, trees and toys; it is a season of preparation, prayers and peace.
Christmas is more than a time of festivities, family and friends; it is a season of generosity, gladness and gratitude.
Christmas is more than a time of carols, cards and candy; it is a season of dedication, direction and decision.
Christmas is more than Santa, stockings and surprises; it is Christ, care and concern.
We wish you all a happy, holy and peaceful Christmas.

Christmas Family Fun Run
5K & 10K walk or run, Sunday 26th December 2021. In Association with James Stephens Camogie & GAA Club
Entry fee €100 per Adult. €5 per child/student, €25 per family.
Fit bit for the first lady & gent home in the 10K race.
Each year some proceeds from the run are donated to a worthy cause and this year we are nominating All Paul Together. Paul Smith is a dad to 2 juvenile members of our club and earlier in the year
he was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. To find our more about All Paul Together go to
Come & join us on St. Stephen’s Day. A great opportunity to get out in the fresh air and burn off the Christmas Pudding!

“ Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay, close by me forever and love me I pray”

The Forgotten Christmas Card
In these final days of December the festivities are well and truly upon us. When the Christmas season has passed the decorations and the lights will be taken down, packed carefully and stored in the attic for another year. But what are we really packing away in the dark recesses of cold attics? Memories, just memories, pure and simple.
The handwritten messages on all the seasonal cards we receive tell us about those who cared enough to think of us. Each year I pack away some special cards which are just too precious to discard. They may be from those who only write once a year, but those same cards are gladly welcomed. In return, I also send my few words on carefully selected seasonal stationery, with all the usual wishes for the year ahead. Each time I make the promise that next year I will make a bigger effort to keep in touch. But you can guess the rest. Time passes, life takes over, and before I know it, another year has gone by and I have failed to live up to my promises.
I reflected on this recently when I came across a Christmas card I had received many years ago. The sender was a kind schoolteacher whom I had known in the distant past. I had intended replying to him, but, in the short term, I stored his card between the pages of a book, just for safe keeping. The book, with the card safely tucked between its pages, was placed back on its shelf and over time it was forgotten.
Some weeks ago I rediscovered the card, still tucked safely inside the book. I was embarrassed at the passage of time since I received it and my failure all those years ago to send a card to him in return. I knew where he took his short daily stroll so I decided to let our paths cross. When I saw him walking in my direction, I greeted him but I was sure he did not recognise me. I gave him my name and he replied that of course he remembered me. It may have been the truth or it might just have been his way of covering up a faulty memory, diminished by the passing years. I reminded him that he had taught me all those decades ago. I said to him “I remember you with great fondness. I have very happy memories of my time in your class at school.”
He looked at me, smiled and said, “It is nice to be remembered.”
That was all it took to change a pleasant encounter into a wonderful moment. And it was all because of a memory, my recollection of a happy time under his guidance at school. My few words lifted him. He seemed to stand straighter, his day lifted by a throwaway comment from me. I had simply found a happy memory and gave it as a gift to another. But I was the one who benefitted most.
The pathways of life are marked with good intentions: ‘I will do this; I must do that; someday when I get the chance.’
How silently all those opportunities slip by. Like that card I had placed between the pages of a book, like those promises I store in the recesses of my mind, like all the things I intend to do when I get the time, they can all too easily be forgotten.
What would it have taken for me to have written a few words in reply to his card all those years ago? It would have required very little effort. But now, when I ponder the passage of time in between, it would have made all the difference. It brings home to me the message that this Christmas holds out to all of us: sometimes the greatest gift we can give is the gift of time and to respond with love to all those we encounter on this journey through life.
Pat Griffin 

Sunday 19th December 2021
Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Eve:
St. Fiacre’s Church: 9pm.
St. Patrick’s Church: 12 Midnight.
Christmas Day:
St. Patrick’s Church: 9.30am & 12noon.
Foulkstown Church: 10am.
St. Fiacre’s Church: 10.30am & 12noon.
Masses will also be broadcast to the Parish Centre from St. Fiacre’s Church and will cater for the overflow from the church. Masses will be streamed live from both parish webcams (St. Patrick’s & St. Fiacre’s Churches) which are available on
Leaflets detailing the Mass times for all the city parishes will be distributed by the stewards after Masses this weekend. The obligation to attend Mass has been lifted for the moment if you would be more comfortable viewing Mass online or on TV, then do so.

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday 23rd December at 1pm and will reopen on Tuesday 4th January 2022 at 9am. The priests can be contacted on their mobile numbers on the banner above.

Christmas Mass Bouquets

Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Eucharistic Ministers
The new Eucharistic Ministers rota is available from the parish office from Monday 20th December. Please call in and pick one up or contact Michelle at or phone 776 4400 to have a copy emailed to you.

Pope’s Intentions - December
We pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity & in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Bridget Johnston, Hebron Road. Anna Keegan, St. Francis Terrace.
Months Mind: Kieran O’Donnell (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Dick Lynch (Sat 6.15). John & Mary Butler and their daughter Catherine Butler (Sun 9.30). Jane & Jeff Power (Sun 10.00). Elizabeth Comerford (Sun 12.00). Michael Muldowney (Sun 12.30). Peg Larkin (Tues 10.30). Tommy Clooney, Kitty Clooney, Margaret Fox, William & Mary Butler, Liam Butler, Emma Van Driel, Helena Butler (Wed 9.30). Sally Cody (Wed 10.30). Walter & Elizabeth Gahan & Family (Thurs 10.30). Michael Kenny & John Condon (Fri 10.30). Margaret & Patrick Doran. Catherine & Michael Delaney. Felix & Mary Campbell. Michael Cody, John Carroll. Nannie Donovan. Chrissie Comerford. Mary Brennan. Billy Phelan. Martin Meally, Nora & Michael Bartholomew. Hughie Shiels. Rita & Michael Gaule. Mary O’Neill. Patrick & Angela Murphy.
Intentions for Christmas Day: George Byrne (9.30). Tom Cantwell (10.00). Michéal Walsh (10.30). Mary & Christopher Coogan (12.00).

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Patrick’s Church with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction. Continuing this Wednesday from 7 - 8pm and each Wednesday night during Advent. The Holy Hour can also be viewed by webcam on

Prayer Wall
We invite you to include your intentions and prayers on our Advent prayer walls located in the churches. All will join in praying for your intentions during the season of Advent.

Fr. Roderick and Fr. Peter will be available to hear confessions in St. Fiacre’s Church from 7pm to 8pm on Monday 20th December.

Please note
There will be no 6.15pm vigil Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church on Saturday 25th December.

We welcome the children from St. John of God Girls School, St. Patrick’s De La Salle, Gaelscoil Osraí, KSP to all of our Masses this weekend as they continue their preparation to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We wish them well in their preparations. Keep up the good work!!

Diocese of Ossory Advent Carols
On Sunday 19th of December at 6.15pm, thanks to the help of our friends at KCLR96FM, the Dioceses of Ossory and Kildare & Leighlin can come together, via the radio, for a reflection of Advent Carols and prayers, led by our parishes, in the company of Bishop Denis Nulty. Why not join us from the comfort of your own home with your family for this short Advent reflection.

Our Diocese, Your Crib
Why not take part in our Virtual Display of Cribs ( this Christmas – send us images of the crib in your home, parish, school or club to

Thought for the day
“Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made Man” Pope Francis

Parish Christmas Shop

A wide variety of Christmas items are now available from the Parish Shop, located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Church Art Calendars available from the reception desk of the Parish Centre, €2 each. 2022 Diaries available at €4 each. Call in and have a look!

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Readers Christmas Masses
Christmas Eve: Rose Brophy (9pm St. Fiacre’s). Margaret Loughman (12md St. Patrick’s).
Christmas Day: Adeline Kelly (Sat 9.30). Margaret Brassil (Sat 10.00am). Liz Leahy (Sat 12.00). Michéal Ó Máirtín (Sat 12.30pm).

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Matt O’Brien, Rosbercon. 2nd: Mary Walshe, Ballyragget. 3rd: A.L. Roberts, Ballyragget. 4th: Joanne Murphy, Muckalee. 5th: Josie Bergin, Lisdowney. 6th: Anne & Patrick Bergin, Lisdowney. 7th: Michael Walker, Callan. 8th: Bernadette Gray, Aghaboe. 9th: Martin Kirwan, Borris-in-Ossory. 10th Kevin Moore, St. Canice’s.

Sunday 12th December 2021

Third Sunday of Advent
What is special about the Third Sunday of Advent? For much of the Church’s history, this Sunday had a special name: “Gaudete” Sunday. The traditions surrounding this Sunday go back as far as the fourth or fifth century, as does the season of Advent itself. Advent, our preparation for Christmas, was originally a forty-day penitential season life Lent. In fact, since it used to begin on November 12 (just after the Memorial of St. Martin of Tours), it was called “St. Martin’s Lent.” “Gaudete Sunday” was the Advent counterpart to “Laetare Sunday,” which marks the midpoint in Lent.
On Gaudete Sunday, the season of Advent shifts its focus. For the first two weeks of Advent, the focus can be summed up in the phrase, “The Lord is coming.” But beginning with Gaudete Sunday, the summary might be, “The Lord is near.” This shift is marked by a lighter mood and a heightened sense of joyous anticipation. Liturgically, the colours lighten as well. The priest usually wears rose-coloured vestments, a hue seen only on Gaudete Sunday and Laetare Sunday. On this day, we light the third candle of the Advent wreath, which is also rose-coloured, or if you prefer, pink. The word “Gaudete” is Latin for “Rejoice.” In times when the focus of our anticipation is often on the negative and fearful, this celebration is a reminder that God who loves us is still in charge and that we await his coming not with fear, but with tremendous joy.

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Patrick’s Church with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction. Continuing this Wednesday from 7 - 8pm and each Wednesday night during Advent. The Holy Hour can also be viewed by webcam on

Thought for the day
“Though our feelings come and go, His love for us does not” C.S Lewis.

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Kay McEvoy, Aylesbury. Michael Reynolds, Glendine Road.
Months Mind: Mary Mahony (Sun 12.00). Bee Maher (Fri 10.30). Kay Doyle.
Anniversaries: Peadar Barrett (Sat 6.15). Martin McCorry (Sun 9.30). Milton Americas (Sun 10.00). Michael Dollard (Sun 10.30). Tom Downey (Sun 12.30). Jim & Rose Magner, Hannah Byrne & deceased members of the Magner Family (Tues 10.30). Florrie Cleere (Wed 9.30). John Morrissey (Wed 10.30). Kitty & Martin Crotty (Thurs 10.30). Jimmy Bergin (Sat 9.30). Jim Costigan. John Egan. Harry Joe O’Connor. Margaret Larkin. John Hayes. Patricia Fitzpatrick. Mary Blanchfield. Jim Dollard. James Murray. Ann Murphy. John & Ann Fogarty.
Intentions for next weekend: Dick Lynch (Sat 6.15). John & Mary Butler and their daughter Catherine Butler (Sun 9.30). Jane & Jeff Power (Sun 10.00). Kieran O’Donnell (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Elizabeth Comerford (Sun 12.00). Michael Muldowney (Sun 12.30).

We welcome the children from St. John of God Girls School, St. Patrick’s De La Salle, Gaelscoil Osraí, KSP to all of our Masses this weekend as they continue their preparation to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We wish them well in their preparations. Keep up the good work!!

Diocese of Ossory Advent Carols
On Sunday 19th of December at 6.15pm, thanks to the help of our friends at KCLR96FM, the Dioceses of Ossory and Kildare & Leighlin can come together, via the radio, for a reflection of Advent Carols and prayers, led by our parishes, in the company of Bishop Denis Nulty. Why not join us from the comfort of your own home with your family for this short Advent reflection.

Prayer Wall
We invite you to include your intentions and prayers on our Advent prayer walls located in the churches. All will join in praying for your intentions during the season of Advent.

Fr. Roderick and Fr. Peter will be available to hear confessions in St. Fiacre’s Church from 7pm to 8pm on Monday 20th December.

Christmas Shop
A wide variety of Christmas items are now available from the Parish Shop, located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Call in and have a look!

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The National Christmas Collection for the St. Vincent de Paul takes place on this weekend. If you want to contribute to the collection, put your offering in an envelope, mark it SVP and drop it into the parish office. We will make sure that they get it. A visa tap facility will be available in the Parish Centre for anyone who would like to contribute electronically. Thank you for your continued support. The society can be contacted on 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Pope’s Intentions - December
We pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity & in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Parish Pastoral Council
A meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Monday 13th December at 8pm in the Parish Centre.

Young Persons prayer for guidance
Lord may I work with you in a spirit of trust, together building a vision for my life .
the doors of my heart to allow you to come & speak to me.
My I take time to connect with you, my self, and others so that the road ahead becomes clearer.
Help me to be amazed by you & know that you are amazed by me.
May I find time to think and explore the bigger questions, always willing to learn about you and how I relate myself and to others.
No matter what happens may I imitate you and be an instrument of your Love and Compassion.
Give me the generosity of spirt to offer all that I am in the service of my sisters and brothers.
Guide me along the right path, showing me how to navigate the course of life
and discover my true destination, my true identity, my mission on this earth. Amen
Why not join us for a series of zoom meetings on Saturday 18th December from 10 am - 11 am. Send an email with your name and parish to and we will send you the link.
On Saturday 18th December the topic will be… 'Living with the Questions '.

An act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Sunday, 5th December 2021
Second Sunday of Advent

“Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight, and all mankind shall see the salvation of God”
The Advent Wreath has become the most recognizable symbol of this season of preparation for the birth of Jesus. The colour purple signifies preparation and penance. We prepare for Christmas with penance so we can be liberated by Hope, Love, Joy and Peace, to truly celebrate the birth of Jesus. The evergreen and seed-cones represent new and undying life as the circle reminds us, life in God is without beginning or end. Eternal life, the glory of God!
Each candle on the wreath has its own meaning: First the Prophets candle, proclaims the Hope of the Messiah.
Second the Bethlehem candle, proclaims the Love of God made flesh.
Third the Shepherd’s candle proclaims the Joy (Gaudéte) announced by the Angels to the Shepherd’s. Fourth the Angel’s candle proclaims the Peace of Christ. Fifth the Christ candle, proclaims Jesus, God-with-us!
The Prophets are re-echoed in the call of John the Baptist. The voice that cries in the wilderness. He brings to completion the Hope of the prophets. “John saw Jesus coming towards him, and said: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” “And a voice came from heaven, You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.”
“Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.” Born to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. God loves us so greatly that he became one of us and entered our ordinary life of family, to offer himself in our nature, as the sacrifice that takes away the sin of the world. To take away your sins. Remember God loves you this greatly and more. Loves you as you are, but not so that you remain as you are, but rather, to transform you to be like him. In his love, he has made the sacrifice for you. Open your heart in penance and prepare for him! Let our cry be, “Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus!”
“And all humankind shall see the salvation of our God.”
Fr. Roger O’Neill, Gorey,

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John O’Rourke, Riverview. Josephine Stokes.
Months Mind: Kay Doyle (Thurs 10.30).
Anniversaries: Christine Comerford (Sat 6.15). Rena Brett (Sun 9.30). Eileen Gleason (Sun 10.00). Eddie Dunne (Sun 10.30). Michael O’Dwyer (Sun 12.00). Kay & Brian O’Reilly (Sun 12.30). James Mulrooney (Tues 9.30). Kitty Russell (Tues 6.15). Myra Treacy (Wed 11.00). Sean & Statia Cantwell (Sun 12.00). Thomas Dowling. Michael Muldowney. Paul Slattery. Michael Fitzmaurice. Christina Walsh. Finbarr Coughlan. Elizabeth Hayes. Annie Wall, Kathleen Wall. Rena Sheridan. Bess & Mick Delaney. Michael & Margaret O’Brien.
Intentions for next weekend: Peadar Barrett (Sat 6.15). Martin McCorry (Sun 9.30). Milton Americas (Sun 10.00). Michael Dollard (Sun 10.30). Mary O’Mahony (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Tom Downey (Sun 12.30).

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Patrick’s Church with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction. Continuing this Wednesday and each Wednesday night during Advent. The Holy Hour can also be viewed by webcam on

Feast of The Immaculate Conception
Wednesday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception and is a holy day of obligation. Mass times are as follows:
Tuesday 7th - 6.15pm in St. Fiacre’s.
Wednesday 8th - 10.00am in Foulkstown, 11.00am in St. Patrick’s and 12noon in St. Fiacres.

We welcome the children from St. John of God Girls School, St. Patrick’s De La Salle, Gaelscoil Osraí, KSP to all of our Masses this weekend as they continue their preparation to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We wish them well in their preparations.
Keep up the good work!!

Prayer Wall
We invite you to include your intentions and prayers on our Advent prayer walls located in the churches. All will join in praying for your intentions during the season of Advent.

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Young persons prayer for Guidance
Lord may I work with you in a spirit of trust, together building a vision for my life. Open the doors of my heart to allow you to come & speak to me.
My I take time to connect with you, my self, and others so that the road ahead becomes clearer. Help me to be amazed by you & know that you are amazed by me. May I find time to think and explore the bigger questions, always willing to learn about you and how I relate myself and to others.
No matter what happens may I imitate you and be an instrument of your Love and Compassion.
Give me the generosity of spirt to offer all that I am in the service of my sisters and brothers.
Guide me along the right path, showing me how to navigate the course of life and discover my true destination, my true identity, my mission on this earth. Amen
Thought for the day
“With God, all things are possible” Matthew 19:26

Pope’s Intentions - December
We pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The National Christmas Collection for the St. Vincent de Paul takes place on Sunday 12th December. Like last year, due to the Covid 19 pandemic there will not be a church gate collection. If you want to contribute to the collection, put your offering in an envelope, mark it SVP and drop it into the parish office. We will make sure that they get it. Also, a visa tap facility will be available in the Parish Centre for anyone who would like to contribute electronically. Thank you for your continued support. The society can be contacted on 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw 
The next draw takes place on Wednesday 15th December. Please have you subscriptions into Fr. Roderick by Monday 13th December. Thank you for your support.

Data Protection Officer - DPO

(Diocese of Ferns, Kildare & Leighlin & Ossory)
This will be a 3 year Part-Time Fixed Term Contract. (16 Hours). Further information and application procedure available at, and Closing date for applications by post on or before 10th December 2021 to: Ossory Diocesan Office, James Street, Kilkenny, R95 NH60. Email: Phone 056 776 2448. The Dioceses of Ferns, Kildare & Leighlin and Ossory are equal opportunity employers. Canvassing will disqualify.

Sunday, 28th November 2021
First Sunday of Advent
The meaning of Advent
The word 'Advent' is from the Latin 'Adventus,' meaning 'coming.' Advent marks the beginning of a new Church year and lasts from the fourth Sunday before Christmas, until the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord. Advent is a period of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to the time when Christ will come again and to the remembrance and celebration of the first coming of Christ to us at Christmas.
The meaning of the Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath has a rich meaning. The circle of the wreath, with no beginning or end, symbolises the eternity of God. The evergreen reminds us of the everlasting life we have in Christ while any pine cones or pods in the wreath represent new life and resurrection. The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent. Purple is traditionally a colour of penance and prayer while the rose/pink candle that is lit on the Third Sunday marks our joy as we move ever closer to Christmas.
We are the people of Advent… for Advent is now and not just back then. Therefore we can see all the characters of Advent that was ‘then’ in our Advent which is ‘now’. Where in our lives is John the Baptist, provoking us to become more aware of new things happening in our lives? Where is Zachariah in our lives, not immediately open to what is so new, so hard to understand? Where is Elizabeth, so ready, through the wisdom of living, to appreciate the coming of the Lord? Where is Joseph, so gracious when all was so strange? And where is Mary in us, trusting in the providence given to her, welcoming the word in her heart? For, where we find Mary in ourselves, there we find Christ being born in our souls.

We welcome the children from St. John of God Girls School, St. Patrick’s De La Salle, Gaelscoil Osraí, KSP to all of our Masses this weekend as they continue their preparation to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We wish them well in their preparations. Keep up the good work!!

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Joan Clarke, Edenvale Close.  Michael Walsh, Golf Links View. Rita McMahon, Ayrfield. Leo O’Reilly, Dublin. Hannah Byrne, John Street.
Months Mind: Tom Holden (Sun 12.00).
Anniversaries: Pauline Hackett (Sat 6.15). Kevin & Evelyn Hughes (Sun 9.30). John & Margaret Wallace (Sun 10.00). Margaret Staunton (Sun 10.30). Jack White (Sun 12.00). Philip Funcheon (Sun 12.30). Patrick & May Malone (Wed 9.30). Michael Shortall (Fri 9.30). Sean & Statia Cantwell. Paul Delaney. Pat Kearney. Ollie Bergin. Deceased members of P & T and Telecom Eireann. Bill Keogh. Eileen Barry. Philip O’Dwyer.
Intentions for next weekend: Christine Comerford (Sat 6.15). Rena Brett (Sun 9.30). Eileen Gleason (Sun 10.00). Eddie Dunne (Sun 10.30). Michael O’Dwyer (Sun 12.00). Kay & Brian O’Reilly (Sun 12.30).

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Patrick’s Church with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction. Beginning on Wednesday 1st December from 7-8pm and continuing each Wednesday night during Advent. The Holy Hour can also be viewed by webcam on

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Ossory Priests Collection
A collection in aid of retired and sick priests will be taken up as part of the second collection at all Masses this weekend. Many thanks.

Pope’s Intentions - November
For people who suffer from depression. We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn0-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The National Christmas Collection for the St. Vincent de Paul takes place on Sunday 12th December. Like last year, due to the Covid 19 pandemic there will not be a church gate collection. If you want to contribute to the collection, put your offering in an envelope, mark it SVP and drop it into the parish office. We will make sure that they get it. Also, there will be a box with a visa tap facility in the Parish Centre for anyone who would like to contribute electronically. Thank you for your continued support. The society can be contacted on 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Thought for the day
“Advent is a time of waiting for our Lord, who will visit us all in our own hearts. The Lord is coming! Let us wait for him!” Pope Francis

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Fr. Liam Barron , Mullinavat. 2nd: Pat Murphy , St. Mary’s. 3rd: James Holohan, St. Canice's. 4th: Olive Morrin, Tullaherin. 5th: Mary & Eamonn O’Neill, Ferrybank. 6th: Patrick Mahon, Borris-in-Ossory. 7th: Michael Fennelly, Ballycallan. 8th: Brendan Murphy, Muckalee. 9th: Paul Dunne, Borris-in-Ossory. 10th: John Lennon, St. Mary’s. The next draw takes place on Wednesday 15th December.  Please have you subscriptions into Fr. Roderick by Monday 13th December. Thank you for your support.

Diocese of Ossory Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood
Lord Jesus we believe that you continue to scatter the seeds of vocation in the hearts of young people today. Help us to nourish those seeds with encouragement and support so that they will take root, grow, & bear fruit. Give to all who are called the courage they need to take a first step on a journey of discovery which will lead them to that place where they will encounter you Lord & discern the road you invite them to follow. Lord fill young hearts with a spirit of loving service care and respect for themselves and others. Provide your Church in Ossory with humble shepherds who will work with their Sisters & Brothers in a spirit of co- responsibility for your Church. Amen.

A message for young people
Beginning on Saturday 5th December Vocations Ossory are holding a series of Zoom Meetings for young people who wish to explore questions about life and faith on three Saturdays in December from 10 am - 11 am. On Saturday 4th December the topic will be… 'Your Life: God's vision & your dreams' For further information & a link to these meetings simply drop an email to giving your name and name of your parish.

Data Protection Officer - DPO
(Diocese of Ferns, Kildare & Leighlin & Ossory)
This will be a 3 year Part-Time Fixed Term Contract. (16 Hours). Further information and application procedure available at, and Closing date for applications by post on or before 10th December 2021 to: Ossory Diocesan Office, James Street, Kilkenny, R95 NH60. Email: Phone 056 776 2448. The Dioceses of Ferns, Kildare & Leighlin and Ossory are equal opportunity employers. Canvassing will disqualify.

Sunday, 21st November 2021
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Jesus’ kingship is the kingship of one who is dedicated to his Father. He lives and dies for the truth. In his death and resurrection Jesus is enthroned in the glory of his Father. This is the kingship we celebrate: one who has passed through the worst of human life to a life and joy that is eternal.
Focus: A big thing in life is where you are from. We say ‘your accent betrays you’. Sometimes we judge totally on where people are from. Pilate was the same with Jesus. With all he knew of him and heard, the miracles and the speeches - where are you from? Are you a king really? What sort is your kingdom? Pilate was intrigued always with Jesus and so are we.
Our Christian life is getting to know Jesus more, and taking part in his mission. The type of person he was. That he came from God and from humanity. He speaks of the best of God and the best of us, the best of heaven and he best of earth. He is worth our following.
Our role - vocation/called to be like him. Our mission is a calling to live like him in love and service.
There is the ‘from above’ in Jesus and much of John’s gospel stresses the divinity of Christ. He doesn’t look very divine but he does look very human. In the human is the divine. So we could be like him. We become like him by reading about his life and living like he did. King is a strange feast…..he never wanted it. But he accepted what had happened to him. He took in on out of love. The defender of the poor. The King who prays.
A good ending of one church year to begin another. King and servant. We’ll see more of what it’s all like in the weeks of December. In the meantime, we want to live in this reign of God and pray and live—your kingdom come.
Donal Neary SJ, editor, Sacred Heart Messenger.

November Remembrance Service
Our annual Parish Remembrance Service takes place on Thursday, 25th November at 7.30pm in St. Fiacre’s Church. During this service we will remember those who have died, especially those of our parishioners who died during the past year. Please note, face masks are required, you are asked to follow social distancing guidelines and make use of the sanitisers at the church entrance.

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Peggy Murray, Larchfield. Peter Dwan, 23 Connolly St. Mary Delaney, Cork (Thurs 10.30).
Anniversaries: Richie Delaney (Sat 6.15). Mervyn White (Sun 9.30). Ollie Conway (Sun 10.00). Patsy Dawson (Sun 10.30). John Byrne (Sun 12.00). James Fox & Fintan Brennan (Sun 12.30). Frank McKenna Snr (Sat 9.30). John & Ann Fogarty. Catherine McDonald. Anna & Michael Beale. Nora & Gerry Grey. William O’Brien Snr. William O’Brien Jnr. Madge O’Brien & family. Patrick Murphy. Patrick & Mary Devlin. Eileen Breen. Pat Kearney. Joan Meehan. Michael Kennedy. Patrick J. Crotty. Josephine Randall.
Intentions for next weekend: Pauline Hackett (Sat 6.15). Kevin & Evelyn Hughes (Sun 9.30). John & Margaret Wallace (Sun 10.00). Margaret Staunton (Sun 10.30). Jack White (Sun 12.00). Philip Funcheon (Sun 12.30).

Prayers for the Deceased

We pray for our deceased family members relatives, neighbours and friends during the month of November. You are invited to include the names of deceased family member in our sacred spaces. Write their names on the form at the back of the churches or any piece of paper and place them in our sacred spaces. All these names will be included in prayers at our Remembrance Service.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Lifting of Covid 19 Restrictions

When attending ceremonies in our Churches, we ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as much as possible. i.e. please make use of the whole church seating area and keep your distance from others. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attending any ceremonies. Please follow the instructions of our volunteer Mass stewards. Attendance at weddings and funerals are as above. Your adherence to these guidelines is appreciated. As you are aware, the virus is still active in the community, therefore personal responsibility and care for others is required from all of us to ensure the safety of all who attend our church services. The dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your understanding & cooperation as we work to keep our parish & community a safe place for all.

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw
The next draw takes place on Wednesday 24th November. Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. For those who pay monthly, please have your subscriptions into Fr. Roderick at the Parish Office by Monday 22nd November 2021.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Plenary Indulgence
Did you know that you can get a plenary indulgence any day this November? It’s true. The Vatican has decided to grant Catholics who visit a cemetery to pray for the dead on any day in the month of November a plenary indulgence. Usually, the Catholic Church only grants this plenary indulgence for the souls in Purgatory to those who pray in a cemetery on Nov. 1-8, which is the week of the Solemnity of All Souls’ Day. Last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Apostolic Penitentiary issued a decree that extended the availability of some plenary indulgences because of concerns about avoiding large gatherings of people in churches or cemeteries. The Vatican has issued the same decree this year during the month of November. The specific Nov. 2 plenary indulgence one can obtain for the souls in Purgatory by visiting a church or an oratory and reciting an Our Father and the Creed, can now also be done on any day in November.

Pope’s Intentions - November
For people who suffer from depression.
We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn0-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life.

Thought for the day
“Think before you speak. Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind?” Alan Redpath

Village Remembrance  Service
A Mass of Remembrance for deceased club members, for their families and friends will be celebrated in the clubrooms on Monday, November 22nd at 7.3pm. Members attending the celebration will be expected to wear a face mask and observe social distancing throughout the ceremony.

Ossory Priests Collection
A collection in aid of retired and sick priests will be taken up as part of the second collection at all Masses next weekend (27th/28th November). Many thanks in advance.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society can be contacted on 087 681 0589 or drop a letter into the parish office.
Sunday, 14th November 2021
Safeguarding Sunday 2021
Today, Sunday 14th November, we celebrate Safeguarding Sunday. On this day we turn the spotlight on safeguarding and remind our communities and parish personnel that protecting vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message. Safeguarding Sunday is about creating an opportunity for parishes to find out all the positive work that has been happening in terms of safeguarding over the past year. Safeguarding in our parish could not happen without the commitment and work of those who take on extra responsibilities around safeguarding.
We remember those who have experienced abuse in our Diocese and remind people of the Towards Healing confidential and free counselling service, Ph. 1800 303 416. They provide face to face counselling, structured phone counselling, family counselling and a counselling helpline.
The Safeguarding Committee has produced a newsletter to mark this day, and this is available at the end of Mass or to view on  A video on Safeguarding is available on

Retired Nurses
Mass for retired & deceased nurses will be celebrated in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy on Thursday 18th November 2021 at 10.30am. A collection for Carlow Kilkenny Homecare Team will take place outside the church after Mass.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Pray for our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Michael O’Keeffe, Larchfield. Aileen Hehir, William St. Helen Conway, Greenshill. Thomas Murphy, Aylesbury. Kitty Doyle, Waterford Road. John Falsey, Bishop Birch Place. Fr. Michael Norton, formerly Urlingford.
Months Mind: Eamonn Hehir (Sun 12.30)
Anniversaries: Peggy O’Dwyer (Sat 6.15). John-Joe Kealy (Sun 9.30). Mary Mulrooney (Sun 10.00). Martin Flynn (Birthday Remembrance Sun 10.30). Joan Fitzgerald (Sun 12.00). Breda Hehir (Sun 12.30). John & Martin Brennan, John & Mary Boland (Wed 9.30). Deceased & Retired Nurses (Thurs 10.30). Mary Shannon (Fri 9.30). Tony & Anne Madden (Fri 10.30). Seamus Loughman. Peter Blanchfield. Peggy Costigan. Peig & Jim McAndrew. Joe Thornton. Paddy Delaney. Barbara & Tommy Rhatigan. Dick & Annie Burke.
Intentions for next weekend: Richie Delaney (Sat 6.15). Mervyn White (Sun 9.30). Ollie Conway (Sun 10.00). Patsy Dawson (Sun 10.30). John Byrne (Sun 12.00). James Fox & Fintan Brennan (Sun 12.30).

Lifting of Covid 19 Restrictions
Up to date HSE & Government guidelines capacity restrictions are lifted in the Churches, we ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as much as possible. i.e. please make use of the whole church seating area and keep your distance from others. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attending any ceremonies. Please follow the instructions of our volunteer Mass stewards. Attendance at weddings and funerals are as above. Your adherence to these guidelines is appreciated. As you are aware, the virus is still active in the community, therefore personal responsibility and care for others is required from all of us to ensure the safety of all who attend our church services. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our parish and community a safe place for all.

Prayer for Synodal Process
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak & sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw

The next draw takes place on Wednesday 24th November. Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. For those who pay monthly, please have your subscriptions into Fr. Roderick at the Parish Office by Monday 22nd November 2021.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

The Priory Institute
Online Theology Open Evening, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Email to find out more about our Online Open Evening on Thursday 2 December 7pm.

For the World day of the Poor this Sunday
Pope Francis writes:
‘Very often the poor hear voices scolding them, telling them to be quiet and to put up with their lot. These voices are harsh, often due to fear of the poor, who are considered not only destitute but also a source of insecurity and unrest, an unwelcome distraction from life as usual and needing to be rejected and kept afar. We tend to create a distance between the poor and the rich, without realising that in this way we are distancing ourselves from the Lord Jesus, who does not reject the poor, but calls them to himself and comforts them.’ Psalm 33 says - ‘the Lord hears the cry of the poor.’ It is through our ears and hearts that the cry is heard. For Pope Francis the poor are: those whose ‘hearts are broken by sadness, loneliness and exclusion; those persecuted in the name of a false justice, oppressed by policies unworthy of the name. They are terrified by violence, they know that God is their Saviour and who, trampled in their dignity, still find the strength to look up to God for light and comfort.’ The gospel reminds us of many for whom the sun is darkened and the moon has no light. May they find in the community of the church the Son of Man coming in the glory of love and generosity for all in need. Donal Neary SJ, editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

Parish Pastoral Council
A meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Monday 15th November 2021 at 8pm in the Parish Centre.

Thought for the day

When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.
Hudson Taylor

Sunday, 7th November 2021
‘Love giving until it hurts’ - Mother Teresa.
The poor woman of today’s gospel, a widow who would have had little to live on, is praised not the amount she contributed, but that she gave everything! The story is more than factual, and maybe Jesus was exaggerating, but he is talking about giving to God, in a way that sometimes costs. Mother Teresa speaks of ‘love giving until it hurts’. Jesus is also comparing her humble giving, with the showy giving of other richer people. Does the latter, subconsciously, describe my giving What is the value of giving in order for others to see? (Let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing). Maybe what we give to the lives of others doesn’t look like much, but it has helped. We know this from the time spent by parents on their children, in time given to the elderly in the family and in the neighbourhood, in giving some money and going without other things in our lives, so that we can do that. Love given is never love emptied for in the giving, we receive. We never know where the effects of our love will bear fruit. Faith shared with our children may bear fruit long after we are dead. In later life people often go to the prayers and devotions they were taught in school or at home. Goodness and love shared is never wasted. Even though the lady in the gospel gave a lot, she went home the richer for it. Her religion was in the sharing of her heart, rather than lengthy and wordy prayers. This was the prayer of St. Francis - Lord, make me a means of your peace; where there is hatred let me sow love….for it is giving that we receive and it is in dying that we ae born to eternal life.
Donal Neary SJ, editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

Thought for the day
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world” Desmond Tutu

Retired Nurses
Mass for retired & deceased nurses will be celebrated in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy on Thursday 18th November 2021 at 10.30am. A collection for Carlow Kilkenny Homecare Team will take place outside the church after Mass.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Kieran O’Donnell, Larchfield. Maureen Meany, Marble Crest. Mary Mahony, Melville Heights.  
Anniversaries: Edward O’Neill (Sat 6.15). John & Margaret Glynn (Sun 9.30). Sean & Julia Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Billy Walton (Sun 10.30). Mary O’Shea & Ann O’Shea (Sun 12.00). Lucyna Wowk (Sun 12.30).  John Kelly (Wed 9.30). Martin Anthony Saunders (Wed 10.30). Andy Egan. Eileen Reidy. Paul Moloney. John Hand. Julia O’Carroll. William & Brigid Brennan. Liam & Peg Brennan. Anastatia Muldowney. Francis Coyne. Nancy Dunphy. Mary Russell nee Maher.
Intentions for next weekend: Peggy O’Dwyer (Sat 6.15). John-Joe Kealy (Sun 9.30). Mary Mulrooney (Sun 10.00). Martin Flynn (Birthday Remembrance Sun 10.30). Joan Fitzgerald (Sun 12.00). Eamonn Hehir (Months Mind) & Breda Hehir (Sun 12.30).

Prayer for Synodal Process

We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak & sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Lifting of Covid 19 Restrictions

Up to date HSE & Government guidelines capacity restrictions are lifted in the Churches, we ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as much as possible. i.e. please make use of the whole church seating area and keep your distance from others. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attending any ceremonies. Please follow the instructions of our volunteer Mass stewards. Attendance at weddings and funerals are as above. Your adherence to these guidelines is appreciated. As you are aware, the virus is still active in the community, therefore personal responsibility and care for others is required from all of us to ensure the safety of all who attend our church services. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our parish and community a safe place for all.

Evening Prayer with Archbishop Dermot
On 29th December 2020 Bishop Dermot Farrell was appointed as Archbishop-elect of Dublin. His translation to Dublin which took place on 2nd February 2021 brought to an end his time as Bishop of Ossory, he having journeyed with Ossory since his appointment on 3 January 2018. Given the pandemic we were unable to gather at that time to mark his translation and to give thanks for his ministry among us. On Tuesday next 9th November we will gather in St Patrick’s Church, Kilkenny at 7.30pm for evening prayer with Archbishop Dermot in thanksgiving - why not join with us in person or via the webcam at

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Taizé Youth Programme 2022
A youth trip to Taizé in France organised by Ossory Youth will take place from Sunday, 26th June to Sunday, 3rd July 2022. The programme, which runs from December 2021 to July 2022 is open to Transition year, 5thyear and Leaving Cert students. Closing date is Friday, 19th November. For further information, contact Patrick Bookle, Ossory Youth at 056 776 1200, 087 212 9006 or

Safeguarding Sunday 2021 November 14th
On the weekend of Sunday 14th November, we celebrate Safeguarding Sunday. On this day we turn the spotlight on safeguarding and remind our communities and parish personnel that protecting vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message. Safeguarding Sunday is about creating an opportunity for parishes to find out all the positive work that has been happening in terms of safeguarding over the past year. Safeguarding in our parish could not happen without the commitment and work of those who take on extra responsibilities around safeguarding.
We remember those who have experienced abuse in our Diocese and remind people of the Towards Healing confidential and free counselling service, Ph. 1800 303 416. They provide face to face counselling, structured phone counselling, family counselling and a counselling helpline. The Safeguarding Committee has produced a newsletter to mark this day, and this is available to view on

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw
The next draw takes place on Wednesday 24th November. Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. For those who pay monthly, please have your subscriptions into Fr. Roderick at the Parish Office by Monday 22nd November 2021.

Sunday, 31st October 2021
Many people asked Jesus about how they could enter the kingdom of God. Or they asked what is the greatest of the commandments. In Judaism, a religion that prided itself often on the observance of many rules and regulations this was quite a loaded question. The answer Jesus gave is the reason for all his teaching: ‘love God and your neighbour’. This is simple to say and is a lifetimes joy. Love of those near and far is what can bring greatest joy to our lives. Love is in the ordinary. We visit someone in hospital, we oblige others, we go without so that we can help someone worse off than ourselves. It is in giving time to people - not just Facebook tome but real presence. Trying to live in peace with others.
A lot of life calls the best out of us. We fail sometimes, other times we succeed. Love gives us a lot in ordinary family life. Parents and grandparents give us an example of steadfast love, the word used in the Bible for the love of God. From God’s love for us we can reach out to others, knowing we are loved so much. The love of God and love of the neighbour are the one love.
We know then we are not far from the kingdom of God, the kingdom where love is the foundation of all that we do. To spread this love is the heartfelt desire and mission of Jesus.
Give me the grace Lord of knowing your love for me and reach out in love as best I can.
Donal Neary SJ (editor, Sacred Heart Messenger)

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw
The next draw takes place on Wednesday 24th November. Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. For those who pay monthly, please have your subscriptions into Fr. Roderick at the Parish Office by Monday 22nd November 2021.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Eddie Murphy, Emmet Street. Maisie Wallace (Mon 12.00).
Anniversaries: Colette Deegan (Sat 6.15). Michael Phelan (Sun 9.30). Cormac Cullen (Sun 10.00). Maura & Paddy Brennan (Sun 10.30). Mary Woodgate (Sun 12.00). Gerry Gaule (Sun 12.30). Jack Devlin (Tues 10.30). Retired & Deceased Teachers (Thurs 10.30). Owen, Eugene & Nora Curley (Fri 10.30). Seamus Kelly (Sat 9.30). Paddy Hanrahan. Mary Hennessy. Kitty Stallard. Thomas & Ellen O’Neill. Joe & Jack O’Shea. PJ Marrinan. Michael, Mary, Paddy & Anna Bowe.
Intentions for next weekend: Edward O’Neill (Sat 6.15). John & Margaret Glynn (Sun 9.30). Sean & Julia Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Billy Walton (Sun 10.30). Mary O’Shea & Ann O’Shea (Sun 12.00). Lucyna Wowk (Sun 12.30).

Prayer for Synodal Process
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak & sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

All Saints Day
Monday is the feast of All Saints and is a holy day. The following are the Parish Mass times for this holy day.
Vigil Mass : 6.15 St. Fiacres on Sunday.
Holy Day: 10.00 am Foulkstown; 11.00 am St. Patricks; 12.00 noon St. Fiacres on Monday

All Souls Day
The Church always prays for the dead. November 2nd is devoted to the faithful departed, especially those who have nobody to pray for them. We can visit a cemetery, light a candle and/or say the following prayer for our ancestors and for all those who have gone before us to eternal life.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Our departed loved ones will be remembered at our parish Masses during November. Please inscribe their names on a sheet of paper and place it before the altars in our churches.

Thought for the day
“One who has hope lives differently” Pope Benedict

The new readers rota is currently being compiled. If you would like to become a minister of the word at any of our Masses, please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 or email

Remembrance Gathering for Jo Jo Dullard

The annual remembrance gathering for Jo Jo Dullard will take place on Sunday, November 7th at 12 noon at the Missing Persons Monument in Kilkenny Castle Park. All Welcome.

Lifting of Covid 19 Restrictions
Up to date HSE & Government guidelines capacity restrictions are lifted in the Churches, we ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as much as possible. i.e. please make use of the whole church seating area and keep your distance from others. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attending any ceremonies. Please follow the instructions of our volunteer Mass stewards. Attendance at weddings and funerals are as above. Your adherence to these guidelines is appreciated. As you are aware, the virus is still active in the community, therefore personal responsibility and care for others is required from all of us to ensure the safety of all who attend our church services. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our parish and community a safe place for all.

Taizé Youth Programme 2022
A youth trip to Taizé in France organised by Ossory Youth will take place from Sunday, 26th June to Sunday, 3rd July 2022. A week in the Taizé Community is an opportunity for reflection and contemplation and a little step back from daily life. But bringing people together is also the essence of Taizé and it is a week of meeting young people from different countries and cultures where new friendships are made. Tens of thousands of young people from around the world, including 25 from Kilkenny, will made the trip to Taizé next year. The programme, which runs from December 2021 to July 2022 is open to Transition year, 5thyear and Leaving Cert students. Closing date is Friday, 19th November. For additional information, including cost and application forms, contact Patrick Bookle, Ossory Youth at 056 776 1200, 087 212 9006 or

Retired Nurses
Mass for retired & deceased nurses will be celebrated in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy on Thursday 18th November 2021 at 10.30am. A collection for Carlow Kilkenny Homecare Team will take place outside the church after Mass.

Sunday, 24th October 2021
Mission Sunday
Today is World Mission Sunday. Since 1926, the Church has traditionally remembered its universal mission. It is a special day set aside by Propagation of the Faith so that Catholics worldwide can rededicate themselves to the missionary work of the Church by prayer and action. Every parish in the world celebrates this day on the same date. Pope Francis released his annual Message for World Mission Sunday 2021which is “We cannot remain silent, what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). Each of us is a missionary by virtue of our Baptism. Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned". (Mark 16: 15- 16) At present missionaries are desperately in need of support in many poorer parishes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We can assist them with our prayers and financial help. The money is used to build schools and churches and for the education of priests. We pray for missionaries, for those who provide the support for their missions and for those who welcome them. We ask God to bless missionaries throughout the world and to grant His graces to those who minister among us. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Joe McKee, St. Fiacre’s Place. Michael Taylor, Corcoran Terrace. Brian Banahan, Cuffesgrange. Charlie O’Sullivan, London & formerly Rothe Terrace, Kilkenny.
Months Mind: Lucy Dooley (Sun 10.00). Christy Rainey.
Anniversaries: Mary Martin (Sat 6.15). Ned & Anthona Burke (Sun 9.30).  Mary McCormack nee Shelley (Sun 10.30). Elizabeth ‘Lila’ O’Connor (Sun 12.00). May Malone (Sun 12.30).  Joan Costigan (Wed 10.30). Mary & John Hennessy (Thurs 10.30).  Declan Walsh (Fri 10.30). Maurice Ryan. Michael Walsh. Bernadette Dermody.  Josie Walsh.  Olive Barry.  Statia Comerford. David Doran.
Intentions for next weekend: Colette Deegan (Sat 6.15). Michael Phelan (Sun 9.30). Cormac Cullen (Sun 10.00). Maura & Paddy Brennan (Sun 10.30). Mary Woodgate (Sun 12.00). Gerry Gaule (Sun 12.30).

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw Results
1st: Donal McDonald, Clara. 2nd: Kathleen Lawlor, St. Mary’s. 3rd: Teasie Brennan, St. Mary’s. 4th: Lily McCluskey, Ballycallan. 5th: Pat & Nellie Mooney, Clogh. 6th: Tony & Ann O’Farrell, Ferrybank. 7th: Lisdowney Parish. 8th: Alice Murphy, Muckalee. 9th: John Bolger, Rathdowney. 10th: Ger Woods, Durrow.
The next draw takes place on Wednesday 24th November. Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. For those who pay monthly, please have your subscriptions into Fr. Roderick at the Parish Office by Monday 22nd November 2021.

Prayer  for Synodal Process
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak & sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.

Lifting of Covid 19 Restrictions
Up to date HSE & Government guidelines capacity restrictions are lifted in the Churches, we ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as much as possible. i.e. please make use of the whole church seating area. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attending any ceremonies. Please follow the instructions of our volunteer Mass stewards. Attendance at weddings and funerals are as above. Your adherence to these guidelines is appreciated. As you are aware, the virus is still active in the community, therefore personal responsibility and care for others is required from all of us to ensure the safety of all who attend our church services. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our parish and community a safe place for all.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Rosary will be recited on each Sunday during the month of October at the Grotto, Callan Road at 3pm. All are welcome.

A Jesuit friend of mine died recently after spending over 60 years in Hong Kong. Like many missionaries he was inspired by his love of God to go out and share the love of God. In their adopted countries many found poverty and lack of access to education and healthcare - their mission changed from being purely spiritual to a living ministry based on helping with the day to day needs of their communities. They worked not alone in the spiritual but in education and health care. Thousands are educated each year in Christian schools and thousands healed in Christian health centres. We remember them this weekend: their commitment and love enrich our lives. We must remember that many in fact suffer still for their faith. Many of our parishes have small communities of returned missionaries. They often find it very hard to settle back. Often, they are forced to return due to failing health. They have something good to offer from another Church, but they find it very hard to settle back as they have given so much of their lives to their ‘adopted’ country. They live out the real meaning of the call, like Mary and the apostles, to be ‘missionary disciples’. And a reminder and encouragement to us all is living out our mission in our locality and families. Maybe for our missionaries today, we might make a phone call, send a text or email to let them know we think of them and remind them of our gratitude to them. Lord, we pray this day for our missionaries, we than you for them. Give them good health and may they know our thanks to them.
Donal Neary SJ (Editor Sacred Heart Messenger)

Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am. (Requiem Mass for Joe McKee.

The new readers rota is currently being compiled. If you would like to become a minister of the word at any of our Masses, please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 or email

Thought for the day

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

Sunday, 17th October 2021
We all know people who are ambitious and their ambitions for top jobs, money, and possessions take over. They would do much to be thought well of. Jesus challenges today the ambition of James and John to be at the top of the group of apostles, and he challenges the anger of the others at them. Not all ambition is negative. Paul says in 1 Corinthians , ‘be ambitious for the higher gifts’, and he lists how to be ambitious for love.
Jesus himself was an ambitious man! He says, ‘I have come to server and not be served’. This is his ambition fitting in with the mission in life given him by his Father.
We can see this in all he did and all he suffered. He challenges James and John that the calling would be to live as he did, ‘to drink the cup he would drink’. To the others who were angry with them, Jesus gave the ambition for every follower of his, ‘you must be the slave to all’.
This is a big part of the Christian life. Our faith leads us to the gospel of Jesus to hear his word and let that word fill us, and then to move us out in generous service of many. It is a vision of life well worth following, for the good of the world, and the good of Creation whose servants we are.
Donal Neary SJ (editor Sacred Heart Messenger). 

Mission Sunday
Next Sunday is Mission Sunday. In many of our poorer parishes in Africa, Asia & Latin America, missionaries are on the front line. They walk hand-in-hand with struggling communities long before and after any emergency. Many of these missionaries serve in remote regions where conflict, violence, extreme poverty, malnutrition and diseases are sadly facts of life. Please, if you are in a position to help, you can do so right now by placing your offering in the envelopes which will be available at the back of the churches next Sunday. These envelopes can be placed in the donation boxes or returned to the Parish Office. Your spiritual and financial support plays an enormous part in giving courage to our missionaries and easing suffering. You can also offer your support by calling Missio Ireland on 01 497 2035 or online at www.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Gerard Clancy, Derry.
Anniversaries: Teresa Kelly (Sat 6.15). Gerard Cleere (Sun 9.30). Joseph Eardly (Sun 10.00). Peg Doyle (Sun 10.30). Lisa Kennedy (Sun 12.00). Tom Foley (Sun 12.30). Ned Nolan (Wed 10.30). Bridget Butler (Fri 10.30). Paddy Cullen (Sat 9.30). Martin Mulhall. Gary & Norah Dunne. Richard Kelly. Nancy Coyne. Eithne O’Connor. Tom O’Neill. Sheila & Edward ‘Ned’ Delaney. Nora Doran. Jack McDonald.
Intentions for next weekend: Mary Martin (Sat 6.15). Ned & Anthona Burke (Sun 9.30). Lucy Dooley (Months Mind Sun 10.00). Mary McCormack nee Shelley (Sun 10.30). Elizabeth ‘Lila’ O’Connor (Sun 12.00). May Malone (Sun 12.30).

St. Luke
Saint Luke We celebrate the feast of Saint Luke on Monday , October 18. St. Paul referred to Luke “as Luke, the beloved physician” (Col 4 :14). It is clear from his writings that he was Greek and it is thought he was born in Antioch and that St. Paul himself inspired him to become a follower of Christ. He travelled with St. Paul as he spread the Gospel of Christ and supported Paul when he was imprisoned in Rome. St. Luke’s Gospel demonstrates God’s mercy and especially the gentleness of our Saviour. He gives the most complete account of the child Jesus. He also wrote the Acts of the Apostles which describe the early Church and how it developed from the Ascension of Christ to 62AD . He gives us an insight into the writings of St. Paul. St. Luke is recognised by the Catholic Church as the patron saint of artists, physicians, surgeons and students. Through the intercession of St. Luke, may we have a deeper understanding of and the desire to spread the Gospel of Christ. Amen.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time . Amen

Rosary will be recited on each Sunday during the month of October at the Grotto, Callan Road at 3pm. All are welcome.

Prayer  for Synodal Process
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak & sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw
Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. the October draw will be held one week early on Wednesday, 20th October 2021 due to the Halloween break. For those who pay monthly, please have your subscriptions into Fr. Roderick at the Parish Office on Monday 18th October.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Thought for the day
When you are going though difficulty and wonder where God is, remember that the teacher is always quiet during the test.

Parish Pastoral Council
A meeting of St. Patrick’s Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Monday 18th October at 8pm in the Parish Centre.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Archbishop Dermot Farrell
Archbishop Farrell left the Diocese of Ossory during the lockdown imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. Sadly, we were unable to properly mark his translation to the Archdiocese of Dublin. An evening of celebration is planned for 9th November to express our thanks to Archbishop Farrell upon his departure from Ossory. Evening Prayer will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church and there will be an opportunity to meet in St. Kieran’s College afterwards. Time and details will be announced as they come to hand.

Sunday, 10th October 2021
Synodal Process in the Local & Universal Church
In these days, the Catholic Church throughout the world and in Ireland is beginning a series of conversations about what God wants of his people at this time. These conversations are often referred to as a Synodal Process. “Synodal” comes from a Greek word which means “walking together”,
On Sunday 17th October we mark the opening of this Synodal Process entitled, For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission. This Synodal Process coincides with the start of the two year Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland which will lead, in time, to a National Synodal Assembly in Ireland. We pray that the next two years will be a time of prayer, listening, and discernment, involving a consultative conversation. This will allow all people - both within the Church and in society at large, to share their insights into the Catholic Church in Ireland - past, present and future - so that we can prepare for a National Synodal Assembly in the coming years. - to learn more about the Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland. - to learn more about the worldwide Synod.

We stand before You, Holy Spirit,
as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us,
make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go
and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak & sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity
so that we may journey together to eternal life
and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All this we ask of You,
who are at work in every place and time . Amen

Thought for the day
“We have a Lord who is capable of crying with us, capable of walking with us in the most difficult moments of life.” Pope Francis

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Eamon Hehir, Laurel Drive. Eugene Brett, The Netherlands & Newpark Upper.  Tom Flannery, London (Sat 6.15).
Months Mind: Geraldine Maher.
Anniversaries: Mary Hehir (Sat 6.15). Dan Gorey (Sun 10.00). Kathleen Roche (Sun 10.30). Ann Nolan (Sun 12.00). Phyllis Larkin (Sun 12.30). Michael Kavanagh & Deceased members of the Kavanagh Family. (Tues 10.30).  Michael ‘Mockey’ Delaney (Thurs 10.30). Kathryn Doran  (Fri 10.30). Mick O’Leary. May Dunne. Paul Grace. Kathleen Doran. Tom Kenny. James Delaney. Eileen Barry. Mary Saunders.
Intentions for next weekend: Teresa Kelly (Sat 6.15). Gerard Cleere (Sun 9.30). Joseph Eardly (Sun 10.00). Peg Doyle (Sun 10.30). Lisa Kennedy (Sun 12.00). Tom Foley (Sun 12.30).

October – Month of the Missions
World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls on the second last Sunday in October, meaning this year it will be celebrated over the weekend of Sunday 24th. Its theme ‘We Cannot Remain Silent – We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20)’ is twofold. It is a message of hope – Jesus Christ is risen and we cannot keep his love, compassion, and mercy to ourselves. It also challenges us to stand up and speak on behalf of those whose voices are too small to be heard. We all have the potential to be champions for those who are weaker. For them, we cannot remain silent.

October Stations & weekly Parish Collection. Our thanks to the many parishioners who have sent in contributions for the weekly Parish Collection & the October Stations. Such generosity and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

St. Mary’s Restoration Fund Draw
Tickets may be purchased from Fr. Roderick at a cost of €10 per month. Please continue to support this ongoing work.

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to the children from St. Patrick’s De La Salle School who received their First Holy Communion in St. Patrick’s Church on Saturday. Well done to them all and to their teachers and parents who helped them to prepare for this important day in their lives. God bless and keep them always.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

World Mission Month
The world is in crisis. In many poorer parishes in Africa, Asia & Latin America it is overseas missionaries who are on the front line. Show them your support. Donate €4 by texting the word “Mission” to 50300. Alternatively donate at or call Missio Ireland on 01 497 2035. To learn more go to Missio Ireland is the Holy Father’s official charity for overseas mission. Through your generosity they support missionaries who are caring for some of the most vulnerable communities in the world (Tests cost €4. Missio will receive a minimum of €3.60. Service Provider: LikeCharity. Helpine: 076 680 5278. Republic of Ireland only.

Rosary will be recited on each Sunday during the month of October at the Grotto, Callan Road at 3pm. All are welcome.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Loreto Secondary School Kilkenny
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2022
The closing date for a First Year place is Thursday 4th November 2021. Application forms & admission policy can be obtained from our website or the school office.
Open Night for 6th Class Girls
An open night will take place on Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 7.30pm - this will be an online event and details on how to access it will be posted on our website.

Sunday, 3rd October 2021
Day for Life
The right to life is the first and foundational human right; the gospel and church value human life from its first beginnings to its end. The day for life each year highlights the way the Church can value life. Not just at the beginning and end, but in the years in between.
This valuing of life was behind the Church’s traditional commitment to health care, to hospitals and hospices in a time when otherwise medical care would not have been provided. Even pilgrims on their journeys found hospices along the way to care for physical illness.
It can be seen in our personal care of the sick at all times of life, and in our commitment to the gospel and teachings of the Lord in different issues of conflict regarding life issues, such as abortion and the end of life. How we speak of life, how we vote for politicians in this area and how we give good care to our bodies is part of our care for life. It also reaches into our care for all creation; that we are ‘stewards’ of creation, given the joyful task by God to care for all creation.
Donal Neary SJ (editor Sacred Heart Messenger).

October – Month of the Missions

World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls on the second last Sunday in October, meaning this year it will be celebrated over the weekend of Sunday 24th. Its theme ‘We Cannot Remain Silent – We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20)’ is twofold. It is a message of hope – Jesus Christ is risen and we cannot keep his love, compassion, and mercy to ourselves. It also challenges us to stand up and speak on behalf of those whose voices are too small to be heard. We all have the potential to be champions for those who are weaker. For them, we cannot remain silent.

Parish Shop
A selection of items for First Holy Communion, baptisms etc are available in the Parish Shop located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

Thought for the day
Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." Mother Teresa

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Months Mind: Liam ‘Chunky’ O’Brien (Sat 6.15). Bee O’Sullivan (Sun 12.00).
Anniversaries: Judy O’Brien (Sat 6.15). Patrick Wallace (Sun 10.00). John Valentine (Sun 10.30). Alice ‘Peachy’ Duffy (Sun 12.30). Evelyn Coppinger (Wed 10.30). Michael O’Neill. Billy & Patty Reinhardt. Michael O’Brien. Bridget McKenna.
Intentions for next weekend: Mary Hehir (Sat 6.15). Dan Gorey (Sun 10.00). Kathleen Roche (Sun 10.30). Ann Nolan (Sun 12.00). Phyllis Larkin (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Gaelscoil Osraí
Comhghairdeas don dhá Rang 3, Rang Múinteoir Briain agus Maire Ruth, ó Ghaelscoil Osraí a dhearna gCéad Chomaoineach i Séipéal Naomh Fiacre ar an Satharn. Bhí na páistí ar bís faoi bheith ag fail Corp Chríost agus ina dhiadh na hullmhúcháin ar fad bhí lá den chéád scoth acu.
Congratulations to the two 3rd classes, Rang Múinteoir Briain & Maire Ruth, from Gaelscoil Osraí who received their First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s Church on Saturday. The children were all excited about receiving the Body of Christ and after all the preparations, they had a great day. Well done to all who helped them to prepare for this special day.

An invitation to Reflect and Respond
While preaching on the Gospel in the Friary on 29th Aug, Bishop Nulty issued an invitation to Parish teams, Liturgy groups, Pastoral Councils and to all the people of the Diocese to reflect and share with him their thoughts and ideas on how people can be encouraged and welcomed back to regular Sunday worship.
Are there concrete steps the parish can begin to take to make the Sunday celebration more attractive and welcoming for those already coming and those still to return? Are there concrete steps the parish can take to continue to support families - as a domestic church - while drawing them closer to the life of the parish community? Copies of the homily are available from the parish office and on the Diocesan website. Any ideas may be forwarded by post to Most Reverend Denis Nulty, Apostolic Administrator, Ossory Diocesan Office, James St. Kilkenny.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results.

1st: John Norris, St. Mary’s. 2nd: Maggie Sweeney, St. John’s. 3rd: Kathleen Mulrooney, St. Mary’s. 4th: Mark & Sharon Kelly, St. Mary’s. 5th: Liam & Rose Treacy, Clara. 6th: Rita Dooley, Rosbercon. 7th: Henry Mooney, Ballyragget. 8th: Castlecomer Parish, Castlecomer. 9th: Fr. Sean O’Connor, Ballyhale. 10th Richard & Kay Cody, Tullaherin. The next draw takes place on Wednesday 20th October due to the Halloween break. Contact Fr. Roderick or the Parish Office to join.

Loreto Secondary School Kilkenny
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2022
The closing date for a First Year place is Thursday 4th November 2021. Application forms & admission policy can be obtained from our website or the school office.
Open Night for 6th Class Girls
An open night will take place on Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 7.30pm - this will be an online event and details on how to access it will be posted on our website.

Sewing Classes
Beginning on Thursday 14th October for 5 weeks from 10am to 12.30pm in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre. Sewing Classes with Kay Roche. Suitable for beginners and upwards. Small classes for individual attention. Bring your own Sewing Machine. Contact Kay for further information. Phone/Text/Whatsapp: 083 058 0382.

French & Italian Grinds

Experienced teacher of French & Italian Examiner of leaving certificate Oral French. Learn from the comfort of your own home. 50 minutes online lessons at reasonable rates.
Contact Ciarán for more information 083 144 1345 or email

Sunday, 26th September 2021
The Deep End
In the second reading from St James today we hear of a condemnation of the rich who exploit the weak. This theme carries on into the Gospel where Jesus has harsh words for anyone who would try to bring down 'the little ones'. It is a lesson in tolerance and a call to care for the weak and vulnerable.
During this Season of Creation we are reflecting on the call to Restore Our Common Home and care more deeply for God's creation, to live out our vocation to be protectors of God's handiwork. This means being aware of the facts of the crisis so that we can discern where we are being called to act. Scientists tell us that we are now living through the 6th mass extinction of life on our planet because of the catastrophic destruction of biodiversity due to human activity. We have plundered the earth. We are also aware that our world faces a devastating climate crisis. This Autumn, two vital UN conferences are due to take place, the UN Conference on Biodiversity (known as COP15, in China) and the UN conference on Climate Change (COP26 in Glasgow). Catholics all over the world have been invited to sign a petition addressed to the Presidents of these conferences, to raise our voices for God's Creation and encourage world leaders to take the necessary action. The petition is called 'Healthy Planet, Healthy People' and has been endorsed by the Vatican as the main action for Catholics to take during this Season of Creation. It is something we can all easily do by going to and inviting our families and friends to do the same. Parishes, dioceses, universities, businesses, congregations can also sign. By taking part in this way, we are standing in solidarity with young people, with the poor who suffer the most from environmental destruction and with creation.
Let us always be conscious of our responsibility to be carers of creation, to connect more deeply with the wonderous world around us, to take action against all that threatens our common home.
You can find this year's Season of Creation resources on
Jane Mellett o

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Christy Rainey, Robertshill & formerly Shellumsrath.
Anniversaries: Peggy & Michael McKane (Sat 6.15). Ann Kavanagh (Sun 10.00). Michael & Lily McGrath (Sun 10.30). Jack Nolan (Sun 12.00). Patrick Traynor. Michael Doyle. Milo Grogan. William & Elizabeth Tyrrell. Jim Reidy.
Intentions for next weekend: Liam “Chunky” O’Brien (Months Mind) & Judy O’Brien (Sat 6.15). Patrick Wallace (Sun 10.00). John Valentine (Sun 10.30). Bee O’Sullivan (Months Mind Sun 12.00).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.  Amen.

Parish Shop
A selection of items for First Holy Communion, baptisms etc are available in the Parish Shop located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

Meals on Wheels Service Kilkenny
Voluntary Drivers needed for our “Meals On Wheels” Service. We would welcome your help if you a licenced car owner, fully vaccinated and could spare one hour per week. In our care for the housebound and our elderly, we prepare more than 100 meals per day. Our meals need “wheels” to deliver. Please contact Kay at Kilkenny Social Services 056 772 1685.

French & Italian Grinds
Experienced teacher of French & Italian Examiner of leaving certificate Oral French. Learn from the comfort of your own home. 50 minutes online lessons at reasonable rates.
Contact Ciarán for   more information 083 144 1345 or email

Thought for the day
“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Young at Heart
After a long absence due to Covid 19, the Young at Heart Club have resumed their weekly meetings in the Parish Centre. If you are over 55 and young at heart, call in any Wednesday afternoon between 2.30pm & 4.30pm. You will be more than welcomed.

An invitation to Reflect and Respond
While preaching on the Gospel in the Friary on 29th Aug, Bishop Nulty issued an invitation to Parish teams, Liturgy groups, Pastoral Councils and to all the people of the Diocese to reflect and share with him their thoughts and ideas on how people can be encouraged and welcomed back to regular Sunday worship.
Are there concrete steps the parish can begin to take to make the Sunday celebration more attractive and welcoming for those already coming and those still to return? Are there concrete steps the parish can take to continue to support families - as a domestic church - while drawing them closer to the life of the parish community? Copies of the homily are available from the parish office and on the Diocesan website. Any ideas may be forwarded by post to Most Reverend Denis Nulty, Apostolic Administrator, Ossory Diocesan Office, James St. Kilkenny.

Prayer for an Ever Wider “We”
From Pope Francis’ Message for the 107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Holy, beloved Father, you Son Jesus taught us
That there is great rejoicing in heaven
Whenever someone lost is found, whenever someone excluded, rejected or discarded is gathered into our “we”, which thus becomes ever wider.
We ask you to grant the followers of Jesus, and all people of good will, the grace to do your will on earth. Bless each act of welcome and outreach that draws those in exile into the “we” of community and of the Church, so that our earth may truly become what you yourself created it to be: the common home of all out brother and sisters. Amen.
You can read the full message of His Holiness Pope Francis on the parish website under Pastoral Letters or hard copies are available from the parish office.

Sunday, 19th September 2021
Welcoming the Child
In today's gospel Jesus is instructing those who will follow on from him and carry on his work for future generations. He took a little child and said to the disciples, 'Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.' As we continue our journey through the Season of Creation, we are reminded of Pope Francis' words in Laudato Si - On Care for Our Common Home, where he challenges us to reflect: 'What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?' (Laudato Si, 160). In the context of the environmental crises our world is facing, how are we welcoming the generations to come? Pope Francis does not hold back when referring to the challenges: 'We may well be leaving to coming generations debris, desolation and filth' (LS, 161). We know that climate change and the biodiversity crisis are driving so many problems in our world at present. 'Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.' (LS, 25). Yet our pace of consumption does not ease. Young people are standing up and calling governments and world leaders to account, rightly concerned about their future.
During this Season of Creation, we must pray for our world, and act. How can we restore our common home and ensure that our world is liveable for the generations who are coming after us? Can your parish explore becoming an Eco-Parish, setting up a care for creation team, turning church grounds in areas which promote biodiversity? There is so much we can do, and no action is too small. We must listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of our young people. 'The one thing we need more than hope is action. Once we start to act, hope is everywhere. So instead of looking for hope, look for action. Then, and only then, hope will come.' - Greta Thunberg.
Jane Mellett o

Alone Covid 19 Support Line
Open seven days a week 8am -8pm by calling 0818 222 024.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Pierce Keoghan, Drakelands, formerly of Ballycallan & Tullaroan. Michael & Maureen Bourke, Killenaule, Tipperary.
Anniversaries: Kay, Ann & Helen Donovan (Sat 6.15). Billy O’Dwyer (Sun 10.00). Mary Ward (Sun 10.30). Mary Dowling (Sun 12.00). Stephen, Maeve, Alan & Shane Byrne (Sun 12.30). Margaret Jones (Tues 10.30). Catherine Alley. Paddy Johnston. Nicola Conway. Eddie McPhillips. Louis Nolan. John Sheridan. Paddy Larkin. Jimmy Owens.
Cecilia Pierce. Bridget Cahill. Maureen Keneally. Josephine Neary. Syd & Elizabeth Bluett. Frank & Mary Nolan. Nora Connick.
Intentions for next weekend: Peggy & Michael McKane (Sat 6.15). Ann Kavanagh (Sun 10.00). Michael & Lily McGrath (Sun 10.30). Jack Nolan (Sun 12.00).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to the children from St. John of God National School who received their First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s church on Saturday. Well done to them all and to their teachers and parents who helped them to prepare for this important day in their lives. God bless and keep them always.

Meals on Wheels Service Kilkenny

Voluntary Drivers needed for our “Meals On Wheels” Service. We would welcome you help if you a licenced car owner, fully vaccinated and could spare one hour per week. In our care for the housebound and our elderly, we prepare more than 100 meals per day. Our meals need “wheels” to deliver. Please contact Kay at Kilkenny Social Services 056 772 1685.

Parish Shop
A selection of items for First Holy Communion, baptisms etc are available in the Parish Shop located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

French & Italian Grinds
Experienced teacher of French & Italian Examiner of leaving certificate Oral French. Learn from the comfort of your own home. 50 minutes online lessons at reasonable rates.
Contact Ciarán for   more information 083 144 1345 or email

Feast Day This Week—Padre Pio
St. Padre Pio was born Francesco to Giuseppa and Grazio Forgione, peasant farmers, in the small Italian village of Pietrelcina on 25th May 1887. Francesco was very devout even as a child, and at an early age felt drawn to the priesthood. He became a Capuchin novice at the age of sixteen and received the habit in 1902. Francesco was ordained to the priesthood in 1910 after seven years of study and became known as Padre Pio.
On 20th September 1918, Padre Pio was kneeling in front of a large crucifix when he received the visible marks of the crucifixion, making him the first stigmatized priest in the history of Church. The doctor who examined Padre Pio could not find any natural cause for the wounds. Upon his death in 1968, the wounds were no longer visible. In fact, there was no scaring and the skin was completely renewed. He had predicted 50 years prior that upon his death the wounds would heal. The wounds of the stigmata were not the only mystical phenomenon experienced by Padre Pio.
The blood from the stigmata had an odour described by many as similar to that of perfume or flowers, and the gift of bilocation was attributed to him. Padre Pio had the ability to read the hearts of the penitents who flocked to him for confession which he heard for ten or twelve hours per day. Padre Pio used the confessional to bring both sinners and devout souls closer to God; he would know just the right word of counsel or encouragement that was needed. Even before his death, people spoke to Padre Pio about his possible canonization. He died on 23rd September 1968 at the age of eighty-one. He was declared a saint by Pope Saint John Paul II on 16th June 2002 and his feast is celebrated on Friday of this week.

Thought for the day
"Live simply so that others may simply live." Mother Teresa

Sunday 12th September 2021
'By my words, I will show you my faith'
In the second reading today from St James we read, 'What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works?' And in our Gospel reading we hear: 'The way you think is not God's way but man's…'. These are challenging texts which remind us to reflect on what path we are walking as followers of Jesus. Jesus' path was radically different to what people of his time expected of a Messiah. It was a path that would lead to much sacrifice. Being a Christian today means following Jesus' example, being counter-cultural and making sacrifices for a greater good.
Today is also the second Sunday in the Season of Creation, a time we are called to explore our relationship with nature, God's creation. Pope Francis reminds us in Laudato Si' - On Care for Our Common Home that 'We are not God' (LS, 67). He challenges us to re-examine our vocation to care for creation. In the past we misinterpreted God's words in Genesis to mean that we could have dominion over all of creation, own it and plunder it for our own use. Pope Francis invites us instead to explore our role as carers of creation and reminds us that the very first commandment we were ever given was to be protectors of this beautiful world. Yet, we know the earth cries out to us and that we are living through the sixth mass extinction of life on this earth due to human activity. Ecosystems are collapsing; biodiversity is in crisis. Laudato Si' is a hope-filled document, reminding us that we can set out on a new path, that we are capable of turning things around. One key action each of us can take this Season of Creation is to plant a native Irish tree. Each parish, diocese, family, school, university can engage in this symbolic action to help Restore Our Common Home. This week, gather two or three people and explore what can be done, mindful that our Gospel today urges us to walk God's ways not man's.
Jane Mellett o

Thought for the day
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
Mother Teresa

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Lucy Dooley, Fr. Hayden Road.
Months Mind: Mary O’Beirne (Sun 10.00).
Anniversaries: Catherine, Rosemary & Pat Grace (Sat 6.15). Eileen Barham (Sun 10.30). Sean O’Keeffe (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Long (Sun 12.30).
Sarah & Patrick Leahy (Tues 10.30). Marian Lennon (Fri 10.30). Mary Power (Sat 9.30). Michelle Reynolds. Chrissie Scott. Ernie Harrington. Kathleen Murphy. Margaret Morris. Molly Browne.
Intentions for next weekend: Kay, Ann & Helen Donovan (Sat 6.15). Billy O’Dwyer (Sun 10.00). Mary Ward (Sun 10.30). Mary Dowling (Sun 12.00). Stephen, Maeve, Alan & Shane Byrne (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Parish Confirmation
The city parish schools celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation in Nowlan Park on Thursday evening last. Thankfully, the weather stayed fine for the celebration. 394 young people were confirmed by Bishop Nulty and the priests of each parish. Congratulations to all and well done. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide , strengthen and give courage to all those confirmed to live good Christian lives.

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to the children from Kilkenny School Project who received their First Holy Communion in St. Fiacre’s church on Saturday. Well done to them all and to their teachers and parents who helped them to prepare for this important day in their lives. God bless and keep them always.

Visit from Sisters of St. Elisabeth Convent

St. Elisabeth Convent is a community in Minsk, Belarus and was founded in 1999 in the outskirts of the city. The sisters provide spiritual and social help to the sick and the suffering. The sisters will join us after the 6.15pm Mass in St. Fiacre’s and the 9.30am and 12.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church this weekend where they will have many handmade items for sale. Please support.

Through the Lens of the Gospel
1. 'Who do you say that I am?' Imagine Jesus putting this question to you. How would you answer it? How would you answer it, not in words taken from a catechism or textbook, but from your own experience of the significance of Jesus in your life? What does Jesus mean to you? What does his gospel message mean to you?
2. Jesus went on to teach his disciples that following him would be hard at times. There would be a price to pay. Perhaps you also have found that imitating the love and compassion of Jesus is not an easy road? Nor does it come easy to have the constant trust in God that Jesus had. Yet Jesus tells us that this is the way to life. Would you agree?
3. There is a natural human tendency to shy away from what is painful or difficult. Yet if that is our standard pattern of behaviour, we will not get far in reaching our potential. We will never find who we are capable of being. When have you found it worthwhile to face difficulties, persevere, 'carry your cross' for a while to achieve some goal that was important to you? John Byrne OSA. Email

Alone Covid 19 Support Line
Open seven days a week 8am 8pm by calling 0818 222 024.

Masses: Please follow the instructions of Mass Stewards when attending Masses.  Under new HSE & Government guidelines, the capacity in the Church is restricted to 50% and social distancing guidelines still apply. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches.  Face coverings are required when attended any ceremonies.
Attendance at weddings and funerals are as above (50% church capacity with social distancing).
Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Sunday, 5th September 2021
This Sunday is the First Sunday of the Season of Creation, a global ecumenical season which runs from 1 September until the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, 4 October. All Christians are invited to embrace this season in prayer, especially in our liturgies, in deep reflection, in living more sustainably and in raising our voices in the public sphere. We are invited to think more deeply about what is happening at present to the earth, the environmental destruction which now threatens our world and the call to 'eco-conversion'. The theme for this year's Season is 'Restoring Our Common Home'. It offers all of us a unique opportunity to renew our vocation to care more deeply God's creation.
In today's Gospel Jesus heals a man who was deaf and who had a speech impediment. Jesus says to him, 'Ephphatha,' which means Be Opened. Immediately this man was healed. There are many issues in our world to which we might be deaf or are 'closed' to, sometimes because they overwhelm us. The environmental crises are an example. Pope Francis invites us in Laudato Si', his letter on the environment, to really hear and listen to the earth, which is crying out to us, to the scientific community who are sounding the alarm bells, to young people who are deeply concerned. Ephphatha! May we be open to hearing these cries, to praying for our world and to take action where we can. We begin with the small actions and encourage others to do the same. Ephphatha! Let us all be open to this call to care more deeply and 'Restore Our Common Home'.
Intercom Magazine

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Geraldine Maher, Bishop Birch Place.
Months Mind: Liam O’Brien, Emmet St.
Anniversaries: Stephen Fanning (Sat 6.15). Eileen, Tobias & Phyllis Tallent (Sun 10.00). Eileen Brophy (Sun 10.30). Philip Bartley (Sun 12.00). Monsignor Francis Pattison (Sun 12.30).  Liam Gannon (Tues 10.30). John Duggan (Wed 10.30). Annie & Winifred Curley (Thurs 10.30). John ‘Sean’ Curran. Michael & Bridget Slattery. Ann Marie Manogue. Patty Mulhall. Michael ‘Mick’ Delaney. Jim Ryan.
Intentions for next weekend: Catherine, Rosemary & Pat Grace (Sat 6.15). Mary O’Beirne (Months Mind Sun 10.00). Eileen Barham (Sun 10.30). Sean O’Keeffe (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Long (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Visit from Sisters of St. Elizabeth Convent
St. Elisabeth Convent is a community in Minsk, Belarus and was founded in 1999 in the outskirts of the city. The sisters provide spiritual and social help to the sick and the suffering. Two of the sisters will join us after the 10.30am Mass in Fiacre’s on Friday next and after the 9.30 and 12.30 in St. Patrick’s Church next Saturday and Sunday where they will have many handmade items for sale. Please support.

A prayer for Afghanistan
For those who are fleeing: sanctuary.
For those who are staying: safety.
For those who are fighting: peace.
For those whose hearts are breaking: comfort.
For those who see no future: hope.
Poor Clares, Galway

Mass attendance  from 6th September
The government announced last Tuesday that from Monday 6th of September those attending Masses can be 50% of the capacity of the church. This is with social distancing, which means that from Monday 6th we can allow more people into our Churches for each or our Masses. Please follow the instructions of the Mass stewards while attending Masses.

Parish Confirmation
The city parish schools will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, 9th September in UPMC Nowlan Park. We remember them in prayer as they prepare to celebrate this very special occasion and time in their Christian lives. We thank their parents, their teachers and all who have helped them in their preparations for their confirmations. As the Holy Spirit comes upon them, we pray that they will be filled with courage to live the Christian life. May this very special time in their lives be one they will always remember. We pray that they may become full and active members in their community. We look forward to this very special occasion on Thursday evening.

Season of Creation
Pope Francis has established 1st September as an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1st September to 4th October - The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The theme for the Season of Creation 2021 is “Restoring Our Common Home”. During this season we are asked to join together to celebrate creation and protect our common home through prayer, reflection and action. As Pope Francis reminds us
“ the global Christian family is called to awaken to the urgent need to heal our relationships with creation and with each other and to encourage our parish communities to do the same, “ for, we know that things can change!” Laudato Si, 13.
Bishop Denis Nulty

Thought for the day
“ The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you”.

Sunday, 29th August 2021
What's on the inside
'It's what's on the inside that counts.' How often do we hear this? Yet we get contradictory messages and we are also bombarded with messages about how we should dress or act, or what is appropriate behaviour. Rules about outward behaviour govern many aspects of life, from our school and work environments to our churches.
Today, Jesus has something to say about the tension between outward appearances and what's on the inside. To the religious authorities who challenge Jesus, outer appearances and traditions are important, and they rebuke Jesus for allowing his disciples to eat with 'unclean hands'. However, Jesus explains that it is not external actions that make a person unclean. It is what's on the inside that indicates the true nature of our hearts. 'Lip-service' is not worth much if our hearts are not in tune with God. As Jesus puts it, 'You put aside the commandment of God to cling to human traditions.'
It is an invitation to examine how we put our faith into practice, individually and as a church community. Which human traditions do we 'cling' to? Do we become so focused on outward rituals that we risk losing sight of the teaching of Jesus and its radical implications? Do we treat our religious life as checklist of observances, or as a real encounter with Jesus?
'The words of the Sacred Scripture were not written to remain imprisoned on papyrus, parchment or paper, but to be received by a person who prays, making them blossom in his or her heart.' (Pope Francis).
Tríona Doherty, email

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Liam ‘Chunky’ O’Brien, St. Fiacre’s Place.  Brigid ‘Bee’ O’Sullivan, Larchfield.
Alan Murphy, Portlaoise & Kilkenny.
Months Mind: Avril Ryan (Sun 9.30). Kathleen Fogarty (Sat 6.15).
Anniversaries: Dan Fogarty (Sat 6.15). Paddy Mullen (Sun 10.00). Tom Casserly (Sun 10.30). Tom & Mary Byrne (Sun 12.00). Michael ‘Muggers’ Larkin (Sun 12.30). Nicholas, Margaret & PJ Howe (Tues 10.30). Brigid Kenny (Thurs 10.30). Margaret Cantwell. Nance O’Neill. Rebecca Cantwell.  Pierce & Catherine Marnell.  Pat Owens.  Elizabeth Carroll.
Intentions for next weekend: Stephen Fanning (Sat 6.15). Eileen Brophy (Sun 10.30). Philip Bartley (Sun 12.00). Monsignor Francis Pattison (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

A Back to School Prayer
Dear God, please watch over the pupils as they go back to school. Keep them safe every day. Help them treat others with kindness and respect, and to learn new things about God and the world each day. Give them joy and peace as they put their trust in you. Amen.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

A prayer for Afghanistan
For those who are fleeing: sanctuary.
For those who are staying: safety.
For those who are fighting: peace.
For those whose hearts are breaking: comfort.
For those who see no future: hope.
Poor Clares, Galway

Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Thomas Morkan, St. Canice’s. 2nd: Kathleen Duggan, St. Patrick’s. 3rd: Michael & Angela O’Brien, Ferrybank. 4th: Michael Hyland, Aghaboe. 5th: Anne Holmes, Johnstown. 6th: Trish Byrne, St. Mary’s. 7th: Breda Murray, Thomastown. 8th: Cathedral Restoration Fund, Ballyragget. 9th: F. O’Fearghail, Windgap. 10th: Hazel Luskin, Borris-in-Ossory.
Please contact Fr. Roderick or the parish office 056 7764400 if you wish to join.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

St. Fiacre’s
O God, who alone are holy and without whom no one is good, command, we pray, through the intercession of blessed Fiacre, that we be numbered among those who do not deserve to be deprived of your glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. St. Fiacre’s Feast day is on Monday 30th August.

Exam Results
For all who are awaiting exam results, be assured that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this time. We pray that all of your hard work will bear much fruit.

Sunday, 22nd August 2021
Leap of faith
Children are often adept at looking beyond the practicalities and seeing the possibilities. Where a parent or guardian might only see a messy room in need of tidying, a child sees an obstacle course, a castle, a jungle, a magical fairy forest. It can be refreshing to take a breath and remember that there is more to life than our physical, tangible world with its daily routines and to-do lists. Sometimes circumstances can leave us blinded to life's beauty or meaning.
In today's Gospel, some of Jesus' followers are finding it difficult to see beyond the physical. He has been teaching them that he is the living bread, but it is hard for them to accept. They dismiss it as 'intolerable language' and they wonder 'How could anyone accept it?' His teachings are too difficult to comprehend and they are annoyed and offended. Some of them even walk away.
But Jesus is offering something more than the practicalities, more than physical food or drink: he offers the bread of life, living bread, his very self. It is a difficult message, but Simon Peter gets to the heart of it: 'You have the message of eternal life, and we believe.' He is able to see beyond the obvious, to hear the truth at the heart of Jesus' words. Jesus demands a lot of his followers, who must each decide whether or not they want to follow. Are we ready to make that leap of faith?
Tríona Doherty, email

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

“Bless our hands, so that they may never be used in violence, may our hands be helpful, uplifting and caring”.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Ollie Doran, Emmet St & late of Glendine Court.
Anniversaries: Laura Murphy (Sat 6.15). Paddy & Michelle Heffernan (Sun 9.30). Fintan Wallace (Sun 10.00). John ‘Naxie’ Noonan (Birthday Remembrance Sun 10.30). Della Harney (Sun 12.00). Christy Morrisson (Sun 12.30). James & Joe Delaney & Helen Power (Tues 10.30). Noreen Tomney & Seamus Kelly (Wed 9.30). Chris Murphy (Sat 9.30). Bill Muldowney. Kay O’Connell. Mary McHugh. Patrick Ruth. Martin Ward. Patrick Culleton. Patrick Bergin.
Intentions for next weekend: Kathleen Fogarty (Sat 6.15). Avril Ryan (Months Mind Sun 9.30). Paddy Mullen (Sun 10.00). Tom & Mary Byrne (Sun 12.00). Michael ‘Muggers’ Larkin (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Eucharistic Ministers
The new Eucharist Ministers rota will be available from Wednesday 25th August from the Parish Office. Please call in a pick up your copy.

Parish Confirmation
Our parish schools will receive the sacrament of confirmation in Nowlan Park on Thursday the 9th September 2021 at 6.30pm. As soon as we have finalised the details, we will contact you by post.

A prayer for Afghanistan
For those who are fleeing: sanctuary.
For those who are staying: safety.
For those who are fighting: peace.
For those whose hearts are breaking: comfort.
For those who see no future: hope.
Poor Clares, Galway

Cathedral Draw
The next series of draws begins in September 2021 and will continue until August 2022. €10 per month. Draw will be held at 8pm on the last Wednesday of each month in the Chapter Room, St. Mary’s Cathedral. Please contact Fr. Roderick or the parish office 056 7764400 if you wish to join.

Through the Lens of the Gospel
1. In this chapter Jesus teaches that the meaning of his life, and the meaning of all human life, lies in being prepared to give of oneself. Perhaps you can identify with what Pope Francis says: 'Those who enjoy life most are those who leave security on the shore and become excited by the mission of communicating life to others ....' (Pope Francis: The Joy of the Gospel, No.10).
2. 'This teaching is difficult', complained his hearers, including some of his own followers. Perhaps at times you also have wondered if you could go along with it. What helped you to overcome your resistance?
3. 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life.' In the midst of your doubts perhaps you have held on to your faith in Jesus because, like Peter, you found a more hopeful message in Jesus than you could find anywhere else. How has the gospel message been more attractive to you than any other?
4. 'The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life'. Recall the words and phrases of Jesus that are words of life for you.
Prayer to Our Lady in Time of Pandemic
O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.
Pope Francis
Sunday, 15th August 2021
The slow work of God
'Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be. Give Our Lord the benefit of believing that his hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.' (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
These beautiful words from French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ speak to the sometimes-tortuous experience of waiting. In it the author gives us permission to not have all the answers, to allow our faith time to grow and develop. Above all, he invites us to do that most difficult of things: live in the present moment, and surrender ourselves to God in that moment.
This poem comes to mind as I think about today's celebration of the Feast of the Assumption, when we recall Mary's role in the life of Jesus and in salvation. In our Gospel extract we meet Mary, pregnant and celebrating with her relative Elizabeth. Given the circumstances, it would be understandable if she was unsure and fearful. Her future is uncertain, as is that of her soon-to-be-born son. She cannot yet comprehend the enormity of what is to come. But Mary seems content to wait. When Elizabeth proclaims Mary as 'blessed', Mary bursts into prayer, praising God for his greatness and for 'looking upon his lowly handmaid'.
In modern terms, it is a lesson in mindfulness. When we find ourselves impatient, struggling to comprehend or to trust God's ways, let us turn to Mary who accepted God's plan with trust and hope, allowing it all to unfold one step at a time.
Tríona Doherty, email

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

“Lord, save us from the temptation to judge and condemn others”.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Seamus Reade, Riverview. Mary O’Beirne, Cedarwood Drive. Milo O’Hara, Cork &Kilkenny.  Kathleen Fogarty, Thurles.
Months Mind: Liam Brennan (Sun 10.00).
Anniversaries: Mary Coogan (Sat 6.15).  John & Judy Fitzpatrick (Sun 10.30). Eddie & Bridie Kelly (Sun 12.00). Noreen Faul (Sun 12.30).  Martin Fogarty (Tues 10.30). Moscow Larkin (Thurs 10.30). Patrick Penny. Fintan Wallace. Tommy Morris. Jack Allen. Eileen Kelly. Jackie Coonan. Joe McHugh. Dick Walsh. Michael Walsh.
Intentions for next weekend: Laura Murphy (Sat 6.15). Paddy & Michelle Heffernan (Sun 9.30). Fintan Wallace (Sun 10.00). John ‘Naxie’ Noonan (Birthday Remembrance Sun 10.30). Della Harney (Sun 12.00). Christy Morrisson (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

St. Fiacre’s Well

Because of the ongoing restrictions regarding the Pandemic please note that the St. Fiacre’s Well Novena and Mass will not take place this year. Though we can see light at the end of the tunnel it is nonetheless important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe from the covid virus. We look forward to praying the rosary and celebrating Mass at St. Fiacre’s well with you next year.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

The Assumption of Mary
From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her son and the son of God.
The Magnificat (Canticle of Mary)
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my saviour; for he has looked upon His servant in her lowliness; all ages to come shall call me blessed. God who is mighty has done great things for me, holy is His name; His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him. He has shown might with His arm; He has confused the proud in their inmost thoughts. He has deposed the mighty from their thrones and raised the lowly to high places. The hungry He has given every good thing, while the rich He has sent empty away. He has upheld Israel his servant, ever mindful of His mercy; Even as He promised our fathers, promised Abraham and His descendants forever. Amen.

Trough the Lens of the Gospel
1. The story of the Visitation is a story of two pregnant women reaching out to one another. For those of you who are mothers, perhaps you have been in that situation. What blessings do you recall in such encounters?
2. The story and the song of Mary are both celebrating the work of God in her life. When have you been particularly grateful for what was happening in your life? How did you express and celebrate your thanks?
3. Mary is praised for believing that God's promise to her would be fulfilled. How has your trust in God's promise to be with you helped you in your life?
4. Read the Magnificat a few times slowly and let your attention stay with whatever words or phrase you are drawn to. Place yourself in the position of the one saying the prayer. Let it be your prayer of thanksgiving for your own life.

Sunday, 8th August 2021
Uphill struggle
Have you ever felt like giving up? Elijah certainly did. In today's first reading we meet a prophet who has had enough. He is fleeing from trouble and things seem so hopeless after a day's journey that he sits under a bush and begs God to take his life. Life has a way of getting on top of us, such as when we are grieving a loss, when we are hurt by a friend, when illness strikes, or when we are simply exhausted. We experience the feelings described in the famous anonymous poem Don't Quit: 'When things go wrong as they sometimes will/ When the road you're trudging seems all uphill…'
At these times of struggle it is helpful to pause and to refuel for the journey. Elijah was visited by an angel who offered him comfort and respite, giving him the strength he needed to carry on. In today's Gospel, we hear Jesus again say he is the living bread. Some people have been complaining about his teaching. Surely this is the son of Joseph, they say, demonstrating their lack of understanding of who Jesus really is. Again, he explains that he is the bread of life - more than physical food, more than an ordinary man, he is the living bread and he is God. In all our struggles, especially when we feel like giving up, Jesus offers us nourishment for the journey. This gift is there for us especially in the Eucharist, offering comfort and strength.
'The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.' (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium)
Tríona Doherty, email

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

“Lord, save us from the temptation to judge and condemn others”.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Martin Hanlon, Johnswell.
Months Mind: Sr. Mary Keary (Sat 6.15). Miriam O’Brien (Sun 12.00).
Anniversaries: Paddy Murray (Sun 9.30). Philomena O’ Neill (Sun 10.00). Nell Mullally (Sun 10.30). Peter Marshall (Sun 12.30). Ellen McEvoy (Tues 9.30). Gabriel Ward (Wed 10.30). Richie Fleming (Thurs 10.30). Martin Doran. Mary Murphy. Clare Mahon. Josephine Joyce. Mary Millea.
Intentions for next weekend: Mary Coogan (Sat 6.15). Liam Brennan (Months Mind Sun 10.00). Eddie & Bridie Kelly (Sun 12.00). Noreen Faul (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

St. Fiacre’s Well
Because of the ongoing restrictions regarding the Pandemic please note that the St. Fiacre’s Well Novena and Mass will not take place this year. Though we can see light at the end of the tunnel it is nonetheless important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe from the covid virus. We look forward to praying the rosary and celebrating Mass at St. Fiacre’s well with you next year.

Accord Recruiting Volunteers
Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. Accord is seeking registration of interest from those who have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church and the enthusiasm to be part of a team supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation programmes locally in accordance with best practice. Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to The closing date for receipt of registration of interest forms to be included in Selections for this year is Friday 27 August.

The Pope’s Monthly Intentions

August: The Church Let us pray for the Church, that She may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish is required to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a safeguarding form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival
The Youth 2000 Summer Festival for 16–35-year-olds will take place online from 13-15th August at The weekends masses will be celebrated in person in St. Paul’s Church, Waterford on Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 4pm and 8:30pm (reconciliation and healing service) with the closing mass Sunday at 2:30pm with Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan. You will not want to miss this! Register now to hear inspiring workshops, moving testimonies and excellent talks from our keynote speaker Fr. Aelred Magee OSCO. For more details and keep an eye on our social media pages.

“Sometimes it may seem to us that there is no purpose in our lives – that going from day to day for years and years to the office, the school, the factory is nothing but waste and weariness.
But it maybe that God has sent us there because, but for us, Christ would not be there. If our being there means that Christ is there, that alone makes my life worthwhile”.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Sunday, 8th August 2021
Food that satisfies
Growing up, did you hear any 'old wives' tales' about food - eating carrots helps you see in the dark; bread crusts will make your hair curly; an apple a day keeps the doctor away…? These wise old sayings, passed down the generations, were employed to encourage us to eat certain foods, mainly healthy fruit and veg. Many even had an element of truth. These days we can easily establish the accuracy of such claims, but many parents still find themselves falling back on these nuggets of wisdom. Behind it all is a desire to see children grow up strong and healthy.
Recent years have seen an increased focus on health, both physical and mental. Nourishing one's body and mind and keeping them healthy are essential long-term projects, the work of a lifetime. In today's Gospel, Jesus talks about a different type of nourishment - bread that gives life, food that satisfies, food that endures. 'I am the bread of life,' says Jesus. It is Jesus who nourishes us at the very core of our being, who knows our every need and gives meaning to our lives. He tells us today: 'Do not work for food that cannot last, but work for food that endures to eternal life.' As we continue on our way, learning how to best nourish our body and mind, let us not forget to nourish our spirit with Jesus, the bread of life.
'I invite all Christians, everywhere, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ... The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realise that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms.' (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium)
Tríona Doherty, email

Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Anna May O’ Brien Clonmel.
Anniversaries: Michéal Brennan (Sat 6.15). Gerry Rooney (Sun 10.30). Michael Cantwell (Sun 12.00). Edel Peters (Sun 12.30).  Annie Lennon (Tues 9.30). Patricia Dinneen (Wed 9.30). Joseph Nicholls (Fri 9.30). Thomas McGuire. Chrissie Drennan. Peter Wiltshire. Bridget O’ Hara. Breda O’ Hara.
Anniversaries: Intentions for next weekend:  Sr. Mary Keary (Sat 6.15). Paddy Murray (Sun 9.30). Philomena O’ Neill (Sun 10.00). Miriam O’Brien (Months Mind Sun 12.00).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Thought for the day
“May the Holy Spirit open our closed minds and soften our inflexible ways which resist any reform”.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Youth 2000 Retreat
The Youth 2000 summer festival for 16-35 year olds will take place online from 13th– 15th August at The weekend Masses will be celebrated in person in St. Paul’s Church Waterford on Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 4pm and 8.30pm (reconciliation and healing service) with the closing Mass on Sunday at 2.30pm with Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan. You will not want to miss this! Register now to hear inspiring workshops, moving testimonies, and excellent talks from our keynote speaker Fr. Aelred Magee OSCO. For more details visit and keep an eye on our social media pages.

Cursa Gaelige na hArdteiste.

There will be a Leaving Cert Irish Course running in Johnswell this summer. The course will primarily focus on the Irish Oral Exam. It will also feature lessons on grammar, essay writing, comprehension etc. All the benefits of Gaeltacht style classes without having to travel from home. Venue: Johnswell Hall. Date: 16th—20th August. Time: 10am –1pm. Cost: €80. Contact Maria: 0876673302.
Nick: 0872255751.

St. Fiacre’s Well.
Because of the ongoing restrictions regarding the Pandemic please note that the St. Fiacre’s Well Novena and Mass will not take place this year. Though we can see light at the end of the tunnel it is nonetheless important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe from the covid virus. We look forward to praying the rosary and celebrating Mass at St. Fiacre’s well with you next year.

St Mary’s Cathedral Diocesan Draw Results
1st prize: €2,000 Martina Lawlor. 2nd prize: €1,000 Milo Phelan. 3rd prize: 500 Carmel and Ollie Harrington. 4th prize: €300 Sheila Lynch. 5th prize: €300 Michael and Marie Holland. 6th : €200 Ann Sullivan. 7th prize: €200 Michael Joyce. 8th prize: €100 c/o Kay Cody. 9th prize: €100 Noreen Kelly. 10 prize: €100 Diane Tobin.

Sunday, 25th July 2021
Take a break
We all need a break sometimes. I remember once reading a selection of entries for a Mothers' Day competition, in which people were asked why their mother deserved to win a prize. They all had themes in common - she never does anything for herself; she's always thinking of other people; I can't remember the last time she took a break.
In today's Gospel, the disciples need a break. They have returned from their mission, eager to catch up with Jesus, but there is so much happening that they barely have time to eat. Jesus sees their need, and invites them to take a boat with him to a quiet place and rest for a while. But there is no time for rest, as the crowds have followed them on foot. Jesus is moved by them because they are 'like sheep without a shepherd'. He is the Good Shepherd who always cares for his flock, and he responds with compassion and love.
No doubt the disciples are drafted in to help: it turns out it is not break time! We can imagine their exhaustion. We all feel tired or overwhelmed from time to time, from work or family pressures or simply trying to balance everything. Postponing our own needs to care for others is familiar to every parent or caregiver. We don't know if the disciples got a rest at that point, but we know that Jesus valued time apart as he later sends the disciples off in the boat again while he goes away by himself to pray. In the chaos of life, even when there are demands on our time and energy, it is important to take some time to reflect and to pray.
Tríona Doherty, email

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Liam Brennan Cedarwood Drive. Bid O’Carroll Byrne - Ballyfoyle Rd. Avril Ryan, Larchfield.
Months Mind: Annie Saunders (Wed 10.30).
Anniversaries: Patricia & Peadar Barrett (Birthday) (Sat 6.15). Hugh McCorry (Sun 9.30). Eileen Glennon (Sun 10.00). Bobby &Vera Brannigan (Sun 10.30). Frank Dullard (Sun 12.00). Mary & Denis Foley (Sun 12.30).  Rosie Nicholls (Mon 9.30). Deceased members of the Costigan & Daly families. (Tue 10.30). Teresa Irving (Fri 10.30). Nancy Larkin. Billy & Jimmy Bourke. John Leahy. Edel Peters. Eleanor Loscher. Sean Phelan. Pat Murray. Maura and Mick Coonan. Ivan Power. Linda Reade. Davy, Jim and Peggy Gaffney. Ann Ahearne. Lar Doyle.
Intentions for next weekend: Michéal Brennan (Sat 6.15). Gerry Rooney (Sun 10.30). Michael Cantwell (Sun 12.00). Edel Peters (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Thought for the day
“Bless our hands, so that they may never be used in violence, may our hands be helpful, uplifting and caring”.

Foulkstown Cemetery
We are asking people to make an extra effort during the month of July to tidy up family graves in Foulkstown Cemetery. The Foulkstown Cemetery Committee work tirelessly all year round to ensure that our cemetery is clean and tidy, we thank them for their continued hard work. Due to ongoing restrictions, the annual Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will not take place this year, none the less it is important to continue to look after the graves of our loved ones. We hope to see you all next year.

World Day for Grandparents & the Elderly

Pope Francis has established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will take place for the first time on Sunday 25th July 2021 on the theme ‘I am with you always’ (Mt 28:20).
Bishop Denis Nulty, chair of the Bishops’ Council for Marriage and the Family has welcomed Pope Francis’ World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, as a timely reminder for the whole Church to be close to all the elderly and grandparents at this time of pandemic.
Bishop Nulty said, “There have been so many unsung heroes and heroines during the pandemic – grandparents and elders, including our older priests and religious – all who are to be applauded for how they have coped with the challenges and uncertainty brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a society we have learned a lot from their stoicism and pragmatism in the face of so many challenges.
We look forward to celebrating our Grandparents and Elderly this weekend.

Foulkstown Cemetery
Again we have had some reports of unsavoury activity around the cemetery in Foulkstown. While the cameras, which have been installed, have helped in this matter it is nonetheless important that we all do our bit in keeping a watchful eye on any unwanted activities in the cemetery. The cemetery is the final resting place of our dear loved ones and it is important that it is treated with the respect it deserves. We thank the Cemetery committee for their continued voluntary work and we ask you to support them by removing any dead flowers or unwanted items and dispose of them responsibly at home. Please do not discard unwanted and withered flowers in the cemetery. We look forward to your continued support in this matter. We thank the Cemetery committee and volunteers for their ongoing commitment.

Camino Walk
The annual Camino Jenkinstown walk will take place this Sunday, July 25th, (Feast of St. James ) beginning at Jenkinstown Church car park at 2.30pm. This is to coincide with the Jubilee celebrations in St. James’ Cathedral Santiago De Compostella . All Covid 19 protocols to be adhered to.

Heritage Week 14th—22nd August 2021
National Heritage week will take place from the 14th to the 22nd of August and we encourage all Community groups to showcase their work for Heritage week.To find out more see
Or contact the Heritage office, kilkenny County Council at

Sunday, 18th July 2021
Take a break
We all need a break sometimes. I remember once reading a selection of entries for a Mothers' Day competition, in which people were asked why their mother deserved to win a prize. They all had themes in common - she never does anything for herself; she's always thinking of other people; I can't remember the last time she took a break.
In today's Gospel, the disciples need a break. They have returned from their mission, eager to catch up with Jesus, but there is so much happening that they barely have time to eat. Jesus sees their need, and invites them to take a boat with him to a quiet place and rest for a while. But there is no time for rest, as the crowds have followed them on foot. Jesus is moved by them because they are 'like sheep without a shepherd'. He is the Good Shepherd who always cares for his flock, and he responds with compassion and love.
No doubt the disciples are drafted in to help: it turns out it is not break time! We can imagine their exhaustion. We all feel tired or overwhelmed from time to time, from work or family pressures or simply trying to balance everything. Postponing our own needs to care for others is familiar to every parent or caregiver. We don't know if the disciples got a rest at that point, but we know that Jesus valued time apart as he later sends the disciples off in the boat again while he goes away by himself to pray. In the chaos of life, even when there are demands on our time and energy, it is important to take some time to reflect and to pray.
Tríona Doherty, email

Safeguarding Sunday

Safeguarding Sunday is an important annual event in our Diocese & in our parish. We, here in St. Patrick’s Parish have designated today, Sunday (18th July) as Safeguarding Sunday . This is an important occasion as we continue to welcome & encourage the safe involvement of young people & children in our Parish activities

Thought for the day
“Bless our hands, so that they may never be used in violence, may our hands be helpful, uplifting and caring”.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Peg Hickey, St. Fiacre’s Place.
Eamon Downey, Lisdowney. Mary B Butler, Danesfort.
Months Mind: Billy Brett (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). John Kennedy (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Edward ‘Ted’ Woodgate (Sun 12.00). Anna Murphy (Sun 12.30). Matty Maher (Tues 10.30). Kitty Larkin (Wed 9.30). Liam Carroll (Wed 10.30). Christy & Bridget Murray. Margaret ‘Peggy’ Horrigan.  David Gaffney. Pat Murray. Matthew Thornton. Danny Galvin. John Leahy.
Intentions for next weekend:  Patricia & Peadar Barrett (Sat 6.15). Hugh McCorry (Sun 9.30). Eileen Glennon (Sun 10.00). Bobby &Vera Brannigan (Sun 10.30). Frank Dullard (Sun 12.00). Mary & Denis Foley (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Through the Lens of the Gospel
1. The apostles reported to Jesus all that they had done and taught. Perhaps you have had the experience of being able to check in with somebody and share an experience. What was that like for you?
2. Jesus saw that the apostles needed to rest and eat. What has been your experience of finding a restful place after a busy day? What kind of nourishment have you found necessary in order to maintain energy and enthusiasm? Did your experience during the Covid19 pandemic give you any new insights about this?
3. When Jesus saw the crowd, he recognised their need and reached out to them. Who has been a Jesus person for you, someone who recognised your need and reached out to you? For whom have you been a Jesus person in that way?
4. It sometimes can be difficult to strike a balance between responding to the needs of others and meeting our need for rest and nourishment. What has helped you to keep the balance right?
Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following: contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Foulkstown Cemetery
We are asking people to make an extra effort during the month of July to tidy up family graves in Foulkstown Cemetery. The Foulkstown Cemetery Committee work tirelessly all year round to ensure that our cemetery is clean and tidy, we thank them for their continued hard work. Due to ongoing restrictions, the annual Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will not take place this year, none the less it is important to continue to look after the graves of our loved ones. We hope to see you all next year.

World Day for Grandparents & the Elderly
Pope Francis has established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will take place for the first time on Sunday 25th July 2021 on the theme ‘I am with you always’ (Mt 28:20).
Bishop Denis Nulty, chair of the Bishops’ Council for Marriage and the Family has welcomed Pope Francis’ World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, as a timely reminder for the whole Church to be close to all the elderly and grandparents at this time of pandemic.
Bishop Nulty said, “There have been so many unsung heroes and heroines during the pandemic – grandparents and elders, including our older priests and religious – all who are to be applauded for how they have coped with the challenges and uncertainty brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a society we have learned a lot from their stoicism and pragmatism in the face of so many challenges.
We look forward to celebrating our Grandparents and Elderly on the weekend of 25th July.

St Vincent de Paul
Telephone: 087 681 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Centre.

Sunday 11th July 2021
The first mission
Two phrases come to mind as I read about the disciples heading off on their first mission: 'baptism of fire' and 'to be thrown in at the deep end'. We use these expressions to describe a difficult introduction to a new job or activity, when we are expected to learn as we go and cope with whatever obstacles we face. In today's Gospel, Jesus sends the Twelve out on their first mission. It is a challenging one and his instructions are brief and very specific: they are to bring nothing but a staff - no food or money - meaning they will have to rely on the hospitality of others for all their needs. They are to stay wherever they are welcomed, rather than move around from house to house, so they can't be choosy about their lodgings. Simplicity is key - no baggage, no luxuries, no distractions, nothing but the task of reaching to people. It might not be plain sailing, but Jesus offers advice for those difficult times too.
It appears their mission of preaching and healing was successful, as we are told the disciples came back eager to fill Jesus in. Imagine the experiences they must have had during this time - the people they met and helped, the generosity of those who welcomed them, the conversations on the road, the chance to share their excitement at everything Jesus was doing. They were certainly thrown into a challenging situation, but they returned with a fresh perspective and strengthened faith. Jesus calls us to step out into the unknown, his words as our guide and his bond with us unbreakable.
'A boat is safe in the harbour, but this not the purpose of a boat.' (Paulo Coelho). Tríona Doherty Email

Parish Confirmation 2021
Bishop Denis Nulty, the Apostolic Administrator of Ossory, has decided to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with all candidates from Kilkenny City Parishes in a special ceremony at Nowlan Park at 6.30pm on Thursday 9th September 2021 if restrictions and Government advice allow it. Bishop Nulty advises that this will be a “safe and memorable” celebration for those involved . He promises that “everything will be compliant with health and safety guidelines”. We look forward to the celebration of the sacrament with the young people from our parish.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Miriam O’Brien. Cedarwood Avenue. Mary Grant. (Mon 9.30). Sr. Mary Keary.  Teresa Magner Lindsay Castlecomer Road.
Anniversaries: Aileen Kelly (Sat 6.15). Marie & Annmarie Manogue (Sun 9.30). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Paddy & Carmel Boyd (Sun 10.30). Deceased residents of Dukesmeadows (Sun 12.00). Joe Cody (Sun 12.30).  Richard ‘Coly’ Dunne. Brigid Ward. Bridie Walsh. Bill & Gretta Delaney. Michael & Margaret Power. Jim Whelan. Mary Holland. Tommy Foley. Patrick O’Brien. Mary Fry. Mary Hogan. Joe & Mollie Bergin. Liam & William Bergin. Ellen Bergin. John & Annie Free.  Denis Molloy. Mabel Ryan.
Intentions for next weekend: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). John Kennedy (Sun 9.30). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Billy Brett (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Edward ‘Ted’ Woodgate (Sun 12.00). Anna Murphy (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Knock Novena Postponed
The Parish Priest and Rector of Knock Shrine, Father Richard Gibbons, has announced that the National Novena to Our Lady of Knock is being postponed until later this year. The annual novena of prayer and reflection was due to take place next month from the 14th to 22nd August. Father Richard said, “We have taken this difficult decision in the interest of the health and safety of our pilgrims and staff here at the Shrine. Given the recent concern from both government and health agencies regarding the Delta variant of the coronavirus, the responsible course of action is to postpone the National Novena at this time.” “We continue to welcome pilgrims to the Shrine. All who visit can be rest assured that Knock is a very safe place and that every precaution is in place to ensure the safety of all our pilgrims. We have queueing systems as well as ushers and staff that are present to ensure everything is done correctly and in line with latest public health guidelines,” Father Richard said.

Safeguarding Sunday

Safeguarding Sunday is an important annual event in our Diocese & in our parish. We, here in St. Patrick’s Parish have designated next Sunday (18th July) as Safeguarding Sunday . This is an important occasion as we continue to welcome & encourage the safe involvement of young people & children in our Parish activities.

Thought for the day
“May we have the eyes of Jesus to see the potential of people more than their faults”.

Foulkstown Cemetery
We are asking people to make an extra effort during the month of July to tidy up family graves in Foulkstown Cemetery. The Foulkstown Cemetery Committee work tirelessly all year round to ensure that our cemetery is clean and tidy, we thank them for their continued hard work. Due to ongoing restrictions, the annual Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will not take place this year, none the less it is important to continue to look after the graves of our loved ones. We hope to see you all next year.

Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage
Normally the National Pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick takes place on the last Sunday of July. For this year, Reek Sunday has been extended to incorporate the whole month of July; each weekday from Wednesday to Saturday in order to facilitate those who wish to fulfil the Reek Sunday Obligations. Mass on the Summit: Wednesday to Friday 12 noon; Mass on Saturday 10am (Weather permitting). Confessions before and after Mass 11.00am to 11.45am and 12.45pm to 1.15pm.

Lough Derg 2021
Lough Derg regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen Station Island for the Traditional Three Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats. The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will be available as the summer goes on. Further information from Lough Derg office 071 986 1518 or

Sunday, 4th July 2021
This is the carpenter, surely?
'A prophet is only despised in his own country among his own relations and in his own house.' We might find ourselves sympathising with Jesus in today's Gospel: no matter what a person achieves in life, in their home place they will always be identified with their childhood selves and their family. While this generates a sense of belonging, it can be stifling. There is always someone to ensure we don't get ideas 'above our station'!
Returning home to Nazareth, Jesus teaches in the synagogue but his former neighbours turn on him. Who does he think he is, this carpenter, the son of Mary? This could have been a moment of grace, if they were open to hearing what he had to say. Perhaps the implications of the Good News were just too challenging coming from one of their own.
Sometimes God's Word comes in an unexpected package. As individuals and communities, we can be guilty of silencing certain voices. Do we listen to young people with their energy and idealism, or the elderly with their experience and wisdom? Are we biased against certain groups in society, do we shoot them down before they speak? When our hearts are open, we come to recognise the prophets who are bringing the dream of God to fruition among us.
'Although they heard you Lord, they failed to listen. They heard only what they wanted to hear. The truth hurt them, you made them feel uncomfortable, and they rejected you… Show us how we may seek your Kingdom and help to bring peace to a troubled world.' (Tony Singleton)
Tríona Doherty, email

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Christa McCann, Mullinahone & Garden Villas.  Oliver Deegan, Rocklin, USA & Castle Gardens. Helen Foley, Castlecomer.
Months Mind: Patricia Lawlor (Sun 9.30).Martin Flynn (Sun 10.30). Pamela Butler
Anniversaries: Michael Ruth (Sat 6.15).  Tony Canny (Sun 10.00). Sean Hennessy (Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Sun 12.30). Richard ‘Coly’ Dunne (Sat 9.30). Teresa Hickey. Sharon Galvin. Maurice & Margaret Maher. Sean & Mary Fitzpatrick. Catherine & Michael Delaney. Paddy Sharkey. Paddy Howard.  Gerrard McCarthy. Gretta Kiernan.
Intentions for next weekend: Aileen Kelly (Sat 6.15). Marie & Annmarie Manogue (Sun 9.30). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Paddy & Carmel Boyd (Sun 10.30). Deceased residents of Dukesmeadows (Sun 12.00). Joe Cody (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Covid Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Open from 8.00am -8.00pm; call 0818 222 024.

Foulkstown Cemetery
We are asking people to make an extra effort during the month of July to tidy up family graves in Foulkstown Cemetery. The Foulkstown Cemetery Committee work tirelessly all year round to ensure that our cemetery is clean and tidy, we thank them for their continued hard work. Due to ongoing restrictions, the annual Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will not take place this year, none the less it is important to continue to look after the graves of our loved ones. We hope to see you all next year.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Ossory Diocesan Appointments 2021
On Thursday 1st July, Bishop Denis Nulty, Apostolic Administrator announced the following Clerical changes for the Diocese of Ossory.
Very Rev Archdeacon Sean O’Doherty, PP to retire as Parish Priest of Durrow, while continuing to reside in Durrow as Pastor Emeritus.
Very Rev Martin Delaney PP, Rathdowney, is appointed Administrator of Durrow, Pro-Tempore, while continuing his ministry in Rathdowney Parish.
Very Rev William Hennessy, PP, Castletown, is appointed Administrator of the parish of Conahy.
Rev. Brian Griffin, Team Member, St. John’s Parish, is appointed Administrator of the parishes of Camross and Castletown.
Very Rev Raymond Dempsey, on returning from sabbatical, is appointed Team Member in St. John’s Parish, Kilkenny.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Please follow the instructions of Mass Stewards when attending Masses. 50 people maximum at Masses. Please use the hand sanitisers that are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attended any ceremonies.
Numbers allowed to attend funerals is fifty (50), this includes the graveyard/cemetery and numbers allowed to attend wedding church ceremonies is also fifty (50). Those attending wedding receptions remain at 6 indoors and 15 outdoors. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The St. Patrick’s Parish helpline number is 087 681 0589. Letters may be addressed to: SVP, St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny or dropped in the parish office.

Sunday 27th June 2021
‘Talitha Cum’
In today’s Gospel we hear two healing stories: Jairus’ daughter and the woman with a haemorrhage. At first glance these stories might not seem to have a lot in common. The woman is a complete social outcast because of her condition, yet Jesus calls her ‘daughter’. He does not let social convention dictate who can be called a child of God. Jesus reminds the people of this woman’s true identity. The synagogue official surprises us, pleasantly, with his faith in Jesus and his message. What these two characters have in common is faith against all the odds as they reach out to Jesus in faith-filled action. There are those in the story who laugh when Jesus says he can bring back Jairus’ daughter. They are sent away. Jesus’ healing breaks down the barriers that isolate us from one another and from God.
We can all recall times when we were struggling. We needed something to move us, to help us forgive, to help us walk away or to relieve us of physical pain. In the end it can be the simple gestures that save us: a kind word, someone praying for us, a gentle touch or we reach out to someone and like the woman with the haemorrhage we suddenly feel within ourselves that we are healing. These accounts show us something of how God’s grace can enter our lives and transform situations.
Mark leaves untranslated Jesus’ native language when he restores the young girl to life: ‘Talitha cum’ – a beautiful phrase meaning: ‘Little girl, get up!’. Jairus’ daughter has been given new life; the woman has also been given new life. Both have overcome barriers that were keeping them from being free. We know what those barriers are for each of us. God’s grace is gentle yet can bring life to situations of death. What do you need healing from today? Bring this to prayer.
Jane Mellett, email

Covid Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Open from 8.00am -8.00pm; call 0818 222 024.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Annie Saunders, Laurel Ave, Kilkenny. Kathleen O’Brien, Thomastown.
Anniversaries: Dick Martin (Sat 6:15). Tom Moloney (Sun 9.30). Enda Cantwell (Sun 10.00). Billy & John O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Mark Burke (Sun 12.00). Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30). Bridget Marrinan (Tues 9.30). Marjorie McGrath (Tues 10.30).
Paul Reade. Joseph Bailey. Mary ‘May’ Savage. Gabriel ‘Gay’ Doran. Richard Dunne. Edward Grimes. Lizardo Lopez.
Intentions for next weekend: Michael Ruth (Sat 6.15). Patricia Lawlor (Months Sun 9.30). Tony Canny (Sun 10.00). Martin Flynn (Months Mind Sun 10.30). Sean Hennessy (Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Because of Covid-19 we are not able to offer face to face meetings. Appointment: Call 056 775 6538 or email

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Peter’s Pence 
Each year throughout the entire Church, on the Sunday nearest the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a collection is held for the charitable work of the Pope. It is interestingly one of the oldest collections in the Church. This collection will be taken up as part of the second collection at all Masses this weekend. Thank you for your support.

Lost & Found
Ladies glasses were found in Foulkstown Cemetery during the past week. Contact the Parish Office 0567764400.

Foulkstown Cemetery
We are asking people to make an extra effort during the month of July to tidy up family graves in Foulkstown Cemetery. The Foulkstown Cemetery Committee work tirelessly all year round to ensure that our cemetery is clean and tidy, we thank them for their continued hard work. Due to ongoing restrictions, the annual Foulkstown Cemetery Mass will not take place this year, none the less it is important to continue to look after the graves of our loved ones. We hope to see you all next year.

Mass Stewards

We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul:
The St. Patrick’s Parish helpline number is 087 681 0589. Letters may be addressed to: SVP, St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny or dropped in the parish office.

Please follow the instructions of Mass Stewards when attending Masses. 50 people maximum at Masses. Hand Sanitisers area available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attended any ceremonies.
Numbers allowed to attend funerals is fifty (50), this includes the graveyard/cemetery and numbers allowed to attend wedding church ceremonies is also fifty (50). Those attending wedding receptions remain at 6 indoors and 15 outdoors. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Sunday, 20th June 2021
‘Let us go across to the other side’
‘Let us go across to the other side’ is an important phrase in Mark’s Gospel which occurs many times. Jesus and the disciples are crossing the Sea of Galilee from what is a predominantly Jewish area to a more Gentile (non-Jewish) region. While this phrase signifies Jesus’ geographical position, it also suggests that he is inviting the disciples to go a little deeper on their journey. They are perhaps entering into the unknown, moving out of their comfort zones and therefore feeling anxious. The crossing of the water does not go so well for the disciples as a storm begins to brew and eventually the water begins to endanger the boat. To the disciple’s astonishment, Jesus is asleep through the whole ordeal. Their anxious call is understandable, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ After all, Jesus has led them, and ‘other boats’ into this situation and now appears not to care what will happen to them all.
In times of turmoil in life, we too may feel totally abandoned, swamped by fear and anxiety, adrift in a storm where even Jesus appears to be asleep. During such experiences, we might remember the words of Jesus from today’s Gospel and repeat them, like a mantra, ‘Peace! Be Still’. While the wind is howling around us it can be frightening but Christ is always with us, present within our very selves, offering us this deep peace. Often, coming back into this awareness can help us navigate through the storm and remind us that Jesus is very active in our lives, especially when we are entering into unknown territory. What is required of the disciples in this account, is a more mature faith, a deeper trust in their Teacher, that he will not abandon them.
‘May the peace of Christ go with you wherever he may send you; May he guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm; May he bring you home rejoicing at the wonders he has shown you; May he bring you home rejoicing.’ (Shane Claiborne).
Jane Mellett,

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Margaret ‘Peggy’ Matthews, Assumption Place.
Months Mind: Annamay McNulty (Sun 10.00).
Birthday Remembrance: Tom Downey (Sun 10.00).
Anniversaries: Marian Egan (Sat 6.15). Jonathan Barry (Sun 9.30). Alice Kelly (Sun 10.30). Brian Griffin & Fred & Ellen Clarke (Sun 12.00). Kathleen Frawley (Sun 12.30). Margaret & John McCarthy (Tues 9.30). Tom Sinnott (Wed 9.30).
Molly Dwan (Thurs 10.30). May & Elizabeth Grace. Eileen Brett. Michael Larkin. Mary & Tommy Hayes. Des Manning. John & Kitty McMyler. Joanna & Philip O’Dwyer. Keith Fleming. Mary, Michael, Paddy & Anna Bowe. Paddy & Mary Delaney.
Intentions for next weekend: Dick Martin (Sat 6:15). Tom Moloney (Sun 9.30). Enda Cantwell (Sun 10.00). Billy & John O’Sullivan (Sun 10.30). Mark Burke (Sun 12.00). Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Because of Covid-19 we are not able to offer face to face meetings. Appointment: Call 056 775 6538 or email

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Happy Fathers’ Day
We wish all fathers in our parish a very happy Fathers’ Day. We also remember with gratitude those dads who have died and who now celebrate this day with God our Heavenly Father.

Lost & Found
Ladies glasses were found in Foulkstown Cemetery during the past week. Contact the Parish Office 0567764400.

Covid Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Open from 8.00am -8.00pm; call 0818 222 024.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Anyone interested in reading at the weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s are asked to contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400.

A Students Prayer
Father, please clear my mind and give me the understanding and knowledge that comes only from you. Bless me as I take this exam and bring the information that I’ve studied to mind when it is needed in this exam. Grant me favour as I begin this test. I ask this in Jesus name.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Patrick’s Parish helpline number is 087 681 0589. Letters may be addressed to: SVP, St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny or dropped in the parish office.


We are here for you. Every hour, every day, a Samaritan is waiting to answer your call. Please don’t suffer in silence. We are here today and always, on freephone 116 123 or email

Sunay 13th June 2021
‘It is like a mustard seed’
Something we may not often think about is Jesus’ earthly relationship with creation. Jesus walked everywhere, went to quiet places to pray, preached from mountains, from boats on the water; his followers included fishermen in tune with the rhythm of the sea. In Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home, he reminds us that Jesus ‘was in constant touch with nature, lending it an attention full of fondness and wonder’ (Laudato Si’, 97). Jesus’ parables are full of imagery from the natural world and in today’s Gospel we have an example of this in the parable of the mustard seed. People of Jesus’ time may have preferred the image of the lofty ‘cedars of Lebanon’ to explain God’s kingdom, mustard plants however, only stand a few feet tall. Jesus is turning the ideals of power and triumph on their head. There is an ancient text which forbade planting mustard seeds in Palestinian gardens because the shrub takes over wherever it is planted and attracts unwanted birds. Author and activist, Shane Claiborne, compares it to kudzu, a wild vine that could blanket entire mountain areas, smother trees, even crack cement buildings. This mustard seed image of God’s dream for this world is one which suggests that it will grow even in places where it is not wanted, putting cracks in seemingly mighty structures.
The New Testament not only tells us of the earthly Jesus and his tangible and loving relationship with the world. It also shows him risen and glorious, present throughout all of creation (Col 1:19-20). ‘The very flowers of the field and the birds which [Christ’s] human eyes contemplated and admired are now imbued with his radiant presence’ (Laudato Si’, 100). As we watch out for traces of the mustard seed kingdom this week, let us also embrace the joy of Christ in all of creation.
Jane Mellett,

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Martin Flynn, Melville Heights.
Months Mind: Kevin Brennan (Sun 12.30). Michéal Curley (Thurs 10.30). Nuala Deasy (Sat 9.30).
Anniversaries: John Kenny (Sat 6.15). Patrick & Margaret Noonan & Joan Toms (Sun 9.30).  Dan Maher (Sun 10.30). Breda Hamilton (Sun 12.00). Noreen Llewellyn (Thurs 10.30).Kieran Foley. Johnny Costigan. Mary Dermody. Catherine Kirwan. Michael Barry. Joe Heffernan. Bridget & William O’Hanrahan. Peg & Liam O’Hanrahan.
Intentions for next weekend: Marian Egan (Sat 6.15). Jonathan Barry (Sun 9.30). Annamay McNulty (Months Mind Sun 10.00). Alice Kelly (Sun 10.30). Brian Griffin & Fred & Ellen Clarke (Sun 12.00). Kathleen Frawley (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Anyone interested in reading at the weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s are asked to contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Lough Derg 2021
Lough Derg regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen Station Island for the Traditional Three-Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats. Lough Derg will again offer the opportunity to “Do Lough Derg from Wherever You Are” on 3rd – 5th July. The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will also be available as the summer goes on. Further information from Lough Derg office 071 9861518 or

Pope Francis on Marriage
In a recent reflection on marriage Pope Francis said:
Is it true, what some people say—that young people
don’t want to get married, especially during these difficult times?
Getting married and sharing one’s life is something
beautiful. It’s a demanding journey, at times difficult,
and at times complicated, but it’s worth making the
effort. And on this life-long journey, the husband and
wife aren’t alone; Jesus accompanies them.
Marriage isn’t just a “social” act; it’s a vocation that’s
born from the heart; it’s a conscious decision for the rest
of one’s life that requires specific preparation.
Please, never forget this. God has a dream for us —
love— and He asks us to make it our own.
Let us make our own the love which is God’s dream for
us. And let us pray for young people who are preparing
for marriage with the support of a Christian community:
may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and
patience. Because a great deal of patience is necessary
in order to love. But it’s worth it, eh?

“The church is missionary. Christ sends us forth to bring the joy of the Gospel to the whole world.”
Pope Francis

God’s Promise
God didn’t promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow
or sun without rain.
But God did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears
and a light for the way.
And for all who believe in
His kingdom of love,
He answers their faith
with peace from above.

Sunday 6th June 2021
‘He has gone out of his mind’
In the Gospel today we read that Jesus has returned home and causes quite a commotion on his arrival. Word about this healer and teacher has gotten around, the crowds have gathered, and the religious leaders are not happy. Jesus’ growing popularity has started to upset daily life for his family to the point where ‘they could not eat’. In an effort to protect their son and their brother, Jesus’ family try to explain away his ‘unruly’ behaviour. They tell the crowd and the religious leaders that Jesus does not mean what he says, he has simply ‘gone out of his mind’. In their view, things have gone too far. Jesus was preaching a message that seemed radical to many. He knows that bringing about God’s dream for the world involves speaking out and behaving in ways that are counter cultural. The religious leaders go so far as to say that Jesus was possessed by a demon. It was their way of ‘explaining away’ someone that they could not cope with, someone who was challenging their systems and practices. We can think of those in society today who are ‘explained away’; those whom society wishes would stop speaking out because it is uncomfortable to listen to. Name-calling is often a last resort when institutions or ‘powers’ are disgruntled. The young climate activist, Greta Thunberg, knows this well. Following taunts by Presidents and Fossil Fuel executives towards her, she famously said, ‘When haters go after your looks and differences, it means they have nowhere left to go… and then you know you’re winning.’ The end of today’s Gospel is troubling as Jesus seems to dismiss his mother, his brothers and sisters. But Jesus’ mission is now wider than his immediate family. It is not that he no longer cares for them, God’s vision and Jesus’ vision for this world are now one. As sometimes happens in life, we have to let go of certain things in order to follow our true path.
Jane Mellett,

Anyone interested in reading at the weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s are asked to contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Sam Oakes, Talbots Inch. Martin Flynn, Melville Heights. Patricia Lawlor, College Gardens. Nora Feehan, Jenkinstown.  
Anniversaries: Sean (Georgie) Leahy (Sat 6.15). Mary Maher (Sun 9.30). Michael Shortall (Sun 10.30). Jim O’ Brien (Sun 12.00). Peter Flannery (Sun 12.30). Rose Ryan. John Alley Jr. Paul O’Donovan. May Malone. Mary & Tommy Deegan. Gerry Keys. Deceased members of the Keys & Flynn Families. Edwin Stallard. James & Mary O’Brien.
Intentions for next weekend: John Kenny (Sat 6.15). Patrick & Margaret Noonan & Joan Toms (Sun 9.30). Dan Maher (Sun 10.30). Breda Hamilton (Sun 12.00). Kevin Brennan (Months Mind 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

A prayer for Ossory

Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are there for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Tree of Life
At the recent remembrance service in St Mary’s Cathedral for all those who died during the pandemic, a Tree of Life for each parish was blessed. Fr. Peter will plant this tree in the grounds of the Parish Centre after the 10.30am Mass on this Sunday 6th June 2021 where all those who died during the pandemic will be remembered.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

“The church is missionary. Christ sends us forth to bring the joy of the Gospel to the whole world.” Pope Francis

Corpus Christi
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is also known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which translates from Latin to "Body of Christ." This feast originated in France in the midthirteenth century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. This feast is celebrated on the Thursday following the Trinity Sunday or on the Sunday following that feast. This feast calls us to focus on two manifestations of the Body of Christ, the Holy Eucharist and the Church. The primary purpose of this feast is to focus our attention on the Eucharist. The opening prayer at Mass calls our attention to Jesus' suffering and death and our worship of Him, especially in the Eucharist. At every Mass our attention is called to the Eucharist and the Real Presence of Christ in it. The secondary focus of this feast is upon the Body of Christ as it is present in the Church. The Church is called the Body of Christ because of the intimate communion which Jesus shares with his disciples. He expresses this in the gospels by using the metaphor of a body in which He is the head. This image helps keep in focus both the unity and the diversity of the Church. The Feast of Corpus Christi is commonly used as an opportunity for public Eucharistic processions, which serves as a sign of common faith and adoration. Our worship of Jesus in His Body and Blood calls us to offer to God our Father a pledge of undivided love and an offering of ourselves to the service of others.

Sunday 30th May 2021
I am with you
Today's Gospel is often referred to as the 'Great Commission'. It contains the instructions of the Risen Jesus to the disciples to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth, to teach and to baptise 'in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. As we celebrate Trinity Sunday today, we pay attention in particular to the very last words of Matthew's Gospel: 'And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.' Jesus will be with his followers through the gift of the Holy Spirit, God's presence with us. We read that some of the disciples were hesitant when they encountered Jesus on the mountain. They had lost him to death, and now he was risen and with them again in the flesh. They may have felt they weren't ready or able for the task he was handing over to them. These first disciples were an imperfect group of people, yet Jesus chose them to spread God's vision of love, compassion and justice throughout the world. Perhaps, like some of the disciples, we are fearful or doubtful. At a time when everything is changing so rapidly, it can be difficult to navigate our own faith journey, never mind communicate it to others. Yet we have Jesus' assurance that he is with us, with the love and strength we need. The Holy Spirit is at work, inspiring and guiding us, shaping our lives, helping us to make the love of God present to all we meet.
'Love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. He who loves is a participant in the being of God.' (Martin Luther King Jr)
Tríona Doherty, email

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

“If you have nothing positive to say, don’t say anything at all”

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Billy Brett, Garden Villas. Denis Hamilton Graiguenamanagh.
Anniversaries: John Cleere (Sat 6.15). Blánaid Cleere Manning (Sun 10.00). Catherine Drennan & Martin Drennan (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Peter Brennan (Sun 12.30). David Power (Mon 9.30). Ciss Gannon (Tue 10.30). Richard Ruth (Wed 9.30). The O’ Keeffe family (Wed 10.30). The Carpenter family (Fri 10.30). Mary McInerney. Catherine Brennan. Peg and Joe Fleming. David McGrath. Brigid Culleton. Kathleen Frawley. Brian Mahon. Bernie Driscoll. Jimmy McGuire.  Ita O’Rourke.
Intentions for next weekend: Sean (Georgie) Leahy (Sat 6.15). Michael Shortall (Sun 10.30). Jim O’ Brien (Sun 12.00). Peter Flannery (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)


Anyone interested in reading at the weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s are asked to contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Diocesan Nurse
(Part-time/20hours per week)
This role is working with clergy in the Ossory Diocese which covers Kilkenny, Laois & Offaly, providing an advocacy and support service to priests in the community. This is a fantastic opportunity to work within a growing, community client focused organisation.
The ideal Candidate must be:
A Registered General Nurse (ideally with community experience).
Have the ability to co-ordinate care planning in the community.
Be self motivated and have the ability to work on own initiative.
Possess excellent communication and time management skills.
Please contact Colette Ryan via email to apply:
Closing date is the Friday 28th May 2021.

Holy Hour
Please note there will be no Holy Hour and Exposition until further notice.

Eucharistic Ministers
For the time being the following will apply during the coronavirus restrictions:
· The priest will distribute the Eucharist alone during weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s. There will be 2 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Fiacre’s at each weekday Mass with the priest.
· There will be 3 Eucharistic Ministers for St. Fiacre’s Church each Saturday & Sunday. The priest and 2 ministers will distribute communion in the Church and 1 minister will distribute communion in the Parish Centre.
· There will be 1 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Patrick’s Church each Sunday with the priest.
· No Eucharistic Minister will be required in Foulkstown Church for the time being.
· Eucharistic Ministers will sanitise their hands before and after the distribution of communion and wear face masks while they distribute the Eucharist. They will be seated in the sanctuary of the church keeping the recommended social distance of 2m.
A new rota with the above in mind will be available from Monday at the Parish Office or can be emailed if required, contact Michelle at or on 056 7764400.

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

Sunday 23rd May 2021
The Spirit will guide
In today's Gospel, we see that Jesus is comfortable with an element of mystery. Speaking to the disciples before his arrest, Jesus is preparing them for the gift of the Spirit. The word he often uses is 'Advocate', meaning helper or comforter, indicating the disciples will not be left to struggle on alone. We hear Jesus say that the complete truth is too much for the disciples now. The mysteries of his life, death and Resurrection, and the implications for his followers - all will become clearer in due course. The Spirit will guide you, he says. Not everything is revealed at once. Then in our first reading from Acts, we recall the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, just as Jesus promised. The disciples are gathered together when they have a powerful experience of the Holy Spirit, urging them out into the streets, proclaiming the Good News. The time has come. They must have remembered Jesus' promise then, finally understanding what he meant when he said the Spirit would lead them, when the time was right.
The Spirit is still at work in our world. As our journey continues - as humanity, as church, as individuals - the Spirit unveils God's message for our place and time. The Spirit is that life-giving force that animates our world, inspiring and energising us. Our task is to listen, to be awake to the many ways God speaks to us and calls us into the life of God.
'I have always pleaded for a deep listening to the voice of the artist in our midst, and also to the supreme artist who tries to lead us to completion, the Holy Spirit of God.' (Mark Patrick Hederman). Tríona Doherty, email

“If you have nothing positive to say, don’t say anything at all”

Holy Hour
The final 2 Holy Hours will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7 - 8pm and is available to be viewed on St. Fiacre’s webcam. Thank you all for joining with us during these past weeks. We hope you have enjoyed this time of prayer and meditation.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John ’Naxie’ Noonan, Laurel Green.  Annamay McNulty nee McCormack.  Patrick ‘Pakie’ Cahill, Clonmoran.
Months Mind: Nancy Hennessy.
Anniversaries: Francis McNulty (Sun 10.00).
Kitty, Tommy & Martin Phelan (Sun 10.30). William Doheny (Thurs 9.30). The Croke Family (Fri 10.30). Jack Carroll. Richard & Mary O’Dwyer. Mollie Owens. Annie Bourke. Tommy Jordan. Agnes Dermody.
Intentions for next weekend: Blánaid Cleere Manning (Sun 10.00). Catherine Drennan & Martin Drennan (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Peter Brennan (Sun 12.30).

The Ossory Lourdes group have organised a Rosary for each evening of the days that the pilgrimage to Lourdes would take place in normal times.
This will begin on Sunday May 23rd at 8.00 pm and will continue up to and including Thursday May 27th at the same time each evening and can be watched and participated in via webcam at

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Shared Mass Intentions
The weekly Mass for the Shared Mass Intentions will take place at the 10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s Church on Thursday 27th May for this week only.

Cathedral Draw
The Diocesan Draw will take place on Wednesday, 26th May 2021. There will be five draws held on that night, i.e. the draw for January, February, March, April and May. The first draw will start at the earlier time of 7.00 pm.

St. John of God Sisters Webinar 
Title: Gratitude, Compassion, Hope: Journeying with God in the Present Moment. The speaker: Dr. Jessie Rogers, Dean of Theology, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth. Times: 10.30a.m. – 4.00p.m. Dr Jessie will offer 4 sessions of 35 minutes each throughout the day, beginning at 10.30; 12.00; 14.00 & 15.15. After each session there will either be time for quiet reflection/ for Q&A and also a coffee and lunch break. To book: E-mail before May 26th. She will send you the link prior to the Webinar. This webinar is free.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.

Remembrance Mass
The Ossory Middle Deanery Pastoral Council has arranged a Remembrance Mass for those who died in the Deanery during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Bishop Denis Nulty will be Principal Concelebrant at the Mass which will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7.30pm on Friday, 28th May 2021. The Mass will be broadcast on the cathedral webcam at All have lost loved ones, neighbours, parishioners and friends during the past fifteen months – this is an opportunity for those in the Middle Deanery to celebrate the lives of the deceased at a special Remembrance Mass. During the Mass a “Remembrance Candle” and “Tree of Life” will be blessed for each parish and returned to the parish after the Mass. The Middle Deanery Pastoral Council is made up of representatives of the fourteen Parish Pastoral Councils in the Middle Deanery.

Diocesan Nurse
(Part-time/20hours per week)
This role is working with clergy in the Ossory Diocese which covers Kilkenny, Laois & Offaly, providing an advocacy and support service to priests in the community. This is a fantastic opportunity to work within a growing, community client focused organisation.
The ideal Candidate must be:
A Registered General Nurse (ideally with community experience).
Have the ability to co-ordinate care planning in the community.
Be self motivated and have the ability to work on own initiative.
Possess excellent communication and time management skills.
Please contact Colette Ryan via email to apply:
Closing date is the Friday 28th May 2021.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

Sunday 16th May 2021
Return to Public Masses. 
Hope you are all keeping well and safe. Since the suspension of public Masses in December 2020 due to the Corona Virus, we know that many of you have looked forward to the day when Masses could once again resume in our parish churches. At last, that time has come, and we have resumed Masses in St. Patrick’s, St. Fiacre’s, and St. Joseph’s, Foulkstown. As you are aware these are the first tentative steps in returning to a ‘new normal’ in our churches. Though of course we are delighted to see the reopening of our places of worship, it will be a similar experience for all of us as we try to adapt once again to social distancing, hand sanitisers, smaller capacity etc in our churches. Face coverings are required when attending all Masses & church services. Be aware, because of the two-meter recommended distance we will not be able to facilitate the usual number at Masses. In St. Fiacre’s we can alleviate this somewhat with a television monitor in the parish centre so those who are unable to be seated in St. Fiacre’s can still attend Masses. We ask you to be patient and understanding as we all do our best in these strange times. Masses will continue to be available to view from home by webcam on Please follow the instructions of the stewards when attending Masses. From last Monday 10th May numbers allowed to attend funerals has increased to fifty (50), this includes the graveyard/cemetery and presently those attending wedding church ceremonies remains at fifty (50). Those attending wedding receptions remain at 6 indoors and 15 outdoors. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 - 8pm and is available to be viewed on St. Patrick’s webcam. The Rosary for the month of May will be at 7.30pm. All welcome to join us for this time of prayer and meditation.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Nuala Deasy, Marble Crest.
Anniversaries: Patrick O’Connell (Sun 10.30). John Coppinger (Sun 12.00).Jimmy Cashin (Sun 12.30). Patrick Lennon (Tues 10.30). Carmel Durnan (Fri 10.30). Agnes Swift. Tom & Oliver Kennedy. Eileen Culleton. Margaret Thompson. John Doheny. John Murphy. Molly & Ann Martin.
Intentions for next weekend: Kitty, Tommy & Martin Phelan (Sun 10.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Remembrance Mass
The Ossory Middle Deanery Pastoral Council has arranged a Remembrance Mass for those who died in the Deanery during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Bishop Denis Nulty will be Principal Concelebrant at the Mass which will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7.30pm on Friday, 28th May 2021. The Mass will be broadcast on the cathedral webcam at All have lost loved ones, neighbours, parishioners and friends during the past fifteen months – this is an opportunity for those in the Middle Deanery to celebrate the lives of the deceased at a special Remembrance Mass. During the Mass a “Remembrance Candle” and “Tree of Life” will be blessed for each parish and returned to the parish after the Mass. The Middle Deanery Pastoral Council is made up of representatives of the fourteen Parish Pastoral Councils in the Middle Deanery.

Anyone interested in reading at the weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s are asked to contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400.

The Ossory Lourdes group have organised a Rosary for each evening of the days that the pilgrimage to Lourdes would take place in normal times.
This will begin on Sunday May 23rd at 8.00 pm and will continue up to and including Thursday May 27th at the same time each evening and can be watched and participated in via webcam at

“If you have nothing positive to say, don’t say anything at all”

St. John of God Sisters Webinar
Title: Gratitude, Compassion, Hope: Journeying with God in the Present Moment
The speaker: Dr. Jessie Rogers, Dean of Theology, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
Times: 10.30a.m. – 4.00p.m. Dr Jessie will offer 4 sessions of 35 minutes each throughout the day, beginning at 10.30; 12.00; 14.00 & 15.15. After each session there will either be time for quiet reflection/ for Q&A and also a coffee and lunch break.
To book: E-mail before May 26th. She will send you the link prior to the Webinar. This webinar is free.

Eucharistic Ministers
For the time being the following will apply during the coronavirus restrictions:
· The priest will distribute the Eucharist alone during weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s. There will be 2 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Fiacre’s at each weekday Mass with the priest.
· There will be 3 Eucharistic Ministers for St. Fiacre’s Church each Saturday & Sunday. The priest and 2 ministers will distribute communion in the Church and 1 minister will distribute communion in the Parish Centre.
· There will be 1 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Patrick’s Church each Sunday with the priest.
· No Eucharistic Minister will be required in Foulkstown Church for the time being.
· Eucharistic Ministers will sanitise their hands before and after the distribution of communion and wear face masks while they distribute the Eucharist. They will be seated in the sanctuary of the church keeping the recommended social distance of 2m.
A new rota with the above in mind will be available from Monday at the Parish Office or can be emailed if required, contact Michelle at or on 056 7764400.

The webcams for St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches can be accessed on

Sunday 9th May 2021
Return to Public Masses. 
Hope you are all keeping well and safe.
Since the suspension of public Masses in December 2020 due to the Corona Virus, we know that many of you have looked forward to the day when Masses could once again resume in our parish churches. At last, that time has come, and we hope to resume Masses in St. Patrick’s, St. Fiacre’s, and St. Joseph’s, Foulkstown, beginning on Monday 10th May.
As you are aware these are the first tentative steps in returning to a ‘new normal’ in our churches. Though of course we are delighted to see the reopening of our places of worship, it will be a similar experience for all of us as we try to adapt once again to social distancing, hand sanitisers, smaller capacity etc in our churches. Face coverings are required when attending all Masses & church services. Be aware, because of the two-meter recommended distance we will not be able to facilitate the usual number at Masses. In St. Fiacre’s we can alleviate this somewhat with a television monitor in the parish centre so those who are unable to be seated in St. Fiacre’s can still attend Masses. We ask you to be patient and understanding as we all do our best in these strange times. Masses will continue to be available to view from home by webcam on Please follow the instructions of the stewards when attending Masses. From the 26th April numbers allowed to attend funerals is twenty five (25), this includes the graveyard/cemetery and presently those attending weddings remains at six (6). These numbers change from 10th May. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.
You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Kevin Brennan, Jacob Street. Martin Drennan, Danville
Months Mind & Birthday Rem: Margaret ‘Peg’ Staunton.
Anniversaries: Paddy O’Neill (Sun 9.30). Lar Doyle (Sun 10.30). Gerard Carolan (Mon 9.30). Clodagh Phelan (Wed 10.30). Jim Lanigan (Sat 9.30).
Anniversary List: John Alley. Fr. Jim Cassin. Donal Hallissey. Bill Bergin. Bill Delaney. Josie Delaney. Sean Barry. Patricia Casey.
Intentions for next weekend: Patrick O’Connell (Sun 10.30). John Coppinger (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Cashin (Sun 12.30).

Masses by Webcam
Mass from St. Patrick’s Church takes place by webcam every morning at 9.30am and from St. Fiacre’s Church at 10.30 every morning except Saturdays.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 - 8pm and is available to be viewed on St. Fiacre’s webcam. The Rosary for the month of May will be at 7.30pm. All welcome to join us for this time of prayer and meditation.

All you need is love
'Love? Above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.' In an attempt to express the depth of his love, the character Christian from the film Moulin Rouge pulls together the lyrics of some of the most famous love songs of recent decades. Since time began, poetry, prose, and song have attempted to put into words the great mystery that is love. 'At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet,' the philosopher Plato put it.
Today's Gospel offers one of the most eloquent passages on love in the Gospels. It reveals the vision of Jesus for his followers and explains how we should treat one another. We are to love each other with the same love Jesus showed during his time on earth, that great and generous love that culminated in his 'laying down his life for his friends'. It is in the way we love one another, the way we understand and forgive and support one another, that we experience the life and love of Jesus.
There are more than 20 references to love in today's readings. In the second reading we hear that 'everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God'. That love that God showed by sending his Son for us, is the same generous, wholehearted, self-sacrificing love we are called to show others - all others. God does not have favourites.
'We find it so hard to accept the revelation that it is God's delight to be worshipped in the way we touch and look at each other, in the way we listen and talk to each other, in the way we forgive and promise to start all over again.' (Daniel O'Leary)
Tríona Doherty, email

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

 COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary.
The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.
St. John of God Sisters Webinar 

Title: Gratitude, Compassion, Hope: Journeying with God in the Present Moment
The speaker: Dr. Jessie Rogers, Dean of Theology, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
Times: 10.30a.m. – 4.00p.m. Dr Jessie will offer 4 sessions of 35 minutes each throughout the day, beginning at 10.30; 12.00; 14.00 & 15.15. After each session there will either be time for quiet reflection/ for Q&A and also a coffee and lunch break.
To book: E-mail before May 26th. She will send you the link prior to the Webinar. This webinar is free.

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring flowers of the rarest bring blossoms the fairest, from gardens and woodlands and hillside and dale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Sunday 2nd May 2021
Bound together
Have you ever visited a vineyard, with its rows of vines, heavy with clusters of ripe grapes? If you're not familiar with vines, think of an apple tree laden with apples, or a fruit bush ripe for picking. In today's Gospel, Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine to describe his relationship with his disciples. He tells them that he is the vine, and they are the branches. The life of Jesus flows into us and sustains us, and this is the reason our lives can bear fruit in love, in kindness, patience, compassion and welcome.
The symbolism of the vine works on many levels. If a branch is separated from the vine, it cannot flourish on its own. It must be connected to the vine from which it gets its nourishment. Each of us must be firmly rooted in Jesus and nourish that relationship. He invites us to 'remain' in him - to rest in him, to be part of him. And if you look at a vine plant, often its branches are so entangled, it can be hard to know where one ends and another begins. We note that Jesus is addressing the disciples as a group rather than as individuals: 'you are the branches'. We are a community, and we grow together, bound together by the love of God. Today, we reflect on what it means to be so intimately connected with Jesus, the true vine. We bring to mind the many gifts he has given us, and the ways in which his love bears fruit in our lives.
Tríona Doherty, email

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 - 8pm and is available to be viewed on St. Fiacre’s webcam. The Rosary for the month of May will be at 7.30pm. All welcome to join us for this time of prayer and meditation.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Months Mind: Angela Kearney (Sun 10.30). John Malone (Sat 9.30).
Anniversaries: Joan Malone (Sun 9.30). Pat Kearney (Sun 10.30). James Thornton (Mon 11.00). Donal Hallissey (Tues 9.30). The Long Family (Tues 10.30). Pauline & Michael Casey (Wed 10.30).
Anniversary List: Monica Casey. Margaret & Patrick Doran. Josie & Philomena Doran. Pauline Delaney. Mary Doran.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024

Masses by Webcam
Mass from St. Patrick’s Church takes place by webcam every morning at 9.30am and from St. Fiacre’s Church at 10.30 every morning except Saturdays.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Return to Public Masses. 

Hope you are all keeping well and safe.
Since the suspension of public Masses in December 2020 due to the Corona Virus, we know that many of you have looked forward to the day when Masses could once again resume in our parish churches. At last, that time has come, and we hope to resume Masses in St. Patrick’s, St. Fiacre’s, and St. Joseph’s, Foulkstown, beginning on Monday 10th May.
As you are aware these are the first tentative steps in returning to a ‘new normal’ in our churches. Though of course we are delighted to see the reopening of our places of worship, it will be a similar experience for all of us as we try to adapt once again to social distancing, hand sanitisers, smaller capacity etc in our churches. Face coverings are required when attending all Masses & church services. Be aware, because of the two-meter recommended distance we will not be able to facilitate the usual number at Masses. In St. Fiacre’s we can alleviate this somewhat with a television monitor in the parish centre so those who are unable to be seated in St. Fiacre’s can still attend Masses. We ask you to be patient and understanding as we all do our best in these strange times. Masses will continue to be available to view from home by webcam on Please follow the instructions of the stewards when attending Masses. From the 26th April numbers allowed to attend funerals is twenty five (25), this includes the graveyard/cemetery and presently those attending weddings remains at six (6). Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.
You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so many offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Call the couples and relationship line on 01 531 3331, staffed by counsellors Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm. Counselling is also available to anyone wanting to talk through a relationship difficulty. Visit the website to check for a convenient location and arrange a face to face appointment.

May, the month of Our Lady
The beginning of Summer, month of the cuckoo and flowers. Lord be with us during the month of May. Have you heard the cuckoo or seen the swallows? They have arrived from the sunny southern hemisphere. The whimbrels have arrived also and are resting here on their journey from Italy to Iceland. Let us welcome them and may we all be alive this time next year. Jesus said, “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you of much more value than they”? Matthew (6:26).

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring flowers of the rarest bring blossoms the fairest, from gardens and woodlands and hillside and dale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May

Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am via webcam.

Priest’s Easter Collection, Weekly Parish Collection & Trócaire Lenten Campaign. Our thanks to the many parishioners who have sent in contributions for the weekly Parish Collection, the Priests Easter collection and the Annual Trócaire appeal and also thanks to those who contribute by standing order. Such generosity and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Sunday 25th April 2021
The Good Shepherd
In Jesus’ time, being a shepherd was not a pleasant job. Sheep became easily lost and the shepherd’s job was to guide them back to safety. There were many dangers and the sheep were totally dependent on the shepherd. Shepherds would round up their sheep in the evening and guide them into their pen. But it had no gate, so the shepherd would have to lie across the space in case the sheep were attacked in the night. The shepherds literally lay down their lives for their flock. John compares the sacrifice of the shepherd to the ‘hired hand’ who is not really committed to the flock. He does what he has to but flees at the first sign of trouble.
This Good Shepherd Sunday the Gospel describes Jesus as the ‘genuine’ Shepherd who wants a personal relationship with each one of us and who would lay down his life for us. The Gospel emphasises the importance of relationship as the shepherd knows his flock and cares for them. They ‘Follow Him’ and it is not a Facebook or Twitter type of following, rather it is a genuine relationship. Everyone matters to the Good Shepherd, regardless of their situations. We are told ‘I know my own and my own know me’. We are called today to follow Jesus in a more personal more intimate way. Even when we stray off the path and get lost, it is then especially that the Good Shepherd comes looking for us.
‘We think we are fleeing from God, but in fact we are running into his arms’. (Meister Eckhart)
Jane Mellett,

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024

Masses by Webcam
Mass from St. Patrick’s Church takes place by webcam every morning at 9.30am and from St. Fiacre’s Church at 10.30 every morning except Saturdays.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John Walsh. (Wed 9.30). Nancy Hennessy, Patrick Street. Paddy Lyons, New York & Kilkenny
Months Mind: Ruth Butler. (Sun 9.30).
Anniversaries: Kay Hennessy. Marty Neylon. (Sun 9.30). Frank Cantwell (Mon 9.30). Edward & Rita Foley (Tues 10.30). Eddie & Mary O’Keeffe (Wed 10.30). Ursula O’Leary (Fri 10.30).
Anniversary List: Bridie Hardiman. Orla Lawlor. John Doheny. Mary & Jack Brennan. Mary Crotty. James Morris.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

Pastoral Letter
Bishop Denis Nulty, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Ossory has published a pastoral message for Good Shepherd Sunday (Vocations Sunday). Copies are available from the parish office or can be sent by email, contact Michelle in the Parish Office on 0567764400 or and she will send a copy to you.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Covid-19 Vaccine
The Catholic Communications Office has been contacted by the HSE with the following reminder message for everyone aged over 60 years to register for their vaccine.
We would like to remind everyone aged 65-69 to register for their COVID-19 vaccine through the HSE’s online registration system or on the phone with HSELive.
Following the success of the online registration for people aged 65-69, we are inviting those aged 60-64 to register from Friday 23 April.
However, before we do, we want to remind those aged 65-69 who have yet to register to make sure to register as soon as possible. Everyone in this age group is now eligible to register including:
Frontline healthcare workers who haven’t gotten an appointment through their workplace
people aged 65-69 who have a health condition that puts them at very high risk (vaccine allocation Group 4) and who haven’t been given an appointment through their hospital or healthcare team
Online registration – information for patients and service users
People in this age group who are registering online will need: their Personal Public Service Number (PPSN), their Eircode, an email address or a mobile phone number. A friend or family member can help.
If someone is finding it difficult to go online and register or they can ring HSELive for support on 1850 24 1850 or 01 240 8787 from 8am to 8pm, 7 days.
If you don’t have a PPSN you can register on the phone with HSElive. Once registered the person will receive their vaccine appointment for the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine.
If a person is deaf or hard of hearing, they can text HSELive on 086 1800 661 to register for your vaccination

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 - 8pm and is available to be viewed on St. Fiacre’s webcam. All welcome to join us for this time of prayer and meditation.

Vocations Sunday
“The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock; the gatekeeper lets him in, the sheep hear his voice, one by one he calls his own sheep and leads them out. When he has brought out his flock, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice.”
On this Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life, especially for our diocese, that God will raise up good shepherds in our midst. Do you hear the voice of the Lord, the Good Shepherd calling you to a particular way of life? If you think God is calling you to serve the Church as a priest or in the consecrated life, contact the National Vocations Office, email: or

Any outstanding Trócaire boxes should be dropped into the parish office this coming week as we would like to forward the monies to the Diocesan Office who will then forward it to Trócaire.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so man offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Call the couples and relationship line on 01 531 3331, staffed by counsellors Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm. Counselling is also available to anyone wanting to talk through a relationship difficulty. Visit the website to check for a convenient location and arrange a face to face appointment.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Sunday, 18th April 2021
‘You are Witnesses of these things’
Today’s Gospel is one of the resurrection accounts from St Luke’s Gospel. It begins with the disciples recalling their experience on the road to Emmaus and how they recognised Jesus in the breaking of the bread. The Gospel continues into another account of the Risen Jesus with his disciples. Jesus interrupts the disciple’s story and greets them with ‘Peace’ (Shalom) yet, in this account, they are terrified by this. Jesus shows them his wounds and Luke tells us that they are full of joy, but they still can’t believe it and think it is a ghost. Jesus shows them that he is no ghost as he asks for food and eats fish with them. Jesus then journeys with them back through the scriptures in order to open their minds. He speaks to them compassionately, trying to relieve their anxiety and fear.
Jesus tells the disciples that ‘you are witnesses of these things’. Luke wants to establish an important point, that these disciples are witnesses to the Resurrection, they ate with Jesus after his death and he opened their minds. The Resurrection accounts in the Gospels are not fantasy, they are the actual experiences of Jesus’ disciples. So often in Luke’s Gospel Jesus conveys his message through food and banquets, moments of celebration. The Risen Christ brings compassion and joy into difficult spaces. Today let us share with Jesus the situations in our lives which need an injection of compassion and Easter joy.
‘Every year the dull and dead in us meets our Easter challenge: to be open to the unexpected, to believe beyond our security, to welcome God in every form, and trust in our own greening.’ (Joyce Rupp)
Jane Mellett, 

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Angela Noriega. Michael ‘Paschal’ Foley, Dublin & Kilkenny.
Anniversaries: Betty Byrne. Peggy & Pat Banahan (Sun 9.30).  Jimmy O’Neill (Mon 9.30). Patsy Keogh (Tues 9.30). Mary Muldowney (Wed 9.30). Emmanuel Joseph English (Wed 10.30). George & Mary Moore (Sat 9.30).
Anniversary List: Josie & Bill O’Neill. Johnny & Mary Brennan. Ann Langan Murray. Ellen & Patrick Moran. Bridget Kelly.

 An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. Thanks to those who used the boxes during Lent to contribute to Trócaire’s work in combating the global water crisis. They can be dropped into the parish office.

Masses by Webcam

Mass from St. Patrick’s Church takes place by webcam every morning at 9.30am. The 10.30am Mass in St. Fiacre’s will resume by webcam on Monday 19th April.

Holy Hour
Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during the Easter season from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Fiacre’s Church. All welcome to join us for this time of prayer and meditation.

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions. Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings. At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer. To make an appointment, please phone 056-7756538 or email:

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you. Thank you also to those who distributed the envelopes for us this year. Your help is very much valued and appreciated. God bless you all.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so man offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Samaritans - We are here for you
Every hour, every day, a Samaritan is waiting to answer your call. Please don’t suffer in silence. We are here today and always, on freephone 116 123 or email

Call the couples and relationship line on 01 531 3331, staffed by counsellors Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm. Counselling is also available to anyone wanting to talk through a relationship difficulty. Visit the website to check for a convenient location and arrange a face to face appointment.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Sunday 11th April 2021
We do not come through suffering and difficult times unscarred. We are changed by them. Often it brings some sort of growth into our lives and usually it is not a pleasant experience. We only have to think of the past year of lockdowns and isolation and fear. In Pope Francis’ new book, Let us Dream, he says ‘To enter into crisis is to be sifted. Your categories and ways of thinking get shaken up; your priorities and lifestyles are challenged. You cross a threshold, either by your own choice or by necessity, because there are crises, like the one we are going through, that you can’t avoid.’
Today’s Gospel shows us that even the most difficult situations can be transformed. The Risen Christ stands amongst the disciples even though the doors were firmly closed. The peace that he gives them (Shalom) is a peace of body, of mind and of spirit and it moves the disciples from despair and being ‘locked away’ to ‘rejoicing’. Jesus then asks the disciples to be an unending witness to God’s love. They, and we, are invited to be for others what Jesus has been for them. The Risen Jesus is active in all our lives and in the world around us, but we must be careful not to close ourselves off or let fear take over. John tells us that he writes these things so that we may come to believe and have life. Our call is to bring this peace and joy to others, ‘so I send you’. Who can you reach out to today?
Jane Mellett,

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. Thanks to those who used the boxes during Lent to contribute to Trócaire’s work in combating the global water crisis. They can be dropped into the Parish Office from 12th April.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: John Malone Ballinalina. Anastatia Smith.
Anniversaries: Elizabeth McCorry. Gordon Deevy. Maura Devlin (Sun 9.30). Dan Fogarty (Mon 9.30).
Anniversary List: Dick and Tom Keating (Tue 9.30). Peter Alley. Billy Brennan. Michael O Reilly. Patrick (Paddy) Cahill. Michael Foley.

 An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered  to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic.  The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions.  Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

St. Patrick’s Parish Office
The Parish Office will reopen on Monday, 12th April at 9.00am.

 Covid 19  -
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. Please be aware that face coverings are required when visiting the churches and the parish centre. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings. At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer. To make an appointment, please phone 056-7756538 or email:

Masses by Webcam
Mass from St. Patrick’s Church will revert back to normal time this coming week every morning at 9.30am. We hope to have the webcam up and running soon in St. Fiacres Church and we can then resume our 10.30 am Mass. In the meantime thank you for your patience and watch this space for any future updates.

Holy Hour
Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during the Easter season from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church. All welcome to join us for this time of prayer and meditation.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you. Thank you also to those who distributed the envelopes for us this year. Your help is very much valued and appreciated. God bless you all.

A prayer for Ossory
Loving Father, our diocese is alive with those who care for others in the service of the Gospel: so man offer themselves, their talents and their time in Ossory. As we await a new Bishop we pray you will find for us a man to lead with vision for the future, understanding for the present and compassion for the past.

Our libraries are closed at present due to Level 5 restrictions but you can access our online services 24/7 at
Door to door service: Did you know, library members in Kilkenny that are over 65 years of age can avail of a personalised Door to Door delivery service? If you are not a member of the library, our staff will set this up over the phone for you, or you can set it up online through
Our library staff will phone you to find out what you like reading, listening to or watching, and your pack will be prepared and delivered to your door in our next round of deliveries in your area!
If you would like to avail of this service, phone your local library or ring library headquarters on 056 7794160. See for more information.

Sunday 4th April 2021, Easter Sunday 

Easter Blessing
Fr. Roderick and Fr. Peter extend their Easter Blessings to you all. We celebrate with you the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead and with you we sing Alleluia. Though this past year has been a particularly different year because of the restrictions due to the Coronavirus, we are united in our faith – a faith that promises that after darkness comes light. And as Jesus has risen from the dead to dispel death, darkness and fear, we can take comfort in knowing that this difficult time for each one of us will soon pass. Though we are separated physically at this time we are united spiritually in faith. The same God who resides in our tabernacle resides to in your home and within each one of us. He will bring us through this time of testing to a new brighter day when these dark days will become a distant memory. Until then, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again in the not too distant future. Happy Easter, stay safe.

St. Patrick’s Parish Office
The Parish Office will close to the public on Wednesday 31st March at 5pm and reopen on Monday, 12th April at 9.00am. In the meantime priests will be available on 056 776 4400 or on their mobiles.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Online Mass
This coming week, Mass will be celebrated by webcam at 11am each morning from St. Patricks Church via webcam.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Ray Nolan (Fri 11.00). Angela Kearney, Smithsland Court. Ruth Butler, Dukesmeadows. Brendan Reidy College Rd.
Anniversaries: Carmel Boyd. Ellen Pattison (Sun 9.30). Jim Cantwell & Mary Cantwell (Mon 11.00). Breda Lennon (Tues 11.00). Paddy Hanley (Wed 11.00).
Anniversary List: Michael Leahy. Lil Morris. Mary Dollard. Annie & Dick Burke. Ann Walsh.

 An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered  to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic.  The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions.  Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Many thanks
Thank you to all of you who joined us by webcam for the celebration of our Holy week ceremonies.

Mother Teresa’s Wisdom
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

Early on the first day of the week
Today we celebrate the highpoint of the Christian calendar, Easter. The Gospel tells us that Mary Magdalen is the first witness to the Resurrection, she is the first to bring this Good News to others, the first preacher of the Resurrection. ‘It was still dark …’ when Mary went to the tomb but it was also the ‘first day of the week’, a new beginning, like the first warm day of Spring. We can all recall situations in our lives which seemed so dark, where we felt that there was no light at the end of the tunnel. But the Easter story shows us that transformation is always possible. There comes a point during dark times that we realise something has changed, the stone has rolled away. Let the linen wrappings in this text today represent all that keeps us from being free; all that keeps us captive, emotionally, physically, spiritually, in our broken relationships and struggling communities. As we continue to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, many people are longing for this situation to ease, to lift. The Easter Gospel shows us that even the most difficult of situations can bring transformation. A question we can ask today, is where have we seen the Risen Christ during this crisis? In the frontline workers, in good neighbours and friends. Where are we being called to share Easter joy with others?
‘Jesus you are with us. Keep us ever mindful of how you are a part of our lives in a deep and profound way. Surprise us with a touch of your love in places where we never thought that we would find you.’ (Joyce Rupp)
Jane Mellett,

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Love Overcame

Love overcame
Emerging from a cold tomb
All the truth, majesty and creativity
of a living God
Transforming a broken heart
Making a quiet return,
in a still and sorrowful garden
The grave stone rolled away,
to release redemptive love
Jesus resurrected and restored
Comforts a weeping woman
Speaks with travellers on a journey
Meets with his faithful friends
And they bow down before Christ alive
And acknowledged that the saviour has arrived That the word of God has come alive
And that the extraordinary transformation of heaven and earth
Is complete
Julie Palmer

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. Thanks to those who used the boxes during Lent to contribute to Trócaire’s work in combating the global water crisis.
They can be dropped into the Parish Office from 12th April.

  Sunday 28th March 2021, Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Today, we enter the holiest week of our liturgical year, celebrating in a very solemn manner the passion, death, and resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The Holy Week timetable for our parish is printed on the front of this newsletter. Please make time for at least some of the ceremonies and stations which will be celebrated during the week.
A good start would be to join via webcam from St. Mary’s Cathedral, the Mass of Chrism at 7.30pm on this Wednesday, 31st March.
May this week be truly holy for you and may you experience that sense of wonder and gratitude that Christ made such a sacrifice, his very self, to Our Father, that we might, free from sin, serve him in holiness and justice all the days of our lives.
“Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free. You are the Saviour of the world.”

Holy Week Ceremonies
The following ceremonies for Holy Week will take place via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church.
Holy Thursday
Morning prayer - 10.30am
Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7pm
Good Friday
Morning prayer - 10.30am
Stations of the Cross - 12noon
The Passion of the Lord - 3pm
Stations of the Cross - 7.30pm
Holy Saturday
Morning prayer - 10.30am.
Easter Vigil—9pm.
Easter Sunday - 9.30am & 11am.
Easter Monday - 11am.

Parish Triduum Celebrations

We invite all members of our parish - young and old - to make an effort to join with us via webcam during the solemn celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. Young and old are invited to put aside just a little time on these special days to join our local Christian Community in commemorating the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Please go to and click on Webcam - St. Patrick’s for each of the ceremonies.

There will be a limited amount of Palm available from the porches in St. Patrick’s & St. Fiacre’s Churches on Palm Sunday. Please make sure to sanitize your hands before and after taking some.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Fr. John Hand, Dublin.  June Dowling, Isle of  Wight.
Months Mind: Peter Maher.
Anniversaries: John O’Sullivan. Lena McCarthy (Sun 9.30).
Anniversaries List: Denis Murphy. Tess Burke. James “Jim” McGrath. Mary Delaney. Sheila Ramsbottom.
Birthday Remembrance: Billy Wallace.

Solemn Easter Vigil
We particularly invite all parishioners to celebrate the Solemn Easter Vigil which begins at 9.00pm on Saturday evening April 3rd. This event, which is celebrated via webcam in St. Patrick’s Church, should be the highlight of the year for those who believe that Christ died for our sins and rose again to save us from eternal damnation.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Holy Hour
The Holy Hour continues this Monday 29th March from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church. Many thanks to you all for joining with us each week during Lent.

St. Patrick’s Parish Office
The Parish Office will close to the public on Wednesday 31st March at 5pm and reopen on Monday, 12th April at 9.00am. In the meantime priests will be available on 056 776 4400 or on their mobiles.

Clocks go forward
Don’t forget, the clocks go forward by 1 hour this weekend. Summer time begins.

The journey of discipleship
Our opening reading from Mark’s Gospel captures the elation of the crowds who welcome Jesus in Jerusalem. They spread greenery on the road in front of him, they lift their voices in praise, singing ‘Hosanna! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord!’ But their hope and loyalty is short-lived, as we discover in our reading of the Passion. Jesus is left almost alone to face humiliation and death. His followers have heard his radical message of reversal and upheaval, but when it comes down to it, the challenge is too much. We are told ‘they all deserted him and ran away’. While Peter follows Jesus at a distance, he is soon denying he even knows him. Soon, the crowds are shouting for Jesus to be crucified.
We are very familiar with the Passion Gospel and it can be tempting to allow ourselves to tune out, particularly when it comes to the unpleasant parts. We do not like to think of ourselves as part of the mob shouting ‘Crucify him!’ Yet if we enter fully into the experience, we can see ourselves in the story. When things are going well, it is easy to praise God and shout ‘Hosanna!’, and promise we will not lose faith. There are other times we fall asleep, become complacent. And then there are days when we struggle, when we are confused or do not know what God expects of us or whether we are able to handle the difficult times. We pull away from God. The different disciples display this range of human reactions and emotions. This week, Holy Week, we are the disciples walking with Jesus on a journey that leads to the cross. And yet here at the cross, we find Mary Magdalene and the other female disciples, and Joseph of Arimathaea. We know the story is not over for these disciples, or for Peter and the others. The journey of discipleship is just beginning.
‘We don’t have to be able to articulate all the logic of what is happening now. But Christians walk on with the conviction that there is One who does make sense of the apparent madness of shattered human dreams.’ (Bishop Donal McKeown)
Tríona Doherty, Email

Parish Contribution Envelopes
The new contribution envelopes are ready and can be collected from the Parish Office. Any boxes that are not collected will be posted. Many thanks for your continued support.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. Please be aware that face coverings are required when visiting the churches and the parish centre. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery.
Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes
The time has come to return the Trócaire Family Fast boxes. Thanks to those who used the boxes during Lent to contribute to Trócaire’s work in combating the global water crisis. They can be dropped into the Parish Office from 12th April.

Safeguarding Policy
St. Patrick’s Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and young people and are committed to their protection and support in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity as children of God. Further details and information on posters in our churches and on

Humility, Love & Forgiveness -
 Palm Sunday Reflection
This Sunday, we gather to remember the passion of Jesus and to enter into its mystery. The story of Jesus’ passion is filled with drama, violence and suffering. Yet, the key messages are about peace, love, humility and forgiveness. It is a difficult story for us to hear, and to journey through, but we cannot hurry through it; it slows us down as it unfolds. We hear the story today on Palm Sunday, and we hear it again on Good Friday. It draws us in, even when we would rather turn away, as we relive the shocking brutality that Jesus suffered. A shocking brutality, that is, sadly also evident in our world today, in places where life is not valued.
Jesus enters Jerusalem being hailed as a King and a hero – he had healed the sick, and raised the dead to life; normally a triumphant King, entering a city, would enter on a regal chariot with a stately stallion, flanked by soldiers in a victory procession. Jesus’ entry was very different – he entered Jerusalem on a colt – the foal of a donkey. His followers laid palm branches before him as he made his way in. His entry was not one of flourish and flair – he entered Jerusalem in meekness and humility. The colt and palm branches are symbols of the peace that he offers to his people. His earthly beginnings were humble – born in a stable and laid in a manger. His final days on earth were also humble – the wood of the manger, replaced by the wood of the cross.
Jesus knew what awaited him in Jerusalem; betrayal, rejection and crucifixion. Yet, he entered willingly into it, enduring all of these on our behalf.
We encounter several examples of Jesus’ betrayal in the story of the passion. The betrayal of Jesus by Judas shows us a man whose loyalty was undermined by his desire for money – he sold his loyalty to Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. He thought he could get a better deal by siding with the High Priests’ soldiers.
Is there an element of Judas in us?
Do we sometimes stray away from the right path because we think that we might gain more in the short term by following an easier path?
A second example of betrayal is when Peter denies Jesus 3 times. Peter was one of the good guys yet when it came to the crunch, through fear, he denied that he knew Jesus – his human weakness overtook his honourable side in the moment.
Do we sometimes experience situations where we are paralysed by fear and find it difficult to make the right choice?
A third example of betrayal is when the crowd who welcomed Jesus with jubilation when he arrived in Jerusalem later turned on him to demand the release of Barabbas and to ask Pilate to have Jesus crucified.
Do we sometimes allow ourselves to be pulled along with the crowd instead of standing up and speaking out when we see an injustice?
There is a significant message of hope for us in the midst of all this betrayal – despite the fact that Jesus knew Judas would betray him he still chose him as a disciple. Despite the fact that Peter was not courageous enough to identify himself as a follower of Jesus, Jesus still chose him as the rock on which to build his Church. Despite the fact that the crowd turned against Jesus he still laid down his life for them.
The message for us is that God’s love for us is so immense that he is always ready to forgive us and walk with us, guiding us in choosing the right path and helping us through the rocky patches. We are called to be steady in our trust of God, even when our hope is challenged. The passion is a clear reminder that even those that stumble are given the opportunity to be forgiven and continue to spread the good news; to be signs and bearers of God’s love and compassion to those that we meet along our journey.
Rose O’Connor and Patrick Sullivan

Sunday 21st March 2021, Fifth Sunday of Lent
‘We should like to see Jesus’
Those poor Greeks. Did you notice that they never actually get to meet Jesus? At the start of today’s gospel, some Greeks who are followers of Jesus come to Jerusalem. They are travellers, outsiders, and would like to meet Jesus in person. But when Philip and Andrew relay the request, Jesus begins to talk about how his ‘hour’ is coming. It is the last we hear of the Greeks, who disappear from the story altogether.
But they are important nonetheless. Firstly, they indicate that word about Jesus is spreading. More importantly, they prompt Jesus to reveal that, when his hour comes, he will draw ‘all people’ to himself. In the space of a few short verses, we go from a brief mention of a group of foreigners seeking Jesus, to Jesus making it clear that his saving mission is for all people, of all nations, both Jews and Gentiles – including these Greeks! There is no suggestion from Jesus that some groups are ‘in’ and others ‘out’. All are included. All are invited. All are welcome.
I remember once hearing someone describe their home as a domestic church, a place of ‘indiscriminate welcome’. As we continue our journey through Lent and soon into Holy Week, we listen carefully to these words of Jesus. He came for everyone. He wishes to draw all people to himself. Notwithstanding the current restrictions on gatherings and public worship, let us take this time to reflect on the world we would like to build when things open up again. Are we open to everyone, including ‘outsiders’? Do our homes, parishes and communities radiate welcome, where all who enter experience God’s love?
‘For some, the good news is that there are insiders and outsiders and they are the insiders. For others, the good news is that there are no outsiders.’ (Rachel Held Evans)
Tríona Doherty, Email:

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Richard ‘Dick’ Dunne, Kells Road & The Bronx, New York.
Anniversaries: Pat Mullins. Mary O’Brien (Sun 9.30). Chris Kenny (Mon 9.30).
Anniversary List: Michael McInerney. Anne Butler. Mary Ann Power. Johanna, Philip & John Larkin. Leonila Deegan. Phil Delaney. Anthony & Mary Cantwell.

Preparing for the Sacraments
The Adult Faith Development Group have asked Mgr. Liam Bergin, a Sacramental Theologian, and one of the priests of the Diocese of Ossory, currently serving in Boston College to lead an evening for all parents of all children preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. It is being freely offered to all in the Diocese as a resource to help.
This 45 min webinar will take place on Monday 22nd March at 7.30pm. We invite you to avail of this excellent support and we encourage all parents to attend. Please contact the parish office on 0567764400 or email for a link to this webinar.

AFD Lenten Programme
Preparing for the Sacraments  -  Join with Sacramental Theologian and Lecturer in Boston College, Rev. Dr Liam Bergin who will lead a reflection of the importance of sacramental preparation. Monday, 22nd March at 7.30pm.
Thought for the day eBook - Why not download the simple Thought for the Day eBook, free, from the Diocesan website of iBook Store.
Sundays of Lent eBook - Why not download the Sunday’s of Lent eBook, free, from the Diocesan website or iBooks Store. Short reflections on the gospels of each Sunday as we make our Lenten journey.
Lectio Divina—Each Monday night of Lent for a virtual gathering of Lectio Divina.

Gardening at the Parish Centre will resume next Monday evening from 5pm. If you are interested in helping out please contact the parish office 056 776 4400. All Covid 19 regulations will apply.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Holy Hour
Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during lent from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church.

Contribution Envelopes
The new contribution envelopes are ready and can be collected from the Parish Office. Any boxes that are not collected will be posted. Many thanks for your continued support.

Daffodil Day
An online service celebrating Daffodil Day will take place via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church on Friday 26th March at 7.30pm.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. Please be aware that face coverings are required when visiting the churches and the parish centre. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery.
Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered  to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic.  The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions.  Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings. At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer. To make an appointment, please phone 056-7756538. or

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Focus Tuition
French, Italian & TEFL. Online grinds for French and Italian. Retired Dept of Education & Skills Teacher of French, Italian & TEFL examiner of Leaving Certificate Oral French, Trinity College Dublin M.A. Graduate. All levels catered for (including ab initio)
History of Optimizing students results. Increasing student autonomy. Simplifies the language for easy learning. Contact or call 087 356 0027.

Sunday 14th March, 4th Sunday of Lent

Out into the light
Today, the ‘middle’ Sunday of Lent, is known as Laetare Sunday – Laetare means ‘Rejoice!’ We tend not to think of Lent as a time to rejoice, but signs of joy are central at Mass today, such as the use of flowers on the altar and rose-coloured vestments for the priest instead of the usual Lenten purple. The shadow of the cross still looms large, but we look forward with hope to Easter, when light will conquer the darkness.
We are offered an opportunity today to pause and reflect on our Lenten journey. In our gospel we hear that ‘the [person] who lives by the truth comes out into the light’. On the other hand, Jesus says that those who ‘prefer darkness to the light’ live in fear that their actions will be exposed.
We hear a lot of talk these days about transparency. We have seen the damage caused by those whose private actions gravely contradict the message they proclaim in the public sphere. Some questions we might ask ourselves this Lent are: Am I living a truthful life ‘in the light’? Am I honest in my dealings with others, trying always to choose what is right and just, or are there things I do in secret that are unkind or dishonest? Am I attentive to the needs of others or am I more inclined to think of myself? Lent offers us the opportunity to step out into the light, to allow the light of Jesus to sweep away any darkness or destructive habits and to begin again.
‘We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence, and we are able share it with others; when we know when to smile with those who smile, and weep with those who weep; when we accompany those who are sad and at risk of losing hope; when we recount our experience of faith to those who are searching for meaning and happiness… and there – with our attitude, with our witness, with our life – we say ‘Jesus is Risen,’ with our soul.’ (Pope Francis)
Tríona Doherty, email

Holy Hour
Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during lent from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Alan Randall, Melville Heights. Matthew Cantwell, Scotland & late of St. Frances Terrace.  Kathleen Angland, England & late of St Fiacre’s Place.
Anniversaries: Kathleen O’Neill. Joe & Joan Costigan. Jamie Brennan. Joseph O’Neill (Sun 9.30). Bridget Eardly. Molly Johnston (Wed 9.30).
Anniversary List:  Kitty Cagley. Michael & Mary Conway. Denis Gorey. Bridget Johnson. Richard & Mary Brennan. Paddy & Billy Brennan. Mary Hickey. Paddy Larkin.  Robert “Bobby” Brannigan.

St. Patrick’s Day Masses
Bishop Denis Nulty will celebrate Mass for St. Patrick’s Day via webcam on Tuesday evening at 6.15pm from St. St Patrick’s Church. Mass will be celebrated Wednesday via webcam at 9.30am and 11am (bilingual) from St. Patrick’s Church.

St. Patrick’s Breastplate
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Contribution Envelopes
The new contribution envelopes are ready and can be collected from the Parish Office. Any boxes that are not collected will be posted. Many thanks for your continued support.

Happy Mothers’ Day
We wish all our mothers a very happy day and join in praying in thanksgiving for their love.
Gracious God, we thank you for adopting us into your family through the miracle of your grace, and for calling us to be brothers and sisters to each other.
Today, loving God, we pray for our mothers:
who cared for us when we were helpless,
who comforted us when we were hurt,
whose love and care we often took for granted.
Today we pray for:
those who are grieving the loss of their mother,
those who never knew their biological mother, and now yearn for her;
those who have experienced the wonder of an adopted mother’s love;
those families separated by war or conflict.
Lord, give them special blessings. Keep us united with you and with each other, so that we can be and become all that we are meant to be.

Preparing for the Sacraments
The Adult Faith Development Group have asked Mgr. Liam Bergin, a Sacramental Theologian, and one of the priests of the Diocese of Ossory, currently serving in Boston College to lead an evening for all parents of all children preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. It is being freely offered to all in the Diocese as a resource to help.
This 45 min webinar will take place on Monday 22nd March at 7.30pm. We invite you to avail of this excellent support and we encourage all parents to attend. Please contact the parish office on 0567764400 or email for a link to this webinar.

Message from An Garda Siochána
Gardaí are receiving a number of complaints in relation to fraudulent & illegal scams. The scams can come in the form of texts, emails, telephone calls to you mobile or landline or even through social media. They can be difficult to spot as the correspondence claims to come from a reputable organisation such as you bank, card issuer or even a government department such as Revenue. The message can appear within a genuine thread of text messages that you may have received from a legitimate organisation.
Anyone can fall victim to these scams, however gardaí are asking the public to make vulnerable persons aware of them.
Be suspicious of text messages received out of the blue that claim to come from a reputable organisation, such as a bank or credit/debit card issuer.
Be cautious of text messages that prompt you to call a phone number or visit a website to resolve an issue or verify your details urgently.
Do not respond to text messages that request personal information, such as your bank details.
Never reply to text messages that request you PIN, online banking password, or any other password.
Be wary about calling any phone number, or clicking any link, that is embedded within a text message.
Examples of recent fraudulent messages that have been receive are purporting to be from Revenue, Amazon, Various couriers/delivery companies, financial institutions, Covid-19 related among others.

Gardening at the Parish Centre will resume next Monday evening from 5pm. If you are interested in helping out please contact the parish office 056 776 4400. All Covid 19 regulations will apply.

AFD Lenten Programme
Preparing for the Sacraments - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the importance of preparing to celebrate the Sacraments. Join with Sacramental Theologian and Lecturer in Boston College, Rev. Dr Liam Bergin who will lead a reflection of the importance of preparation. Monday, 22nd March at 7.30pm.
Thought for the day eBook - Why not download the simple Thought for the Day eBook, free, from the Diocesan website of iBook Store.
Sundays of Lent eBook - Why not download the Sunday’s of Lent eBook, free, from the Diocesan website or iBooks Store. Short reflections on the gospels of each Sunday as we make our Lenten journey.
Lectio Divina—Each Monday night of Lent for a virtual gathering of Lectio Divina.
Lent Texts - Sign up for a free daily thought sent to you by text message. A little prompt on your phone to pause each day during this Lenten journey. Text you number to 085 831 3100 to sign up.
Lent Tweets - Follow @OssoryDiocese for a simple thought each day during this Lenten Journey.
Contact for a link to any of the above programmes.
Trocaire Boxes
The 2021 campaign tells the stories of two families in South Sudan whose lives have been impacted by conflict. Boxes are available in all our churches.

Parish Office 
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways:
Telephone: 056 776 4400.
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563.

Sunday 7th March 2021, 3rd Sunday of Lent

A question of authority
It is tough at times to figure out who has authority on certain issues. There are ‘experts’ everywhere, telling us how we should eat, exercise, manage our finances… the list goes on. Something that has struck me during the current pandemic is how hard it can be to know who to believe. We hear from doctors, virologists, politicians and economists, and their opinions don’t always align. It can take us a while to trust the voices we hear in the media.
The Temple scene in today’s gospel sparks a debate about Jesus’ authority. While he certainly cuts an authoritative figure as he drives out the stall-holders and money-changers, he is immediately questioned. The Jews demand a sign to explain his provocative words and actions as if to say ‘Who do you think you are?’ It is interesting to note that in John’s Gospel, this scene takes place at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry (unlike the Synoptic Gospels where it comes towards the end). This would explain the disbelief of the witnesses.
In calling the Temple ‘my Father’s house’ Jesus identifies the source of his authority. But his interrogators do not understand, nor do this disciples, though we are told it later makes sense to them after the resurrection. This scene offers more than an angry Jesus and a clueless audience. It is a public revelation of Jesus’ identity and authority, as the one in whom God’s presence dwells. It also emphasises the radical new way of living that Jesus has come to bring about. As we journey through Lent, we ask ourselves where the message of Jesus has become obstructed in our lives, and how we might open our hearts again to his presence and guidance.
‘I invite all Christians, everywhere, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them… The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realise that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms.’ (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium)
Tríona Doherty,

Holy Hour

Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during lent from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Cora Lawless, Dublin & Larchfield, Kilkenny. Paul O’Beirne, Cedarwood Drive.
Months Mind: Nancy O’Sullivan (Sat 9.30).
Anniversaries: Vincent Morrissey. Lulu Lynch (Sun 9.30). Mary & Ann O’Shea (Mon 9.30).
Billy Mullally (Wed 9.30).
Anniversary List: Michael & Mary Brannigan.
Catherine Cullen. Denis Gorey. Patrick Brennan. Margaret Moran. Rose Cantwell. Tom Thompson. Jack Fitzpatrick. Sheila Delaney. Edward ‘Ned’ Delaney.

Contribution Envelopes
The new contribution envelopes are ready for distribution. Anyone who is passing the parish office and would like to collect there own box of envelopes, can do so. Any boxes that have not been collected will be posted. Thank you for your continued support.

Gardening at the Parish Centre will resume next Monday evening from 5pm. If you are interested in helping out please contact the parish office 056 776 4400. All Covid 19 restrictions will apply.

Masses by Webcam
Mass from St. Patrick’s Church every morning at 9.30am. We are still having trouble with the webcam in St. Fiacre’s Church, installing new broadband seems to be a bigger job than we first thought. We will keep you updated.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. Please be aware that face coverings are required when visiting the churches and the parish centre. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery.
Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

AFD Lenten Programme
The Bible - Our Friend - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the Bible and its importance in the Christian tradition. with Fr. Sean Maher, Kildare & Leighlin, Monday 8th March at 7.30pm.
Preparing for the Sacraments - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the importance of preparing to celebrate the Sacraments. Join with Sacramental Theologian and Lecturer in Boston College, Rev. Dr Liam Bergin who will lead a reflection of the importance of preparation. Monday, 22nd March at 7.30pm.
Thought for the day eBook - Why not download the simple Thought for the Day eBook, free, from the Diocesan website of iBook Store.
Sundays of Lent eBook - Why not download the Sunday’s of Lent eBook, free, from the Diocesan website or iBooks Store. Short reflections on the gospels of each Sunday as we make our Lenten journey.
Lectio Divina—Each Monday night of Lent for a virtual gathering of Lectio Divina.
Lent Texts - Sign up for a free daily thought sent to you by text message. A little prompt on your phone to pause each day during this Lenten journey. Text you number to 085 831 3100 to sign up.
Lent Tweets - Follow @OssoryDiocese for a simple thought each day during this Lenten Journey.
Contact for a link to any of the above programmes.

Trocaire Boxes
The 2021 campaign tells the stories of two families in South Sudan whose lives have been impacted by conflict. Boxes are available in all our churches.

Parish Office
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways:
Telephone: 056 776 4400.
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings. At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer. To make an appointment, please phone 056-7756538. or

Sunday, 28th February 2021 - 2nd Sunday of Lent


Can you recall a time when you had an ‘aha moment’? One of those moments when something suddenly makes perfect sense to you. It may have been a long time coming, a combination of various pieces of a jigsaw fitting together or it may be an insight you received from spiritual practice. These are special moments. We are never quite the same afterwards, something changes, even a small thing, but something in us changes. These moments move us outside of ourselves or beyond ourselves in some way. They are moments of transfiguration. In the Gospel today, Peter is desperate to stay on the mountain in that blissful moment with Jesus, so much so that he offers to build tents. One can understand Peter’s request, after such an experience of course he would want to stay there. What moments of encounter in your own life do you recall? An encounter where you simply did not want it to end? It may be something very deep and meaningful which gave you a glimpse of God or a moment of complete contentment?
As with all blissful moments, the disciples must come down from the mountaintop. Jesus’ way involves walking a very different path, a path that will not be so easy. Jesus’ way us different to what Peter may have had in mind. These moments of Transfiguration strengthen us all for walking the more difficult paths, sustaining us on the way.
‘The Lord is more constant and far more extravagant than it seems to imply. Wherever you turn your eyes the world can shine like transfiguration. You don’t have to bring a thing to it except a little willingness to see. Only, who could have the courage to see it? (Marilynne Robinson)
Jane Mellett,

Holy Hour
Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during lent from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Gary Halpin, St. Thomas Square. Liam Dwane, formerly Connolly St & Derbyshire (Tues 9.30). Remigijus Sinkevicius, Callan Road. Tessie Whelan nee Hayes, London and formerly of Rioch St, died in England. Eleanor Brophy, Riverside Drive & Patrick St.
Anniversaries: Mamie Byrne. Eamonn Muldowney. (Sun 9.30). Tess & Jack Kelly (Sat 9.30.
Anniversary List: Thomas Dooley. Michael & Ann Purcell. Michael McKane, Maura Delaney. Michael McGrath. Margaret Nyhan. Noel Glynn. Carmel & Jack Byrne. John & Brigid O’Rourke. Margaret Rowe. Michael & Mary Tyrrell. Bridget & John Dunne. Catherine Hennessy. Nan Purcell. Margaret Treacy.

Masses by Webcam
Mass from St. Patrick’s Church every morning at 9.30am. We are still having trouble with the webcam in St. Fiacre’s Church, installing new broadband seems to be a bigger job than we first thought. We will keep you updated.

Dumping in Foulkstown Cemetery
We have had a report of people dumping in Foulkstown Cemetery. Please do not leave whittered flowers and plants under the seats or anywhere else in the cemetery. Take them home and dispose of them there. The cemetery is a place where our deceased loved ones are at rest and it is very disrespectful to our dead to leave rubbish behind. Be aware the there are cameras in the cemetery and we will be keeping an eye on the situation.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. Please be aware that face coverings are required when visiting the churches and the parish centre. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way
and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Trocaire Boxes
The 2021 campaign tells the stories of two families in South Sudan whose lives have been impacted by conflict. Boxes are available in all our churches.

AFD Lenten Programme
The Bible - Our Friend - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the Bible and its importance in the Christian tradition. with Fr. Sean Maher, Kildare & Leighlin, Monday 8th March at 7.30pm.
Dying with Dignity? A reflection - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the Dying with Dignity Bill with Moral theologian Rev. Dr Michael Shortall who will lead us in a short reflection on this controversial bill facing the Irish people. Monday, 1st March at 7.30pm.
Preparing for the Sacraments - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the importance of preparing to celebrate the Sacraments. Join with Sacramental Theologian and Lecturer in Boston College, Rev. Dr Liam Bergin who will lead a reflection of the importance of preparation. date to be confirmed.
Thought for the day eBook - Why not download the simple Thought for the Day eBook, free, from the Diocesan website of iBook Store.
Sundays of Lent eBook - Why not download the Sunday’s of Lent eBook, free, from the Diocesan website or iBooks Store. Short reflections on the gospels of each Sunday as we make our Lenten journey.
Lectio Divina—Each Monday night of Lent for a virtual gathering of Lectio Divina.
Lent Texts - Sign up for a free daily thought sent to you by text message. A little prompt on your phone to pause each day during this Lenten journey. Text you number to 085 831 3100 to sign up.
Lent Tweets - Follow @OssoryDiocese for a simple thought each day during this Lenten Journey.
Contact for a link to any of the above programmes.

Parish Office
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways:
Telephone: 056 776 4400.
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings. At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer. To make an appointment, please phone 056-7756538. or

Sunday, 21st February 2021  - 1st Sunday of LentWilderness
On this first Sunday of Lent, we are invited to embrace the wilderness. The past year has given us experience of wilderness as our world battled a pandemic. Many people were afraid, isolated, alone, and uncertain of what the future would bring. Humanity was adrift in what seemed like a desert moment. However, wilderness can bring opportunity. It can be a time for deep reflection, where we take stock of what is most important to us, a chance to let go of things that are really not important and focus on where we are being called to be. During this past year, what opportunity did this wilderness offer you?
Lent is also a time where people give up something, focus on weight loss or getting fit, take on a course, try to better themselves in some way. And these can be good things, but Lent is so much more than that. It is a retreat time, a time to make room for something deeper. It is a spring-cleaning sort of time, an opportunity to ask, ‘what needs clearing out in my life so that I can make more room for God?’ ‘What changes am I being called to embrace?’ Without change we cannot grow, and things fast become stale in our lives. God is always urging us on because God knows just what possibilities there are for each of us. Lent offers us the opportunity to makes space for something new, to let go of that which is keeping us from living life to the full.
The Gospel today is short, Jesus is sent into the wilderness, into the desert, and we too are invited into a desert time. Deserts are interesting places which can allow us to reflect, give ourselves space. It is true that we might encounter our demons there, but we should not be afraid because as the Gospel tells us clearly today, this is a Spirit-led desert. God is with us. Let us try to embrace this wilderness. How we make use of this time determines what will be.
‘You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.’
(Alan Alda)
Jane Mellett,

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Nancy O’Sullivan, Larchfield. Daniel Burke, Dublin and late of Foulkstown. Peter Maher Garden Villas..
Anniversaries: Patrick & Teresa O’Rourke. Ann Condon. Eamonn Gaffney. Susan Woodgate (Sun 9.30). John Millea (Mon 9.30). Sean Jones (Wed 9.30).
Anniversary List: Bill O’Connor. Sadie McGrath. Therese McGrath. Seamus Culleton. Mary Foley. Dan Kennedy. Martin Dermody. Brian Griffin. Michael McDonald. Michael Kenneally.

Masses by Webcam
Mass via webcam is available from St. Patrick’s Church each morning at 9.30am. The webcam in St. Fiacre’s Church is not available at the moment. We hope to have new broadband installed in the church in the next week or so which will allow the webcam to connect properly and should (hopefully) stop the constant connection loss that is currently happening.

Holy Hour
Continuing each Monday & Wednesday evening during lent from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church.

Dumping in Foulkstown Cemetery
We have had a report of people dumping in Foulkstown Cemetery. Please do not leave whittered flowers and plants under the seats or anywhere else in the cemetery. Take them home and dispose of them there. The cemetery is a place where our deceased loved ones are at rest and it is very disrespectful to our dead to leave rubbish behind. Be aware the there are cameras in the cemetery and we will be keeping an eye on the situation.

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way
and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

AFD Lenten Programme
The Bible - Our Friend - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the Bible and its importance in the Christian tradition. with Fr. Sean Maher, Kildare & Leighlin, Monday 8th March at 7.30pm.
Dying with Dignity? A reflection - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the Dying with Dignity Bill with Moral theologian Rev. Dr Michael Shortall who will lead us in a short reflection on this controversial bill facing the Irish people. Monday, 1st March at 7.30pm.
Preparing for the Sacraments - Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the importance of preparing to celebrate the Sacraments. Join with Sacramental Theologian and Lecturer in Boston College, Rev. Dr Liam Bergin who will lead a reflection of the importance of preparation. date to be confirmed.
Thought for the day eBook - Why not download the simple Thought for the Day eBook, free, from the Diocesan website of iBook Store.
Sundays of Lent eBook - Why not download the Sunday’s of Lent eBook, free, from the Diocesan website or iBooks Store. Short reflections on the gospels of each Sunday as we make our Lenten journey.
Lectio Divina—Each Monday night of Lent for a virtual gathering of Lectio Divina.
Lent Texts - Sign up for a free daily thought sent to you by text message. A little prompt on your phone to pause each day during this Lenten journey. Text you number to 085 831 3100 to sign up.
Lent Tweets - Follow @OssoryDiocese for a simple thought each day during this Lenten Journey.
Contact for a link to any of the above programmes.

Pastoral Letter
Apostolic Administrator of Ossory, Bishop Denis Nulty has issued a Pastoral Letter for Lent 2021 “Lent reminds us the Lords is always with us” This letter is available on our parish website and facebook page. It is also available at the back of our churches. Please take one. (If you pick one up please take it with you).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Trocaire Boxes
The 2021 campaign tells the stories of two families in South Sudan whose lives have been impacted by conflict. Boxes are available for collection in all our churches. Please support this worthy cause.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Parish Office
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways: Telephone: 056 776 4400.
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563.

Sunday 14th February 2021
The Season of Lent
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 17th February. The Season of Lent is a time when we can stop and look at our lives and our relationship with Jesus. It is a time when we are called to make sacrifices - to deny ourselves so that we can realise that we need God in every part of our lives. The traditional exercises for Lent are Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Join us in our journey through Lent:
• Prayer - commit to a daily prayer
• Fasting - commit to fasting and abstaining from some treat.
• Almsgiving - commit to making a donation to Trócaire.
Every day you will help yourself, help others and help your relationship with God. All of this involves making sacrifices but there is no doubt that the benefits we will receive at Easter will be immense.
A limited amount of Ashes will be available from the Parish Office after 10am on Ash Wednesday.
“Dear Lord, as we enter this solemn and holy season, we pray that you would send your Holy Spirit upon us that we might prepare ourselves for these coming forty days of Lent. Help us to humble ourselves so that we can understand the magnificence of Your Love for us, as you humbled Yourself and gave Your Life for us on the cross that we might receive the gift of eternal glory with You. Amen.”

Masses by Webcam
Mass via webcam is available from St. Patrick’s Church each morning at 9.30am. The webcam in St. Fiacre’s Church is not available at the moment. We hope to have new broadband installed in the church in the next week or so which will allow the webcam to connect properly and should (hopefully) stop the constant connection loss that is currently happening.

Holy Hour
Beginning on Ash Wednesday from 7-8pm via webcam from St. Patrick’s Church and continuing each Monday & Wednesday night during lent.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Sr. Cornelius Purcell, St. John of God Sisters. Mary Joan “Joanie “Phelan, Surrey UK and Nuncio Road.
Months Mind: Michael “Mockey” Delaney (Mon 9.30). Damian Lis (Sat 9.30). Anne Prizeman.
Anniversaries: Nicholas Healy. Michael Walsh & Milo Bourke. Mary, Mick & Liam Costello. John & Ellen McDonald. Nora Pendleton (Sun 9.30). Matt & Eileen Kelly, (Wed 9.30). Anna Kelly (Fri 9.30).
Anniversary List: Molly Johnston. John O’Rourke.
Joe & Bridie Dunne. Maura Tyrrell.

Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation that offers a free listening service to bereaved people of all ages. Since the arrival of Covid 19, we have not been able to offer face to face meetings. At the moment, we continue to support the bereaved by phone or by Zoom. People can discuss their preferred option with their bereavement support volunteer.
To make an appointment, please phone 056-7756538
or email:

Day of Prayer for Survivors of Abuse

Friday 19th February is the annual Day of Prayer for Survivors and Victims of Sexual Abuse.
Atonement Prayer
Lord, forgive us our many sins.
We grieve and repent with all our hearts for having offended you,
for our great failings and neglect of the young and vulnerable.
We place all of those who have been hurt by the Church in any way
into your loving hand and under the protection of Our Blessed Mother.
Lord, bring peace to their broken lives and show us all the way
out of darkness and into the light of your Word.
May we as the people of God be more fully human,
more fully Christ-like and more fully your people,
that we may see the errors of the pas t and go forward with renewed hope and faith in Christ and in our Church. Amen

St Valentine
Martyr (d. 269)
“Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friends” - John 15:13
The association of St. Valentine with pink hearts, boxes of chocolates, and the exchange of romantic glances has no intrinsic source in the character or life of the saint. The origin of “St Valentine’s Day,” a day beloved of greeting card companies, is not entirely clear, but it seems to have taken root in England, a cold country where signs of spring are eagerly anticipated. As far back as Chaucer it was commonly observed that birds began to pair and mate around the feast of St. Valentine, that is, from the middle of February. In any case, the Valentine whose name is oddly commemorated was apparently a Christian priest in Rome who assisted martyrs during the persecution under Emperor Claudius II. He was eventually arrested and sent before the prefect of Rome. When he refused to renounce his faith he was beaten and beheaded. Thus, by offering his heart, he proved himself a true devotee of the God of Love.

St Valentine’s Day Prayer
I said a Valentine prayer for you
and asked the Lord above
to fill your heart and bless your soul
With the precious gift of love.

I asked Him for sincere love
The kind that's meant to stay
Just like the generous love
You give to those you touch each day.

I prayed for love from family
And from every cherished friend
Then I asked the Lord to give you
His love that knows no end.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way
and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Trocaire Boxes
Trócaire Lenten Campaign Begins next Wednesday. The 2021 campaign tells the stories of two families in South Sudan whose lives have been impacted by conflict. Boxes are available for collection in all our churches and the parish centre.

Sunday, 7th February 2021
Jesus the Healer
In today’s Gospel we read about Jesus’ first healing in Mark’s Gospel. Jesus hears of the illness of the mother of Simon’s wife and goes to her. Due to the purity laws of his time this scene would have been considered controversial. His first healing is of a woman and we are told that he touches her, raises her up; he completely restores her to health. Many of his actions here would have been considered inappropriate. The ‘whole city’ was crowded around the door as many people wanted to be healed. What a commotion! Jesus, very early on in his ministry is clearly a very popular and attractive figure. Another important aspect of this story is that Jesus does not remain comfortable in this house. He keeps moving, keeps going outward. This requires so much energy and an outpouring of love for those in need. Jesus shows us in today’s Gospel what it takes to stay energised for our various ministries: quiet time and space for real encounter with God. Even then, the people hunted for him and said, ‘Everyone is searching for you’, and still today, everyone is searching. We too are called to bring healing to others in any way that we can, to those who are seeking, those who are lost, those who are isolated. Jesus shows us that to do this we must be connected to that Divine Presence within us and in our world. Today we can ask ourselves, what do I need healing from? Bring this to Jesus in prayer. And also, how can I reach out, with a healing presence, to others, especially during this time of pandemic?
‘I ask God to prepare our hearts to encounter our brothers and sisters, so that we may overcome our differences rooted in political thinking, language, culture and religion. Let us ask him to anoint our whole being with the balm of his mercy, which heals the injuries caused by mistakes, misunderstandings, and disputes. And let us ask him for the grace to send us forth, in humility and meekness, along the demanding but enriching path of seeking peace’.
(Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, 254)
Jane Mellett,

Parish Office
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways: Telephone: 056 776 4400. Email: Whats app & text: 086 736 1563. Facebook:

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Frederick Gurl, UK & formerly Derdimus, Kilkenny. Kathleen Geoghegan, Walkin Street. Thomas Bolger, Enniscorthy, Wexford and formerly Haltigan Terrace, Riverview & Ballinalina.
Anniversaries: Joan Kerwick. Dr. Richard & Lily Purcell. Bridget Conway. Seamus Pattison. (Sun 9.30).
Anniversary List: Joseph Kirwan (Mon 9.30). Pat & Siobhan Kearney (Tues 9.30). Peter Quinn (Wed 9.30). Nicky Power (Fri 9.30). Mary & Cecil Pullan (Sat 9.30). Kathleen Doran. Margaret Doran. Adrian Freezey. John Delaney. Richard & James Walsh. Paddy O’Brien. Tommy & Bridie Casey. Brigid ‘Bridie’ Joyce.

Bishop Nulty appointed Apostolic Administrator
Following the appointment of Archbishop Dermot Farrell to Dublin, Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Denis Nulty as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Ossory. Bishop Nulty is, then, along with his duties as Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, to shepherd the faithful in Ossory during the period of sede vacante until a new Bishop is appointed. In accepting the appointment Bishop Nulty noted “Humbly and happily I have accepted this role. In my years as a neighbour in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin I have witnessed the many initiatives and activities of, and for, the faith which have been undertaken by people, religious, and priests of this great Diocese. It is my pleasure, then, to walk with the people of Ossory for this period of time as a new Bishop is found. As Archbishop Dermot begins in Dublin I know you will join with me in a prayer of thanksgiving for his time in Ossory and we pray too that the Spirit will continue to guide him in his work now in Dublin” We in St. Patrick’s welcome Bishop Nulty as administrator of our Diocese.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way
and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you.

MyFaith is an innovative parish-based programme of preparation that allows the children to journey towards the celebration of the Sacraments in the company of their families, supported by their parishes. Designed to support children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation for the first time, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This online and interactive programme leads students though the steps necessary to understand, appreciate and, in time, fruitfully celebrate, and then live, the Sacraments.
Children will be introduced to Ich Thus, a most important fish, who will guide those preparing for Communion and Confirmation, in very different ways, to the same result. Online video modules, online interactive games/challenges and quizzes to reinforce learning, downloadable resources; moments of prayer; an appreciation of the journey towards celebrating the Sacraments are the key elements of what we hope will be an immense support to parishes in their efforts to help children on their faith journey. Leaders can log in to track, encourage and support the children on their journey. If you have not received your child’s log in details for, please contact Michelle in the Parish Office by email: and she will forward them onto you.

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions. Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Masses by Webcam
Mass via webcam is available from St. Patrick’s Church each morning at 9.30am. The webcam in St. Fiacre’s Church is now back in action. Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church will resume on Monday at 10.30am.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. Please be aware that face coverings are required when visiting the churches and the parish centre. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Sunday, 31st January 2021
In the different stresses and crises of covid times, many people deserve our deep thanks - our medical staff, those who keep us fed and our services going and our health care chaplains. This week we think of our teachers, primary and second level. They too have risked health as all school personnel do. Anyone who knows teachers as family members and friends, will know that as well as the hours spent teaching there are also the long evening hours spent in preparation for classes. During Catholic schools Week we can extend our appreciation to all schools, and to the whole staff of the schools. This week is a way of the Church thanking and showing appreciation for our teachers. We can help them by speaking well of them, by supporting their efforts in the schools and by praying for them. In a broad way, teachers take part in the mysterious plan of God for education. For many it is more than a job, but min their professional work and their care of the students, it is a vocation. They give more to the young people than instruction: in the words of Pope Francis: ‘A good teachers...points to what is essential so that the child or student can find meaning and joy in life.’
Lord, bless our teachers with joy, fulfilment and good health. May we be truly grateful for what they do for our young people,
Donal Neary SJ, Editor, Sacred Heart Messenger.

St. Brigid’s Day
Monday 1st February is St. Brigid’s Day. Every year in our Parish the Kilkenny Gospel Choir celebrate with us our St. Brigid’s Day Service. Unfortunately this year because of the Corona Virus, our St. Brigid’s Day Service will be via webcam. We invite you to tune in to our webcam at St. Patrick’s Church on Monday evening at 7.30pm when Fr. Roderick and Fr Willie Purcell will lead us in our service to celebrate St. Brigid’s Day.

Parish Office 
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways: Telephone: 056 776 4400. Email: Whats app & text: 086 736 1563

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Noel Doran, Dean’s Court. Michael ‘Mockey’ Delaney, England
George Hennessy (Mon 9.30).
Anniversaries: Lilly Fogarty, Lil, Billy & Eamon Costello, Ken ‘Canice’ Dunphy, Mary Kavanagh (Sun 9.30). Sarah & Patrick Leahy (Tues 9.30). Tommy & Bridie Casey (Fri 9.30).
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Maureen Whelon. Thomas Walshe. Patrick O’Keeffe. Bridie Casey. Patrick Byrne. Jim Hogan. Ellen Egan.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Parish Contribution Envelopes

Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you.

Archbishop Elect Farrell
Once again, we in St. Patrick’s parish wish to extend congratulations and best wishes to Bishop Dermot Farrell as he leaves us in Ossory to take up his new role as Archbishop of Dublin. As we await a new Bishop, we pray that God will find for us a man to lead with vision for our future, understanding for our present and compassion for our past. Until then, may we work actively together to continue to realise not only your desire for us but also for your kingdom. We ask this through the intercession of St. Kieran, St. Patrick, St. Brigid and through Christ our Lord. Amen.

MyFaith is an innovative parish-based programme of preparation that allows the children to journey towards the celebration of the Sacraments in the company of their families, supported by their parishes. Designed to support children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation for the first time, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This online and interactive programme leads students though the steps necessary to understand, appreciate and, in time, fruitfully celebrate, and then live, the Sacraments.
Children will be introduced to Ich Thus, a most important fish, who will guide those preparing for Communion and Confirmation, in very different ways, to the same result. Online video modules, online interactive games/challenges and quizzes to reinforce learning, downloadable resources; moments of prayer; an appreciation of the journey towards celebrating the Sacraments are the key elements of what we hope will be an immense support to parishes in their efforts to help children on their faith journey. Leaders can log in to track, encourage and support the children on their journey. If you have not received your child’s log in details for, please contact Michelle in the Parish Office by email: and she will forward them onto you.

Counselling Sessions

Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered  to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic.  The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions.  Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Each person who volunteers in our Parish will need to complete a Safeguarding Volunteer Form which is available from the Parish Office. Also the leaders of groups who have children as members will need to complete a form and a garda vetting form and return it to the Parish Office. Please contact the Parish Office. Again thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated.

Masses by Webcam
Mass via webcam is available from St. Patrick’s Church each morning at 9.30am. Due to broadband issues, the webcam in St. Fiacre’s is not available at the moment. We hope that it will be up and running again very soon. We thank you for your understanding.

Sunday, 24th January 2021
Now is the time
More than 50 years ago, in his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, Martin Luther King Jr talked about ‘the fierce urgency of now’. He urged people to take positive action and to march forward together to address inequality and injustice, and his energy and conviction brought about massive change.
That sense of ‘fierce urgency’ seems to grab Jesus and the disciples in today’s Gospel. In the opening chapters of Mark’s Gospel everything happens ‘at once’ or immediately. There is a sense of hurry; the time has come, the kingdom of God is near, and Jesus needs helpers to work alongside him. Simon, Andrew, James and John are certainly ready, so ready that they are prepared to leave behind their livelihoods, and even their families, to attend to the urgent business of spreading the Good News.
Jesus asks the same of us, his modern-day disciples: ‘Follow me’. We are summoned too. We are challenged to set aside our worldly concerns, to see the world in a new way, and to begin a new adventure with Jesus. For every person in our world who is suffering or oppressed or in need, there is a ‘fierce urgency of now’. The work of the kingdom is too immediate to wait.
‘This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilising drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children… The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.’  Martin Luther King Jr
Tríona Doherty, Email

St. John of God P.S Junior Infant Applications 2021
Reminder that Junior Infant Applications to St. John of God P.S. for September 2021 must be submitted by January 29th.
They may be submitted by email or post. For now a copy of the child’s birth certificate will suffice.
Application forms are available on the school website

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The members of St. Vincent de Paul wish to thank all those people who donated so generously to their Christmas collection which is much appreciated as without that support they simply could not do their work. Your support allowed the conference to support many families in our area who needed help during the festive season and into the New Year. They would like to thank all who donated by cheque, cash and all those who donated anonymously.
Your continuing support and generosity to St. Vincent de Paul is greatly appreciated.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Margaret Caffrey. Damien Lis, College Court & Kerry. Sr. Nora McCarthy, Rosemount, Kilkenny & Crumlin, Dublin. Eileen Kennedy, Castlecomer Rd. Anne Prizeman, Larchfield. Kitty Guidera, Assumption Place. Michael Kinsella, Assumption Place.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Taylor Murphy. Ned Larkin. Jimmy Slattery. Jack & Stasia Comerford. Norah Foley. Anne O’Shea. Kathleen & Mary Kelly. John Collins. Rev. John Nyhan. Henry Edward Ryan. Maura Gaffney.
Peggy Kennedy. Arthur Connick.
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.
An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Masses by Webcam
Mass via webcam is available from St. Patrick’s Church each morning at 9.30am. Due to broadband issues, the webcam in St. Fiacre’s is not available at the moment. We hope that it will be up and running again very soon. We thank you for your understanding.

Covid 19
Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality. Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Parish Office 
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways: Telephone: 056 776 4400.
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered  to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic.  The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions.  Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week takes place from Sunday 24th to Sunday 31st January 2021. This is an important week as we continue to celebrate the great work being done in our Catholic schools. Due to the pandemic we cannot celebrate it as normal. There are resources and prayers available from

Confirmation 2021
The Gaelscoil Osraí confirmations were scheduled for Friday 12th March this year. Due to Covid-19 and the continuing difficulty of bringing people together, Bishop Farrell has asked that no Confirmations take place in the Diocese of Ossory until after Easter at least so the Confirmations will not take place on the 12th. The Confirmations for St. John of God, St Patrick’s De La Salle and Kilkenny School Project Schools have been scheduled for Saturday 17th April 2021, we hope that they will take place as scheduled. This is contingent on government regulations at the time.

MyFaith is an innovative parish-based programme of preparation that allows the children to journey towards the celebration of the Sacraments in the company of their families, supported by their parishes. Designed to support children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation for the first time, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This online and interactive programme leads students though the steps necessary to understand, appreciate and, in time, fruitfully celebrate, and then live, the Sacraments.
Children will be introduced to Ich Thus, a most important fish, who will guide those preparing for Communion and Confirmation, in very different ways, to the same result. Online video modules, online interactive games/challenges and quizzes to reinforce learning, downloadable resources; moments of prayer; an appreciation of the journey towards celebrating the Sacraments are the key elements of what we hope will be an immense support to parishes in their efforts to help children on their faith journey. Leaders can log in to track, encourage and support the children on their journey. If you have not received your child’s log in details for, please contact Michelle in the Parish Office by email: and she will forward them onto you.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you.

Sunday 17th January 2021
Come and see
There is a Brazilian proverb used when a visitor is leaving one’s home: ‘Whoever drinks of this water keeps coming back’. Offering a beverage such as a cup of water or tea to a visitor is a universal gesture of welcome and hospitality. Today we hear how Jesus invites two of his disciples to ‘come and see’ where he lives. He welcomes them into his home and they stay with him for the rest of the day, undoubtedly eating and drinking and conversing with him. Jesus’ invitation is simple, yet intimate. We don’t know where he lived or what his living arrangements were, but we know he wanted his friends to spend time with him and get to know him. This precious early time with Jesus must have set his friends up for a lifetime of discipleship. We too are invited to ‘come and see’, to spend time with the Scriptures and in prayer to get to know Jesus. He welcomes us with open arms.
As we reflect on the inviting love of Jesus, we are also encouraged to extend a warm welcome to others in a spirit of friendship. Pope Francis has often spoken of our responsibility, as individuals, communities and church, to welcome everyone – including those who are homeless or who have been forced to leave their home or country. Our welcome is a response to the Lord’s supreme commandment to love the other, the stranger, as ourselves. We all have opportunities to do this in our communities.
‘Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ, who identifies with the welcomed and rejected strangers of every age.’ Pope Francis
Tríona Doherty,

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Pat Grace, Cypress Court.  Eugene Garcia. Ray Nolan, Freshford.
Month Mind: Paddy Hanrahan.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Michael Drennan. Julia & Michael Phelan. Bridget Lannon. Cian Buckley. Maura Nolan & Fr. Tomás Nolan. Deceased Members of the Downes Family. Paddy & Essie Delaney. Cathy Leahy. Tommy & Derek Tyrrell. Michael & Mary Cahill.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside ys every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear. 

Parish Office
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways: Telephone: 056 776 4400.
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office and this can be arranged for you.

Prayer to Our Lady in Time of Pandemic
O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.
Pope Francis

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions. Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Mass Times in St. Patrick’s Parish
As you are aware the Government has now moved the whole country into level 5 restrictions for the time being. This will be reviewed towards the end of January. In the meantime Mass can continue to be viewed from our parish via our webcam from both St. Patrick’s Church (9.30am) and St. Fiacre’s Church (10.30am) each day, including Sundays. Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality.
Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

MyFaith is an innovative parish-based programme of preparation that allows the children to journey towards the celebration of the Sacraments in the company of their families, supported by their parishes. Designed to support children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation for the first time, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This online and interactive programme leads students though the steps necessary to understand, appreciate and, in time, fruitfully celebrate, and then live, the Sacraments.
Children will be introduced to Ich Thus, a most important fish, who will guide those preparing for Communion and Confirmation, in very different ways, to the same result. Online video modules, online interactive games/challenges and quizzes to reinforce learning, downloadable resources; moments of prayer; an appreciation of the journey towards celebrating the Sacraments are the key elements of what we hope will be an immense support to parishes in their efforts to help children on their faith journey. Leaders can log in to track, encourage and support the children on their journey. If you have not received your child’s log in details for, please contact Michelle in the Parish Office by email: and she will forward them onto you.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021
The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from Monday 18th January until next Monday, 25th January. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2021 has been prepared by the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland. The theme that was chosen, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”, is based on John 15:1-17 and expresses Grandchamp Community’s vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the Church and the human family. Let us keep Christian Unity in our prayer intentions this week. Resources are available from

Sunday 10th January 2021

Come to the water
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus, the moment when God reveals who Jesus is. Our readings are rich with water imagery. Water is a powerful symbol throughout the Scriptures, from the story of creation and the crossing of the Red Sea, to the wedding feast at Cana and Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. It is a symbol of life and newness, an opportunity for God to reach out to us, be present with us and teach us something, as well as an opportunity for cleansing and a fresh start.
Our gospel today tells of Jesus being baptised by John in the river Jordan. This immersion in water marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. By approaching John for baptism, along with all the others, Jesus is identifying with the people and allowing himself to be counted among sinners. It is a sign that he submitting to God’s will. At this crucial moment, as soon as he emerges from the Jordan, Jesus sees the heavens open and the voice of God confirming him as ‘Beloved Son’. It is a moment of divine approval, confirming Jesus’ identity and launching him on his new mission.
The baptism of Jesus is a reminder of our own identity and mission. We are beloved daughters and sons of God, sisters and brothers of Jesus, members of God’s family. In today’s first reading we are invited: ‘Come to the water all you who are thirsty’. We are called to the water, to that moment when we recognise who Jesus is, who we are, and our mission to live as children of God.
‘In order to live a life of holiness, we must first receive new life from God — we must be born from above.’ J. Vernon McGee
Tríona Doherty, Email

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Neil Duggan, Dublin
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Teresa Walsh. Danny O’Leary. Beattie O’Connell. Michael Kennedy. Kathleen O’Neill. Denis Nyhan. Jim Knox. Carmel Whelan. Peadar Barrett. Eric & Mary McGrath & John Joe McGrath.
Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed And very dear 

Parish Office
The Parish Office can be contacted in any of the following ways:
Telephone: 056 776 4400
Whats app & text: 086 736 1563

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. If you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office from 4th January and this can be arranged for you.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Bishop Dermot Farrell - Archbishop of Dublin
We in St. Patrick’s parish wish to extend congratulations and best wishes to Bishop Dermot Farrell who has been announced as the next Archbishop of Dublin by Pope Francis. Bishop Farrell has spent the past three years working with us here in Ossory. During that time he has worked tirelessly and courageously for the betterment of the Diocese of Ossory and its people. His leadership and particularly his administrative skills have ensured that our diocese is well placed and prepared to face the future, in this changed world, with confidence and hope. Throughout his short time with us has endeared himself to the people of the diocese and though of course we wish him well there is some sadness too at his departure from us. We are delighted however that Bishop Farrell will continue to administer our Diocese from Dublin until a replacement is announced. Again we congratulate Bishop Farrell and wish him all of God’s blessings from the people of St. Patrick’s parish and every success in his new ministry.

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions. Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Thank You: Priests’ Collection
Once again we offer a word of gratitude to the many people who supported the Priests’ Christmas Collection, many of you contributed very generously to the collection and the priests and the bishop, thank you for your generosity. If you still wish to contribute you may do so by dropping your contribution into the letterbox at the parish centre or the presbyteries.

Priory Institute
Online Open Day 23rd January. Is this for you? Take the opportunity to visit and learn about what it would be like to study with us during our online Open Day this January. We will be available to answer all of your questions about student life here and to talk theology over a zoom call. Register your interest now by selecting the button at the bottom of this page or please call or email us with any questions. Date: 23rd January 2020 11:30am-1:30pm. More Information: Tel: +353 (0)1 4048124. All are welcome.

Mass Times in St. Patrick’s Parish
As you are aware the Government has now moved the whole country into level 5 restrictions for the time being. This will be reviewed towards the end of January. In the meantime Mass can continue to be viewed from our parish via our webcam from both St. Patrick’s Church (9.30am) and St. Fiacre’s Church (10.30am) each day, including Sundays. Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality.
Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten (10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Prayer to Our Lady in Time of Pandemic
O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.
Pope Francis

Sunday 3rd January 2021, Second Sunday of Christmas

New Year Blessing
Fr Roderick and Fr. Peter would like to wish a very happy New Year to all. We pray that 2021 will be a blessed year for you and your families. Though we continue to experience the challenges of the pandemic there is light at the end of the tunnel. We continue to pray for all who have been touched personally by this terrible virus and ask God to bless them into the year ahead.
              ‘I know  a lot of people wish for new beginnings for the beginning of the new year, but I  just wish for more of what I am already so greatly blessed with.  More great memories, more beautiful friendships and more time spent surrounded by my loving family’.
May God bless you all and keep you safe.

Taking root
We talk about having ‘roots’ as a way of describing our connection to a place or people. Being rooted somewhere means we are part of that place. When we are ready to settle down, to become part of a community, maybe to buy a house or start a family, we talk about ‘putting down roots’. It means we are making this place our home. It is a rich metaphor from the plant world. The roots of a tree or plant represent its relationship with the soil it is planted in and the elements around it. The deeper the roots, the more connected a plant is to its environment. It becomes part of the place where it’s planted. We use this expression in everyday language too – when an idea ‘takes root’ in us, it is something that becomes a part of us, inseparable from our very selves.
Today’s first reading speaks of the wisdom of God ‘taking root in a privileged people’. It describes it another way as ‘pitching a tent’. These images offer us a way into understanding the complex language of today’s gospel, which talks about God’s relationship with us by sending Jesus: ‘The Word was made flesh, he lived among us’.
By becoming human, God put down roots not just in our physical world, but in humanity itself. God pitched a tent among us and became one of us. It is a connection that cannot be broken – the roots go too deep. We are in God, and God is in us. This is the mystery we celebrate in this season of Christmas – that in Jesus, God became part of the very world that God created, and part of us: ‘He was in the world that had its being through him.’ We are indeed a privileged people!
‘Christ asks for a home in your soul, where he can be at rest with you, where he can talk easily to you, where you and he, alone together, can laugh and be silent and be delighted with one another.’   Caryll Houselander
Tríona Doherty, Email

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Maura & Denis Molloy. Loretta Barr. Eileen & Matt Kelly. Colin Deevy. Edward & Teresa Dullard. James P. Pattison. Denis O’Shea. Annie and Mick Ruth. Peg Larkin. Michael Kenny. John Condon.

Bishop Dermot Farrell — Archbishop of Dublin
We in St. Patrick’s parish wish to extend congratulations and best wishes to Bishop Dermot Farrell who has been announced as the next Archbishop of Dublin by Pope Francis. Bishop Farrell has spent the past three years working with us here in Ossory. During that time he has worked tirelessly and courageously for the betterment of the Diocese of Ossory and its people. His leadership and particularly his administrative skills have ensured that our diocese is well placed and prepared to face the future, in this changed world, with confidence and hope. Throughout his short time with us has endeared himself to the people of the diocese and though of course we wish him well there is some sadness too at his departure from us. We are delighted however that Bishop Farrell will continue to administer our Diocese from Dublin until a replacement is announced. Again we congratulate Bishop Farrell and wish him all of God’s blessings from the people of St. Patrick’s parish and every success in his new ministry. He can be assured of our continued prayers.

Parish Office 

While the Parish Centre and Office may be closed to the public, the priests will be available during the Christmas Season.
Please see the banner above for contact details.

Parish Calendar
The St. Patrick’s Parish calendar for 2021 is available from 4th January at the Parish Office. It contains many important details about our parish as well as upcoming important dates. Feel free to take a copy or two!

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support. IF you wish to contribute to parish collections by envelope (weekly or monthly) or by standing order please contact the parish office from 4th January and this can be arranged for you.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Mass Times in St. Patrick’s Parish
As you are aware the Government has now moved the whole country into level 5 restrictions for the time being. This will be reviewed towards the end of January. In the meantime Mass can continue to be viewed from our parish via our webcam from both St. Patrick’s Church (9.30am) and St. Fiacre’s Church (10.30am) each day, including Sundays. Our Churches continue to remain open for private prayer during this time. Please continue to follow best practice when visiting our Churches: Sanitise hands on entering and leaving,: follow coughing and sneezing etiquette,: keep 2 meter social distance: do not congregate in or near Church grounds. Please continue to reduce touching of items when in the Church. If we all continue to do our bit then it keeps everyone safe and will ensure a quicker return to normality.
Government and HSE policy dictates that Baptisms cannot take place under the present restrictions. Once restrictions are lifted then Baptisms in our parish will be able to resume. From the 3rd of January numbers allowed to attend weddings is reduced to six (6) and presently those attending funerals is reduced to ten10). This includes the graveyard /cemetery. Your adherence to these restrictions is appreciated.

Counselling Sessions
Over 3,200 sessions of counselling have been delivered to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience, or that of a loved one , to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions. Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email

Sunday 27th December 2020, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 

The Presentation in the Temple
Simeon and Anna welcome Mary, Joseph and Jesus to the Temple. They have been waiting for this moment. What kind of Messiah were they expecting? Simeon welcomes this family who must have seemed ‘ordinary’ and poor. He can see that this child will be ‘a light…for the glory of your people’. Already there is a note of reversal; of boundaries being stretched. Mary is told that this child ‘is destined for the fall and the rising of many’. There will be challenging times ahead for this family. Simeon knows that many thoughts will be exposed for God’s invitation and welcome has no boundaries and this radical hospitality might not sit well with everyone. Anna rejoices for all those who were looking for a change, for hope, she knows that this child will overturn systems of oppression and exclusion. Luke is interested in how humanity responds to the Gospel. If Jesus’ message is really good news, then this requires a shakeup; a shakeup which challenges comfortable assumptions about the way God works. God’s abundant invitation to all may not sit comfortably with many. While Anna prays and fasts for a change of heart in the way Jerusalem operates, Simeon warns Mary that this will not be an easy road. Many situations in our own world today need a shake-up, especially in our church. This can be uncomfortable as we have to let go of certain things and invite freshness. What situations in our own society and in our church require a shake-up; an uncomfortable but necessary change so that God’s love and welcome can shine through? Jesus came to show us how to live. We must constantly look back at his example.
‘We often make do with looking at the ground…I wonder if we still know how to look up at the sky? Do we know how to dream, to long for God, to expect the newness he brings, or do we let ourselves be swept along by life, like dry branches before the wind?’ Pope Francis
Jane Mellett,

Suspension of Public Masses
As you are aware the Government under the advice of NEPHET has moved the entire country into level 5 restrictions beginning from St. Stephen’s day Dec 26th until further notice. We hope that this will be short term but we will continue to follow official advice to ensure the safety of all. It is of course difficult and disheartening but we look forward in hope to that time when we will once again return to the normal celebration of our liturgies. Please note that during this time of suspension baptisms will not be celebrated in the parish and attendance at Funerals is limited to 10 persons and Weddings from Jan 3rd is restricted to 6 persons. Though this is very difficult we continue to work together to keep everyone safe until a vaccine is fully rolled out. In the meantime you may wish to tune into our celebration of Mass each day (behind closed doors) via our webcam from both St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches. Masses will be live streamed from both Churches on www.stpatricksparishkilkenny. com Please note the following times for Masses via webcam during the coming week:
Sunday Dec 27th: St. Patrick's : 9.30 am.
Sunday Dec 27th: St. Fiacre’s : 10.30 am.
Monday Dec 28th St Patrick’s (only) — Sat. Jan 2nd 11am.
Sunday Jan 3rd St. Patrick’s : 9.30.
Sunday Jan 3rd St. Fiacre’s : 10.30.
Again please note that the celebration of these Masses will be via webcam only and behind closed doors.

Parish Calendar
The St. Patrick’s Parish calendar for 2021 is available from 4th January at the Parish Office. It contains many important details about our parish as well as upcoming important dates. Feel free to take a copy or two!

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Roseanna Smyth. Rita O’Brien. Lucyna Wowk. Marie Doyle. Eddie Taylor. Gerry McEvoy. Ned & Kitty Everard. Ann Guilfoyle. Seamus Fry. Milo & Ann Fry. Patrick Burke, Sally Burke. Nancy Ronan.

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will reopen on Monday 4th January 2021. While the Parish Centre and Office may be closed to the public, the priests will be available during the Christmas Season. Please see the banner above for contact details.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Parish Statistics
Friday is the beginning of a new year, we take a look at past-events in our parish. We are delighted to note there were 46 children baptised in our parish this past year. 9 couples were married in our churches and sadly we said goodbye to 63 people. May God’s blessing be with them all.
We pray that the coming year of 2021 will bring blessings to all of us.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Counselling Sessions.
Over 3, 200 sessions of counselling have been delivered to adults and children affected by cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. The Irish Cancer Society is urging anyone affected by their cancer experience ,or that of a loved one, to contact their support line to avail of free counselling sessions. Those wishing to get in contact can call 1800 222 700 or email Support.

Parish Contribution Envelopes
Many thanks to all who have returned their parish contribution envelopes and priests collection envelopes. Your support is greatly appreciated especially during these difficult times. Envelopes can be dropped in to the Parish Centre letterbox or the presbyteries. Again thank you for your continued support.

Thank You.
Fr. Roderick, Fr. Peter and members of our Parish Pastoral Council would like to say a sincere word of thanks to all who helped in any way in our preparation for the Christmas liturgies. We are particularly grateful to those who cleaned the Churches, preppared the altars and worked in the sacristies. Thanks too in particular to the church
stewards who have been directing us and keeping us safe over the past number of months. Many thanks to our readers, eucharistic ministers, collectors, parish secretary Michelle, and parish staff, our gardeners and to those who provided music and singing over the Christmas period. Sometimes we forget to say thanks and we appreciate the great work you do throughout the year. So thank you and may God continue to bless you and keep you safe into the year ahead.

The Nativity of the Lord,  25th December 2020

Christmas Greetings
The priests of the parish wish you all a very happy, holy and peaceful Christmas. If has been a difficult year for all of us on so many different levels. It has not been easy. But even in this most difficult of times we are not without hope. We know that the Christ Child whose birth we celebrate is a light leading us in all of the challenges we face. We know that His love, His compassion, His mercy and His light will lead us safely on. Happy Christmas and New Year.

A Christmas Blessing
May love come alive within your heart.
As Christmas time draws near.
May hope fill each room you decorate
And bring joy to those you hold dear.
May peace be before you at every meal
And faith ring through every song.
For Christ is alive, the light of the world
May He bless you all season long.

If you look for me at Christmas
You wont need a special star -
I’m no longer just in Bethlehem,
I'm right there where you are.
You many not be aware of Me
Amid the celebrations -
You’ll have to look beyond the stores
And all the decorations.
But if you take a moment
From our list of things to do
And listen to your heart, you’ll find
I’m waiting there for you
You’re the one I want to be with
You’re the reason that I came,
And you’ll find me in the stillness
As I’m whispering your name.
Love Jesus

Parish Calendar 2021
Our new Parish Calendar 2021 will be available at the end of our Christmas Masses. The mass stewards will distribute them as you leave the churches. They will also be available from the Parish Centre from Monday 4th January. 2021.

Pray for the Deceased

Anniversaries: George Byrne (Fri 9.30). Tom Cantwell (Fri 10.00). Kathleen Frances Kelly (Fri 10.30). Michéal Walsh (Fri 12.00). Brigid & Michael Kenny. Bridget & Tommy Casey. John Condon. Keith Flemming. Ned & Kitty Everard. Denis Maher. Liam & Mary Ryan. Maura Hearne. Ann & John Bissett. Stephen Cantwell. Francis Coyne.  Mary O’Dwyer. Mary Ellen Fitzpatrick. Orla Lawlor. John Barron. Peg & Liam O’Hanrahan. Brigid & William O’Hanrahan. Margaret & Patrick Doran. Catherine & Michael Delaney.

Masses for your Intentions
In the lead up to Christmas many people purchased Christmas Mass cards at the Parish Centre. All weekday Masses in our parish (with the exception of wedding and funeral Masses) between 26th December and 1st January inclusive will be offered for these specific intentions.

Following government guidelines, all public Masses from 26th December are suspended. Masses will take place during the coming week at 11am in St. Patrick’s Church & will be live streamed on Sunday Masses will be 9.30am in St. Patrick’s and 10.30am in St. Fiacre’s, they will also be streamed on the parish website.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

'Glory to God in the highest heaven!’
The account we read this evening from Luke’s Gospel shows Jesus being born into a situation of total oppression. Luke reminds us of the political regime which controls the land and the effect this has on the people. Luke only gives one sentence to the actual birth of Jesus and then focuses his attention on the shepherds. There is a reason for their presence. Shepherds were considered ‘ritually unclean’ because of their close contact with animals. Their lives would have been full of poverty, fear and struggle. So, this scene that Luke paints is not a tranquil setting, this is a setting on the margins. Everything about this story is provocative and uneasy. It is into this ‘mess’ God comes as a homeless child. We are being invited to expect the unexpected.
Luke begins his gospel as he means to continue, turning the world upside down in solidarity with the outcast. He places angels rejoicing with shepherds, the ‘highest’ and the ‘lowest’, giving glory to God together. The good news of Jesus’ birth goes first to the marginalised. It is in their name that the shepherds are chosen. As you sing the Gloria during this Christmas season, come back to this marginal space where it was first sung, with the angels and the shepherds in a field. No boundaries, no walls, no purification rituals, but the promise of a deep peace for all, a peace for which the world desperately longs. It is for this reason we rejoice. We are invited to Bethlehem today, to open up our hearts to the One who has come. We return, like the shepherds ‘glorifying and praising God for all they have seen and heard’. All are welcome to the manger. May we welcome all as God does, with compassion and love.
‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, come forth from deep within me with Christmas luminous beauty. For my heart has become the sacred crib, the birthing place of God-among-us.’
Edward Hays
Jane Mellett,

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will reopen on Monday 4th January 2021 at 9am. While the Parish Centre and Office may be closed to the public, the priests will be available during the Christmas Season. The priests can be contacted on their mobile phone numbers listed above.

Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Members of the St. Patrick’s Parish Conference wish to thank all who contributed to the society in the lead up to Christmas. If you would still like to contribute to the society, you can drop an envelope marked for their attention into the parish centre. The society can be contacted on their dedicated number: 087 681 0589.

Thank You
Fr. Roderick, Fr Peter and the members of our Parish Pastoral Council would like to say a sincere word of thanks to all who prepared and celebrated the Christmas liturgies with us. We are particularly grateful to those who cleaned the churches, prepared the altars and worked in the sacristies. Many thanks to those who provided the music at some of our Masses. We greatly appreciate you and your hard work.
“ Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay, close by me forever and love me I pray”

The Man who changed Christmas

When Charles Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’ he had no idea of the impact it would have on readers worldwide. What is even more unbelievable is that the book was born out of desperation.
Dickens had already written a string of best sellers including ‘Oliver Twist’. On the strength of his enormous success he self-financed a speaking tour in the USA. That’s when things went horribly wrong for him. The tour was a financial disaster. His finances were in tatters and life suddenly looked bleak for the Dickens’ family. He needed to write something good, sell it quickly and earn badly needed money.
The result was a small book entitled ‘Christmas Carol’. In it he captured the essence of humanity through one complex character – Ebenezer Scrooge.
This is how Dickens described him:
“He was a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner!”
Strangely enough, that miserable creature would eventually become the unlikely hero in one of the world’s best-loved books.
Therein lies the genius of Dickens. In his depiction of that stingy character, Charles Dickens poses a question. Why should we feel the need to be attracted to the story of someone we would normally avoid? Is it because in Scrooge we recognise a part of ourselves?
How does Dickens handle this? He shows us Scrooge as a child at school separate from his companions, not knowing the intimacy of friendship. Later on we glimpse him as a young man, afraid to commit himself to the one girl who loves him. The people he meets on that one Christmas Eve show him love, compassion and care. Scrooge sees in them an image of everything he lacks. And yet Dickens shows us that all we desire lies buried within us.
‘A Christmas Carol’ is filled with all human emotions: sorrow and joy, elation, rejection, humour and wit. It is a story filled with the wonder of Christmas. Through the magic of Charles Dickens’ words we become part of the plot. We feel the crisp tang of a frosty morning, the crunch of snow beneath our feet. Our eyes dance at the sight of flickering lanterns lighting the wonders of a toy shop window. We hear the crackle of log fires, and savour the smell of Christmas dinner. Our spirits are raised at the sound of laughter. But we also experience the regrets of lost opportunities.
The three spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future who visit Scrooge are the real key to the Christmas message. They show him images of his life already lived and a vision of how he may end up as a lonely, bitter old man. To you and me those spirits represent the very basis of our existence. They tell us how our past has shaped us and how our choices map out the road which lies before us. Occasionally we need to take a different route. ‘A Christmas Carol’ points us in a new direction.
When we look deep into the characters in the story we see little images of who we are. Bob Cratchit, the poor nephew of Scrooge, raises the human spirit by looking for the good in all things. Through little Tiny Tim, we recognise the innocence and wonder of childhood. The revellers and Carol singers in the streets show us what it can be like to be part of a bigger family.
But surely we cannot recognise ourselves in such a mean-spirited character as Scrooge? Consider this: who among us has not let a few of life’s opportunities slip through our fingers? Which of us has not regretted things done and tasks left undone?
Dickens motivates us and urges us onwards through the spooky, shivery tale which makes a child run for the warmth of a cuddle, knowing that all will be well in the end. His timeless tale is also the beginning of the greatest quest of all – the search for who we may become and how we can change. You may find the answers you seek if you allow yourself to become the child you once were. Only then will you glimpse the magic and wonders which lie ahead.
Dickens tells us that even Scrooge “became a changed man”. Ultimately this is a story of redemption.
If you have not read ‘A Christmas Carol’ I envy you the thrill of discovery. But, if like me, you have already savoured the delights, allow yourself the joy of a fresh reading and sit for a while in the company of Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, the Three Spirits, and of course, old Scrooge.
I will leave the last words to Dickens. He wrote that in the end Scrooge “knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of all of us. And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us, every one.” (Pat Griffin – Christmas 2019)

Sunday 20th December 2020, 4th Sunday of Advent

Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Eve:
St. Patrick’s Church: 6pm & Midnight
St. Fiacre’s Church: 7pm & 9pm
Christmas Day:
St. Patrick’s Church: 9.30am & 12.30pm
Foulkstown Church: 10am
St Fiacre’s Church: 10.30am & 12noon.
Please be aware that only 50 people will be allowed to attend each Mass. Masses will be broadcast to the Parish Centre from St. Fiacre’s Church and will cater for the overflow from the church. Masses will be streamed live from both parish webcams which are available on
Leaflets detailing the Mass times for all the city parishes will be distributed by the stewards after Masses this weekend. The obligation to attend Mass has been lifted for the moment so if you would be more comfortable viewing Mass online or on TV, then do so.

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will close for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday 23rd December at 1pm and will reopen on Monday 4th January 2021 at 9am. The priests can be contacted on their mobile numbers on the banner above.

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Parish Christmas Shop
A wide variety of Christmas items are now available from the Parish Shop, located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Church Art Calendars available from the reception desk of the Parish Centre, €2 each. 2021 Diaries available at €4 each. Call in and have a look!

The Irish Catholic & Ossory Times
Copies of the Irish Catholic and The Ossory times are Available from the Parish Office every Thursday at €2.00 per copy.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Elizabeth Curry, Larchfield and Mullinavat.
Anniversaries: Sally Cody (Sat 6.15). Tom Downey (Sun 9.30). Jane & Jeff Power (Sun 10.00). Thomas Saunders (Sun 10.30). Elizabeth Comerford (Sun 12.00). Mary & Nicholas Keary (Sun 12.30). John & Mary Butler & Catherine Walsh. (Mon 9.30). Tommy & Kitty Clooney, Margaret Fox, Helena Butler, William, May & Liam Butler, Emma Van Driel (Tues 9.30). Christina Walshe. Billy Phelan, Milton Americas, Chrissie Comerford. Nana Donovan. Ted Carroll. Patrick & Angela Murphy. Ellen Nolan. Martin Meally. John & Mary Butler. Catherine Walsh. Eamon Reidy. Jim Dollard. George Byrne.
Intentions for next weekend: Roseanna Smyth (Sun 9.30). Lucyna Wowk (Birthday Rem Sun 10.30). Marie Doyle (Sun 12.00). Eddie Taylor (Sun 12.30).


Masses are streamed live on the parish webcams on Click on the name of the church whose webcam you would like to view.

Fr. Roderick and Fr. Peter will be available to hear confessions in St. Fiacre’s Church from 8 to 9pm on Tuesday 22nd December.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Adult Faith Development - Advent
Weekly Prayer Group – Lectio 365: Pray, Pause and Reflect on a scripture passage each week. This virtual prayer group is led by Pauline Haughney continues each Monday at 7.30pm.
Advent Thought for the Day – Online and Twitter or by text, some simple thoughts, reflections, prayers and ideas – why not take a few moments each day during Advent to pause in prayer. Follow @ossorydiocese on Twitter. For text submit your phone number to 085 831 3100.
Diocesan Carol Service in the company of Bishop Dermot Farrell and Bishop Denis Nulty – an evening of music, song, prayer, and reflection on the Christmas Story, from the parishes of our two Dioceses. Sunday 20th December at 8pm, live on KCLR 96fm.
Our Diocese, Your Crib – Why not take part in our Virtual Display of Cribs ( this Christmas – send us images of the crib in your home, parish, school or club to
A link to any of the above can be requested from or tel. 056 775 3624.

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Fiacre’s Church each Monday & Wednesday from 7-8pm with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction, continuing each Monday & Wednesday night during Advent via webcam on

St. Vincent de Paul Society
If you want to contribute to the collection, put your offering in an envelope, mark it SVP and drop it into the parish office. We will make sure that they get it. Thank you for your continued support. The society can be contacted on 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Eucharistic Ministers
The new Eucharistic Ministers rota is available from the parish office from Monday 21st December. Please call in and pick one up or contact Michelle at or phone 776 4400 to have a copy emailed to you.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Sunday 13th December 2020, 3rd Sunday of Advent
A bearer of light
Last week we were introduced to John the Baptist as part of our Advent journey. We hear his story again but this time from the fourth Gospel. Light and darkness is a key theme of the fourth Gospel and in its opening verses proclaims that this light has always shone in the dark; the darkness cannot overpower it. The evangelist goes on to tell us that John the Baptist’s mission is that he has been sent by God to ‘speak for the light’. John is a light bearer, he is not the light, but he points to the light. He is a witness to the light of God in our world, a light that cannot be put out. We celebrate this light today on Gaudete Sunday, Gaudete which means ‘rejoice’. We light the pink candle and we celebrate with joy. As our world continues to battle this pandemic, there is much fear about. People might not feel like celebrating or being joyful. But nature shows us that Spring always follows Winter. Like John, we are called to be light-bearers. To carry Christ’s love and light to those we meet in our daily lives. Our world needs light-bearers, especially in these Winter months. It might be a good opportunity to ask today ‘Who have been the light bearers for me in these past months?’ And also, ‘To whom can I carry light to this week?’ In this way we observe Christ’s ongoing incarnation in the world today.
‘Lord there is much darkness in society and in our church. We thank you that someone always comes on the scene, sent by you as a witness to speak for the light … teachers, community leaders, grandparents, children, a friend … they bear witness to the rest of us that somewhere in the dark a light shines that darkness cannot overcome.’ Michel de Verteuil
Jane Mellett

The Irish Catholic
Available from the Parish Office every Thursday at €2.00 per copy

Masses are streamed live on the parish webcams on Click on the name of the church whose webcam you would like to view.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Paddy Hehir, College Green & Castlecomer Road. Ann Murphy, New Orchard. Pauline Hackett, Drakelands. Frank Watson, London & Maudin St.
Months Mind: Pauline Hackett (Fri 9.30).
Anniversaries: Jimmy Bergin (Sat 6.15). Martin McCorry (Sun 9.30). Michael O’Neill (Sun 10.00). Eddie Dunne (Sun 10.30). Dick Lynch (Sun 12.00). Jimmy King & his daughter, Catherine King. Florrie Cleere (Mon 9.30). John Morrissey (Tues 9.30). Padraig & Podge Butler (Tues 10.30). Martin Mealy (Sun 10.30). Milton Americas (Thurs 10.30). Kitty Crotty (Fri 10.30). Michael Cody (Sat 9.30). James Murray. Peadar Barrett. Christina Comerford. Ann & John Fogarty. Mary O’Neill. Hughie Shiels. Margaret Larkin. John Hayes. Michael Dollard. Patricia Fitzpatrick. Eileen Gleeson. Mary Blanchfield.
Intentions for next weekend: Sally Cody (Sat 6.15). Tom Downey (Sun 9.30). Jane & Jeff Power (Sun 10.00). Thomas Saunders (Sun 10.30). Elizabeth Comerford (Sun 12.00). Mary & Nicholas Keary.

Adult Faith Development - Advent

Weekly Prayer Group – Lectio 365: Pray, Pause and Reflect on a scripture passage each week. This virtual prayer group is led by Pauline Haughney continues each Monday at 7.30pm.
Advent Thought for the Day – Online and Twitter or by text, some simple thoughts, reflections, prayers and ideas – why not take a few moments each day during Advent to pause in prayer. Follow @ossorydiocese on Twitter. For text submit your phone number to 085 831 3100.
The Word Became Flesh – Training nights for new and existing Ministers of the Word. Two evening of reflection for the Ministers of the Word in our Parishes. Led by Fr. Dan Bollard, Fr. Jim Murphy and the Ossory Retreat team – Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th December from 8pm to 9pm.
Our Diocese, Your Crib – Why not take part in our Virtual Display of Cribs ( this Christmas – send us images of the crib in your home, parish, school or club to
A link to any of the above can be requested from or tel. 056 775 3624.

Masses: Please follow the instructions of Mass Stewards when attending Masses. 50 people maximum at Masses. Hand Sanitisers area available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attended any ceremonies. More stewards are needed for our Christmas Masses, please contact the parish office on 056 7764400 if you can help.

Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Eve:
St. Patrick’s Church: 6pm & Midnight
St. Fiacre’s Church: 7pm & 9pm
Christmas Day:
St. Patrick’s Church: 9.30am & 12.30pm
Foulkstown Church: 10am
St Fiacre’s Church: 10.30am & 12noon.
Please be aware that only 50 people will be allowed to attend each Mass. Masses will be broadcast to the Parish Centre from St. Fiacre’s Church and will cater for the overflow from the church. Masses will be streamed live from both parish webcams which are available on

Parish Office & Centre Christmas Times
The Parish Office, Parish Centre and Shop will close for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday 23rd December at 1pm and will reopen on Monday 4th January 2021 at 9am. The priests can be contacted using the system below. Phone 056 776 4400 & Press 4 for Fr. Roderick . Press 5 for Fr. Peter or contact them on their mobile numbers on the banner above.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

If you want to contribute to the collection, put your offering in an envelope, mark it SVP and drop it into the parish office. We will make sure that they get it. Thank you for your continued support. The society can be contacted on 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Sunday 6th December 2020, 2nd Sunday of Advent

The beginning of the good news
The second Sunday of Advent turns our attention to John the Baptist. John was an interesting individual. We are told he dressed a bit strangely and spent a lot of time in the desert, ‘the voice of one crying out in the wilderness’. Yet it seems he was very popular with ‘all the people of Jerusalem’ went out to hear him. John must have been a dynamic speaker and one in whom people found hope and inspiration. In John the Baptist’s time, the people lived under the oppression of the Roman Empire and were waiting for someone who would liberate them. John points to one that is greater than he, he points the people to Jesus.
When Pope Francis released the encyclical Fratelli Tutti in October this year he noted that dark clouds hang over our world and he urged everyone to embrace a spirit of friendship, kindness, compassion and solidarity as we move forward, to help ensure the dignity of every person and a more sustainable world for all. We have certainly experienced a type of wilderness this year as we continue to battle the effects of COVID19 and find a way forward. Our communities need messengers, like John, who bring good news, hope and a vision for the future, who point us towards a new way forward.
As we prepare to welcome Christ into our lives once more, let’s make the most of this advent time, the most of this waiting time. May we use this space to reflect on what type of world can be born out of this wilderness we find ourselves in. May we reach out to those who are crying out for hope during these difficult months, like John the Baptist, offering a positive vision for the future.
Jane Mellett,

The Irish Catholic

Available from the Parish Office every Thursday at €2.00 per copy


Masses are streamed live on the parish webcams on Click on the name of the church whose webcam you would like to view.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Peg Staunton, Greenshill.
Michael Slattery, Willow Close.
Months Mind: Mary Martin (Sun 10.00). Eileen Reidy (Thurs 10.30).
Anniversaries: John Egan (Sat 6.15). Lucyna Wowk (Sun 9.30). Maeve & Laurence Healy (Sun 10.30). Michael O’Dwyer (Sun 12.00). Kitty Russell (Sun 12.30). Myra Treacy (Tues 10.00). Margaret & Michael O’Brien (Wed 10.30). Elizabeth Duffy (Fri 9.30). Jimmy Cashin (Sat 9.30). Tom O’Dowd. Thomas Dowling. Paul Slattery. Annie Wall. Kathleen Wall. Jimmy Coyne. Cornelius & Bridget Carroll. Rene Sheridan. John & Margaret Wallace. Bess & Mick Delaney. Mary Maher. Kathleen Brown. Jim Costigan. Patrick & Rose Wixted. Mary Dowling
Intentions for next weekend: Jimmy Bergin (Sat 6.15). Martin McCorry (Sun 9.30). Michael O’Neill (Sun 10.00). Eddie Dunne (Sun 10.30). Dick Lynch (Sun 12.00). Jimmy King & his daughter, Catherine King.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Feast of The Immaculate Conception

Tuesday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception and is a holy day of obligation. Mass times are as follows:
Monday 7th - 6.15pm in St. Fiacre’s.
Tuesday 8th - 10.00am in Foulkstown, 11.00am in St. Patrick’s and 12noon in St. Fiacres.

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Fiacre’s Church each Monday & Wednesday from 7-8pm with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction, continuing each Monday & Wednesday night during Advent via webcam on

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Return to Masses

Please follow the instructions of Mass stewards when attending Masses. 50 people maximum at Masses. Hand sanitisers are available in all of our churches. Face coverings are required when attended any ceremonies.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The National Christmas Collection for the St. Vincent de Paul takes place on Sunday 13th December. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic there will not be a church gate collection. If you want to contribute to the collection, put your offering in an envelope, mark it SVP and drop it into the parish office. We will make sure that they get it. Thank you for your continued support. The society can be contacted on 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Drive in Bingo
Postponed due to the recent Covid 19 lockdown, the Drive-in-Bingo fundraiser will now go ahead on Saturday evening, 12th December in Castleinch (signposted 3Klms out on the Callan Road). A single book will cost €10 and a double €15. Tickets may also be purchased on the Kilkenny Bingo Clubforce app. The gates will open at 2.30p.m., with “eyes down” at 4p.m.. James Stephens will be holding a raffle, with attractive prizes on the night.

Adult Faith Development - Advent
Weekly Prayer Group – Lectio 365: Pray, Pause and Reflect on a scripture passage each week. This virtual prayer group is led by Pauline Haughney continues each Monday at 7.30pm.
Advent Lecture: Faith & Mental Health – An exploration of the impact of faith on mental health by Fr. Billy Swan, who recently published “Finding God, Faith and Mental Health”, Wednesday 9th December from 8-9pm.
Advent Thought for the Day – Online and Twitter or by text, some simple thoughts, reflections, prayers and ideas – why not take a few moments each day during Advent to pause in prayer. Follow @ossorydiocese on Twitter. For text submit your phone number to 085 831 3100.
Our Diocese, Your Crib – Why not take part in our Virtual Display of Cribs ( this Christmas – send us images of the crib in your home, parish, school or club to
A link to any of the above can be requested from or tel. 056 775 3624.

Parish Christmas Shop
A wide variety of Christmas items are now available from the Parish Shop, located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. Church Art Calendars available from the reception desk of the Parish Centre, €2 each. 2021 Missals available at €4 each. Call in and have a look!

1st Sunday of Advent, 29th November 2020

Finding our feet
It can be very hard to live with uncertainty. Back at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a counsellor was interviewed on radio about how people were coping with the ‘lockdown’. People were anxious and fearful, she said. Many were experiencing loneliness, as their normal routines and social life came to an abrupt halt.
Another thing that people really struggled with was the inability to make decisions. They felt trapped and stuck, unable to plan ahead. They couldn’t make plans to visit family or go on holidays. They didn’t know if their jobs were secure, or if their children would return to school. When things are up in the air, it is hard to find your feet and feel grounded. Many of us are still struggling with these feelings.
Today we enter a new church year, and our first Advent season since the pandemic hit. Many of us are feeling more subdued than normal as we begin our preparations for Christmas. It will be very different from the usual family and social occasion, and we are saddened and worried by this.
In today’s gospel, Jesus urges his disciples to ‘stay awake’. We might feel we have no choice at the moment – the feeling of not knowing what is coming is very familiar. We are on our guard, on edge, waiting for the latest news. Yet already, there are initiatives springing up to support those who are vulnerable or in need this Christmas. In our own families, we are plotting ways to ensure no one is alone or isolated. We are ‘awake’ to the strange circumstances, and we are finding ways to cope. We pray today for the strength to guide us through the coming weeks, and for the peace and joy of Christ to lift our hearts and carry us onwards.
‘In this time of tribulation and mourning, I hope that you will be able to experience Jesus, who comes to meet you, greets you and says: ‘Rejoice.’ Pope Francis
Jane Mellett.

The Irish Catholic

Available from the Parish Office every Thursday at €2.00 per copy

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Olly Conway, Purcellsinch, Kilkenny. Kathleen Donovan.
Months Mind: Joan Fitzgerald. Colette Deegan.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Maura Leahy. Eileen Gleeson. Elaine Kelly. Jack White. Pat Kearney. Eileen Blake. Anne Madden. Jim Corcoran. Kitty McMyler. Deceased Members of The Morrisey & Comerford Families. Michael Shortall. Patrick & May Malone.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

The new webcams have been installed in St. Patrick’s & St. Fiacre’s Churches. Mass will be streamed from St. Patrick’s Church (from Wed 2nd Dec) at 9.30am every morning and 10.30am from St. Fiacre’s Church. The webcams are available to view on Click on the name of the church whose webcam you would like to view.

“Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man. Pope Francis

Holy Hour
Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas, a time of prayer. For the season of Advent, a holy hour will take place in St. Fiacre’s Church each Monday & Wednesday from 7-8pm with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on the word of God, rosary and benediction. Beginning on Wednesday 2nd December and continuing each Monday & Wednesday night during Advent via webcam on

Christmas Mass Bouquets
Christmas Mass Bouquets, offering the recipient a share in the Christmas Masses celebrated by the priests of our parish, are available at the reception in the Parish Centre. The cost is €3.00 per card.

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

“O Lord, you are our father…..we are all the work of your hands…..”
How is God trying to mould you?
Is it to be of service to Him as a priest or in the consecrated life?
Speak to your local priest or your Diocesan Vocations Director, or email the National Vocations Office on

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Ossory Times
The new edition of the Ossory Times is now available from the Parish Office. €2 per copy.

Senior Line
If you are an older person & would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine. We are older people too, trained to listen and support. Freefone 1800 80 45 91

Adult Faith Development - Advent
Weekly Prayer Group – Lectio 365: Pray, Pause and Reflect on a scripture passage each week. This virtual prayer group is led by Pauline Haughney starting Monday 30th November at 7.30pm.
Virtual Retreat: Faith, Hope and Love – A three-night virtual retreat via Zoom led by Fr. Billy Swan on Tuesday 1st, Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of December from 8pm – 9pm each evening.
Advent Lecture: Faith & Mental Health – An exploration of the impact of faith on mental health by Fr. Billy Swan, who recently published “Finding God, Faith and Mental Health”, Wednesday 9th December from 8-9pm.
The Word Became Flesh – Training nights for new and existing Ministers of the Word. Two evening of reflection for the Ministers of the Word in our Parishes. Led by Fr. Dan Bollard, Fr. Jim Murphy and the Ossory Retreat team – Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th December from 8pm to 9pm.
Diocesan Carol Service in the company of Bishop Dermot Farrell and Bishop Denis Nulty – an evening of music, song, prayer, and reflection on the Christmas Story, from the parishes of our two Dioceses. Sunday 20th December at 8pm, live on KCLR 96fm.
Advent Thought for the Day – Online and Twitter or by text, some simple thoughts, reflections, prayers and ideas – why not take a few moments each day during Advent to pause in prayer. Follow @ossorydiocese on Twitter. For text submit your phone number to 085 831 3100.
Our Diocese, Your Crib – Why not take part in our Virtual Display of Cribs ( this Christmas – send us images of the crib in your home, parish, school or club to

A link to any of the above can be requested from or tel. 056 775 3624.

Sunday, 22nd November 2020, Christ the King
A different sort of king
Today’s gospel leaves us in no doubt as to what Jesus expects of his followers. It is a gospel of contrasts. It begins with a scene of judgement, with Jesus in the role of king, sitting on the throne of glory. It would have been a familiar image to the people of the time, who were expecting a great Messianic king. In the time of Jesus, kings were powerful rulers, and some were tyrants. We know from earlier in Matthew’s Gospel that kings like Herod were capable of brutal acts. It is an image that remains familiar to us today, thanks to popular fairytales, movies and TV shows – the all-powerful ruler sitting on their throne, passing judgement on their subjects.
But the king that Jesus talks about here turns these images upside down. He is not focused on riches or power, or inciting terror or fear. Instead, he is a fair judge, a shepherd who knows his flock. He invites all those who have acted with justice and generosity to take their place in his kingdom. He is in solidarity with the ‘least’ of his people – a king whose main concern is those who are hungry, displaced, sick or imprisoned. He refers to them as ‘brothers’.
Jesus’ kingdom is centred around charity, compassion and forgiveness. He expects us to treat everyone we encounter with welcome. There are simple acts of kindness we can carry out each day. Such love for others is love for God: ‘In so far as you did this to the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.’
‘In the evening of life, we shall be judged on love.’ St John of the Cross
Jane Mellett,

The Irish Catholic
Available from the Parish Office every Thursday at €2.00 per copy
Pray for Our Deceased Friends
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Madge & William O’Brien and Family. Fintan Brennan. James Fox. Eileen Gleeson. Billy Walton. Kay & Brian O’Reilly. Philip Funcheon. Frank McKenna Snr. Paddy Murphy. Rita McMyler.
Catherine McDonald.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Pray for the Dead

November is a special month for us as Christians. While we remember our dead throughout the year, we make a special effort during November to bring them to the Lord in our Eucharist and in prayer. We remember not only our own departed loved ones - we pray also for all who have died in our local community. We include a special prayer for those who have nobody to pray for them. You are invited to write the names of your departed loved ones in a Sacred Space in the sanctuary of our churches. Those listed in our Sacred Space, along with those whose names are submitted with the November Offerings, will be included in the intentions at our private Masses in the parish during the month of November.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

The new webcam has been installed in St. Fiacre’s Church with Masses streaming from Monday 23rd November at 10.30am. The webcam is available to view on
Because of the current pandemic it is not possible to hold our annual Remembrance Service as normal, it will be streamed by webcam from St. Fiacre’s Church on Thursday 26th November at 7pm. We hope that you can join us.
There is also a webcam being installed in St. Patrick’s Church, but it is delayed as we need to have a phone line and broadband installed first. It is hoped that this will not take to long to complete. Please keep and eye on our parish website, facebook page and this newsletter for more updates.

Senior Line
If you are an older person & would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine. We are older people too, trained to listen and support. Freefone 1800 80 45 91

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Ossory Times
The new edition of the Ossory Times is now available from the Parish Office. €2 per copy.

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ as King of the universe was established by Pope Pius XI as a response to a world that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ and the gospel values in thought and the way life is organized. It reminds us of Christ’s royalty over all. If the kingship of Christ is recognised in every individual heart in thoughts and in deeds, it assures peace in our world and salvation in eternity.

Covid 19 Restrictions
Due to Covid 19 Restrictions, Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice. The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons. We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.

Safeguarding Policy
Diocese of Ossory, St. Patrick's Parish
As a constitute member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being and will work in partnership with parents/guardians to do this. We recognise each child is a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. All Church personnel (including clergy, religious, staff and volunteers) have a responsibility to safeguard children through promoting their welfare, health and development in a safe and caring environment that supports their best interests and prevents abuse. The Diocese of Ossory and St. Patrick’s Parish are also committed to providing a safe environment for adults who may be vulnerable. Please see the note opposite for details of how to contact the Designated Liaison Person, Authorities and parish representatives. We also draw your attention to our Safeguarding posters in our church porches and the parish centre for more information.
Sunday, 15th November 2020
Rising to the challenge
It is hard not to feel sorry for the third servant in today’s gospel. The first two servants are praised for making the most of the ‘talents’ (money) given to them by their master. In return, they are promised even greater things. The third man, paralysed by uncertainty, buries his small amount of money in the ground instead of doing something with it. His actions are based in fear – he has heard the master is tough and he does not want to take any risks. At least he is able to return what he has been given, he reasons. But he is shocked to learn that instead of praise, or even a neutral reaction to match his own neutral actions, he is reprimanded as ‘wicked and lazy’ and cast out. This parable has been described as a story of ‘tragic miscalculation’. The servant didn’t do anything awful – which is why we tend to have some sympathy for him – but he didn’t do his best either. The real tragedy is not that he didn’t make any more money; it is that he failed to appreciate the opportunity he had been given and to make the most of it. We are all dealt different cards in life, and undoubtedly some are much tougher than others. We are like the servants in the parable who are given different amounts of money to look after. The point is not the amount of ‘talents’ given to each. It is not the circumstances of our lives or our natural gifts that are important, but how we use them. Jesus was cautioning against playing it safe. Instead of turning inwards or living in fear, we are called to meet challenges head on and discover what wonderful things might happen.
‘Talent is like electricity. We don’t understand electricity. We use it.’ Maya Angelou.
Jane Mellett,

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Sarah Dobbyn, Dublin Road. Patrick Armstrong, Bagenalstown.
Months Mind: Bridie Coonan, Muckalee.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Richie Delaney. Margaret ‘Peggy’ O’Dwyer. Patsy Dawson. John Byrne. Mary & Ann O’Shea. Seamus Loughman. Billy Walton. John & Esther Hand. Deceased & Retired Nurses. Edward Walshe. Jack McDonald. Paddy Howard. Michael Beale. Tess O’Neill.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Senior Line
If you are an older person & would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine. We are older people too, trained to listen and support. Freefone 1800 80 45 91

Pray for the Dead
November is a special month for us as Christians. While we remember our dead throughout the year, we make a special effort during November to bring them to the Lord in our Eucharist and in prayer. We remember not only our own departed loved ones - we pray also for all who have died in our local community. We include a special prayer for those who have nobody to pray for them. You are invited to write the names of your departed loved ones in a Sacred Space in the sanctuary of our churches. Those listed in our Sacred Space, along with those whose names are submitted with the November Offerings, will be included in the intentions at our private Masses in the parish during the month of November.

If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives……….. Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies……Succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow……………...Do good anyway.
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable………………Be honest and transparent anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight…………Build anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them…………Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and you may get hurt……………….Give the world your best anyway.
Help us, Heavenly Father to give without counting the cost, knowing that all we do is done in your name and for your greater glory.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the
Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

Ossory Times
The new edition of the Ossory Times is now available from the Parish Office. €2 per copy.

The Irish Catholic
Available from the Parish Office every Thursday at €2.00 per copy

Mission Sunday Collection

Donations towards the missions are still being accepted. Please in an envelope and mark ‘Missions’ on it and drop it into Parish Office. Thank you to everyone who had donated so far.

Covid 19 Restrictions
Due to Covid 19 Restrictions, Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice. The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons. We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.

Safeguarding Policy
Diocese of Ossory, St. Patrick's Parish
As a constitute member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being and will work in partnership with parents/guardians to do this. We recognise each child is a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. All Church personnel (including clergy, religious, staff and volunteers) have a responsibility to safeguard children through promoting their welfare, health and development in a safe and caring environment that supports their best interests and prevents abuse. The Diocese of Ossory and St. Patrick’s Parish are also committed to providing a safe environment for adults who may be vulnerable. Please see the note opposite for details of how to contact the Designated Liaison Person, Authorities and parish representatives. We also draw your attention to our Safeguarding posters in our church porches and the parish centre for more information.

Sunday, 8th November 2020
The Time is now
I am a procrastinator. If a task is awkward or unpleasant, I am likely to put it off till another day. In any given week, I have a ‘to-do’ list I need to get through. The most important items always get done - things that can’t be avoided, like work deadlines or paying bills. But bigger projects often get put on the long finger and I find myself transferring items to the following week’s list. It is part of life to learn how to prioritise, and to be prepared to tackle the important things. Even when we are not ready to face a certain situation, sometimes we need to push ourselves to just dive in. Among the wedding customs in Jesus’ tie was a night-time procession from the bride’s home to the grooms. The bridesmaids would go out with torches lit to welcome the groom and his entourage. The parable in today’s gospel sets two groups in contrast - the ‘foolish’ bridesmaids who run out of oil because they have failed to prepare, and the ‘sensible’ ones who are ready with their lamps and oil, who recognise the importance of the task. Only one group was ready when the groom approached.
This parable encourages us to focus on the here and now, to nurture our relationship with God in the present and to live well. There is no point procrastinating, or waiting until the bridegroom is a the door. As well as having the light of faith, we need the fuel - the actions - to keep it lit so we are ready when the Lord comes.
‘It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.’ Hugh Laurie.
Jane Mellett,

St Paul proclaims, ‘I have learnt to manage whatever I have, I know how to be poor and I know how to be rich too…’ (Phil. 4:12). He boasts that he is able to move on with his mission even with less and appreciates any help that is received. Jesus wants us to use wealth wisely and not to allow having a lot of money or its lack because a stumbling block to one’s happiness and salvation.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Eileen Reidy, College Gardens. Joan Fitzgerald, Hawthorn Avenue. Seamus Dunlop, Walkin St & Callan. Vera Kearns, Parnell St.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Ned O’Neill. Julia & Sean Kennedy. John & Margaret Glynn. Charles Carroll. Andy Egan. Mary Millea. Paul Maloney. Henrietta Hyland. Julia O’Carroll. Peggy & JJ O’Dwyer. Tony Saunders.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Senior Line
If you are an older person & would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine. We are older people too, trained to listen and support. Freefone 1800 80 45 91

Pope Francis

During his General Audience last Wednesday, Pope Francis spoke on Jesus’ example of prayer.
“Jesus’ prayer is a mysterious reality, of which we intuit only something, but which allows us to interpret His entire mission from the right perspective” Jesus, added the Pope, immersed Himself often in intimacy with God the Father, “in the Love that every soul thirsts for.” Pope Francis focused his reflections on a passage in the Gospel of Mark (1:32,34-38) in which Jesus heals many sick people late one evening before rising early to pray in a deserted place alone. After the disciples find Jesus to say the whole village of Capernaum is looking for Him, Jesus declares that He must preach to the other towns as well. “Prayer is the rudder that guides Jesus’ course.” This, said the Pope means that Jesus lets God guide His path, and not the desires and adulation of others. He went on to draw four lessons from Jesus’ witness of prayer. Jesus, said Pope Francis, teaches us above all that prayer should be “the first desire of the day.” “A day lived without prayer risks transforming into a bothersome or tedious experience: all that happens to us could turn into a badly endured and blind fate.” However, Jesus demonstrates the need to be obedient and to listen, since prayer is first of all “an encounter with God.”
“The problems of everyday life, then, do not become obstacles, but appeals from God Himself to listen to and encounter those who are in front of us.”
Secondly, said the Pope, Jesus teaches us that prayer is an art that must be practiced “with insistence.”
Though anyone can pray sporadically, Jesus reminds us that prayer requires discipline, practice, and constant effort. “Consistent prayer produces a progressive transformation, makes us strong in times of tribulation, gives us the grace to be supported by Him who loves us and always protects us.” Thirdly, Jesus’ prayer is always solitary. “Those who pray do not escape from the world, but prefer deserted places.” In the silence of prayer, said Pope Francis, our innermost desires and truths emerge into the light. But most importantly, he added, silence is where God speaks. “Every person needs a space for him- or herself, to be able to cultivate the inner life, where actions find meaning.” Finally, Pope Francis said, prayer as taught by Jesus is the place where we find that “everything comes from God and returns to Him.” He noted that prayer helps us to rediscover “the right dimension in our relationship with God, our Father, and with all creation.” Peace and joy, concluded the Pope, is what we will find if we follow Jesus’ example of prayer.
Pray for the Dead
November is a special month for us as Christians. While we remember our dead throughout the year, we make a special effort during November to bring them to the Lord in our Eucharist and in prayer. We remember not only our own departed loved ones - we pray also for all who have died in our local community. We include a special prayer for those who have nobody to pray for them. You are invited to write the names of your departed loved ones in a Sacred Space in the sanctuary of our churches. Those listed in our Sacred Space, along with those whose names are submitted with the November Offerings, will be included in the intentions at our private Masses in the parish during the month of November.

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Covid 19 Restrictions
Due to Covid 19 Restrictions, Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice. The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons. We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.

Sunday, 1st November 2020
Saints in the making
There is a patron saint for almost every situation you could imagine. When we’ve lost something, we talk to St Anthony; faced with a hopeless situation, we pray to St Jude. We ask St Christopher to help with a safe journey, and St Cajetan to intercede for a job interview. As we discovered this year, there are even patron saints for pandemics – St Edmund and St Roch. The list goes on. Many people have a favourite saint they reach out to in times of need.
There is something about the saints that touches even the most cynical of hearts. Turning to a favourite saint is more than mere superstition. At its most basic level it is a reminder that we are not alone, that there is a life beyond this one and we are connected to it. At a deeper level it is an opportunity to reflect on these holy women and men who were shining examples of faith and virtue while alive, and who continue their great work by leading us closer to God.
This All Saints Day, the Beatitudes challenge us to look beyond the difficulties of this life and see the bigger picture. They offer a way of life that leads to eternal life. The saints whose help we seek embodied many of the qualities of the Beatitudes – gentleness, mercy, fighting for justice, working for peace, bearing suffering with dignity. We all know people who embody these qualities – the many saints who may never be canonised but who show us how to live as followers of Christ. As we reflect on those who have gone before us, it leads us to ponder how we are doing: are we saints in the making?
‘To be saints is not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone.’ Pope Francis.
Jane Mellett,

Great are the works of the Lord, but none greater than the perfection of his own likeness in the Christian. For now there is never a point at which we can say we are satisfied, for his love compels us to be drawn deeper into union with him and with others. To share with others what he has given us; to quietly bear our sufferings in union with him: so many opportunities to grow into our heavenly inheritance.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Colette Deegan, Noremount Paddy Hanrahan, Larchfield. Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Brennan, Bonnettstown. Mary Martin, Riverview & Larchfield.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Michael Phelan. Cormac Cullen. Nora & Frank Hayden. Sean & Statia Cantwell. Gerry Gaule. John Cullen. Mary & James Mulrooney. Anna, Michael, Mary & Paddy Bowe. Paul Maloney. Anastatia Muldowney. Laurence Tynan. Elizabeth ‘Lila’ O’Connor.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Senior Line
If you are an older person & would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine. We are older people too, trained to listen and support. Freefone 1800 80 45 91

A prayer for Visiting a Graveyard
May perpetual light shine upon the faces of all who rest here. May the lives they lived unfold further in spirit. May all their past travail find ease in the kindness of clay. May the remembering earth mind every memory they brought. May the rains from the heavens fall gently upon them. May the wildflowers and grasses whisper their wishes into light. May we reverence the village of presence in the stillness of this silent field.
J O 'Donohue

Pray for the Dead
November is a special month for us as Christians. While we remember our dead throughout the year, we make a special effort during November to bring them to the Lord in our Eucharist and in prayer. We remember not only our own departed loved ones - we pray also for all who have died in our local community. We include a special prayer for those who have nobody to pray for them. You are invited to write the names of your departed loved ones in a Sacred Space in the sanctuary of our churches. Those listed in our Sacred Space, along with those whose names are submitted with the November Offerings, will be included in the intentions at our private Masses in the parish during the month of November.

Covid 19 Restrictions
Due to Covid 19 Restrictions, Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice. The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons. We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Loreto Secondary School Kilkenny
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2021: The closing date for application for a First Year place is Thursday 5th November 2020. Application forms and Admission Policy can be obtained from our website or the school office.

Safeguarding Policy
Diocese of Ossory, St. Patrick's Parish
As a constitute member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being and will work in partnership with parents/guardians to do this. We recognise each child is a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. All Church personnel (including clergy, religious, staff and volunteers) have a responsibility to safeguard children through promoting their welfare, health and development in a safe and caring environment that supports their best interests and prevents abuse. The Diocese of Ossory and St. Patrick’s Parish are also committed to providing a safe environment for adults who may be vulnerable. Please see the note opposite for details of how to contact the Designated Liaison Person, Authorities and parish representatives. We also draw your attention to our Safeguarding posters in our church porches and the parish centre for more information.

Ways to join together for Mass
Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
Online Masses: Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

Sunday, 25th October 2020
The Pharisees continue their harassment of Jesus in today’s Gospel by asking him which commandment is the greatest. What follows is the most famous verses of the New Testament: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul … And … You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ We probably can’t hear this enough. Love is the greatest commandment and this is a radical statement. Because this love is agape love, i.e. a love of those we don’t even know or even like! It is a love that binds all of humanity. We cannot separate love of God and neighbour; they are like two sides of a coin; they only work together. If we do not treat others with compassion, then how can we say we love God? Jesus often spoke about approaching the altar whilst holding a grudge against someone (Mt 5:24) and continuously challenged those who were hypocrites. Those critical of social justice movements in the church often say we should not be involved in doing ‘social work’. But this is exactly what we must do because this is how we love God, by loving our neighbour who is suffering, who is oppressed, who is in pain. We can love God and love people, there does not have to be a dichotomy.
There is a beautiful practice in India of using the mystical phrase ‘Namaste’ in greetings, which means: ‘the Divine in me greets the Divine in you’. Usually this is accompanied by a deep bow towards the person. How wonderful it would be to really see God present in each other and, more importantly, in those that society would rather cast aside. In this way we are being true to the greatest commandment.
‘May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.’ St Therese of Lisieux
Jane Mellett,

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Theresa Kelly, St. Patrick’s Close. Peg Doyle, Warrington. Kitty Doyle, Gaol Rd.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Ned Nolan. Mary McCormack. Con & Tess Murphy. Elizabeth ‘Lila’ O’Connor. Paddy Cullen. Declan Walsh. Jack & Maura Devlin. Ned Mahon. Bernadette Dermody. Alfie Sheehy. Julie & Patrick Burke. Peggy O’Brien.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

The urgent call of Christ to repent would be overwhelming if we forgot the lengths to which he has gone to make our repentance possible and fruitful. Shredding his eternal glory, he descended into the profoundest depths of the human condition, to the extent of taking upon himself the consequences of our rejection of him. He emptied himself in order to ‘fill all things’ and in out striving to be emptied of sin and selfishness we open ourselves to receive gifts which build-up ourselves and others.
An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Covid 19 Restrictions
Due to Covid 19 Restrictions, Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice. The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons. We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.

Loreto Secondary School Kilkenny
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2021: The closing date for application for a First Year place is Thursday 5th November 2020. Application forms and Admission Policy can be obtained from our website or the school office.

Safeguarding Policy
Diocese of Ossory, St. Patrick's Parish
As a constitute member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being and will work in partnership with parents/guardians to do this. We recognise each child is a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. All Church personnel (including clergy, religious, staff and volunteers) have a responsibility to safeguard children through promoting their welfare, health and development in a safe and caring environment that supports their best interests and prevents abuse. The Diocese of Ossory and St. Patrick’s Parish are also committed to providing a safe environment for adults who may be vulnerable. Please see the note opposite for details of how to contact the Designated Liaison Person, Authorities and parish representatives. We also draw your attention to our Safeguarding posters in our church porches and the parish centre for more information.

Senior Line
If you are an older person and would like someone to talk to, particularly since Covid-19, consider phoning SeniorLine. We are open every day of from 10am-10pm. We are older people too, trained to listen and support. Freefone 1800 80 45 91

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Lily Holohan, St. Mary’s. 2nd: Children’s Health Foundation , Aghaboe. 3rd: Jim Power, Callan. 4th: Frances Condon, St. Canice’s. 5th: Jack McNamara, St. Canice’s. 6th: Anna Mai Treacy, Clogh. 7th: D & M Supervalu , Callan. 8th: Paddy O’Donovan, St. Mary’s. 9th: Tommy & Marian Duggan, Mullinavat. 10th: Deirdre & Kevin O’Mahony, St. Mary’s.

Ways to join together for Mass
Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
Online Masses: Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

Bring a little Joy!
Community is about reaching out with compassion, staying connected & sending love to each other. That’s why at An Post, you can now send love to communities living in care facilities across Ireland with FREE postage. Recognising the increased restrictions in nursing homes & care facilities across the country & to bring a little joy, An Post will ensure free delivery of all card & letter mail posted to & from residents of Nursing & Care facilities in the State until January 31st 2021. By writing FREEPOST where the stamp would normally be affixed, An Post will carry cards, letters large envelopes and packets weighing up to 2KG without a postage stamp. Customers can send these items through the Post Office network & post boxes across Ireland.

Sunday, 18th October 2020
Covid 19 Restrictions
Following Government guidelines regarding Covid 19 and level 3 restrictions please not that from Wednesday 7th Oct 2020. Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice. The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons. We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.


There is clearly a dual aspect to being chosen by God. Elsewhere Jesus reminds his audience that what the Pharisees say is to be received , since they occupy the chair of Moses. Yet today their pathetic cynicism contrasts with God’s election of a foreign power, Cyrus, as one who will cooperate with his plan of liberation for his people. God has chosen us and we are free to accept of not. To live as his chosen means to invest in the gifts of faith, hope and love given us in our Baptism and strengthened at Confirmation. Union with Christ is the sure path from godly election to Christian perfection.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589 or drop a letter into the Parish Office.

October Stations & weekly Parish Collection. Our thanks to the many parishioners who have sent in contributions for the weekly Parish Collection & the October Stations. Such generosity and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
John O’Sullivan, Tom Foley. Joseph Eardly. Mary Woodgate. Lisa Kennedy. Eithne O’Connor. Nancy Coyne. Gerard Cleere.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Parish Office & Parish Centre 
Although Masses are suspended at the moment the Parish Office is open at the usual times. The Parish Centre will close from 5pm each evening (4pm on Thursdays) until further notice. Please adhere to current HSE guidelines re coughing, sneezing, face coverings and social distancing.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Loreto Secondary School Kilkenny
1st Year Enrolment Autumn 2021: The closing date for application for a First Year place is Thursday 5th November 2020. Application forms and Admission Policy can be obtained from our website or the school office.
Open Night for 6th Class Girls: An Open Night will take place on Thursday 22nd October 2020 -this will be an online event and details on how to access it will be posted on our website.

Ways to join together for Mass

Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
TV Mass: Chanel 521 on Sky Tv or RTE News Now on Saorview, each weekday at 10.30am.
Online Masses: Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

Mission Sunday
World Mission Sunday is Pope Francis’ annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so the life-giving work of overseas missionaries can continue.
Worryingly, it is in jeopardy. The pandemic will mean less offerings for this vital collection. The implications for overseas communities in the months ahead will be devastating.
In many of our poorer parishes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, it is missionaries who are on the front line. They already do so much. Walking hand-in-hand with struggling communities, long before and long after any emergency. COVID-19 adds even more challenges for these women and men, many of whom are in war-torn countries; remote areas where political conflicts, violent protests, extreme poverty, malnutrition and diseases are rife. These are crises faced on a daily basis and looking beyond COVID-19, sadly these crises will remain. Your support for World Mission Sunday will play an enormous part in easing suffering by providing overseas missionaries with essential aid.
Please, if you are in a position to help, do so right now - put your offering in the envelopes provided at the back of the church and return to the Parish Office. Alternatively, you can make an offering over the phone by calling Fiona on 01 4997 2035 or go to or lodge directly :
IBAN: IE12BOFI90075456961636
Acc Name: Society for the Propagation of the Faith

Pope Francis prays for the world to build back better
Pope Francis has used the launch of his latest encyclical to urge people to start creating a world they want to live in through personal action and political lobbying. But he also attacked modern political discourse, saying healthy debate had been lost in favour of a culture of “discrediting others” through the aggressive social media platforms, adding that too many in politics had lost sight of the true purpose of their “lofty vocation.”
“Today, in many countries, hyperbole, extremism and polarisation have become political tools,” the pope said in Fratelli Tutti (on Fraternity and Social Friendship.) “Employing ridicule, suspicion and relentless criticism, in a variety of ways, one denies the right of others to exist or have an opinion.”
The central thrust of the encyclical was how to build a world that Jesus would wish to see – and how the Covid-19 pandemic had given us an opportunity to challenge the accepted political concepts that govern many nations. As he signed the encyclical, at the end of Mass on the 3rd October in Assisi, the Holy Father said that coronavirus had served as a wake up call for many in the world, highlighting the gross inequalities that many suffer. We now have a once in a lifetime opportunity to build back better, creating a global system that recognised the need to care for one another as brothers and sisters. “A worldwide tragedy like the Covid-19 pandemic momentarily revived the sense that we are a global community, all in the same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all.” the pope said. “Once more we realised that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together.”

Sunday 10th October 2020
Covid 19 Restrictions
Following Government guidelines regarding Covid 19 and level 3 restrictions please not that from Wednesday 7th Oct 2020. Masses in St. Patrick’s Parish are suspended until further notice.
The Churches will remain open for private prayer and for weddings and funerals. Attendance at weddings and funerals is limited to 25 persons.
We continue to pray through the intercession of St. Roch:
“O God, who through an Angel promised St. Roch that those who invoke His name or seek His intercession will be preserved from all dangers and contagious diseases. Grant that through His intercession we may be preserved from this present danger. Throughout Christ our Lord. Amen.”
St. Roch; Pray for us. St. Patrick: Pray for us.
St. Fiacre; Pray for us. St. Joseph; Pray for us.
“Please stay safe”.

Happier even than the Blessed Mother of God: is this possible? Nobody could know more perfectly the joy of life in Christ than Mary, but the cause of her joy is perfect discipleship and total availability to God, even more than her bodily motherhood. And we all are invited to enter into that life of faith, with her help. Knowing her joy to be pure gift, Mary wishes us to share it.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Parish Office & Parish Centre 
Although Masses are suspended at the moment the Parish Office is open at the usual times. The Parish Centre will close from 5pm each evening (4pm on Thursdays) until further notice. Please adhere to current HSE guidelines re coughing, sneezing, face coverings and social distancing.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Bridget Hackett, Seville Lodge, Callan Road.
Months Mind: Philip Bartley.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Tom O’Neill. Phyllis Larkin. Nora & Frank Hayden. Mary Dowling. Frank Stapleton. Kathryn Doran. Paul Grace. May Dunne. Richard Kelly. Billy Maher. Patrick Tynan. Mary O’Brien. Gerry Dunne. Norah Dunne.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)

Ways to join together for Mass
It is possible to be part of the celebration of Mass via, Television or online from some of our parishes. Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
TV Mass: Chanel 521 on Sky Tv or RTE News Now on Saorview, each weekday at 10.30am.
Online Masses: Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

A royal wedding
Today’s gospel is difficult. Stories of judgement, weeping and gnashing of teeth just do not appeal to most people. We hear about a King whose invitations to his son’s wedding banquet are repeatedly refused. In some instances his messengers are killed. One interpretation of this parable is that it is an allegory for the Jesus story, God’s invitation to the Messianic banquet has been refused by those who are expected to embrace it. This banquet is therefore opened up to the unexpected, the Gentiles, the poor, those on the margins, the outcast.
Going deeper again, we can hear that God wants to be in a relationship with each of us. We are all invited to this banquet. Yet, sometimes we exclude ourselves from being in fellowship with God. We may be hurt, suffering in a way that is preventing us from accepting the invitation to experience God’s love and hospitality. We simply want to be left alone. Notice how the host in this parable persists. God does not give up on us.
And what about that poor chap who did come but was not suitably dressed? If we accept the invitation we should be ready for change and not just change of an outer garment, real change. Because any real experience of God in our lives transforms us in some way or another. Parables were meant to shock those who heard them. The Gospel is meant to make us uncomfortable. Otherwise, what changes for us? We can sit around and listen to nice gentle passages that keep us comforted, or we can be challenged and moved to experiencing something real, something which requires us to show up and be transformed. It is up to us whether or not we accept this invitation.
Jane Mellett. Email:

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hours may be extended to meet the demand.

Letter from Bishop Farrell
Bishop Farrell has issued a letter regarding the current Covid-19 restrictions. It is available on the Parish facebook page facebookcom/StPatricksKK or on

October - The Month of the Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. According to an account by fifteenth-century Dominican, Alan de la Roch, Mary appeared to St. Dominic in 1206 after he had been praying and doing severe penances because of his lack of success in combating the Albigensian heresy. Mary praised him for his valiant fight against the heretics and then gave him the Rosary as a mighty weapon, explained its uses and efficacy, and told him to preach it to others.
Archbishop Eamon Martin asked the people of Ireland recently to say the family Rosary during the month of October as a protection against Covid -19 The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on 7th October. The Rosary is a protective shield for Christians. We can show our love for Our Lady by saying the Rosary during the month as our ancestors did and to recite this hymn also.

O Mary of Graces
O Mary of graces and mother of Christ
O may you direct me and guide me & guide me aright.
O may you protect me from Satan’s control
And may you protect me in body and soul.
O may you protect me by land and by sea,
And may you protect me from sorrows to be;
A strong guard of angels above me provide;
May God be before me and God at my side.

A Mhuire na ngrás, a Mháthair Mhic Dé
Go gcuire tú ar mo leas mé.
Go sábhála tú mé ar gace uile olc;
Go sábhála tú mé idir anam is chorp
Go sábhála tú mé ar muir is ar tír
Go sabhála tú mé ar learc na bpian.
Garda na n-aingeal os mo choinn,
Dia romham agus dia liom.

Sunday, 4th October 2020
Today marks the end of the Season of Creation, a time to remember that we are protectors of this earth and have been given responsibility to care for it, not to plunder and destroy it. The parable told in the Gospel today also speaks to this as we hear that the workers of the vineyard have lost sight of their original agreement with the owner and, consumed by greed, have lost their way. Today is also the feast of St Francis of Assisi. He experienced all of God’s creation as family: ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Brother Wind, Sister Water’. He was a mystic and a pilgrim who saw how intimately connected everything in this world really is. The COVID 19 crisis has reminded all of us of this deep interconnection; what happens in one part of the world affects us all as we share one common humanity and live together on a common home. During the days of lockdown many of us became more aware of simple things like birdsong, trees, flowers, the earth resting. Pope Francis says that this deeper awareness, ‘takes us to the heart of what it is to be human’ and gives us an opportunity to regain a sense of awe and wonder for creation. ‘Just as happens when we fall in love with someone, whenever St Francis would gaze at the sun, the moon or the smallest of animals, he burst into song.’ (Laudato Si’, 11). The roots of the environmental crisis are deeply spiritual. As we bring this Season of Creation to a close, let it be a spring-board into contemplation and action where our relationship with God’s creation is concerned. This is an urgent call. And one which faith communities have a responsibility to respond to. ‘Truly much can be done!’ (Laudato Si’, 180).
Jane Mellett,

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Billy O’Dwyer Foulkstown. John Valentine, Dukesmeadows. Joe Daly, Newpark.
Months Mind: Judy O’Brien (Sat 6.15). Ann Kavanagh (Sun 10.00). Kathleen Roche (Sun 10.30). Evelyn Coppinger (Sun 12.00). Biddy Slattery (Sun 12.30). Lillie Coyne (Wed 10.30). Michael O’Brien. Michael O’Neill. Seamus Cullen. Paddy Wallace . Helen Murphy. Margaret Thornton. Ciss Walsh. Bridget McKenna. Joanie & Seamus Waters.
Intentions for next weekend: Tom O’Neill (Sat 6.15). Phyllis Larkin (Sun 9.30). Philip Bartley (Months Mind Sun 10.00). Nora & Frank Hayden (Sun 10.30). Mary Dowling (Sun 12.00). Frank Stapleton (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving,
Be every moment thine! X 3

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

First Holy Communion
A number of children from Gaelscoil Osraí, received their First Holy Communion this weekend . We congratulate the children, their parents, guardians, teachers and all who have helped to prepare these children to receive their First Holy Communion. We look forward to welcoming the rest of the children from Gaelscoil Osraí to St. Fiacre’s Church next Saturday morning when they two will receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Congratulations to the children from St. Patrick’s School, Kells Road who received the sacrament of Confirmation on last Thursday in St. Fiacre’s Church. We wish them well and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide them throughout their lives.

Parish Shop
A wide variety of items are available to buy in our Parish Shop, in the foyer of St. Patrick's Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw Results
1st: Mary Lawlor, St. Mary’s. 2nd: Tom Fitzgerald, Castlecomer. 3rd: Tony O’Farrell, Ferrybank. 4th: Pat Kinsella, Mooncoin. 5th: Pat Saunders, Ballyragget. 6th: Lil Quinn, Lisdowney. 7th: Mary Veronica Dobbyn, Aghaboe. 8th: Kay Murphy, St. Canice’s. 9th: John Willian Bowden, Lisdowney. 10th: S & E Kennedy, St. Canice’s. The next draw will take place on Wednesday 28th October. Please contact Fr. Roderick or the Parish Office to join.

James Stephens GAA Club
Drive-in Bingo, Sat 10th Oct at 6pm in Castleinch.
€2,500 in Prizes - €500 Full House on Interval Sheet
Coffee Dock and Shop will be open. We are delighted to announce that Kilkenny Bingo have given our club the opportunity to raise some funds through the Drive In Bingo to be held in Castleinch (car boot sale venue) on Sat 10th Oct at 6PM. Bingo books can be purchased in advance from team coaches or on the night, at the venue. Why not come along and enjoy this novel event and maybe win a prize or two. This is not limited to club members so if you have a friend, relation, neighbour who would enjoy this nights entertainment, please let them know.
Castleinch is 3.5 Km's out the Callan Road R95DW92

Through the grace of God poured out to us in the sacraments and strengthened in prayer we are privileged to share in Christ’s victory over the forces of evil. Yet this is not in itself our goal, our end. Our eternal joy is union with God, discovered in the mercy and friendship of Jess. It is His joy to shed his divine light upon the humble and innocent of heart.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are their for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Guidance for attending Mass
Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. Please use as you enter and leave the church.
We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
Please minimize touching of surfaces.
Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
Use the one way system for receiving communion.
The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
Exit using all doors.
Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church & the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.
Thank you for your support & cooperation.

Sunday, 27th September 2020

The Deep End - Good intentions
During the recent ‘lockdown’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people found themselves turning to nature. There was a surge of interest in gardening. We tended to flower beds, planted seeds, started herb gardens. Lots of people commented that they noticed the birds singing for the first time in years. In the midst of challenging times, we found ourselves tuning in to the wonder of God’s creation all around us.
As life begins to return to ‘normal’, can we retain this sense of wonder and awe? In this Season of Creation, we are invited to discover the presence of God in creation, to give thanks for the gift of the earth, and to change our ways so that we may live in harmony with creation. This requires us to be constantly conscious of how we are living – to not just have good intentions but to follow through in our actions.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the two sons who are asked to go and work in their father’s vineyard. The first son initially refuses, but then thinks better of it and gets to work. While the second son has good intentions, he doesn’t follow through. When it comes to caring for the earth, good intentions are not enough. Our actions matter. We may have been careless in the past but a change of heart is happening, right across our society. It all starts with our actions, as individuals and communities. As we emerge from a challenging few months, let us use the Season of Creation to reflect on how we can do better – to reconnect with God’s beautiful creation and do all we can to love and preserve it.
‘Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,
to be filled with awe and contemplation,
to recognise that we are profoundly united
with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light.’ (Pope Francis, Laudato Si’)
Tríona Doherty, Email

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Kevin Prendergast, Drakelands. Frances McDonagh, Leggettsrath. Nancy Langton Garden Villas.
Months Mind: Laura Murphy (nee English) (Sat 6.15). Stephen Fanning (Thur. 7.30 pm).
Anniversaries: Dan Gorey (Sun 10.00). Anne Nolan (Sun 10.30). Jack Nolan (Sun 12.00). Michael & Peggy McKane (Sun 12.30). Kevin McGrory (Wed 9.30).
Michael Doyle. Kathleen Murphy. Margaret Morris. Peig and Jim McAndrew. Billy and Patty Reinhardt. Ann Doyle.. William and Elizabeth Tyrell.
Intentions for next weekend: Judy O’Neill (Sat 6.15). Ann Kavanagh (Sun 10.00). Kathleen Roche (Sun 10.30). Evelyn Coppinger (Sun 12.00). Biddy Slattery (Sun 12.30).

St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw
The new series of St. Mary’s Cathedral Draw will start on this coming Wednesday evening (30th Sept). Anyone interesting in joining, please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Roderick. €120 for the year.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving,
Be every moment thine! X 3

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

A number of children from the St. Patricks de la Salle & St. John of God schools received their First Holy Communion this weekend in St. Patrick’s & St. Fiacre’s Churches. We congratulate the children, their parents, guardians, teachers and all who have helped to prepare these children to receive their First Holy Communion. We look forward to welcoming the children from Gaelscoil Osraí to St. Fiacre’s Church next Saturday morning when they too will receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Parish Shop
A wide variety of items are available to buy in our Parish Shop, in the foyer of St. Patrick's Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are their for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Guidance for attending Mass
Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. Please use as you enter and leave the church.
We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
Please minimize touching of surfaces.
Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
Use the one way system for receiving communion.
The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
Exit using all doors.
Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church & the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.
Thank you for your support & cooperation.

Sunday, 20th September 2020
Unequal opportunities
Jesus does not see things as we do. Time and time again in his parables, he turns our expectations upside down and helps us to see things in a different light. Today, he tells the story of the landowner who pays the same wages to all his workers – those who were hired at the crack of dawn and those who only joined late in the day. Naturally, the ‘early birds’ are put out by this – they feel it is unjust, even though they received the wage they were promised. Maybe we sympathise with the complainers. In our individualistic society, we can fall into the trap of thinking that only certain people deserve good things. Those who work hard, who are law-abiding, who make the most of opportunities – they deserve a decent standard of living. Think of how often we hear people complaining about those who are struggling, saying they do not deserve assistance or ‘handouts’? Such criticisms fail to take into account that not everyone has the same opportunities or privileges in life. But in this parable of Jesus, the landowner treats everyone the same, regardless of their productivity. He recognises that not all of them had the same opportunity – some were just luckier than others, in the right place at the right time. God is just and generous, and he expects us to have the same respect for everyone, regardless of their position in life. Sadly we do not live in an equal world where everyone’s dignity is respected and everyone has equal opportunities. In this Season of Creation, we are mindful in particular of the world’s poor who suffer most as a result of environmental destruction – damage that is often caused by the comfortable lifestyles of others.
‘Enlighten those who possess power and money
that they may avoid the sin of indifference,
that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live.
The poor and the earth are crying out.’
(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’)
Triona Doherty, email

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Elizabeth Evans, De La Salle Place. Úna O’Mahoney, Altamount Park.
Months Mind: Rosemary Grace. (Sat 6.15). Mary Murphy. Peter Marshall
Anniversaries: Paddy Johnston, Nicola Conway, Eddie McPhillips & other deceased relatives of the Johnston Family. (Sun 9.30). David & Ita O’Rourke (Sun 10.00). Mary Ward. (Sun 10.30). Margaret & Sean Jones (Sun 12.00).Betty Byrne & Deceased members of the Byrne Family (Sun 12.30). John & Catherine Alley. Louis Nolan. Paddy Larkin. Jimmy Owens. Bridget Cahill.
Intentions for next weekend: Laura Murphy (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Dan Gorey (Sun 10.00). Anne Nolan (Sun 10.30). Jack Nolan (Sun 12.00). Michael & Peggy McKane (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving,
Be every moment thine! X 3

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Corona Virus Prayer

Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

A number of children from the St. Patricks de la Salle & St. John of God schools received their First Holy Communion this weekend in St. Patrick’s & St. Fiacre’s Churches. We congratulate the children, their parents, guardians, teachers and all who have helped to prepare these children to receive their First Holy Communion. We look forward to welcoming the rest of the children from both schools next Saturday morning when they two will receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Parish Shop

A wide variety of items are available to buy in our Parish Shop, in the foyer of St. Patrick's Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

Mass Stewards
We are very grateful to all of our Mass Stewards, who volunteer their time in helping keep us all safe during our celebrations of Mass in St. Patrick’s Parish. Though most people are very obliging and follow the directions of the stewards, others are less so. We ask you to please be mindful that our stewards are their for the benefit of us all. We ask you to follow their directions when asked to do so. This is important if we are to adhere to Government/HSE guidelines in combatting Covid-19. Again, we thank our church stewards and appreciate the good work that they are doing to ensure a safe celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish.

Guidance for attending Mass
Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. Please use as you enter and leave the church.
We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
Please minimize touching of surfaces.
Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
Use the one way system for receiving communion.
The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
Exit using all doors.
Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church & the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.
Thank you for your support & cooperation.

SUnday,13th September 2020

The Deep End—Infinitely loved
The parable of the unforgiving servant highlights the generous love of God and sets a blueprint for our treatment of others. The master who cancels the servant’s large debt does so out of compassion, and the servant is grateful – but not so grateful that he is willing to take pity on a fellow servant who owes him just a small amount. It seems he has learnt nothing; he has neither appreciated the gift he has been given, nor is he willing to pass it on to others.
We are each loved infinitely by God. He has provided us with every good thing, and we are expected to live accordingly. Because we have been loved, we must love. In this Season of Creation we focus in particular on our relationship with creation. We have been gifted with this wonderful world, with all its beauty and natural resources. Yet in so many ways, we have failed to appreciate this gift. We depend entirely on the earth’s resources, yet instead of respecting them we have plundered them, causing great harm to the earth and its inhabitants. We have built comfortable and cheap lifestyles at the expense of the world’s poorest people. If we carry on this way, there will be no gift to pass on to future generations. We are like the servant in the gospel – taking, but giving nothing in return.
Today, we are called to act as people who are loved infinitely by God. All of creation speaks of God’s love for us. We are deeply connected with the earth and all of its people. We must live a life which is not centred exclusively on ourselves, but on the needs of others.
‘Creation can only be understood as a gift from the outstretched hand of the Father of all, and as a reality illuminated by the love which calls us together into universal communion.’
(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’)
Tríona Doherty, Email

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Philip Bartley, Ashleigh Court. Lily McGrath, Outrath. Gerard Murray, Bantry. Paddy Murray, Cathedral Square, Kilkenny
Anniversaries: Sean O’Keeffe (Sat 6.15). Mary, Michael & Joan Bissett (Sun 9.30). Michelle Reynolds (Sun 10.00). Seamus Murphy (Sun 10.30). Catherine Grace (Sun 12.00). Msgr Francis Pattison. (Sun 12.30). Michael Reddy (Mon 9.30). Brigid Kenny (Tues 10.30). Edward O’Byrne (Wed 10.30). Marian Lennon (Thurs 10.30). Mary Power (Sat 9.30). James & Michael ‘Mick’ Delaney. Nora & Kathleen Doran. Paddy & Edward ‘Ned’ Delaney. Anna Beale. Nora & Davey Mealy. Josephine Neary.
Intentions for next weekend: Rosemary Grace. (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Paddy Johnston & Nicola Conway. (Sun 9.30). Mary Ward. (Sun 10.30). Betty Byrne & The Byrne Family (Sun 12.30).

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.
Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving, Be every moment thine! X 3


Children from the Kilkenny School Project received their First Holy Communion this weekend in St. Fiacre’s Church. We congratulate the children, their parents and guardians and all who have helped to prepare these children to receive their First Holy Communion.

Collection for the Holy Land
A collection for the Holy Land will take place during the second collection at all Masses this weekend.
Leaving Certificate Results
We congratulate those who received their Leaving Certificate results during the past week. Well done! Congratulations also the teachers and parents who helped the students achieve their aims. May they have God’s blessings and graces in their future in whatever they choose to do.

Guidance for attending Mass

· Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. Please use as you enter and leave the church.
· We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
· Please minimize touching of surfaces.
· Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
· Use the one way system for receiving communion.
· The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
· Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
· Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
· Exit using all doors.
· Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
· The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church and the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Thank you.
· Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
· Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.

Parish Shop
A wide variety of items are available to buy in our Parish Shop, in the foyer of St. Patrick's Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

6th September 2020
Our common home
Today we mark the first Sunday of the Season of Creation 2020, which runs from 1 September to 4 October. This special season in the church calendar celebrates the joy of creation, while encouraging awareness of initiatives to protect the natural environment.
We are reminded during this time of our duty to care for what Pope Francis calls ‘our common home’. When we hear the word ‘home’, we tend to think of the immediate place where we live and the people we share it with – our house or living space and our immediate family, neighbours and community. Each of us lives within a particular web of relationships that we call home. But we must be conscious too that we live in a wider relationship with the earth and with all of creation. We all live in a common home, and we all must care for it, and for each other.
Our gospel today sees Jesus offer some advice about living in community. He first acknowledges that communities are far from perfect. We all struggle with our relationships and duties. But he makes one thing clear: in a community, we all have a responsibility to each other and to work to build harmony.
This responsibility extends beyond our immediate environment to our world. In this Season of Creation, we remember in particular those across the world who are suffering as a result of environmental damage. The way we live on this earth has consequences for the world and its people, and indeed for future generations. Over the next few weeks, let us consider how we might make some changes that reflect our care for others and for our common home.
‘We need to strengthen the conviction that we are one single human family.’
(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’)
Tríona Doherty, Email

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Stephen Fanning, Corcoran Terrace, Kells Road. Tommy Cummins, O’Loughlin Road, Kilkenny. Helen Power, England.
Months Mind: Gerry Rooney (Sat 6.15).
Anniversaries: Ernie Harrington (Sun 10.00).
Eileen Barham (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Long (Sun 12.30). Sean Glynn (Tues 10.30). Denis Staunton (Wed 10.30). Monsignor Francis Pattison. Joe Dunne. Sean ‘John’ Curran. Michael & Bridget Slattery. John Dunne. The Cassin Family.
Intentions for next weekend: Sean O’Keeffe (Sat 6.15). Mary, Joan & Michael Bissett (Sun 9.30). Michelle Reynolds (Sun 10.00). Seamus Murphy (Sun 10.30). Catherine Grace (Sun 12.00). Msgr Francis Pattison.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

Parish Shop
A wide variety of items for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation etc are available to buy in our Parish Shop, in the foyer of St. Patrick's Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving,
Be every moment thine! X 3

This weekend 81 boys and girls from our Parish celebrated their Confirmation, Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon in St. Mary’s Cathedral. These young people were former students of St. Patrick’s De La Salle, St. John of God and Kilkenny School Project. We thank their teachers, parents, guardians and all who were involved in their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation.
We congratulate them and we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them not only as they begin their secondary education but throughout their lives.

Guidance for attending Mass

St. Patrick’s Parish wants to ensure the safety of all our parishioners and visitors to our three churches and our Parish Centre. Consequently we ask that you personally take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
· Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. We ask you to use these as you enter and leave the church.
· We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
· Please minimize touching of surfaces.
· Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
· Use the one way system for receiving communion.
· The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
· Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
· Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
· Exit using all doors.
· Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
· The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church and the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Thank you.
· Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
· Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.

Sunday, 30th August 2020
Attending Mass Guidelines
Please maintain social distance when you come to our churches. The use of facemasks is recommended. Please use the hand sanitisers provided when entering and exiting the churches. Please sit behind the yellow stickers. Please follow the directions of the Mass Stewards. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Deep End – Self-giving love
I remember reading, during the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, an account of a ‘day in the life’ of an Irish healthcare worker. She described the precautions she had to take while attending to patients in hospital, the protective equipment she had to wear, and the strain of working in such a challenging environment. She talked about coming home from work to her family after each shift; how she had to immediately shore and change, stay apart from her husband and children so as not to put them at risk, and then go to sleep in a separate room.
These extraordinary levels of self-sacrifice have rightly come to be more appreciated in recent months. Doctors, nurses and other frontline workers have been going beyond the call of duty to take car of their patients, often sacrificing their own family life, health and safety in the process. They have had to put their own fears an anxieties aside in order to help others, and are rightly described as heroes; they remind us every day of the incredible ways in which people can make sacrifices for others, out of a sense of compassion, justice and love.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his followers that they must take up their cross. When he tells them that he is going to suffer and be put to death, they naturally react with shock. It seems like a strange path to choose. But his is not doing it simply to make life difficult for himself. His sacrifice stems from his passionate and compassionate love. Those frontline workers who carry on in the most difficult circumstances are prepared to put others’ needs before their own – the very thing that Jesus says being a disciples entails. Tríona Doherty,

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Teresa Gowen, James Street Fr. Gerard Rice PE, Kilcoon, Meath, a former CC in St. Patrick’s. Laura Murphy, Kilmoganny & Cypress Grove. Sr. Margaret Mary Phelan, St. John of God Sisters, Sallyville House, Wexford & St. John of God Convent, Kilkenny. Johanna Murphy, Drakelands. Conor Renshaw, Emmet St.
Months Mind: Michael Cantwell (Sun 12.00). Anna Murphy.
Anniversaries: Sean Hennessy (Sat 6.15). Patrick Mullen (Sun 9.30). Eileen Brophy (Sun 10.30). Michael ‘Muggers’ Larkin & Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30). Tony Madden (Fri 9.30). Daniel Ryan. Catherine & Pierce Marnell. Mick & Maura Coonan. Denis Treacy. Patrick Bergin. Patrick Ruth. Patrick Culleton. Martin & Ellen Ward. Rebecca Cantwell. Jimmy O’Neill.
Intentions for next weekend: Gerry Rooney (Months Mind Sat 6.15). Eileen Barham (Sun 12.00). Jimmy Long (Sun 12.30).

There is a clear theme running through all the readings today. Jeremiah is slightly overwhelmed by the need that he feels in himself to promote faith in the Lord and His promise despite the insults and difficulties that his faith has brought him from others. But he feels compelled to pursue his faith. In the gospel passage, Jesus tells the disciples that He must suffer and ide but He will rise again. He says that those who wish to follow Him must also take up the cross but those who do so will eventually gain a great reward. And St. Paul, in his letter to the Romans, asks those who believe in Christ to model their lives in a new way which will be quite different from the way the world lives. Following Christ is not easy in our own times, but it will bring the rewards of living by the truth.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Confirmation Videos
To prepare the young people and their families for the Sacrament there are three videos available on the Diocesan website – Video one is titled ‘Who is the Holy Spirit, and the difference the Spirit makes’. Video two is entitled ‘Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit’. Video Three is named ‘The Confirmation Ceremony’. With each video there are worksheets to help the young people reflect on what they have watched. These videos will be beneficial to you and your child in the preparation for Confirmation this year.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Drive in Bingo
Graigue Ballycallan Drive in Bingo, Tom Ryall Park, Kilmanagh.
Sunday 6th September at 6pm.
Up to €3,000 in prize money.
Double book & 2 sheets €15, single book and 1 sheet €10.
Jackpot sheets and raffle on the night. Gates open 5pm. This event meets social distancing guidelines.

Parish Shop
A wide variety of items for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation etc are available to buy in our Parish Shop, in the foyer of St. Patrick's Parish Centre. Call in and have a look.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving, Be every moment thine! X 3

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time.
Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Sunday, 23rd August 2020
The Deep End – ‘But you….
‘Christ asks for a home in your soul, where He can be at rest with you, where He can talk easily to you, where you and He, alone together, can laugh and be silent and be delighted with one another.’
Caryll Houselander
There is something very exciting about really getting to know someone. Whether it’s talking to a like-minded new friend, or the first flush of romantic love, there is nothing like the thrill of getting close to someone and enjoying their company, discovering who they are and being truly ourselves with them.
Today, Jesus asks an important questions: Who do you say I am? He sets up the question by first asking the disciples: ‘Who do people say the Son of Man is? He gets answers based on the gossip and chatter about him: ‘John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets.’ But then Jesus gets to the heart of the matter with the burning questions: ‘But you, who do you say I am?’ He knows that his disciples know him better than anyone, and so it proves to be, when Peter immediately answers: ‘You are the Christ.’ There is an intimacy and a confidence in this response, based on the time they have spent together and the close and loving relationship between them.
Jesus asks us that same questions today: ‘But you, who do you say I am?’ The ‘but you’ is crucial. He is not asking what we have heard about him. Of course, we learn about Jesus from Scriptures. Most of us have been learning about Jesus since we were children, listening to stories and parables in school or at home. But do we know him? Do we pray and talk and spend time with him? Perhaps we could reflect in the coming days on this questions: Who is Jesus, to you?
Tríona Doherty.

St. Fiacre’s Well
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the St. Fiacre’s Well Novena and Mass will not take place this year.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Peter Marshall, Clongowen. Peter Minchin, Hazel Grove & Bagenalstown.
Anniversaries: Paddy & Michelle Heffernan (Sat 6.15). Denis Foley (Sun 10.00). Mary McHugh, (Sun 10.30). Annie McKenna (Sun 12.00). Christy Morrisson (Sun 12.30). Noreen Tomney & Seamus Kelly (Tues 9.30). James Delaney (Tues 10.30). Jack & Elizabeth Carroll (Fri 10.30). Richard Dwyer. Della Harney. Paddy Cooke.
Intentions for next weekend: Sean Hennessy (Sat 6.15). Patrick Mullen (Sun 9.30). Eileen Brophy (Sun 10.30). Michael Cantwell (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Michael ‘Muggers’ Larkin & Maureen Walsh (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Peter has seen enough and hear the teaching of Jesus for him to recognise that Jesus is the Messiah. He still has much to learn, and he will make his mistakes and lack in understanding about events to come - but he knows that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus knows that all the disciples still have much to understand and to learn but, even now, He is prepared to entrust His mission to them. That same mission is entrusted to us all, in every generation - bringing the values of the Gospel in to the world in which we live in our generation.

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

Confirmation Videos
To prepare the young people and their families for the Sacrament there are three videos available on the Diocesan website – Video one is titled ‘Who is the Holy Spirit, and the difference the Spirit makes’. Video two is entitled ‘Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit’. Video Three is named ‘The Confirmation Ceremony’. With each video there are worksheets to help the young people reflect on what they have watched. These videos will be beneficial to you and your child in the preparation for Confirmation this year.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving, Be every moment thine! X 3

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

We are looking for new cleaners for St. Fiacre’s Church. Its only 1 hour every two weeks. If you have an hour to spare and would like to help clean any of our churches, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400 and leave your name and number.

In a letter to priests during the week Bishop Dermot Farrell reminded us of the following;
As you are aware the Government introduced a number of measures on 18th August in an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19.
The situation regarding Religious Services in places of worship (including funerals) is unchanged (i.e. pods of up to 50 with social distancing, etc., with the exception of counties Laois, Offaly and Kildare where the number is 25 at present).
The limit of 6 is for indoor settings in homes and applies to funeral related events in private homes (eg. wakes, etc.).
The bishop asks that we adhere to these guidelines.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church. Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Loughboy Library
The Library is open on an appointment basis Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm. You can book a 30 minute slot by phone, email or online Photocopying and remote printing services are also available.

Sunday, 16th August 2020
Attending Mass Guidelines
Please maintain social distance when you come to our churches. The use of facemasks is recommended. Please use the hand sanitisers provided when entering and exiting the churches. Please sit behind the yellow stickers. Please follow the directions of the Mass Stewards. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Deep End – A woman of faith

You can almost hear the chuckle. It is not mentioned, but I always imagine that Jesus smiles or even laughs as he delivers the line, ‘Woman, you have great faith.’ Today’s gospel recounts an unusual exchange between Jesus and the unnamed Canaanite woman who challenges him. She has seen what Jesus can do, she has faith, and she is advocating for her daughter. She is persistent, shouting out to Jesus and apparently also badgering the disciples, to the point where they plead with Jesus to ‘give her what she wants.’ Jesus’ rebuke seems shockingly unkind: ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs’. But the woman doesn’t give up. It is a matter of justice for her, as is evident in her witty response about the dogs getting the scraps from the master’s table. ‘Good for her!’ – we feel like cheering. It’s a strange story with Jesus at first appearing cold in his response to the woman. But as we know, he has a tendency to test his followers. His disciples, who know him well and have seen lots of miracles, often fall short. But this woman passes with flying colours. Jesus can see that she is a person of strong faith, clever and determined. She is not easily dismissed. In allowing her to state her case, Jesus also presents a challenge to the religious and social status quo. This pagan woman (Jesus’ reference to ‘house-dogs’ tells us a lot about her status) exhibits more faith than his own disciples. Jesus does not want us to be silent, compliant, or complacent. He rejoices in those who are brace and persistent, and eager to challenge the injustices they see around them – those who have the gift of changing minds and hearts. We might call it the gift of prophecy.
Tríona Doherty,

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Patrick Penny, Shellumsrath. Mary Murphy, St. Fiacre’s Place. Peggy Kavanagh, Larchfield. Trevor King, Lord Edward Street.
Patrick ‘Packie’ Purcell, Wolf Tone St.
Months Mind: Patricia Barrett.
Anniversaries: Ann Brennan & Helen Donovan (Sat 6.15). Ann Kenny (Sun 10.30). Kathleen Brophy (Sun 12.00). Noreen Faul (Sun 12.30). Paul Loney (Fri 10.30). Nance O’Neill. Eddie & Bridie Kelly. Martin Doran. The Waldron Family. Richard ‘Dick’ Walsh. Tommy Morris. Pat Owens. Martin Doheny. Joseph Browne. Margie & Bob Brady. Moscow Larkin.
Intentions for next weekend: Paddy & Michelle Heffernan (Sat 6.15). Denis Foley (Sun 10.00). Annie McKenna (Sun 12.00). Christy Morrisson (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Mary is unique in her role as the mother of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. But we should not neglect the cost to her of her acceptance of this role. How difficult it must have been to explain to parents and community that she was pregnant. How confusing must have been the events that surrounded Jesus’ birth and his childhood. What torment she must have undergone to see Jesus rejected and condemned and crucified. But Mary remains a simple channel for our prayer. Pope Francis made popular a long-forgotten title of ‘Mary, Untier of Knots’. We believe that she intercedes for us with her Son. Let us be sure to use that channel for our prayer.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

St. Fiacre’s Well
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the St. Fiacre’s Well Novena and Mass will not take place this year.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church.
Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Confirmation Videos
To prepare the young people and their families for the Sacrament there are three videos available on the Diocesan website – Video one is titled ‘Who is the Holy Spirit, and the difference the Spirit makes’. Video two is titled ‘Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit’. Video Three is named ‘The Confirmation Ceremony’. With each video there are worksheets to help the young people reflect on what they have watched. These videos will be beneficial to you and your child in the preparation for Confirmation this year.

We are looking for new cleaners for St. Fiacre’s Church. Its only 1 hour every two weeks. If you have an hour to spare and would like to help clean any of our churches, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400 and leave your name and number.

Divine Mercy & Rosary
Each day at 3pm a group of people gather in the Black Abbey for a holy hour including the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. All are welcome to attend.

Loughboy Library
The Library is open on an appointment basis Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm. You can book a 30 minute slot by phone, email or online Photocopying and remote printing services are also available.
The staff look forward to seeing you.

Sunday 9th August 2020
Attending Mass Guidelines
Please maintain social distance when you come to our churches. The use of facemasks is recommended. Please use the hand sanitisers provided when entering and exiting the churches. Please sit behind the yellow stickers. Please follow the directions of the Mass Stewards. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Deep End – That sinking feeling
Have you ever used the expression ‘My heart sank’? It is usually used to describe an experience of extreme disappointment or anxiety; a moment when out courage or hope falls and we feel that things are about to turn out very badly indeed. We might be going along just fine, confidently navigating life’s twists and turns, when something knocks us off balance. It could be an illness, a financial blow, falling out with a family member or friend, worry about a son or daughter. Especially when we lose someone close to us, grief can make us feel as though we are sinking. What strikes me about today’s gospel is that Peter doesn’t hesitate about taking that first step out of the boat. Once he sees who is calling him, out he gets and begins to walk towards Jesus. But then, as soon as he feels the force of the wind, as soon as he realises that the conditions around him are challenging and frightening, he loses courage and starts to sink. Wind and storm are metaphors for situations we face. Sometimes it is a single think that knocks us back. Sometimes it is a build-up. A few months ago, at the early stages of ‘lockdown,’ we thought it wouldn’t be so bad to take a break and stay at home for a few weeks. But as the weeks turned into months, many people were overwhelmed by increasing feelings of loneliness, fears for health and anxiety about the future. It can feel like sinking.
The good news of today’s gospel centres around the line, ‘Jesus put out his hand at once and held him.’ As soon as Peter starts to falter and sink, Jesus reaches out to steady him and pull him to himself. When we are in trouble, sometimes all we can do is trust in God. When our faith and hope are shaken, and we are sinking, he will reach out and hold us close.
Triona Doherty

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Gerry Rooney, Noremount. Peggy Kavanagh, Larchfield. Tommy Whitely, Talbots Inch.
Months Mind: Mary McInerney (Sun 9.30). Michael Kelly (Tues 9.30).
Anniversaries: Nell Mullally (Sat 6.15). Philomena O’Neill (Sun 10.00). Elizabeth Hickman (Sun 10.30). Frank Dullard (Sun 12.00). Paddy Murray (Sun 12.30). Ellen McEvoy (Mon 9.30). Margaret Murphy (Tues 10.30). Richie Fleming (Wed 10.30). Joseph Nichols (Thurs 10.30). Mary Coogan (Fri 6.15). Jackie Coonan.
Intentions for next weekend: Ann Brennan & Helen Donovan (Sat 6.15). Ann Kenny (Sun 10.30). Kathleen Brophy (Sun 12.00). Noreen Faul (Sun 12.30).

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Feast of the Assumption
Saturday, 15th August is the feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. This is an important solemnity in the Church and it is a holyday of obligation. Our Masses for this feast are as follows: Vigil Mass: St. Fiacres, Friday at 6.15pm and on Saturday, 10am in Foulkstown, 11am in St. Patrick’s and 12 noon in St. Fiacre’s. Please join us in honouring our Blessed Mother.

Youth Summer Festival

The Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival is a three day event for young people from around the world. It will take place from 14th to 16th August 2020. This annual summer festival has attracted over 1,000 attendees in the past, the possibility of attracting even more people online is immense. Register now for free at to get your welcome pack.

It seems strange that the disciples, even after knowing of the power of Jesus to perform miracles, do not think to call on him for help when they find themselves in such a violent storm. Surely, if they had called out to him He would have come to help them. But Jesus takes the initiative and reaches out. Peter even puts Jesus to the test. Even then, Jesus has to grab hold of him when Peter sinks because of his lack of Faith. Call on Jesus when we need help, he will not abandon us. It might not be immediate, but He will come in good time even when our faith may seem weak.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

St. Fiacre’s Well
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the St. Fiacre’s Well Novena will not take place this year.

Gardening continues at the Parish Centre on Monday evenings from 5pm. New volunteers are always welcome. Please bring your own gardening tool and hand sanitisers and follow all social distancing regulations.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Please note that the celebrant alone will give out communion in the centre aisle of the church at weekend Masses in St. Fiacre’s Church.
Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

Loughboy Library
Reopened on July 6th on an appointment basis. Hours of business are Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm. You can book a 30 minute slot by phone, email or online

We are looking for new cleaners for St. Fiacre’s Church. Its only 1 hour every two weeks. If you have an hour to spare and would like to help clean any of our churches, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400 and leave your name and number.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Sunday 2nd August 2020

The Deep End – Not enough
Have you ever felt like you have nothing left to give? We all have times when we feel as though we do not have ‘enough’ to offer, whether it’s time, money, energy or even love. When work is busy, we don’t have enough time for family. When we are physically or emotionally exhausted at the end of a long day, we might not have the energy to play with our children or visit a friend. In the face of suffering in our own society and around the world, we often feel helpless – whatever small amount of time or money we can give will never be enough. But where we see ‘not enough,’ God sees potential. What we see as a small contribution is not small to God, if it is all we have to give and it is given with love. ‘All we have with us is five loaves and two fist,’ say the disciples to Jesus – a tiny offering when faced with a giant task. But Jesus takes what they have, blesses it, and uses it to give sustenance to thousands. In the face of human limitations, God can do plenty. We are told at the start of today’s reading that Jesus ‘took pity’ on the large crowd that followed him. They have been out all day and are hungry, not to mention tired. They are so engrossed in listening to Jesus that time has slipped away. They are running on empty, and I’m sure they would be dismayed if, as the disciples suggest, they had to hike to the nearest village to buy food. Jesus understands their exhaustion and hunger, their limitations and their ‘not enough.’ What they have to give is inadequate, but he can do more with it than they could ever have imagined. We too are limited in what we have to offer. But whatever we can give – to our families and friends, to those in need – God sees and blesses and multiplies.
‘Give something, however small, to one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing. Neither is it small to God, it we have given what we could.’
St. Gregory of Nazianzus
Tríona Doherty,

Bank Holiday Weekend
As this is a bank holiday weekend the only public Mass in our parish on Monday will be at St. Patrick’s Church at 11.00am.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Michael Cantwell, Beechpark. Requiem Mass on Monday at 10.30am in St. John’s Church. Patricia Barrett, Waterford Road.
Months Mind: Alice Kelly (Sun 12.00).
Des Canning (Sun 12.30).
Anniversaries: Sean ‘ Georgie’ Leahy (Sat 6.15). Hugh McCorry ( Sun 9.30). Annie Lennon (Mon 11.00). Patricia Dinneen (Tues 9.30). Joseph Nichols (Thurs 10.30). David, Jim & Peggy Gaffney. Tommy Ruth. Ann Ahearn. Margaret Cantwell. Clare Mahon. Danny Galvin. Rita Thompson.
Intentions for next weekend: Nell Mullally (Sat 6.15). Mary McInerny (Months Mind Sun 9.30). Philomena O’Neill (Sun 10.00). Elizabeth Hickman (Sun 10.30). Frank Dullard (Sun 12.00). Paddy Murry (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Guidance for attending Mass
St. Patrick’s Parish wants to ensure the safety of all our parishioners and visitors to our three churches and our Parish Centre. Consequently we ask that you personally take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
· Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. We ask you to use these as you enter and leave the church.
· We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
· Please minimize touching of surfaces.
· Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
· Use the one way system for receiving communion.
· The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
· Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
· Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
· Exit using all doors.
· Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
· The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church and the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Thank you for your continued support.
· Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
· Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.

Youth Summer Festival
The Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival is a three day event for young people from around the world. It will take place from 14th to 16th August 2020. This annual summer festival has attracted over 1,000 attendees in the past, the possibility of attracting even more people online is immense. Register now for free at to get your welcome pack.

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers
Readers and ministers of the Eucharist should take a seat provided for them in the sanctuary area of the Church. The reader will read from the ambo while the celebrating priest will read from a different one. Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Thank you for your support in carrying out this very important ministry.

We are looking for new cleaners for St. Fiacre’s Church. Its only 1 hour every two weeks. If you have an hour to spare and would like to help clean any of our churches, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400 and leave your name and number.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Gardening continues at the Parish Centre on Monday evenings from 5pm. New volunteers are always welcome. Please bring your own gardening tool and hand sanitisers and follow all social distancing regulations.

Sunday, 26th July 2020
Guidance for attending Mass
St. Patrick’s Parish wants to ensure the safety of all our parishioners and visitors to our three churches and our Parish Centre. Consequently we ask that you personally take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
· Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. We ask you to use these as you enter and leave the church.
· We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
· Please minimize touching of surfaces.
· Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
· Use the one way system for receiving communion.
· The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
· Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
· Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
· Exit using all doors.
· Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
· The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church and the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Thank you for your continued support.
· Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
· Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Anna Murphy, Castlegardens. Paddy Grace, Waterford Road, formerly Ballyraggett. Hannah Davin, Dean Cavanagh Place.
Months Mind: Marjorie McGrath (Wed 10.30).
Anniversaries: Michéal Brennan (Sat 6.15). Joe Cody (Sun 9.30). Mary Foley (Sun 10.00). Josephine Purcell (Sun 10.30). Ted Woodgate (Sun 12.00). Edel Peters (Sun 12.30). Nancy Larkin. Jimmy & Billy Bourke. Eleanor Loscher. Sean Phelan. Tommy & Jimmy McGuire. Bridget & Delia O’Hara. Pat Cody.
Intentions for next weekend: Sean ‘ Georgie’ Leahy (Sat 6.15). Hugh McCorry ( Sun 9.30). Alice Kelly (Months Mind Sun 12.00). Des Canning (Months Mind Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion

While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listening to the word of God enables us to acquire true wisdom. By it we learn where our true good lies, that it means more than silver and gold This wisdom helps us to make the right choices in our search for the real treasure. We ought to pray for the ability to make the positive, radical decision for the Kingdom. Jesus askes us all, ‘Have you understood all this?’

Volunteers/Mass Stewards
Volunteers are needed to help sanitise the churches after each Mass and also to be stewards at Masses Please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 to leave your name and number and the particular Mass you may be able to help out at. A number of people have already volunteered but we will need more. All volunteers and ministers will have to complete a Volunteer Back to work form which is available in the Parish Office or the sacristies before they resume their ministry.


The Gospel presents the kingdom and life with God as an extraordinary valuable pearl. From start to finish, life as a child of God is marked by excess and extravagance, both given an received. We are precious in His eyes; we are the pearl of great price which is bought, not with money but through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. But it goes even further; Jesus is our pearl of great price that we must seek out a any cost. As we strive to keep our values in check, may we always see our value and the value of others through the eyes of Jesus.

We are looking for new cleaners for St. Fiacre’s Church. Its only 1 hour every two weeks. If you have an hour to spare and would like to help clean any of our churches, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400 and leave your name and number.

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery in 2021.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers
Thank you for your continued support and ministry. During the Covid restrictions all of our ministries have had to adapt to a ‘new normal’ - a different way of doing things.
Readers and ministers of the Eucharist should take a seat provided for them in the sanctuary area of the Church. The reader will read from the ambo while the celebrating priest will read from a different one. Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Again, thank you for your support in carrying out your very important ministry.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues on Monday evenings from 5pm. Please try and bring your own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distance recommendations.

Loughboy Library
The library has reopened on a Book & Browse basis. The service is available Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. All HSE guidelines are in place. Telephone or email to book your 30 minute slot Tel: 7794176 Email:

Sunday 19th July 2020
Guidance for attending Mass
St. Patrick’s Parish wants to ensure the safety of all our parishioners and visitors to our three churches and our Parish Centre. Consequently we ask that you personally take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
· Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. We ask you to use these as you enter and leave the church.
· We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
· Please minimize touching of surfaces.
· Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
· Use the one way system for receiving communion.
· The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
· Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches through the main door only.
· Please do not congregate in or near the church porch.
· Exit using all doors.
· Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
· The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church and the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Thank you for your continued support.
· Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
· Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.
Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Bridget Brennan, Fatima Place.
Anniversaries: Tony Henderson (Sat 6.15). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Eileen Glennon (Sun 10.30). Ivan Power (Sun 12.00). Sean Kennedy (Sun 12.30).
Kitty Larkin (Tues 9.30). William & Gretta Delaney (Tues 10.30). Liam Carroll (Wed 10.30). Nin Bligh. Tommy Foley.
Intentions for next weekend: Michéal Brennan (Sat 6.15). Joe Cody (Sun 9.30). Mary Foley (Sun 10.00). Josephine Purcell (Sun 10.30). Ted Woodgate (Sun 12.00). Edel Peters (Sun 12.30).

An act of Spiritual Communion
While some of us cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Volunteers/Mass Stewards
Volunteers are needed to help sanitise the churches after each Mass and also to be stewards at Masses Please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 to leave your name and number and the particular Mass you may be able to help out at. A number of people have already volunteered but we will need more. All volunteers and ministers will have to complete a Volunteer Back to work form which is available in the Parish Office or the sacristies before they resume their ministry.

Whilst growing next to wheat, darnel cannot de distinguished from the authentic wheat. One of the key thoughts in this parable is the owner telling his servants to not go through the field cutting out what they thought to be darnel. It would be easy to uproot the crop too. We may judge someone as being ‘pesky darnel’ whilst they are actually ‘ripened wheat’. To discern the difference takes patience, kindness, gentleness and openness to the life-changing work of the Holy Spirit. As St. Paul reminds us: “God knows everything in our hearts.”

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers

Thank you for your continued support and ministry. During the Covid restrictions all of our ministries have had to adapt to a ‘new normal’ - a different way of doing things.
Readers and ministers of the Eucharist should take a seat provided for them in the sanctuary area of the Church. The reader will read from the ambo while the celebrating priest will read from a different one. Eucharistic Ministers should follow the distribution of Communion in the following way.
1. Receive Communion
2. Put on face mask
3. Sanitise hands thoroughly
4. Distribute Communion
5. Sanitise hands again after communion.
Again, thank you for your support in carrying out your very important ministry.

Church Cleaners

We are looking for new cleaners for St. Fiacre’s Church. If you have an hour or two to spare and would like to help clean any of our churches, please contact the Parish Office 056 776 4400 and leave your name and number.

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery in 2021.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring your own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distance recommendations.

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

‘You have given us the good hope that after sin you will grant repentance.’ That God allows evil to flourish along with the good has always been a problem to those who know of God. IN this the patience of God contrasts with the impatience of humans. The kingdom grows like the yeast spreading though the dough. The Day of the Lord will reveal all. Meanwhile we await in hope, and pray to remain faithful.

Loughboy Library
The library has reopened on a Book & Browse basis. The service is available Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. All HSE guidelines are in place. Telephone or email to book your 30 minute slot Tel: 7794176 Email:

Sunday 12th July 2020

Welcome back
We here in St. Patrick’s Parish are delighted to welcome you all back to our celebrations of public Masses. It has been a difficult time for all of us but it is good that we are beginning to see a gradual opening of many different services. We must now become used to a “new normal” until a vaccine is found for the Corona Virus. Here in St. Patrick’s Parish we want to ensure the safety of all our parishioners and visitors to our three churches and our Parish Centre. Consequently we ask that you personally take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
· Hand sanitisers are available at each Church. We ask you to use of these as you enter and leave the church.
· We ask you to observe social distancing and follow the instructions of the Mass stewards.
· Please minimize touching of surfaces.
· Please only sit behind the yellow stickers.
· Use the one way system for receiving communion.
· The Priest/Eucharistic Ministers will wear a face mask and sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion.
· Entry to St. Patrick’s and St. Fiacre’s Churches will only be through the main door.
· Exit using all doors.
· Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church, seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church.
· The 1st collection will take place as you enter the church and the 2nd collection will take place as you leave. Thank you for your continued support.
· Holy Water fonts are not currently in use.
· Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency.
Again we are delighted to welcome you all back to our celebrations. God Bless you all.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Sr. Marietta Doran, St. John of God Sisters, Kilkenny. Brendan Lawlor, Pudding Lane. Ignatius Cantwell, Upper Waterbarrack
Anniversaries: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Aileen Kelly (Sun 10.30). Carmel Lawlor (Sun 12.00). Marie & Annmarie Manogue (Tues 10.30). Dick ‘Coly’ Dunne. Peg Horrigan. Bridget Ward. Bridie Walsh. Sean O’Shaughnessy. William & Gretta Delaney. David Gaffney. Christy, Brigid & Pat Murray. Mary Fry. Joe & Mollie Bergin. Mary Slattery.
Intentions for next weekend: Tony Henderson (Sat 6.15). Jimmy Byrne (Sun 10.00). Eileen Glennon (Sun 10.30). Ivan Power (Sun 12.00). Sean Kennedy (Sun 12.30).

Jesus’ parable of the sower is aimed at the hearers of his word. There are varying levels of receptivity to the Word of God in our lives and at one stage or another, we live each one. It may seem that the landscape of our lives is arid and unpromising. However, all it takes is a small space for that grace-filled seed to find that fertile soil and be nourished by the living rain of God’s mercy. God grants grace to those who hunger for his word that they may understand his will and have the strength to live according to it.

Volunteers/Mass Stewards
Volunteers are needed to help sanitise the churches after each Mass and also to be stewards at Masses Please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 to leave your name and number and the particular Mass you may be able to help out at. A number of people have already volunteered but we will need more. All volunteers and ministers will have to complete a Volunteer Back to work form which is available in the Parish Office or the sacristies before they resume their ministry.

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We must have faith in the power of God’s word. It is the instrument by which God effects his purpose. It does not work automatically; but grows in a soil of faith and prayer. We have to be concerned about teaching, preaching and praying the word and to work to ensure a receptive soil.

Loughboy Library
The library has reopened on a Book & Browse basis. The service is available Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. All HSE guidelines are in place. Telephone or email to book your 30 minute slot Tel: 7794176 Email:

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?
Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry not less than three months before the date - see for more information about this.
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage. is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

Sunday 5th July 2020
Welcome back
We here in St. Patrick’s Parish are delighted to welcome you all back to our celebrations of public Masses. It has been a difficult time for all of us but it is good that we are beginning to see a gradual opening of many different services. We must now become used to a “new normal” until a vaccine is found for the Corona Virus. Here is St. Patrick’s Parish we want to ensure the safety of all our parishioners and visitors to our three churches and our Parish Centre. Consequently we ask that you personally take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe. Please use sanitisers provided, keep the recommended two meters social distance between each other, follow the correct coughing and sneezing etiquette and sit in the assigned seats only (behind the yellow stickers), minimize touching of surfaces. Please observe the one way system for receiving communion. Toilet facilities are only available in an emergency, contact sacristan. To reduce contact and cross infection we have suspended the offertory collection during Mass. This is replaced by a collection on the way in (1st Collection) and a collection on the way out (2nd Collection). Your continued support is very much appreciated. Where capacity is reached in St. Fiacre’s Church seats will be available in the Parish Centre where the Mass will be broadcast from the Church. Again we are delighted to welcome you all back to our celebrations.
God Bless you all.

The way into the heart of Jesus is not through intellectual insight but through childlikeness and trusting that God wants to take our weariness, exhaustion, baggage and yoke it to himself, so that we are not crushed by the trials of life. It becomes harder to switch off, to imagine even just an hour with no devices or no social media. To have time to sit in prayer with Jesus is like sitting in a place of oasis and tranquillity which allow us to breathe in the creative an life giving Spirit of peace and pick up the pilgrim journey once more, our footsteps light and our hearts full of praise.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Desmond Canning, Cootes Lane. Ryan Daly, London. Henry Drea, Bennettsbridge. Marjorie McGrath, Meadow Way.
Months Mind: Peter Flannery (Sun 10.30).
Anniversaries: Michael Ruth (Sat 6.15). Lena McCarthy (Sun 10.00). Brian Griffin (Sun 12.00). Fran Ryan (Sun 12.30). Donal O’Neill (Wed 9.30). William Burke. Paddy & Carmel Boyd. Tony Canny. Sean Hennessy. Mary Hogan. Teresa Hickey. Brigid Marrinan. Denis Molloy.
Intentions for next weekend: Kitty Kearney (Sat 6.15). Pauline Kennedy (Sun 10.00). Carmel Lawlor (Sun 12.00).

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

Trócaire Boxes
Trócaire Boxes can be returned to the Parish Office from Monday so we can forward the money raised onto the Diocese who will in turn forward it to Trócaire.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God,
I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them.
We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands.
Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Eucharistic Ministers
For the time being the following will apply during the coronavirus restrictions:
· The priest will distribute the Eucharist alone during weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s. There will be 2 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Fiacre’s at each weekday Mass with the priest.
· There will be 3 Eucharistic Ministers for St. Fiacre’s Church each Saturday & Sunday. The priest and 2 ministers will distribute communion in the Church and 1 minister will distribute communion in the Parish Centre.
· There will be 1 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Patrick’s Church each Sunday with the priest.
· No Eucharistic Minister will be required in Foulkstown Church for the time being.
· Eucharistic Ministers will sanitise their hands before and after the distribution of communion and wear face masks while they distribute the Eucharist. They will be seated in the sanctuary of the church keeping the recommended social distance of 2m.
A new rota with the above in mind is available now in the Parish Office.
Readers: Readers for next weekends Masses are asked to follow their rota.
Readers for weekend Masses are asked to sit in the chair provided in the sanctuary of each church.
All volunteers and ministers will have to complete a Volunteer Back to work form which is available in the Parish Office or the sacristies before they resume their ministry.
Holy Water fonts will remain empty
Our three churches and the Parish Centre have been professionally sanitised in preparation for the return of Masses.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Sanitiser Stations
New sanitiser stations have been place in our churches. Please note that these are operated by first placing your hand under the nozzle and then placing you foot on the pedal.

Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help sanitise the churches after each Mass. Please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 to leave your name and number and the particular Mass you may be able to help out at. A number of people have already volunteered but we will need more.
Thank you.

Sunday 28th June 2020
Return to Masses & the Sacraments
Hope you are all keeping well and safe. Since the suspension of public Masses in March due to the Corona Virus, we know that many of you have looked forward to the day when Masses could once again resume in our parish churches. At last, that time has come, and we will resume Masses in St. Patrick’s & St. Fiacre’s, beginning on Monday 29th June and St. Joseph’s, Foulkstown, on Sunday 5th July.
As you are aware these are the first tentative steps in returning to a ‘new normal’ in our churches. Though of course we are delighted to see the reopening of our places of worship, it will be a very different experience for all of us as we adapt to a new normal of social distancing, hand sanitisers, smaller capacity etc in our churches.
Be aware, because of the two-meter recommended distance we will not be able to facilitate the usual number at Masses. In St. Fiacre’s we can alleviate this somewhat with a television monitor in the Parish Centre so those who are unable to be seated in St. Fiacre’s can still attend Masses. We ask you to be patient and understanding as we all do our best in these strange times. Please use the sanitisers provided and follow the instructions of the church stewards and signs when attending Masses. There will be no Altar Servers or choirs for the moment. Anyone who is volunteering in any capacity at our Masses is asked to sign in before Masses. This is in relation to contact tracing.

Eucharistic Ministers
For the time being the following will apply during the coronavirus restrictions:
· The priest will distribute the Eucharist alone during weekday Masses in St. Patrick’s. There will be 2 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Fiacre’s at each weekday Mass alongside the priest.
· There will be 3 Eucharistic Ministers for St. Fiacre’s Church each Saturday & Sunday. The priest and 2 ministers will distribute communion in the Church and 1 minister will distribute communion in the Parish Centre.
· There will be 1 Eucharistic Ministers in St. Patrick’s Church each Sunday alongside the priest.
· No Eucharistic Minister will be required in Foulkstown Church for the time being. The priest alone will distribute communion.
· Eucharistic Ministers will sanitise their hands and wear face masks while they distribute the Eucharist and will be seated in the sanctuary of the church keeping the recommended social distance of 2m.
· A new rota with the above in mind will be available from Wednesday in the Parish Office. Please contact Michelle in the Parish Office know as soon as possible if you do not wish to be placed on this rota. (056 776 4400 or

Readers: Readers for next weekends Masses are asked to follow their rota. If any reader wants to defer their ministry during this time, please contact the Parish Office.
Readers for weekend Masses are asked to sit in the chair provided in the sanctuary of each church.
All volunteers and ministers will have to complete a Volunteer Back to work form which is available in the Parish Office or the sacristies and must be completed and returned before they resume their ministry.

Collection Boxes
Secure boxes will be placed in the churches for people to contribute to the 1st and 2nd offertory collections.
Toilet facilities will not be available during Masses unless there is an emergency - contact sacristan on duty.
Holy Water fonts will remain empty
Cleaning/sanitising of the churches will take place weekly and after each Mass. Volunteers Needed
Our three churches have been professionally sanitised in preparation for the return of Masses.
NB: Those over 70, vulnerable people and those with serious underlying health conditions should continue to watch live streamed Mass from your homes for the time being. We want to keep you safe. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. Because of the limited number who will be able to attend weekend Masses, those attending during the week might consider not attending at the weekend for the present in order to allow others to come to Mass who cannot be there on weekdays. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Maura Heffernan, Dean Cavanagh Place. Paul Reade, Troy's Court. Jackie Dooley, Kennyswell Road.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
John Kenny. Enda Cantwell. Beasie Marrinan. Maureen Walsh. Paul Ryan. Richard Dunne. William Maher. Murt Flanagan. Gabriel Doran Sr.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Sanitiser Stations
New sanitiser stations have been place in our churches. Please note that these are operated by placing you foot on the pedal at the end while cupping your hand under the bottle spout.

Protocol for Returning to Public Masses
The Diocese has produced 3 videos on the protocol for Returning to Public Masses. They can be found on

Volunteers Needed
To facilitate the return of our Masses and to ensure a safe return for all, our parish is looking for volunteers (under 70 years of age) to ensure a smooth reopening of our Churches. If you feel you can be of some service and would like to offer that service please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 to leave your name and number and the particular Mass you may be able to help our at. A number of people have already volunteered but we will need more. Thank you.

To live the values of the kingdom is not easy in a world wherein compromise is the ideal virtue for survival When Jesus says that his disciples must take up their cross, he is not merely calling for acceptance of life’s little inconveniences and hardships but the willingness to give up everything, because following him entails opposition, persecution, and even martyrdom. We cannot be effective followers of Jesus if we do not love Jesus more than anyone else.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Sunday 21st June 2020
Return to Masses & the Sacraments
Hope you are all keeping well and safe.
Since the suspension of public Masses in March due to the Corona Virus, we know that many of you have looked forward to the day when Masses could once again resume in our parish churches. At last, that time has come, and we hope to resume Masses in St. Patrick’s, St. Fiacre’s, and St. Joseph’s, Foulkstown, beginning on Monday 29th June.
As you are aware these are the first tentative steps in returning to a ‘new normal’ in our churches. Though of course we are delighted to see the reopening of our places of worship, it will be a very different experience for all of us as we adapt to a new normal of social distancing, hand sanitisers, smaller capacity etc in our churches.
Be aware, because of the two-meter recommended distance we will not be able to facilitate the usual number at Masses. In St. Fiacre’s we can alleviate this somewhat with a television monitor in the parish centre so those who are unable to be seated in St. Fiacre’s can still attend Masses. We ask you to be patient and understanding as we all do our best in these strange times. Please follow the instructions provided when attending Masses. St. Patrick’s Parish value all of our parishioners and each has played an important part in the life of our parish community. This is particularly true of our elderly who have done so much over the years to breathe life into our parish. We value their continued commitment to our community. However, during the present pandemic, we encourage people in vulnerable populations including over 70s and those with complicated physical conditions, to continue to watch live streamed Mass from your homes. We want you to keep safe. You are reminded that the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation will continue for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our Masses. God Bless.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Joe Walsh, Outrath. Alice Kelly, St. Fiacre’s Place.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Marian & Andy Egan. Murt Flanagan. Billy O’Sullivan. Deceased residents of Dukesmeadows. Margaret & John McCarthy. Eileen Gleeson. Dan Maher. Mary, Michael, Paddy & Anna Bowe. Ann Hayde.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Volunteers Needed

It is hoped that our Parish Churches will resume the celebration of public Masses on Monday June 29th 2020. To facilitate this and to ensure a safe return for all, our parish is looking for volunteers (under 70 years of age) to ensure a smooth reopening of our Churches. If you feel you can be of some service and would like to offer that service please contact the parish office on 056 776 4400 to leave your name and number and the particular Mass you may be able to help our at. Thank you.


Fear could come from three areas: within oneself, from the resistance of others, and from the backlash of the evil spirit. First, fear could cripple us if we lack the fundamental trust to put all our hope in God. Second, one could be persecuted for doing what is good and right, because it is a terrifying threat to those whose consciences are compromised with evil. Lastly, in his Letter to the Ephesians, St. Pal warns about the sovereignties and the powers of darkness in this world (6:12). However terrifying, the Lord exhorts us: Do not be afraid.

Happy Fathers’ Day

We wish all fathers in our parish a very happy Fathers’ Day. We also remember with gratitude those dads who have died and who now celebrate this day with God our Heavenly Father.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues (for those under 70) on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Cemetery Mass

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

The Deep End: Noli Temere
The last words of Seamus Heaney, in a text to his wife Marie, were the Latin words Noli temere - ‘Don’t’ be afraid’. According to his son Mick, the words became ‘a shorthand for hope’ in the weeks that followed. He had done what poets and writers do best - express our fears and anxieties in a way that made sense. Fear took on new forms earlier this year when we were all thrown into that strange period of lockdown due to the coronavirus threat. We were fearful for ourselves and our health. We were worried about our families, particularly our elderly or vulnerable loved ones. Many people were anxious about the future - they had lost their job or business and were full of uncertainty as to when, or even if, things would improve.
We also became conditioned, in a way to be fearful of each other. While we understood it was necessary, it was upsetting to have to stary away from other people - to refrain from hugging or shaking hands, to move away or even cross the street when we saw another person approaching.
And of course there are deeper fears that come from being isolated and feeling alone with our thoughts. It is natural to question God in these circumstances, whether we turn to him in prayer seeking comfort, or struggle to pray because we cannot understand why all this is happening. Our communities are still reeling from this new state of fear. We have lost so much, and the future is uncertain. Jesus has comforting words in today’s Gospel: ‘Do not be afraid... everything now hidden will be made clear.’ Life does not always make sense, but God has it all in hand, and armed with this knowledge we can face the future with hope. He is with us through the mess and the fear: ‘Why, every hair on your head has been counted.
Triona Doherty,

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers

During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

Corpus Christi, 14th June 2020

A reflection on Corpus Christi
What does Corpus Christi mean to me? It does not only bring the liturgy to mind; for me, it is a day on which heaven and earth work together. In my mind’s eye it is the time when spring is turning into summer; the sun is high in the sky, and crops are ripening in field and meadow. The Church’s feasts make present the mystery of Christ, but Jesus Christ was immersed in the faith of the people of Israel and so, arising from this background in Israel’s life, the Christian feasts are also involved with the rhythm of the year, the rhythm of seedtime and harvest. How could it be otherwise in a liturgy which has at its center the sign of bread, fruit of earth and heaven? Here this fruit of the earth, bread, is privileged to be the bearer of him in whom heaven and earth, God and man have become one. The way the Church’s feasts fit in with the seasons of the year is therefore not an accident. Consequently we must go on to discover the inner rhythm of the Church’s year and see the place Corpus Christi has within it. First of all, clearly, it grows out of the mystery of Easter and Pentecost: it pre-supposes the Resurrection and the sending of the Spirit. But it is also in close proximity to the Feast of the Trinity, which reveals the inner logic in the connection between Easter and Pentecost. It is only because God himself is the eternal dialogue of love that he can speak and be spoken to. Only because he himself is relationship can we relate to him; only because he is love can he love and be loved in return. Only because he is threefold can he be the grain of wheat which dies and the bread of eternal life. Ultimately, then, Corpus Christi is an expression of faith in God, in love, in the fact that God is love. All that is said and done on Corpus Christi is in fact a single variation on the theme of love, what it is and what it does. In one of his Corpus Christi hymns Thomas Aquinas puts it beautifully: nec sumptus consumitur - love does not consume: it gives and, in giving, receives. And in giving it is not used up but renews itself. Since Corpus Christi is a confession of faith in love, it is totally appropriate that the day should focus on the mystery of transubstantiation. Love is transubstantiation, transformation. Corpus Christi tells us: Yes, there is such a thing as love, and therefore there is transformation, therefore there is hope. And hope gives us the strength to live and face the world. Perhaps it was good to have experienced doubts about the meaning of celebrating Corpus Christi, for it has led us to the rediscovery of a feast which, today, we need more than ever.
Pope Benedict XVI

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Lester Ryan, Clara & Gowran. Sr. Annunciata Hayes, Presentation Convent, Parnell Street. Adrian Reade, Tallaght.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Michael & James O’Sullivan. Sean ‘Georgie’ Leahy. Breda Hamilton. Eileen Brett. Judy Moore. Catherine Kirwan. Mary Dermody.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

New Parish Website
Check out our new parish website. Full of information. The parish newsletter is uploaded every week.

As human beings we are subjected to all forms of hunger. Ordinary bread can satisfy out physical hunger. But we cannot live by bread alone. In the Last Supper Jesus offers himself as food and drink to satisfy all the longings and hungers of our hearts, because he alone can give us the Bread of Eternal Life - the Eucharist. The Eucharist is also called the Mass, which means, “mission”. We are empowered to share the gift of our own life - our positive outlook, inner peace, sense of well - being, silence and solitude.

Cemetery Mass

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

An Act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

St. Josephs Young Priests Society
Because of Covid-19, our annual pilgrimage to Knock has been cancelled this year. However, on Sunday the 28th June, a virtual service will be relayed via webcam from Knock. A Healing service will take place at 2.30pm followed by Mass at 3pm. It I hoped that as many members as possible will tune into the service on that day.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Parish Office
The Parish Office has reopened on Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri from 9am to 5pm (closed from 1pm-2pm). Please adhere to social distancing regulations and use the hand sanitisers provided. The Parish Centre will not reopen for room bookings until at least September 2020.

“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form. At the same time, we have to recognise that violence is self destructive and self-defeating. Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost. Let us pray for reconciliation and peace.” -Pope Francis.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues (for those under 70) on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

Pope Francis’ Covid-19 Emergency Fund
Your help is urgently needed to help overseas missionaries and vulnerable communities to defend themselves against Covid-19. IN Africa, Asia & Latin America, the Church is often on the frontline. In remote inaccessible areas, it is missionaries who respond, as best they can, to the medical and pastoral needs of suffering men, women and children.
Missionaries already face too many challenges, working in over-crowded communities with no running water. In shantytowns and refugee camps where social distancing is simply impossible, and where self-isolation could mean starvation.
To help protect these fragile communities, Pope Francis has announced the Covid-19 emergency fund. If you can, please give so that our less-fortunate brothers and sisters have a fighting chance at suppressing Covid-19. Donate by going or call Fiona on 07 497 2035. Bank of Ireland Transfer details.
Account Name: Society for the Propagation of the Faith. IBAN: IE12 BOFI 9007 5456 9616 36

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Trinity Sunday, 7th June 2020
Most Holy Trinity
Today the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity is being celebrated. It is one of the great mysteries of the Christian Faith. We cannot understand how there are three persons in one God. When we make the Sign of the Cross and when we recite the Glory be to the Father, we identify with the Blessed Trinity. We all know that St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity to the people of Ireland. He showed that just as there are three leaves on one stem, there are three Persons in one God. At the end of Mass we are blessed in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In our daily contact with others we honour the Blessed Trinity through our love, respect and co-operation. We can recite this prayer to the Blessed Trinity.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

New Parish Website
Check out our new parish website. Full of information.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends

Recently Deceased: Peter Flannery, Waterford Road. Kathleen Frawley, David Power, The Weir.
Months Mind: Joan Malone.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Patrick Allen. Margaret McGrath. Mary Maher. Jim O’Brien. Michael Shortall. Peter & John Alley. Tom Moloney. Peter Brennan. Brian Mahon. Mary Deegan. Anne O’Shea
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Human language is inadequate to explain the mystery of the Divine. The Trinity as a mystery does not mean that a truth of which we cannot know anything. It means a truth of which we cannot know everything, because our capacity to know and understand God is always limited. Instead, God in Jesus stoops down to our level and earnestly desires to share his life with us, so that, if we believe in him, we will not be lost, but will have eternal life.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues (for those under 70) on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form. At the same time, we have to recognise that violence is self destructive and self-defeating. Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost. Let us pray for reconciliation and peace.” -Pope Francis.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

Trócaire Boxes
This pandemic has come at the worst possible time for the world’s poorest people who most need Trócaire’s support. Therefore, Trócaire is appealing to you to return your Lenten donation as soon as possible. Please count or estimate what is in your box and donate in the following ways:
1. Online at
2. By telephone on 1850 408 408
3. By post to Trócaire, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
4. Drop your donation into the parish centre or the priests houses.

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

Parish Newsletter by Emai
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested.

Victim Assistance

A national charity that offers “emotional” and “practical” support to all victims of crime and those and their families that have experienced a “traumatic” incident. Contact them though the NATIONAL HELPLINE at 1800 277 477, the office telephone 094 9000251 or by email at The offices are manned Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm. Remember – social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation – they want to help and support!

Data Protection
As part of the new data protection regulations (GDPR) you will be asked to complete a short form and provide ID when requesting Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage certificates from the parish office. Please understand this regulation is mandatory and has not been put in place by the priests of the parish or the Church. All parish volunteers will need to complete a data protection form to allow the parish to hold onto your data. These forms with any of your information on them will be kept in a safe place and will be kept for the duration of your ministry on involvement in the parish. These forms are available from the Parish Office. There is a specific form for each ministry. We appreciate the great work our volunteers continue to do in our parish and encourage your continued support into the future.

Thinking of Getting Married Soon?

Couples wishing to be married in our parish are asked to note the following:
· Contact the Parish Office (776 4400) as early as possible to book your preferred date. Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
· Please note that it is a civil requirement to inform the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths of your intention to marry at least three months before the date - see for more information about this.
· Contact the parish where you now reside where pre-marriage papers will be prepared for forwarding to the place of marriage. is a useful source of information for couples as they plan the big day.

Sunday 31st May 2020

Focus - Come Holy Spirit
We can all probably remember our confirmation day. What we did that day; visits to relatives, a special treat, maybe being asked a question by the bishop. We were told that we were given the gifts of the Spirit. God’s spirit would always be with us in life to help us be good Christians.
As baptism was a promise from God to be with us as an infant and always, confirmation was the same promise as we enter our teenage years.
The gospel today is about one big gift of the Spirit - forgiveness. No matter what my past, I am forgiven. We all have a past. There is no sinner who cannot be a saint, no saint that is not a sinner. All of us have regrets - what we have done, people we may have hurt especially family. God casts sin to the end of the ocean when we are sorry and do our best.
Then there are the signs of God’s spirit - peace, joy, self-control, forgiveness, gifts we would all love to enjoy. So the Christian life is very attractive.
The spirit today is the Spirit of God’s love - Son for Father, Father for Son. And we are invited into it. Jesus’s love is for the whole person, and that includes everyone. Often we think he likes only bits of me. He looks at me whole and entire in love. Maybe this love can help me forgive myself for all I feel guilty and ashamed of. Forgive us Lord, as you have forgiven us.
Donal Neary SJ, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

The Holy Spirit is the tenderness of God and in our own times Pope Francis has called for a ‘revolution of tenderness’. The Sequence supplies images of what this might require, bearing light and consolation, cooling situations that threaten to overheat and melting what is frozen, bending stubborn hearts and bringing those who have lost their footing or cannot find the way. May we ponder on and pray for these Beatitudes of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

New Parish Website
Check out our new parish website. Full of information. The newsletter will be uploaded each week.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary McInerney, Archers Avenue. Betty Curry, Rose Hill Court.
Months Mind: Donal Hallissey
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Bill & Josie O’Neill. Gerard Carolan. May Malone. Catherine Brennan. Richard Ruth. James & Mary O’Brien.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

“Never abandon prayer, even when it seems pointless to pray” Pope Francis

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
Oh ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, comfort of the afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Look upon me with mercy. When you appeared in the grotto of Lourdes, you made it a privileged sanctuary where you dispense your favours, and where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. My loving Mother, obtain my request. I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company and bless you in eternity. Amen.

Pentecost Sunday and Confirmation
Earlier this year 99 young people from our parish schools were disappointed when, because of the pandemic, the Sacrament of Confirmation was postponed. We hope there was not too much disappointment and gloom among the young people and their families. We will include special prayers for these young people at our Pentecost Mass today and ask the Lord to bless and protect them as they anticipate the celebration of the Sacrament later in the year.

Parish Newsletter by Email
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues (for those under 70) on Monday evenings from 5pm. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances recommendations.

Trócaire Boxes
This pandemic has come at the worst possible time for the world’s poorest people who most need Trócaire’s support. Therefore, Trócaire is appealing to you to return your Lenten donation as soon as possible. Please count or estimate what is in your box and donate in the following ways:
1. Online at
2. By telephone on 1850 408 408
3. By post to Trócaire, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
4. Drop your donation into the parish centre or the priests houses.
A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Dermot
Bishop Dermot Farrell has issued a Pastoral Letter to the People of Ossory, Missing Each Other, Missing the Lord in which he consoles the people of Ossory during this difficult time without the sacraments. Copies are available in church, on our Facebook Page and at

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Sunday 24th May 2020
I am with you always; yes, to the end of time
The Ascension of the Lord is a sort of here and there feast! We celebrate that the Lord’s earthly mission is over, and the Easter apparitions have finished. He prepares to go to the Father and his followers will see this. He also has said that he ‘would not leave them orphans’, so we wonder how he is still with us.
Through the Holy Spirit, soon to be celebrated at Pentecost, Jesus lives on. The Spirit of Jesus lives on in each person, given at baptism and confirmation. This Spirit is given to us all, so it is through his followers today that Jesus lives on.
Where we give and share love in the ordinary times of our lives, where we pray to God and make time to be in the presence of God, Jesus is present. We are not neglected by Jesus because he has gone to the Father - we are in the presence of Jesus because of the Spirit living in all of us.
It’s a feast that links heaven and earth. Jesus who is in heaven, also lives among us today. We pray also today that ‘where he is, we one day hope to be’. The presence of Jesus, ascended to the Father is an eternal presence of love for us all.
Donal Neary, SJ, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

Jesus reiterates his relationship with his Father in heaven. In his effort to make known his unique relationship with his Father, Jesus prays for his disciples that they be one, just as the Father and he are one. The invitation to this life-giving relationship is open to us, provided we remain in the love of God the Father, the Son and the Spirit.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Even though we are all challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. St. Vincent de Paul continue to offer their wonderful support and help to all of those in particular need at this time. Telephone: 087 381 0589.

New Parish Website
Check out our new parish website. Full of information. The newsletter will be uploaded each week.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Mary Drennan. Carmel Durnan. Peadar & Aideen Flanaghan. Tommy, Kitty & Martin Phelan. Bridget Barry. John Cleere. William Doheny. Lar Doyle. Bridget Culleton. Dave McGrath. Annie Bourke. Molly Owens. Agnes Dermody.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion

While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Cemetery Mass
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual cemetery Mass in Foulkstown Cemetery WILL NOT take place this year. We look forward to celebrating our cemetery Mass in Foulkstown in 2021.

Parish Newsletter by Email
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested.

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

A prayer to Our Lady in Time of Trouble
Holy Virgin Mary, you are reigning in glory, with Jesus, your Son.
Remember us in our sadness. Look kindly on all who are suffering or fighting against any difficulty.
Have pity on those who are separated from someone they love.
Have pity on the loneliness of our hearts.
Have pity on the weakness of our faith and love.
Have pity on those who are weeping, on those who are praying, on those who are fearful.
Holy Mother, please obtain for all of us hope and peace with justice.

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Gardening at the Parish Centre continues (for those under 70) on Monday evenings from 5pm. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers and follow all social distances regulations.

When this is over
When this is over,
may we never again take for granted
a handshake with a stranger
conversations with neighbours
a crowded theatre
Friday night out
the taste of Communion
a routine check-up
the school rush each morning
coffee with a friend
the stadium roaring
each deep breath
a boring Tuesday
life itself.
When this ends,
may we find that we have become
more like the people we wanted to be,
we were called to be,
we hoped to be.
And may we stay that way - better for each other because of the worst.
Laura Kelly Fanucci,

Victim Assistance
A national charity that offers “emotional” and “practical” support to all victims of crime and those and their families that have experienced a “traumatic” incident. Contact them though the NATIONAL HELPLINE at 1800 277 477, the office telephone 094 9000251 or by email at The offices are manned Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm. Remember – social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation – they want to help and support!

Sunday, 17th May 2020

The love affair between God and God’s people fills the mind and heart of Jesus in the gospels after the resurrection. The motivation for all his meetings with the apostles and disciples after the resurrection was to love them in an active way - consoling them forgiving them, teaching them and assuring them of his presence always. It is easier to ‘see’ this love of Jesus in his death and resurrection. It is easier to ‘see’ this love than to see the love of the Father - the love we find in him is the same love he shares with his Father. It is for the apostles and for us. Jesus askes us to look no farther than ourselves to know the love of God. It is ‘marked’ on us like a tattoo - engraved on the palm of his hand, as God says ‘I have carved you on the palm of my hand.’ Carving would be painful, just as the love God has fu us can cause God pain. Pain at our unfaithfulness, our injustices and the violence in the world and the sin of the world. No matter how deep the sin, the love of God is deeper. That’s why Jesus lived his life and mission the way he did: the fact that love conquers all. That was behind his mission of consolation after the first Easter.
Donal Neary, J, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Nora ‘Bridie’ Hardiman (Months Mind).
Moira Bergin. Eileen Byrne. Podge Butler.
Patrick O’Connoll. Jim Lanigan.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.


“The reason for the hope that you all have’ is rooted in the Resurrection of Jesus and related in the reassurances we receive in today’s Gospel reading. Jesus tells the disciples that they will recognise te Advocate who remains with the Church forever. Not only is the Holy Spirit with the Church, he is within the community of faith, communicating to and conserving for them the truth.

New Parish Website
Check out our new parish website. Full of information. The newsletter will be uploaded each week.

Laudato Si’ Week
Next week, 16-24 May, is Laudato Si’ Week 2020. Laudato Si’ Week marks the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home. The theme of Laudato Si’ Week 2020 is “everything is connected.”
Pope Francis has invited Catholics around the world to join Laudato Si’ Week, and reflect on our common home. September is the “Season of Creation”, and the purpose of Laudato Si’ Week is to prepare for this season through prayer and online training throughout the week.
Sunday, 24 May is a designated day of prayer for the environment worldwide. In Ireland, an evening music, poetry and song, “Love Letter to the Earth”, will take place on Sunday, 24 May at 8pm. Those involved in this initiative include Bill McKibben, Drew Dillinger, John Philip Newell, Deirdre Ní Chinneidé, Ceara Conway, Anne Rynne, Ealonor Hooker and more. Registrations can be made by email to
For more information on Laudato Si’ Week 2020, visit

A Butterfly in the Pandemic
Today, a butterfly,
the first of the year, caught my eye
emerging into Spring, and brought me hope.
For you too, little one, haver been cocooned like us.
your playmates gone,
wrapped around with silence as you waited.
Could you have known how
beautiful you’d be when you arose?
For you have grown in trusting patience
to such a transformation.
So, may our fears
and broken dreams, our flowing tears
for this world’s sorrow,
transform our hearts
to deeper love to live tomorrow. Lyn McCrave

52nd International Eucharistic Congress
A new date has been announced for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress. Towards the end of last month, Pope Francis decided to postpone the Congress, hosted by Budapest, Hungary and originally scheduled for September 2020. The new dates of the Congress have been announced as 5-12 September 2021.

Thought for the day
To pray for someone is to love someone. To pray for our child, a parent, a neighbour, a friend is to express our love for that person. To pray is to love. When we pray together - as couples, as families, as communities - our individual voices come together, and unite us as one, to call on God.
Bishop Dermot Farrell

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Parish Newsletter by Email
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested.

A Mhuire na nGrás
A Mhuire na ngrás, a Mháthair Mhic Dé
Go gcuire tú ar mo leas mé.
Go sábhála tú mé ar gace uile olc;
Go sábhála tú mé idir anam is chorp
Go sábhála tú mé ar muir is ar tír
Go sabhála tú mé ar learc na bpian.
Garda na n-aingeal os mo choinn,
Dia romham agus dia liom.
O Mary of Graces and mother of God,
May I tread in the paths that the righteous have trod,
And may you save me from evil’s control,
And may you save me in body and soul
And may you save me by land and by sea,
And may you save me from tortures to be,
May the guard of the angels around me abide
May God be before me and God as my side.

Gardening at the Parish Centre returns (for those under 70) on Monday 18th May 2020. We look forward to having our amazing gardeners back. Please try and bring you own gardening tools and hand sanitisers. In line with government restrictions, we ask that people follow all social distancing regulations.

Sunday 10th May 2020
There is something of the very wide love of God in todays gospel reading. The life that Jesus prepares for us is diverse - in the house of God there are rooms for all of us, rooms that suit each of us. As there are rooms in the Father’s house, there are spaces in God’s heart for all of us. God’s heart is big enough to love each of us just as we are.
We often say of someone, ‘he/she’ has a big heart’. This can mean someone is generous, kind, forgiving. A big-hearted person can see the good in others. This sort of heart is close to the heart of God.
This gospel is often read at funeral masses, with its consoling message that Jesus has gone before us, and our death will be our meeting with him. It’s consoling also because he is our way to God, the truth about life and God, and all of our existence is sharing in his life.
Lord Jesus, be the way that guides our steps in life, the truth that enlightens our minds and the life that gives love to our hearts.
Donal Neary SJ, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Donal Hallissey, Cypress Grove. John ’Seanie’ Walsh, Leggetsrath & Sion Road. Joan Malone, Troyscourt & Bamford.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Jimmy Cashin. Billy Renehan. Bridget, William, Liam & Peg O’Hanrahan. John Coppinger.
Kathleen King. John & Catherine Alley.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Today’s Gospel gives us the line triptych in which Jesus portrays himself to be ‘the Way’. As the image of the way indicates place and involves a destination it is interpreted both spiritually and morally in terms of pilgrimage. Ways, are often named after saints, leading to the locations where they lived and died. In proclaiming that he is ‘the Way’ Jesus is pointing to the pattern of his life, the paschal mystery which leads our earthly existence to experiencing and enjoying the effects of the Easter event.
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Wednesday 13th May
The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared six times to three shepherd children; Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Francisco, and Jacinta Marto; between May 13th and October 13th 1917. She came to the little village of Fatima which had remained faithful to the Catholic Church during the recent persecutions by the government. Our Lady came with a message from God to every man woman, and child. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if her requests were listened to and obeyed. At Fatima, Pope John Paul II said; "The message of Fatima is more relevant and more urgent than when Our- Lady first appeared." Our Lady of Fatima continues to work miracles today through the message of Fatima and the prayers of countless pilgrims who have travelled here in the last hundred years.

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Parish Newsletter by Email
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested

Safeguarding Designated Liaison Person
Mr Cathal Cullen
087 100 0232
Gardaí 1800 555 222
TUSLA - Kilkenny 052 617 7302
Parish Representatives
Samantha Dolan Michelle O’Connor
056 776 4400

Letter from Rome
Dear friends in St Patrick’s, Greetings from Rome where we are now safely cocooned nine weeks, within the beautiful grounds of the Irish College, in the shadow of Rome’s cathedral church of St John Lateran. In early March we looked forward eagerly to Easter week when we would once again take to the Roman streets and cafe bars, but a lass not to be. But we are safe and well.
The Irish College is blessed with a great roof terrace. My favourite spot, especially in the evening at sunset. In the early days of lockdown on the roof the first thing that you notice is the silence. There was always a distance sound in Rome, coming form traffic, the distinctive piercing two tone siren of the ambulances and the gentle background hum of millions of people moving through their daily lives, mingled with the excited buzz of tourists visiting this beautiful and historic city. With traffic greatly reduced, from traffic jams to a few cars at junctions and the ambulances having no need for sirens, creates an eerie almost apocalyptic quiet. Yet in the silence the bird song became more pronounced.
It is probably imagination but in the silence it seems the colour of the sunset becomes more vivid, the brightness of the colours stir up emotions and lift the heart to hope. Thinking that since the foundation of the world, the sun has risen and set, each day according to the movement of the earth even though the worlds people have come to a near standstill the earth continues to turn from its sunset into its next sunrise. I am reminded of how small we are, how very short our time here on this earth is. I become aware of how vulnerable the world and its people are, yet still strong and resilient.
I am amazed from texts and phone calls from home how many are traveling the world for mass or concerts, without leaving home. There is a wonderful generosity of gifts now shared freely to help people through this time. While the individual is isolated, humanity is coming together in support and encouragement. Seeing this has given me hope that humanity will prevail.
This hope allows the Word of God into our hearts to quell any fear, ‘Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and earth’. (Ps 124:8). With this Word I am strengthened, and hope you are too, in the knowledge that God has not abandoned us and that we need to come closer to him. knowing that he has created us, he loves us and he cares for us.
This is my hope I share with you, yes I have to maintain the social distancing, keep washing my hands, keep within the grounds, keep reading, eating, praying, exercising and keep hoping that into the silence of these great cities, God will speak his healing and his peace.
As a community of priests here in the Irish College we have many masses throughout the day so that we can maintain social distancing and still celebrate daily mass. Be assured you are in my intentions during these masses, especially those of you who are cocooning and on their own. Stay safe and healthy and God Bless.
Fr. Mark

Sunday 3rd May 2020
Vocation is not something out there! It begins ‘in here!’, and goes ‘out there’. God works from the goodness inside each of us - the goodness we are born with, and indeed born into, in family and community. He plants this goodness from the first moment—small beginnings from the bodies of father and mother, to grow and develop right through eternity. It is that which reaches out to help others, and to Jesus in prayer.
Vocation, in many ways of life, is nourished by working for good, in mindfulness, meditation, prayer and community, and in the care of and concern for the poor near and far. This inborn and nourished goodness will bring good to the world and to others. Each of us, in baptism, is called to know we are loved, that God is planted within us, and also to serve in the way of Jesus, himself ‘the beloved Son’.
To know that we are called and to be able to serve this way, we must first of all believe in the eternal goodness inside each of us.
Donal Neary, SJ, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Monica Casey, Old Callan Road. Ursula O’Leary, Cashel Drive.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Patricia & Patrick O’Donoghue. Joe Ayres.
Kitty & Billy Roberts. Agnes Dwyer. Patrick O’Neill. Jimmy O’Neill.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Vocations Sunday
“The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock; the gatekeeper lets him in, the sheep hear his voice, one by one he calls his own sheep and leads them out. When he has brought out his flock, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice.”
On this Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life, especially for our diocese, that God will raise up good shepherds in our midst. Do you hear the voice of the Lord, the Good Shepherd calling you to a particular way of life?
If you think God is calling you to serve the Church as a priest or in the consecrated life, contact the National Vocations Office, email: or your local Diocesan Vocations Director.

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

May, the month of Our Lady

The beginning of Summer, month of the cuckoo and flowers. Lord be with us during the month of May. Have you heard the cuckoo or seen the swallows? They have arrived from the sunny southern hemisphere. The whimbrels have arrived also and are resting here on their journey from Italy to Iceland. Let us welcome them and may we all be alive this time next year. Jesus said, “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you of much more value than they”? Matthew (6:26). The Pope’s intention for this month is:- that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church. Today the fourth Sunday of Easter is a very special day. We are asked to pray for an increase of vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life. It was Jesus who said, “The harvest is great, but the labourers are few. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send labourers into His harvest". (Matthew 9: 37-38).
May Devotions in honour of Our Lady
We encourage you to pray the Rosary, (even one decade), particularly during May.

Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Bring flowers of the rarest bring blossoms the fairest, from gardens and woodlands and hillside and dale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May

A number of years ago a book about the life of a shepherd and his family in the Lake District contained the comment of the author’s four year old daughter that ‘the trouble with you, Dad us that it is all about the sheep’. The so-called Shepherd psalm proclaims and praises the sense of security which is felt with God’s loving faithfulness that leads the flock to pasture and protection.

“Faith is like a bright ray of sunlight. It enables us to see God in all things as well as all things in God.”
St. Francis de Sales

Victim Assistance
A national charity that offers “emotional” and “practical” support to all victims of crime and those and their families that have experienced a “traumatic” incident. Contact them though the NATIONAL HELPLINE at 1800 277 477, the office telephone 094 9000251 or by email at The offices are manned Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm. Remember – social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation – they want to help and support!

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Priest’s Easter Collection, Weekly Parish Collection & Trócaire Lenten Campaign. Our thanks to the many parishioners who have sent in contributions for the weekly Parish Collection, the Priests Easter collection and the Annual Trócaire appeal. Such generosity and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Sunday, 26th April 2020
We sometimes hear the phrase, ‘walking the walk’. It means that we share, with compassion, another’s life, just as Jesus walked the walk with the disciples going to Emmaus. It means entering into the lives of others. We often have a really good chat on a walk.
Jesus entered into the apostles’ lives by listening, hearing their disappointment that he had been crucified and that their hopes were shattered. His was active listening. He was able then to connect with them as he told them about himself. the time probably passed very quickly.
Whatever way he spoke, he lifted their spirits as they said later, ’our hearts burned within us as he spoke’. Prayer, at times, can be like that.
Our faith life is walking with Jesus as we share everything of our lives with him, and hear his words of acceptance. We walk with the gospel words in our minds and our gospel book in our hands. But it doesn’t end just with a walk.
Like a good walk often ends with refreshment, the Emmaus walk ended with the meal. At the meal the two disciples recognised him. Our talk and walk with the Lord is a journey to the Eucharist. There, without words, he offers bread and wine, his body and blood.
Like the two disciples - we are encouraged then to share his gospel, his risen life, as we bring what we have received to our world. Our walk ends with the invitation to walk further - ‘Go and glorify the Lord with your life.
Lord, may our hearts burn with your words, and our souls be refreshed with your Bread of Life.
Donal Neary SJ, Editor Sacred Heart Messenger.

The risen Jesus appears to the two disciples and totally transforms them. Whereas previously there had been sadness and disappointment now they are filled with joy and hope. As we journey through life, the risen Jesus frequently comes into our presence, yet very often we fail to recognise him. The remedy to our blindness is spelt out in our Gospel. It lies in the reading of Scripture and the celebration of the Eucharist.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Michael McGrath, Outrath, Foulkstown. Tommy Deegan, Clonmoran. Patsy Keogh, Grovine. Jim Kelly, London and formerly Warrington.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Kay Hennessy. Christy & Evelyn ‘Bobbi’ Leahy. John Byrne. Eilish & Dan Dillon. Roy Barry.
Margaret ‘Daisy’ Phelan & Dr. W.J. Phelan.
Marty Neylon. Mary & Eddie O’Keeffe.
Fintan Brennan. Michael O’Reilly.
Patrick & Ellen Moran.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

Parish Office & Parish Centre
Due to the government restrictions re the coronavirus, the Parish Centre will remain closed until further notice. Any correspondence can be placed in the letterbox of the Parish Centre or the presbytery. The parish office can contacted by email, text the Parish Mobile on 086 736 1563 or on our Facebook page (details on the banner above) or as usual on 056 776 4400 as our parish secretary Michelle continues to work from home. Stay Safe!!

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
This year’s pilgrimage has been cancelled. The organisers will be in touch with those who have booked and paid deposits.

Trócaire Lenten Appeal
The Irish Church’s development agency, Trócaire, is warning that, as they try to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, Malawi has just one intensive care bed for every million people while Sierra Leone has no ICU beds and South Sudan has only two ventilators for 12 million people. The agency is urging those who want to help to make financial contributions online or via the phone. It is asking that Trócaire collection boxes be retained by those who took them home until it is safe to return them.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Priest’s Easter Collection, Weekly Parish Collection & Trócaire Lenten Campaign. Our thanks to the may parishioners who have sent in contributions for the weekly Parish Collection, the Priests Easter collection and the Annual Trócaire appeal. Such generosity and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Parish Newsletter by Email
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested in receiving copies. We will see what we can do.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

First Friday Visits
The first Friday of May is this coming Friday, the Feast of St. Joseph the worker. Please note that the Priests of the parish will not be visiting sick or housebound parishioners this month. Please stay safe and look after yourselves.

Funeral Masses
In a letter received during the week Bishop Dermot Farrell reiterated the Government and HSE Guidelines regarding funerals during the COVID-19 crisis. Bishop Dermot wrote:
Restricted funeral services or Masses may be held in churches for those who die in these days, including those who die from the COVID-19 virus. This is current diocesan policy:
The funeral should be private and limited to a maximum of ten people as advised by the public health authorities. Only the following should attend:
Members of the person’s household,
Close family members,
Close friends if the deceased has no household or family members.
Social distancing must be practised at all times. Physical interactions including shaking hands and hugging should be avoided.
This is current Diocesan (and Government) policy. The above guidelines should not be breached, especially in regard to numbers attend a funeral Mass.
We respectfully ask that all abide by these regulations. This is in your interest, the interests of the families concerned and that of the entire community.

Ways to join together for Mass
In these difficult days, it is good for us to be able to pray together. It is possible to be part of the celebration of Mass via Radio, Television or online from some of our parishes. Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
TV Mass: Chanel 521 on Sky Tv or RTE News Now on Saorview, each weekday at 10.30am.
Radio Mass: Danesfort Church at 10am on Sunday , radio frequency 108fm.
Online Masses: Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

Sunday 19th April 2020

Divine Mercy Sunday
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. It was instituted by St John Paul Ⅱ in May 2000. The message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina a Polish nun who died in 1938 aged thirty three years. The message of God's Divine Mercy is nothing new. The Church has always taught through Scripture and through tradition that God is merciful, and that forgiveness is available for all sins. His mercy is much greater than any sin. We ought to come before God humbly and with confidence in his Divine Mercy. We can say this prayer today; O fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.
This Easter is different as Ireland and the whole world is threatened by Coronavirus. Our social interaction is limited, and we must stay at home and away from people. Let us not be downhearted. In his Urbi et Orbi Easter message Pope Francis has reminded us that we are not alone but united with Christ in prayer.
Lord of Mercy, help me today to begin to understand what mercy is all about. Help me to first be open to the mercy You wish to bestow upon me. As I receive Your own Divine Mercy, help me also to be an instrument of that mercy for all to see. Jesus, I trust in You.

Parish Office & Parish Centre
Due to the government restrictions re the coronavirus, the Parish Centre will remain closed until further notice. Any correspondence can be place in the letterbox of the Parish Centre or the presbytery. The parish office can contacted by email, text the Parish Mobile on 086 736 1563 or on our Facebook page (details on the banner above) or as usual on 056 776 4400 as our parish secretary Michelle continues to work from home.
Stay Safe!!

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
This year’s pilgrimage has been cancelled. The organisers will be in touch with those who have booked and paid deposits.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Kieran Brennan, Golf View Terrace & Dean Kavanagh Place.
Catherine Hickey, Butts Green.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Marie, Rose & Martin Phelan. Dick Keating. Betty Byrne. Paddy & Teresa Burke. Jim O’Neill.
Mary Muldowney. Pat & Peggy Banahan. Billy Brennan.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Trócaire Lenten Appeal
Trócaire’s determination to do what we can to stop the spread of the virus goes beyond our programmes. While face-to-face activities have been cancelled, our Lenten Appeal continues. You can support us online. If you have a Trócaire box, keep it until such a time as you can return it, either through your school, parish or Trócaire Centre. Your support is needed now more than ever. You can donate online or by telephoning 1850 408 408.

Funeral Masses
In a letter received during the week Bishop Dermot Farrell reiterated the Government and HSE Guidelines regarding funerals during the COVID-19 crisis. Bishop Dermot wrote:
Restricted funeral services or Masses may be held in churches for those who die in these days, including those who die from the COVID-19 virus. This is current diocesan policy:
The funeral should be private and limited to a maximum of ten people as advised by the public health authorities. Only the following should attend:
Members of the person’s household,
Close family members,
Close friends if the deceased has no household or family members.
Social distancing must be practised at all times. Physical interactions including shaking hands and hugging should be avoided.
This is current Diocesan (and Government) policy. The above guidelines should not be breached, especially in regard to numbers attend a funeral Mass.
We respectfully ask that all abide by these regulations.
This is in your interest, the interests of the families concerned and that of the entire community.

Thomas’ journey from doubt and unbelief to his deep faith in the risen Jesus is greatly helped by the supportive presence of both Jesus and his companions. As Thomas struggles to believe Jesus is there with him gradually leading him to his wonderful act of faith - ‘My Lord and my God’. His companions must also have supported him with their prayers. We need each other if we are to keep growing in faith.

Ossory Times
The Easter edition of our diocesan magazine is available online. Visit and download. This edition will not be printed.

Parish Newsletter by Email
We are investigating the possibility of distributing this weekly newsletter by email during this pandemic. Please drop an email request to if you are interested in receiving copies. We will see what we can do.

“Faith is like a bright ray of sunlight. It enables us to see God in all things as well as all things in God.”
St. Francis de Sales

Ways to join together for Mass
In these difficult days, it is good for us to be able to pray together. It is possible to be part of the celebration of Mass via Radio, Television or online from some of our parishes. Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
TV Mass: Chanel 521 on Sky Tv or RTE News Now on Saorview, each weekday at 10.30am.
Radio Mass: Danesfort Church at 10am on Sunday , radio frequency 108fm.
Online Masses: Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

A Prayer for Healthcare Workers
During this time of Coronavirus COVID –19
Loving God We place into your care
All our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.
Give them courage of heart
And strength of mind and body.
Keep them safe from harm.
May they know our deep gratitude for all they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus.
God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace.
Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen

Victim Assistance
A national charity that offers “emotional” and “practical” support to all victims of crime and those and their families that have experienced a “traumatic” incident. Contact them though the NATIONAL HELPLINE at 1800 277 477, the office telephone 094 9000251 or by email at The offices are manned Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm. Remember – social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation – they want to help and support!

Easter Sunday, 12th April 2020
Easter Blessing
Fr. Roderick and Fr. Peter extend their Easter Blessings to you all. We celebrate with you the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead and with you we sing Alleluia. Though this year is a particularly different year because of the restrictions due to the Coronavirus, we are united in our faith – a faith that promises that after darkness comes light. And as Jesus has risen from the dead to dispel death, darkness and fear, we can take comfort in knowing that this difficult time for each one of us will soon pass. Though we are separated physically at this time we are united spiritually in faith. The same God who resides in our tabernacle resides to in your home and within each one of us. He will bring us through this time of testing to a new brighter day when these dark days will become a distant memory. Until then, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again in the not too distant future. Happy Easter, stay safe and stay home.

Parish Office & Parish Centre
Due to the government restrictions re the coronavirus, the Parish Centre will remain closed until further notice. Any correspondence can be place in the letterbox of the Parish Centre or the presbytery. The parish office can contacted by email, text the Parish Mobile on 086 736 1563 or on our Facebook page (details on the banner above).

Trócaire Lenten Appeal
Trócaire’s determination to do what we can to stop the spread of the virus goes beyond our programmes. While face-to-face activities have been cancelled, our Lenten Appeal continues. You can support us online. If you have a Trócaire box, keep it until such a time as you can return it, either through your school, parish or Trócaire Centre. Your support is needed now more than ever. You can donate online or by telephoning 1850 408 408. Thanks for your support.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Denis Murphy, St. Fiacre’s Place & New York. Jim Cantwell, Larchfield. Breda Lennon, Westfield. Annmarie Hogan, Cuffesgrange.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Emmanuel Joseph English. Michael Leahy. Dan Bolger. Jim McGrath. Gordon Deevy. Lil Morris. Jackie Byrne. Arthur Langan. Johnny Cullen.

Message from Pope Francis
“Tonight before falling asleep think about when we will return to the street. When we hug again, when all the shopping together will seem like a party. Let’s think about when the coffees will return to the bar, the small talk, the photos close to each other.
We think about when it will be all a memory but normalcy will seem an unexpected and beautiful gift. We will love everything that has so far seemed futile to us. Every second will be precious. Swims at the sea, the sun until late, sunsets, toasts, laughter. We will go back to laughing together.
Strength and courage. See you soon!”

An act of Spiritual Communion
While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you about all things,
An I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Such is the awesome nature of Jesus’ resurrection the apostles initially find it hard to accept what has happened. It is only when they think back to what he told them: ‘the Son of man is destined to be raised up on the third day’, that they begin to see the hand of God in all that had happened. Calvary was not the end of the story. It was only the prelude to a new glorious beginning.

Ways to join together for Mass
In these difficult days, it is good for us to be able to pray together. It is possible to be part of the celebration of Mass via Radio, Television or online from some of our parishes. Each Sunday morning, at 9.30am a live Mass is celebrated on KCLR96fm.
TV Mass: Chanel 521 on Sky Tv or RTE News Now on Saorview, each weekday at 10.30am.
Radio Mass: Danesfort Church at 10am on Sunday , radio frequency 108fm.
Online Masses:
Masses will be streamed live from
St. Mary’s Cathedral (
St. Canice’s Parish ( and St. John’s Parish (

Mother Teresa’s Wisdom
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

Corona Virus Prayer
Dear God, I pray for healing for all affected by this deadly virus. Only You can move in a mighty way and do the impossible for them. We pray for all negative outcomes to be resolved by Your healing hands. Bless and embrace each and every single person and bring full healing to their bodies, minds and spirits.

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
This year’s pilgrimage has been cancelled. The organisers will be in touch with those who have booked and paid deposits.

Praying the Rosary
The Catechism reminds us that Christian prayer tries above all to meditate on the mysteries of Christ (CCC 2708). The purpose of this meditation is to draw us deeper into union with Jesus.
The prayer we know as the Rosary offers us a special way of meditating on the Mysteries of Christ.
It is a scripture based prayer, with the Our Father, Hail Mary (x10) and Glory Be forming the basis of each decade.
Each decade draws us in, to meditate on one of 20 mysteries from the life of Christ In the 16th century Pope Pius established the standard fifteen mysteries of the Rosary which he grouped into three, the Joyful, the Sorrowful and the Glorious Mysteries. In 2002, Pope St John Paul II added a new set of five, known as the Mysteries of Light or Luminous Mysteries. As we pray the 12 prayers in each decade we are called to meditate and reflect on the mystery associated with the decade.

Palm Sunday, 5th April 2020
Palm Sunday and Holy Week
Today marks the beginning of the most unusual Holy Week and Sacred Triduum known to any of us. Because of the coronavirus the members of our parish community are unable to come together in church for our traditional Holy Week ceremonies. Sad and all as this may be we can still join each other in various ways to commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
· The Easter Triduum will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Parish. These ceremonies are not open to the public, so we ask you to join with us in prayer from your own homes .
· The Ossory diocesan ceremonies will be celebrated at St. Mary’s cathedral and live streamed on the internet ( Please check the Mass times on the cathedral webpage.
· Some of the local Holy Week services will be broadcast on KCLR96fm and Community Radio, Kilkenny City. Check their schedules for details.
· RTE has arranged to broadcast the ceremonies for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday ad Easter Sunday on television and radio. (details on the front of the newsletter).
We hope St. Patrick’s Parish parishioners will tune in and actively participate in some of these broadcast liturgies.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Weekly adoration in St. Fiacre’s Church is suspended for the moment. Those who usually attend on Mondays are invited to maintain their hour in prayer at home.

Text your prayer intentions
Bishop Dermot Farrell has invited the faithful to participate in a prayer initiative in the diocese of Ossory, by emailing or texting 085-8313100 any prayer intention. His offer came last Sunday, 29 March, in a pastoral letter published in response to the Covid-19 crisis, entitled ‘Apart But Not Alone: Hope and Strength in a Time of Crisis and Fear’.
Copies of the bishops pastoral letter are available at the back of the church.

Pray for Our Deceased Friends
Recently Deceased: Mary Dollard, Circular Road. John Hogan, Noremount. Fr. Fachtna Robert Staunton MHM, Kilkenny & Dublin.
We remember in our prayers the following, whose anniversaries take place around this time:
Maura Devlin. Elizabeth McCorry. Margaret Glynn. Bridget, William Liam & Peg O’Hanrahan. Frank Cantwell.
Ellen Pattison. Sean Jones (Months Mind).
Michael Slattery. James O’Dwyer.

Act of Spiritual Communion

While we cannot receive communion at this time we can still make an act of Spiritual Communion in which we express our faith in Jesus and in his presence in the Eucharist and invite him to unite himself with us.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
And I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
(St Alphonsus de Liguori)
O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and thanksgiving
Be every moment thine! X 3

Parish Office & Parish Centre
Due to the government restrictions re the coronavirus, the Parish Centre will remain closed until further notice. Any correspondence can be place in the letterbox of the Parish Centre or the presbytery. The parish office can still be contacted on 056 776 4400, by email, text the
Parish Mobile on 086 736 1563 or on our Facebook page (details on the banner opposite) as our parish secretary Michelle is working from home.

Because You’re worth it
This has been a Lent like we would never have imagined. It has begun to be a true experience of the desert, as so many people have been unable to go to Mass and receive our Lord in Holy Communion. Christ has no illusions. He knows that, as this week unfolds, the palm branches will shape themselves into a cross and the Hosannas become jeers. Holy Week, the most sacred time in the church year, begins today with the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Jesus is crucified every time a human being is degraded, treated unjustly or deprived of freedom. His rejection and crucifixion continue daily. It would be a mistake to comfort ourselves with the thought that it was a group of Jews who killed Jesus! The people involved in His death are very like us. We must never forget that each of us has a hand in Jesus’ death when we hurt others through gossip and slander or ride rough shod over them for our own purposes. This final week of Lent is a great opportunity to celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord in a way that will change our lives. The simple truth of the Christian experience is that sin has marred our lives; has made a mess of our world by leading us to conduct our affairs with hearts hardened against God. The Cross is lifted up as a sign of Christ taking the sins of humanity upon Himself and revealing the depth of His perfect love for all humankind. Let us never forget that Jesus died on the cross so that we might have new life. Let us try then, each in our simple way to imitate Him. The saving mysteries that took place during these two weeks two thousand years ago were for our sake and for our salvation. Trust that the Lord does not abandon his flock, he will never do that, for he cannot deny himself (2 Tim 2:13). We continue to persevere in faith, hope and love

Towards Healing
Counselling & Support Services are available to survivors of Church, Religious and Institutional abuse. The Towards Healing director is Michael Lyons and the service provides lay independent and fully accredited counsellors to support survivors. Towards Healing may be contacted by: Freephone 1800 303 416.

Victim Assistance
We are all overwhelmed by the Corona virus outbreak and we hope that you and yours are all safe and healthy. Now more than ever we need to stay calm, be resourceful, and do what we do best: focus on supporting each other. As an national charity that offers “emotional” and “practical” support to all victims of crime and those and their families that have experienced a “traumatic” incident, we want to reassure all concerned that we at Victim Assistance are committed to continuing our services to those that need us. Whilst some of our staff are working remotely, we can be contacted though our NATIONAL HELPLINE at 1800 277 477, our office telephone 094 9000251 or by email at
Our offices are manned Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm during these difficult times. Remember – social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation – we are here to help and support!

Support Line for Older People
COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Mother Teresa’s Wisdom
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

Visiting our Churches
All three churches in our parish will remain open each day for those who, while following Government directions, are in a position to visit for a time of private prayer.

James Stephens GAA Response Team
We will collect your shopping and collect your prescriptions. We will not take money, you will need to make your own arrangements with the shop or chemist etc on payment. All volunteers will be identifiable by wearing James Stephens colours.
We want to help and protect you from the dangers of the outbreak therefore we have three golden rules
1. We will keep our distance
2. We will use protective gloves
3. We cannot enter your home
If you wish to avail of this service please contact one of the following:
Eamon 087 950 6066. Tadgh 087 980 4783. Tony 087 262 2321. Paddy 085 152 5978. Denis 087 257 6925. Kevin 086 351 0822. Richie 087 257 3697. Brian 087 7090 4896.
If you require any more clarification please ring anyone listed above.

Liturgies Available Elsewhere
You might try these
† Mass will be broadcast on KCLR96fm at 9.30am and on Community Radio Kilkenny City at 10.00am each Sunday morning.
† “RTE News Now” broadcasts Mass at 10.30am each weekday morning.
† A website and phone app with reflections, music and daily Mass readings as well as Lectio Divina, virtual retreats and much more.
† A daily prayer resource on website and available as an app.
† Parishioners are also encouraged to pray at home, remembering to pray for the sick, for those who are caring for the sick and for all who are working so hard to protect us.

“So they took branches of Palm trees and went out to meet him, crying our Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Coronavirus Prayer
Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love.
Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.
Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbours from helping one another.
Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.
Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace.
Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace.
Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.
Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.
Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace.
Jesus Christ, heal us.